Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 14/09/2023
Slučaj je zatvoren
Naša presuda
Regulator: Kazino je bio u pravu
Rezime slučaja
pre 1 godinu
The player's account got blocked for having multiple accounts. The player claims that there are a few friends who play in the casino separately, but they live near each other. The casino is convinced that all related accounts were used by 1 person. However, the casino was not able to completely answer our questions and provide us with all the requested details. In the meantime, the player filed a complaint with the regulator. The complaint has been (temporarily) closed until the regulator's final decision is made. After a reasonable time, the complaint was reopened, and the player was asked to provide us with the ADR's final decision. The complaint was rejected because ADR decided in favor of the casino.
Nalog igrača je blokiran zbog više naloga. Igrač tvrdi da postoji nekoliko prijatelja koji igraju u kazinu odvojeno, ali žive jedan blizu drugog. Kazino je uveren da je sve povezane naloge koristila 1 osoba. Međutim, kazino nije bio u mogućnosti da u potpunosti odgovori na naša pitanja i pruži nam sve tražene detalje. U međuvremenu, igrač je podneo žalbu regulatoru. Žalba je (privremeno) zatvorena do donošenja konačne odluke regulatora. Nakon razumnog vremena, žalba je ponovo otvorena i od igrača je zatraženo da nam dostavi konačnu odluku ADR-a. Žalba je odbijena jer je ADR odlučio u korist kazina.
Danas sam blokiran kod mr bet iz razloga što imam 2 računa, što nažalost nije tačno.
imam komšiju koji takođe ima račun kod mr bet
dobri smo prijatelji i redovno razgovaramo o tome šta svi igraju i koja su kazina dobra.
međutim, svako ima svoje domaćinstvo (stan) i svako ima svoj internet i svako ima samo jedan nalog kod mr bet
i svako igra za sebe
Obavijestio me je da je i njegov račun blokiran.
Očigledno su nam oba računa blokirana u isto vrijeme.
oboje živimo u kući sa 20 stambenih jedinica i svako ima svoj stan i domaćinstvo i svako ima svoj internet i nismo ništa prekršili u tom pogledu.
igram na mr bet više od 1 godine i potpuno sam verifikovan i to nije moje prvo povlačenje na mr bet
Pošto nikako ne mogu da razumem odluku kazina i nisam svestan nikakve krivice, odlučio sam da otvorim ovaj slučaj jer imam samo 1 nalog kod Mr Bet.
I was blocked at mr bet today with the reason that I have 2 accounts, which unfortunately is not true.
i have a neighbor who also has an account with mr bet
we are good friends and we talk regularly about what everyone is playing and which casinos are good.
however, everyone has their own household (apartment) and everyone has their own internet and everyone only has one account at mr bet
and everyone plays for themselves
He informed me that his account was also blocked.
Apparently both of our accounts were blocked at the same time.
we both live in a house with 20 residential units and everyone has their own apartment and household and everyone has their own internet and we didn't violate anything in that respect.
i have been playing at mr bet for more than 1 year and i am fully verified and it is not my first withdrawal at mr bet
Since I can't understand the decision of the casino in any way and I'm not aware of any guilt, I decided to open this case because I only have 1 account at Mr Bet.
ich wurde bei mr bet heute gesperrt mit der begründung das ich 2 accounts habe was leider nicht der wahrtheit entspricht.
ich habe einen nachbarn der auch einen account bei mr bet besitzt
wir sind gut befreundet und unterhalten uns regelmässig darüber was jeder spielt und welche casinos gut sind.
allerdings hat jeder seinen eigenen haushalt (wohnung) und jeder hat sein eigenes internet und jeder hat nur einen account bei mr bet
und jeder spielt für sich alleine
er teilte mir mit das auch sein account gesperrt wurde.
offenbar wurden unsere beiden accounts zeitgleich gesperrt.
wir wohnen beide in einen haus mit 20 wohneinheiten und jeder hat seine eigene wohnung und seinen eigenen haushalt und jeder hat sein eigenes internet und wir haben insofern gegen nix verstossen.
ich spiele schon mehr als 1 jahr bei mr bet und bin vollständig verifiziert und es ist nicht meine erste auszahlung bei mr bet
da ich die entscheidung des casinos in keinster weise nachvollziehen kann und mir keiner schuld bewusst bin habe ich mich dazu entschlossen diesen fall zu eröffnen da ich nur 1 account bei mr bet besitze.
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Mr Bet Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego krenemo naprijed.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete da li je vaš račun već verifikovan i da, od kada tačno? Koliko dugo igrate u kazinu? Jeste li ikada zatražili neke bonuse?
Sve dok oboje možete potvrditi svoj identitet u kazinu, oni bi trebali ponovo otvoriti vaš račun i dozvoliti vam da igrate.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello fowi30,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Mr Bet Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise if your account is already verified and is yes, since when exactly? How long have you been playing in the casino? Did you ever claim any bonuses?
