Zdravo, nadam se da ćete moći da mi pomognete sa ovim.
U novembru kada sam registrovao ovaj nalog, pokušao sam
Igrajući jednu od mojih omiljenih igara, rulet, na ovoj platformi, primetio sam da bih morao da igram oko 20 puta veći od iznosa depozita pre nego što bih mogao da povučem ako imam dobitak, shvatio sam da nije vredno toga, pa sam otišao . Tada sam završio verifikaciju naloga. Moj nalog je verifikovan sa mojim NACIONALNIM ID-om. Imam imejl za ovu verifikaciju i otpremiću ga.
Tražio sam novi kazino početkom januara nakon problema
sa 1VIN, tokom moje pretrage na casinoguru-u sam pronašao bluechip.io, evo gde je počeo problem, dok sam verifikovao svoj nalog na BLUECHIP-u 9. januara, automatska verifikacija nije uspela, poruka koju sam dobio je da će morati da se izvrši ručna verifikacija biti sprovedena. Odmah sam dobio mejl od MR BET-a da moji dokumenti nisu prošli proces verifikacije.
Sviđa mi se šta se ovde dešava, nisam koristio svoj MR BET nalog od sredine decembra, a već je verifikovan, pa se prijavljujem na
stranicu za verifikaciju i takođe je čekao ručni pregled mojih dokumenata baš kao BLUECHIP, primetio sam da oboje koriste isti softver za verifikaciju treće strane SUMSUB pa sam kontaktirao podršku, obavestio ih da negde postoji problem, objasnio ono što se dogodilo.
Sada, tokom ovog procesa čekanja, proverio sam MR.BETs rejting na kazinoguru i bio je dobar, tako da sam osetio da su verodostojni, napravio sam dva depozita, izgubio prvi, ostao mi je novac od drugog, sada želim da povučem, ali mogu Nije uzrok problema sa verifikacijom, nakon što sam išla tamo-amo oko dve nedelje, dobijam poruku da moja NACIONALNA lična karta ne može ponovo da se prihvati kao dokaz identiteta, šokantno tačno, tako da 24. januara odlazim u Imigracioni centar da uradim svoj međunarodni pasoš, sada bi to u mojoj državi koštalo 15 hiljada, ali bi trebalo dva meseca da se pripremim, ali mi je bio potreban da mi se verifikuje račun pa sam razgovarao sa tamošnjim službenicima i bio
upućeno u susednu državu gde sam morao da platim 75 hiljada (5 puta više od normalnog iznosa), to je minus trošak prevoza da bih to uradio. Sada ga otpremam, moj nalog je konačno verifikovan.
U drugoj polovini aprila izvršio sam povlačenje oko, mislim oko 500 hiljada, a onda 28. aprila ponovo dobijam e-poruku u kojoj se kaže da treba da potvrdim svoj identitet, sada ponovo postoji nova kartica Investibilnost (nisam siguran da li je ovo reč, ali to je ono što je bilo), učitavam potrebna dokumenta, 8. maja dobijam mejl da verifikacija nije uspela.
Ponovo sam učitao svoju ličnu kartu i bankovni izvod od oktobra do tada
datuma, sada je ovaj ID potpuno ista slika koju koristim da verifikujem svoj nalog od januara, sačuvao sam je na telefonu, nikad je nisam obrisao. 16. maja dobijam nekoliko mejlova u kojima se kaže da je moj zahtev za povlačenje odbijen, u drugom piše da sam ponovo prošla verifikaciju, a u trećem se kaže da moji prethodno otpremljeni dokumenti nisu prihvaćeni i da treba ponovo da otpremim dokumente za izvor verifikacije sredstva i dokaz identiteta, Takođe, da ponovo izvršite povlačenje na način na koji ste izvršili depozit.
Dakle, radim upravo to, dobijam snimke ekrana za povlačenje sa moje opklade
platformama kojima još uvek imam pristup, sve ovo postavljam na MR BET.
Opet nedelja prođe bez odgovora, pa šaljem poruku podrške
žaleći se na ovo, rekao sam im da samo zatvore moj nalog i
daj mi moj novac, rekli su da nije moguće bez mene
verifikaciju, podrška je rekla da je ID koji sam postavio snimak ekrana, bio
odgovor koji su dobili od nadležnog odeljenja, sada je ova lična karta
potpuno ista slika koju sam koristio za verifikaciju sve ovo vreme, to je
Slika koju sam napravio 25. januara, odjednom više nije prihvatljivo
isto onako kako su to uradili sa mojom NACIONALNOM LIČNICOM tada, javio sam joj da ću podneti žalbu njihovom davaocu dozvole, rekla je da ima
obavestio nadležno odeljenje o mojoj verifikaciji.
