Igraču iz Čilea je poništen dobitak i blokiran račun zbog kreiranja duplih naloga i neuspješne KYC verifikacije. Kazino tim je pružio dovoljno dokaza koji dokazuju da je njihova odluka bila opravdana. Pritužba igrača je odbijena kao "neopravdana".
The player from Chile had his winnings voided and account blocked due to creating duplicate accounts and unsuccessful KYC verification. The casino team provided sufficient evidence proving that their decision was justified. The player's complaint was rejected as 'unjustified'.
Igraču iz Čilea je poništen dobitak i blokiran račun zbog kreiranja duplih naloga i neuspješne KYC verifikacije. Kazino tim je pružio dovoljno dokaza koji dokazuju da je njihova odluka bila opravdana. Pritužba igrača je odbijena kao "neopravdana".
Napravio sam račun u ovom kazinu, gdje sam bez problema mogao uplatiti novac na račun i uživati u igrama dostupnim na njihovoj web stranici i u aplikaciji. Kada sam htio podići novac s računa, morao sam popuniti obrazac iz kojega je trebalo provjeriti podatke i postojao je maksimalni period od 48 sati. gdje bi mi na kraju dali novac koji sam htio povući. U trenutku završetka ovog perioda želim ući na stranicu da se igram i vidjeti status povlačenja novca, gdje nalazim iznenađenje što mi je račun blokiran. Kada su me pokušali kontaktirati telefonom, odgovorila mi je osoba koja govori samo engleski i koja samo zna reći na španskom "konsultacije na španskom putem chata uživo", na pitanje o blokiranju mog računa u chatu uživo rekli su mi da je "blokiran zbog kršenja dijela odredbi i uslova kazina gdje sam navodno propustio popuniti dio obrasca ili je bilo nekih lažnih informacija". Sve informacije koje sam ispunio bile su istinite, pa pitajte koje su to pretpostavljene informacije koje nisam popunio ili navodno lažne informacije koje su uzrokovale blokiranje mog računa? da to ispravite i ne izgubite svoj račun i novac koji je bio na njemu ili jednostavno napravite drugi račun i ne napravite istu grešku, odgovor na ovo pitanje iz kasina bio je: "Nažalost, nema pristupa tim podacima i nadležnom odjelu Već sam donio odluku i ne mogu oporaviti njegov račun niti napraviti još jedan "koji će prekinuti chat uživo i dati mi mogućnost da mi pošalje zapisnik razgovora, koji još nije stigao do mene. ZAKLJUČAK NIJE BILO RJEŠENJA ZA MOJ PROBLEM, NI BILO RAZLOG ZA BLOKIRANJE MOJEG RAČUNA KOJI MI JE NAVEDIO I GUBIO SAM NOVAC KOJI JE OSTAO U OVOJ, I NIKADA NISAM TRAŽIO DA NASTAVIM UČESTVUJUĆI NA STRANICAMA.