As long as both of you can verify your identity at the casino, they should reopen your account and allow you to play.
Žao mi je što čujem za vašu situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kazino i dati sve od sebe da riješim problem što je prije moguće. Sada bih želio da pozovem predstavnika g. Bet Casina da se pridruži ovom razgovoru i učestvuje u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Poštovani Mr Bet Casino timu,
Možete li nam dati detaljnije objašnjenje situacije igrača iz vašeg ugla? Koje sljedeće korake igrač treba poduzeti da bi njegov račun bio deblokiran? Ako govorimo o kršenju Uslova i odredbi kazina, da li je kazino u mogućnosti da svoju odluku potkrijepi relevantnim dokazima?
Podatke je moguće podijeliti direktno ovdje, uz vaš odgovor, ili slanjem na moju email adresu (
Unaprijed zahvaljujemo na pružanju informacija.
Hello, fowi30,
I am sorry to hear about your situation. I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Now I would like to invite Mr Bet Casino's representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Mr Bet Casino Team,
Could you please provide us with an explanation of the player's situation in more detail from your point of view? What next steps should the player take to get his account unblocked? If we are talking about a breach of the casino's Terms and Conditions, is the casino able to substantiate its decision with relevant evidence?
It is possible to share the data directly here, with your reply, or by sending them to my email address (
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
Hvala vam na e-poruci i svim dostavljenim podacima. Međutim, u podacima koji su mi dostavljeni nedostaju neke informacije i detalji. Molim vas, pogledajte moju posljednju e-poštu poslanu prije nekog vremena. Sačekaću odgovor i detalje.
Jedva čekamo čuti od vas.
Greetings all,
I am sorry for the delayed reply.
Dear Mr Bet Casino team,
Thank you for your email and all provided data. However, the data provided to me is missing some information and details. Please, see my last email sent a while ago. I will wait for a response and details.
Primili smo vaše pismo i poslali smo mu pojašnjenja i pisma vaših kolega sa dodatnim informacijama o kršenju i našem stavu u vezi sa ovim slučajem kršenja.
Hvala unapred na razmatranju!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Dear Branislav,
We received your letter and sent clarifications to it and letters from your colleagues with further information about the violation and our position regarding this case of violation.
Na osnovu interne rasprave odlučeno je da su nam potrebni dodatni podaci za procenu situacije i okolnosti. Pogledajte moja poslednja 2 e-poruka. Bilo bi sjajno kada biste mi pružili potrebne podatke i informacije da bih pokrenuo slučaj.
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Dear Mr.Bet Casino team,
Based on an internal discussion, it was decided that we need additional data to assess the situation and circumstances. Please see my last 2 emails. It would be great if you could provide me with the required data and information to move the case forward.
Nažalost, u ovoj fazi nemamo konačnu odluku o ovoj grupi korisnika.
Molimo Casino gurue da produže rok za žalbu, što će nam pomoći da sprovedemo dodatnu istragu i formulišemo konačnu odluku u vezi sa računima.
Hvala vam unapred na strpljenju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Dear All,
Unfortunately, we do not have a final decision on this group of users at this stage.
We ask the Casino gurus to extend the time limit for the complaint, which will help us to carry out additional investigation and formulate a final decision regarding the accounts.
Pogledajte našu poslednju e-poštu koju smo vam poslali. U ovom pismu nudimo i pod kojim uslovima korisnici koji su prekršili uslove mogu nastaviti da koriste usluge našeg kazina.
Čekaćemo vaš dalji odgovor.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Dear Branislav,
Please take a look at our latest email we sent you. In this letter, we also offer on what conditions users who have violated terms and conditions can continue to use the services of our casino.
Hvala vam na e-poruci i informacijama koje ste dali.
Na koji način je odluka kazina preispitana, molim vas? Da li će kazino ostaviti igračevo stanje/dobiti netaknutim i dostupnim za igru ili povlačenje?
Na osnovu svih prikupljenih i dostupnih informacija, izgleda da su igrači igrali u kazinu odvojeno, a prikupljeni dobici su osvojeni legitimno. Čak i kada bi zajedno igrali u kazinu, ne bi mogli da utiču na ishod i da kazinu nanesu gubitak, jer su igrali samo slotove i koristili slot bonuse.
Greetings all,
Dear Mr Bet Casino team,
Thank you for your email and the provided information.
Which way was the casino's decision reconsidered, please? Will the casino let the player’s balance/winnings untouched and available for play or withdrawal?
Based on all gathered and available information, it looks like the players played in the casino separately, and the collected winnings were won legitimately. Even if they played in the casino together, they would not be able to influence the outcome and cause the casino a loss, since they only played slots and used slot bonuses.