Sledećeg dana proveravam da moj nalog nije verifikovan, nema e-pošte
ako takođe ne uspem, čekam još jedan dan pa probam ponovo, samo da vidim da sam odjavljen i da ne mogu ponovo da se prijavim, dobijam poruku o grešci koja kaže da sam blokiran zbog kršenja uslova 3.3.3, ja Pitao sam iznos novca na svom računu kako bih mogao da uložim žalbu, rečeno mi je da ispunim obrazac pre nego što dobijem te informacije, što sam i učinio. Nekoliko dana kasnije dobijam e-mail sa pdf datotekom pod nazivom plaćanje, otvaram je u njoj vidim transakciju na mom računu obavljenu 29. juna, transakciju koju nisam napravio, očigledno su preneli sve novac na mom računu, a da me ne obavestim, čak ni da mi nije javio da je moj nalog imao problem i da je blokiran, odgovaram na pitanje gde je moj novac poslat.
Dole sam priložio snimke ekrana e-pošte. Još me nisu obavestili koje informacije nisu bile tačne.
Hello, hopefully you’ll be able to help me with this.
Back I November when I registered this account, I tried
playing one of my favourite games, roulette, on this platform, I noticed that to withdraw I would have to play about 20 times my deposit amount before I could withdraw if I had any winnings, figured it wasn’t worth it, so I left. Now back then I completed my account verification. My account was verified with my NATIONAL ID. I have the email for this verification, and I will be uploading it.
I was searching for a new casino early January after an issue
with 1WIN, during my search on casinoguru I found bluechip.io, now here’s where the problem started, while verifying my account on BLUECHIP on the 9th of January, the automatic verification failed, the message I got was that a manual verification would have to be conducted. I immediately got a mail from MR BET saying, my documents didn’t pass the verification process.
I’m like what’s going on here, I haven’t used my MR BET account since like mid December, and it was already verified, so I login go to
the verification page and it was also waiting a manual review of my documents just like BLUECHIP, the I notice that they’re both using the same third party verification software SUMSUB so I contact support, let them know that there’s an issue somewhere, explained to the what happened.
Now during this waiting process I checked MR.BETs rating on casinoguru and it was good, so I felt they were credible, I made two deposits, lost the first, had money remaining from the second, now I want to withdraw, but I can’t cause of the verification Issue, After going back and forth about two weeks, I get a message that my NATIONAL ID can’t be accepted again as proof of Identity, shocking right, so on the 24th of January I head over to Immigration to get my International passport done, now doing it in my state would have cost 15k but it would have taken two months to get ready, but I needed it to get my account verified so I spoke with the officers there and was
referred to a neighbouring state where I had to pay 75k ( 5 times the normal amount), that’s minus the cost of transportation to get it done. Now I upload it my account gets verified, finally.
Second half of April I placed a withdrawal of about I think about 500k, then on the 28th of April I get an email again saying I should confirm my Identity, now there’s a new tab again Investability (not sure if this is a word, but that’s what was there), I upload the necessary documents, on 8th of May I get an email saying that verification failed.
I uploaded my again ID and bank statement from October till that
date, now this ID is the exact same Image that I’ve been using to verify my account since January, I had it saved on my phone, never deleted it. 16th of May I get a couple of emails one saying my withdrawal request was declined, another saying I failed the verification again, and a third saying my previously uploaded documents weren't accepted and that I should re-upload the documents for verification source of funds and proof of identity, Also, to regenerate the withdrawal to the method from which you made deposits.
So, I do just that, get withdrawal screenshots from my bet
platforms that I still have access to, I upload all of this to MR BET.
A week goes by again no response, so I message support
complaining about this, told them that they should just close my account and
give me my money, they said it wasn’t possible without me doing the
verification, support said that the ID that I uploaded was a screenshot, was
the response that they got from the department in charge, now this ID is the
exact same image I’ve been using for verification all this while, it’s the
Image I took on 25th January, all of a sudden its not acceptable anymore like the
same way they did with my NATIONAL ID back then, I let her know that I was going to file a complaint with their license provider, she said she had
notified the responsible department about my verification.
I check the next day my account wasn’t verified, no email of it
failing also, I wait another day then try again, only for me to see that I’ve been logged out an can’t login again, I get an error message saying I’ve been blocked in violation of terms 3.3.3, I asked for the amount of money in my account so that I can lodge a complaint, I was told to fill a form before I could get that information which I did. A couple of days later I get an email with a pdf file named payment, I open it in it I see a transaction carried out on my account on the 29th of June, a transaction which I didn’t make, apparently they transferred all the money in my account, without notifying me, without even letting me know that my account had an issue and was blocked, I reply asking where my money was sent to.
I’ve attached the screenshots of the email conversation below. They've yet to let me know which information was not correct.
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