I made an account at this casino, where I could deposit money to the account without any problem and enjoy the games available on their website and application. When I wanted to withdraw money from the account I had to complete a form from which the information had to be verified and there was a maximum period of 48 hours. where at the end they would give me the money that I wanted to withdraw. At the time of completing this period I want to enter the page to play and see the status of the withdrawal of the money, where I find the surprise that my account was blocked. When trying to contact me by phone, I was answered by a person who only speaks English who only knows how to say in Spanish "consultations in Spanish by live chat", when asking about the blocking of my account in live chat, they told me that "it was blocked for violating part of the terms and conditions of the casino where supposedly I missed completing part of the form or there was some false information ". All the information that I filled out was true, so ask what was the supposed information that I did not fill in or the supposedly false information that caused the blocking of my account? thus correct it and not lose my account and the money that was in it or simply make another account and not make the same mistake, the answer to this question from the casino was: "unfortunately there is no access to this data and the relevant department I have already made a decision and cannot recover his account or make another "ending the live chat and giving me the option to send me the record of the conversation, which has not yet reached me. IN CONCLUSION THERE WAS NO SOLUTION TO MY PROBLEM, NEITHER WAS THE REASON FOR THE BLOCKING OF MY ACCOUNT SPECIFYING TO ME AND I LOST THE MONEY THAT REMAINED IN THIS, AND I NEVER ASKED TO CONTINUE PARTICIPATING IN THE GAMES ON THE PAGE
me hice una cuenta en este casino, donde pude depositar dinero a la cuenta sin ningun problema y disfrutar de los juegos disponibles en su pagina y aplicacion. Cuando quize retirar dinero de la cuenta tuve que completar un formulario del cual se tenia que verificar la informacion y existia un plazo maximo de 48 hrs. donde al concluir me entregarian el dinero que queria retirar. Al momento de cumplir este periodo deseo ingresar a la pagina para jugar y ver el estado del retiro del dinero, donde me encuentro la sorpresa que mi cuenta fue bloqueada. Al intentar contactarme por via telefonica me contesta una persona que solo habla ingles que solo sabe decir en español "consultas en español por live chat", al hacer la consulta por el bloqueo de mi cuenta en el live chat, me dicen que "fue bloqueada por violar parte de los terminos y condiciones del casino donde supuestamente me falto completar parte del formulario o habia algun dato falso". Todos los datos que llene fueron veridicos, por lo cual, pregunte ¿cual fue el supuesto dato que no llene o dato supuestamente falso que motivo el bloqueo de mi cuenta? asi corregirlo y no perder mi cuenta y el dinero que habia en ella o simplemente hacerme otra cuenta y no cometer el mismo error, la respuesta ante esta interrrogante de parte del casino fue¨: "lamentablemente no hay acceso a esos datos y el departamento relevante ya tomo una decision y no puede recuperar su cuenta ni hacerse otra" dando fin al live chat y dandome la opcion de que me mandaran al correo el registro de la conversacion, el cual aun no me llega. EN CONCLUSION NO HUBO SOLUCION A MI PROBLEMA, NI TAMPOCO SE ME ESPECIFICO LA RAZON POR EL BLOQUEO DE MI CUENTA Y PERDI EL DINERO QUE QUEDO EN ESTA, Y TAMPOCO PÙEDO SEGUIR PARTICIPANDO EN LOS JUEGOS DE LA PAGINA
Dragi Cristihan,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih u potpunosti razumio cijelu situaciju. Da li sam dobro shvatio da je vaš dobitak otkazan i račun blokiran zbog neuspješne verifikacije računa? Možete li, molim vas, potvrditi da ste bez odlaganja dostavili sve lične dokumente potrebne za verifikaciju? Jeste li obaviješteni šta je bio tačan razlog da ne potvrdite svoj račun? Jeste li akumulirali svoje dobitke sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa?
Ako postoji relevantna komunikacija, proslijedite je na petronela.k@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći u rješavanju ovog problema. Hvala vam unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Cristihan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Do I understand correctly that your winnings have been cancelled and account blocked due to a failed account verification? Could you please confirm that you have provided all the personal documents required for the verification as soon as possible, without any delay? Have you been advised what was the exact reason not to verify your account? Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus?
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to petronela.k@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Draga Petronela,
Prije svega, zahvaljujem što ste obratili pažnju na moj slučaj i već ste imali vremena za njega, nakon što sam ovo rekao, a zatim odgovaram na vaša pitanja. Nikada nisam uspio povući dio zarade jer sam morao popuniti obrazac s ličnim podacima, fotografijom kreditne kartice, fotografijama lične karte. Obrazac koji sam ispunio. Nakon popunjavanja obrasca morao sam čekati 48 sati da se moji podaci potvrde, u međuvremenu sam mogao nastaviti povećavati ili smanjivati svoje dobitke. Na dan isteka 48 sati više nisam mogao ući na svoj račun zbog navodne blokade za unos lažnih podataka, što nije tačno jer su svi podaci bili istiniti, konsultovao sam se telefonom i razgovarao uživo o tome i dali su mi odgovor da je blokiran zbog unosa pogrešnih ili lažnih podataka (na pitanje o navodnim lažnim ili pogrešnim podacima rekli su mi da nemaju pristup da mi daju te podatke i da više ne mogu ništa učiniti sa svojim računom, ja nisam mogao oporaviti), Kad sam znao ovaj odgovor, inzistirao sam da su mi potrebne te informacije jer kad sam otvorio drugi račun, upotrijebit ću iste podatke jer su oni jedini koje imam i stvarni su, onda je ista stvar bila dogodit će mi se (na ovo su odgovorili da ne mogu više ništa raditi jer je osoblje već donijelo odluku i da ne mogu napraviti drugi račun, niti mogu oporaviti onaj koji sam imao, odnosno ne mogu nastaviti igrati u tom kazinu. I odgovarajući na vaše posljednje pitanje, ja b trebao bi promocijski dopust od 20 t po nižoj cijeni, ali se profit nije povećao, ali sam izgubio dio onoga što sam već imao
Dear Petronela,
First of all, I appreciate that you have paid attention to my case and have already had your time for it, having said this then I answer your questions. I was never able to withdraw part of my earnings since I had to fill out a form with personal information, photo of the credit card, photos of the identity card. Form that I filled out, After completing the form I had to wait 48 hours for my data to be confirmed, in the meantime I could continue playing increasing or decreasing my winnings. The day the 48 hours were up, I could no longer enter my account, due to an alleged block for entering false data, which is not real since all the data was true, I consulted by phone and live chat about it and they gave me the answer that it was blocked for entering erroneous or false data (when asking about the supposed false or erroneous data, they told me that they did not have access to give me that information and that I could no longer do anything about my account, I could not recover it), When I knew this answer I insisted that I needed that information since when I made another account I was going to use the same data since they are the only ones I have and they are real, then the same thing was going to happen to me (they responded to this that I could no longer do Nothing that the staff had already made a decision and that I could not make another account, nor can I recover the one I had, that is, I cannot continue playing in that casino. And answering your last question, I bought a 20 t promotion leave for a lower price, but the profits did not increase but I lost part of what I already had
Estimada Petronela:
Antes que todo, agradezco que alla prestado atencion a mi caso y aya disponido de su tiempo para éste, dicho esto acontinuacion respondo a sus interrogantes. Nunca pude retirar parte de mis ganacias ya que tenia que llenar un formulario con los datos personales, foto de la tarjeta de credito, fotos del carnet de identidad. Formulario que llene, Despues de realizar el formulario tenia que esperar 48 hrs para que se confirmara mis datos, mientras tanto podia seguir jugando aumentando o disminuyendo mis ganancias. El dia que se cumplieron las 48hrs ya no pude ingresar a mi cuenta, por un supuesto bloqueo por ingresar datos falsos, lo cual no es real ya que todos los datos eran veridicos, consulte por via telefonica y por live chat al respecto y me dieron la respuesta de que estaba bloqueada por ingresar datos erroneos o falsos (al preguntar por el supuesto dato falso o erroneo, me dijieron que no tenian acceso para darme esa informacion y que ya no podia hacer nada respecto a mi cuenta, no podia recuperarla), al saber esta respuesta insisti en que necesitaba esa informacion ya que al hacerme otra cuenta iba a ocupar los mismos datos ya que son los unicos que tengo y son reales, entonces me iba a pasar lo mismo(ellos respondieron a esto que ya no pofia hacer nada que el personal yabhabia tomado una desicion y que yo no podia hacerne otra cuenta, ni tampoco volver a recuperar la que tenia o sea no puedo seguir jugando en ese casino. Y respondiendo a su ultima pregunta, compre una promocion de 20 tiros por un menor precio, pero las ganancias no aumentaron sino que perdi parte de lo que ya tenia
Puno vam hvala, Cristihan, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Andreja koji će vam pomoći. Želim vam svu sreću i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako će se vaš problem riješiti na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Cristihan, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Andrej who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dragi Cristihan,
Pročitao sam vašu žalbu i razumijem situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kazino i pokušat ću se riješiti problema.
Želim pozvati g. Bet Casino da se pridruži ovom razgovoru.
Dragi g. Bet Casino,
Možete li pojasniti situaciju i navesti razlog zašto Cristihan nije prošao postupak verifikacije? Relevantne dokaze možete proslijediti na andrej.p@casino.guru .
Dear Cristihan,
I read through your complaint and I understand the situation. I’ll contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue.
I would like to invite Mr Bet Casino to join this conversation.
Dear Mr Bet Casino,
Can you please clarify the situation and state the reason why Cristihan did not pass the verification process? You can forward the relevant proofs to andrej.p@casino.guru.
Dragi Casino Guru tim,
Prema informacijama, koje nam je dostavilo naše odgovarajuće odjeljenje, igrač je prekršio naše uslove i odredbe " 3.1.3. Morate unijeti sve obavezne podatke koji se traže u vaš obrazac za registraciju, posebno vaš identitet, vašu adresu i podatke za kontakt, uključujući važeću adresu e-pošte, mjesto stanovanja, broj telefona, datum rođenja, relevantne podatke o plaćanju; sve to mora biti tačno i tačno. Nije vam dozvoljeno koristiti adresu poštanskog pretinca kao mjesto stanovanja. Vaša je isključiva odgovornost osigurati da su informacije koje dajete istinite, potpune i točne. Ovim putem vas obavještavamo da provodimo postupke provjere i da vaš korisnički račun može biti blokiran za pristup ili zatvoren ako utvrdite da dostavljate lažne ili obmanjujuće podatke i/ili dokumente. "
Igrač nije uzeo u obzir ovaj pojam registracijom. Podaci koje je dao za prolaz verifikacije ne podudaraju se s ličnim podacima koji su uneseni registracijom računa.
Budući da se podaci ne podudaraju, to je izravno kršenje naših pravila i razlog za blokiranje računa s daljnjim poništavanjem dobitaka.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet casino tim
Dear Casino Guru team,
According to information, that our appropriate department provided us with, the Player violated our terms and conditions "3.1.3. You must enter all mandatory information requested into your registration form, in particular, your identity, your address and contact details, including a valid e-mail address, your place of residence, phone number, date of birth, relevant payment information; all of which must be true and correct. You are not permitted to use PO Box address as your place of residence. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the information you provide is true, complete and correct. You are hereby notified that we carry out verification procedures and that your Member Account may be blocked for access or closed if you are found to supply false or misleading information and/or documents."
The Player did not consider this term by registration. Information that he provided to pass verification did not match the personal data that were entered by the registration of the account.
Since the data did not match, it was a direct violation of our rules and a reason to block the account with further voiding of the winnings.
Best regards,
Mr.Bet casino team
Hvala, g. Bet Casino tim, na odgovoru. Možete li navesti podatke koji su pogrešno popunjeni? Sve relevantne dokaze možete proslijediti na andrej.p@casino.guru .
Thank you, Mr Bet Casino team, for the reply. Can you please specify the information that was filled out incorrectly? You can forward any relevant evidence to andrej.p@casino.guru.
Dragi Casino Guru tim,
Dokazi o više računa i kršenje naših pravila mogu sadržavati lične podatke i sigurnosne podatke iz naših internih evidencija koje kao subjekt GDPR -a ne ispunjavamo uslove.
Poslali smo vam nacrt ugovora o obradi podataka i čekamo vašu blagovremenu saradnju po ovom pitanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Dear Casino Guru team,
Proofs of multiple accounts and violation of our rules may contain personal information and security information from our internal logs that we as subject of GDPR are not eligible to provide.
We’ve sent to you the draft of the processing data agreement and are waiting for your timely cooperation in this matter.
Best regards,
Mr.Bet Casino team
Hvala vam, g. Bet Casino, na odgovoru.
Dragi svi,
Pitanje u vezi sa ugovorom o obradi podataka procjenjuje naš menadžment. Trenutno čekamo dalja uputstva. Postavljam tajmer na 7 dana i nastavit ću ovu temu.
Thank you, Mr Bet Casino, for the reply.
Dear all,
The matter regarding the data processing agreement is being assessed by our management. We’re currently waiting for further instructions. I’m setting the timer for 7 days and will keep this thread posted.
Dragi Cristihan,
Obavještavamo vas da se pitanje u vezi sa sporazumom još uvijek raspravlja između kazina i Casino Gurua. Kako je potrebno više vremena za rješavanje ove situacije, produžavam tajmer za 7 dana.
Dear Cristihan,
Please be informed that the matter regarding the agreement is still being discussed between the casino and Casino Guru. As more time is needed to resolve this situation, I’m extending the timer by 7 days.
Dragi Andrej,
Poslali smo vam traženi dokaz o više računa na andrej.p@casino.guru . Obavijestite nas ako trebate više informacija u vezi sa ovim slučajem.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Dear Andrej,
We've sent you requested evidence of multiple accounts to andrej.p@casino.guru. Please let us know if you need more information regarding this case.
Best regards,
Mr.Bet Casino team
Hvala vam, Mr Bet Casino tim, što ste dali objašnjenje putem e-maila. Imajte na umu da sam odgovorio na Vašu e-poštu i trenutno čekam Vaš odgovor.
Thank you, Mr Bet Casino team, for providing the explanation via e-mail. Please note that I’ve replied to your e-mail and am currently awaiting your reply.
Zdravo, Andrej!
Poslali smo vam novu e-poštu s dodatnim dokazima kako ste tražili. Molimo provjerite i javite nam ako je potrebno još nešto.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Hello, Andrej!
We have sent you a new email with additional proofs as you requested. Please check it and let us know if anything else is needed.
Best regards,
Mr.Bet Casino team
Hvala vam, g. Bet Casino tim, na pružanju relevantnih dokaza.
Dragi Cristihan,
Možete li navesti ime koje ste unijeli prilikom kreiranja računa u kazinu? Osim toga, zamolio bih vas da dostavite fotografiju vaše lične karte koju ste poslali u kazino. Informacije možete proslijediti na andrej.p@casino.guru .
Thank you, Mr Bet Casino team, for providing the relevant evidence.
Dear Cristihan,
Could you please state the name that you entered when creating your account in the casino? In addition, I’d like to ask you to provide the photo of your ID that you sent to the casino. You can forward the information to andrej.p@casino.guru.
Dragi Andrej:
Poslao sam tražene informacije na Vašu e-poštu.
Pratite svoje komentare
Reci hello atte.
Cristihan M ***
Dear Andrej:
I have sent the requested information to your email.
Stay tuned to your comments
Say hello atte.
Cristihan M ***
Estimado Andrej:
Le he enviado la informacion solicitada a su correo.
Quedo atento a sus comentarios
Saluda atte.
Cristihan M***
Hvala ti, Cristihan, na e-poruci. Nažalost, nakon prikupljanja svih potrebnih informacija, ovu žalbu odbijamo kao neopravdanu. Postoji dovoljno dokaza koji potvrđuju navode kazina.
Kao što možda znate, kreiranje više naloga smatra se ozbiljnim kršenjem Odredbi i uslova u većini online kockarnica. Osim toga, prilikom registracije u online kazinu uvijek koristite svoje ime i lične podatke. Više o našem stavu o ovakvim situacijama, kao io drugim preporukama za igrače, možete pročitati u našem kodeksu sajamskog kockanja za igrače .
Žao mi je što nismo bili u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo oko ovoga, ali ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate u budućnosti ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Trudićemo se da pomognemo.
Thank you, Cristihan, for your e-mail. Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information, we are rejecting this complaint as unjustified. There’s sufficient evidence proving the casino’s allegations.
As you might know, creating multiple accounts is considered a serious breach of the Terms and Conditions in most online casinos. In addition, when registering in an online casino, you should always use your own name and personal details. You can read more about our position on situations like this one, as well as other recommendations for players in our Fair gambling codex for players.
I'm sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please do not hesitate to contact us in the future if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We will try our best to help.
A koja je to famozna pogrešna informacija? Nakon što se pokazalo da mi je račun blokiran, pokušao sam kontaktirati kazino, bez odgovora, pokušao sam napraviti drugi račun da nastavim igrati dok sam saznao zašto je račun blokiran, ali prilikom pokušaja nisam mogao napraviti drugi račun , sad su pokušaji pravljenja drugog naloga bili nakon što su me blokirali, pa razlog blokade ne može biti zato što sam pokušao da napravim drugi nalog pošto se to desilo nakon blokade, šta je sad famozni lični podatak koji nije moj? Na kraju još uvijek ne znam zašto mi je račun blokiran, možda neću moći povratiti novac koji me ne zanima, ali koji su stvarni podaci zašto mi je račun blokiran, to ne može biti zbog pokušaja da napravim drugi nalog pošto sam to uradio nakon što je moj blokiran, kažu mi o ličnim podacima i još uvek ne znam koji su podaci, napravio sam drugi nalog u drugom kasinu i nisam imao nikakav problem, onda ako sam ne mogu povratiti novac sa računa do Posljednji odgovori, koja je stvarna informacija o tome zašto je moj račun blokiran?
And what was the famous wrong information? After it came out that my account had been blocked, I tried to contact the casino, having no response, I tried to make another account to continue playing while I found out why the account was blocked, but when trying I could not make another account, now the attempts to make another account was after they blocked me, so the reason for the block cannot be because I tried to make another account since that happened after the block, now what is the famous personal data which is not mine? In the end I still do not know why my account was blocked, maybe I will not be able to recover the money that does not interest me, but what is the real data of why my account was blocked, it cannot be because of the attempt to make another account since that I did it after mine was blocked, they tell me about the personal data and I still do not know what the data is, I made another account in another casino and I have not had any problem, then if I can not recover the money from the account by Last answer me, what is the real information about why my account was blocked?
Y cual fue la famosa informacion erronea?, luego que me salio que mi cuenta habia sido bloqueada, intentente comunicarme con el casino, al no tener respuesta intente hacerne otra cuenta para poder seguir jugando mientras averiguaba porque se me bloqueo la cuenta, pero al intentar hacerne otra cuenta no se podia, ahora los intentos de hacerme otra cuenta fue despues de que me bloquearon, entonces el motivo del bloqueo no puede ser porque intente hacerme otra cuenta ya que eso sucedio despues del bloqueo, ahora ¿cual es el famoso dato personal que no es mio? Al final sigo sin saber porque se bloqueo mi cuenta a lo mejor no voy a poder recuperar el dinero que no me interesa, pero cual es el dato real del porque se bloqueo mi cuenta, no puede ser por el intento de hacerne otra cuenta yaque eso lo hice despues de que fue bloqueada la mia, me hablan de los datos personales y aun no se cual ese el dato, me hice otra cuenta en otro casino y no he tenido problema alguno, entonces si no puedo recuperar el dinero de la cuenta por ultimo respondame ¿cual es el dato real del por que se bloqueo mi cuenta?
Dragi Cristihan,
Kao što sam ranije naveo, pored činjenice da ste kreirali više naloga u kazinu, što se samo po sebi smatra kršenjem, nalozi nisu kreirani pod vašim imenom.
Dear Cristihan,
As I indicated earlier, in addition to the fact that you’ve created multiple accounts in the casino, which is considered a violation on its own, the accounts were not created under your own name.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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