Žalba i dati podaci biće predmet interne diskusije tima za žalbe. Ovde ću vas direktno obavestiti o rezultatima.
Rezultati interne rasprave trebalo bi da budu poznati 26. oktobra.
Hvala vam na razumevanju i strpljenju.
Greetings all,
I am sorry for the delayed reply.
The complaint and the provided data will be the subject of a Complaints Team's internal discussion. I will inform you directly here about the results.
The results of an internal discussion should be known on the 26th of October.
pošto više ne mogu da se prijavim na mrbet, ne poznajem ih i ne mogu da ih saznam
mrbet-ov live chat radi samo ako ste prijavljeni
Trenutno ne mogu da otvorim ćaskanje uživo
šta se dešava ako curacao egaming ne obradi žalbu i ne dobijem odgovor?
To je veoma pasivno regulatorno telo koje ne rešava pouzdano žalbe igrača i postoji velika šansa da neću dobiti odgovor
kako ovo utiče na žalbu kazino guruu?
to bi onda trebalo da bude klasifikovano kao nerešeno ili ja to pogrešno vidim
i need the player id number to file a complaint
since I can no longer log in to mrbet, I do not know them and cannot find them out
mrbet's live chat only works if you're logged in
I can't open the live chat at the moment
what happens if the complaint is not processed by curacao egaming and i don't get an answer?
It's a very passive regulatory body that doesn't handle player complaints reliably and there's a good chance I won't get a response
how does this affect the complaint to casino guru?
it would then have to be classified as unresolved or am I seeing it wrong
um eine beschwerde einreichen zu können benötige ich die player id number
da ich mich nicht mehr einloggen kann bei mrbet weiss ich diese nicht und kann sie nicht herausfinden
der live chat von mrbet funktioniert nur wenn man eingeloggt ist
ich kann den live chat aktuell nicht öffnen
was passiert im falle das die beschwerde bei curacao egaming nicht bearbeitet wird und ich keine antwort erhalte?
es ist eine sehr passive regulationsbehörde die nicht zuverlässig spielerbeschwerden bearbeitet und es ist sehr wahrscheinlich das ich keine antwort erhalte
welchen einfluss hat das dann auf die beschwerde bei casino guru?
sie müsste ja dann als ungelöst eingestuft werden oder sehe ich das falsch
Vlast obično odgovara na žalbe igrača, međutim, može potrajati dok ne dobijete relevantan odgovor.
Kada podnesete žalbu nadležnom organu za igre na sreću Curacao, žalba će (privremeno) biti zatvorena kao nerešena. Zatim ćemo vas u razumnom roku kontaktirati u vezi sa rezultatima žalbe.
Ako vas nadležni organ uopšte ne kontaktira, žalba će biti ažurirana u skladu sa tim.
Međutim, imajte na umu da ako vam organ za igre na sreću dostavi rezultate svoje istrage i konačnu odluku u vezi sa vašim problemom, to ne znači automatski da će ova žalba biti reklasifikovana u skladu sa odlukom regulatora. će pregledati odluku i detalje. Kao što ste pomenuli, govorimo o pasivnom regulatoru i svesni smo toga.
Dragi Mr Bet Casino timu,
Možete li, molim vas, dati igraču ID broj njegovog računa? Ili mogu da mu to pružim?
Dear fowi30,
The authority usually responds to players' complaints, however, it could take a long until you receive a relevant reply.
Once you submit a complaint with the Curaçao gaming authority, the complaint will be (temporarily) closed as unresolved. Then, in a reasonable time, we will contact you regarding the results of the complaint.
If the authority does not contact you at all, the complaint will be updated accordingly.
However, please note that if the gaming authority provides you with the results of its investigation and the final decision regarding your issue, it does not automatically mean this complaint will be reclassified according to the regulator's decision. will review the decision and details. As you mentioned, we are talking about a passive regulator and we are aware of it.
Dear Mr Bet Casino Team,
Could you please provide the player with his account ID number? Or can I provide it to him?
Ali dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko završnih pitanja.
Ako je reč o različitim igračima koji igraju sa povezanim nalozima, kako ste tvrdili, kako je moguće da su 3 od 4 igrača istovremeno podnela žalbe na, a da nam svi pišu isto (ili bar slično) ) stvari? Čak je i isti tip snimka ekrana priložen prvom postu u 2 od ovih pritužbi.
Ja se bavim 2 od ove 3 žalbe, ali znam da i treća nit sadrži istu vrstu odgovora, posebno poslednje.
Možete li to, molim vas, nekako racionalno da objasnite?
Alright, fowi30, thank you for your confirmation.
But let me please ask you a few final questions.
If we are talking about separate players playing with the connected accounts, as you claimed, how is it possible that 3 of 4 players submitted complaints on at the same time, while all of them write us the same (or at least similar) things? Even the same type of screenshot was attached to the first post in 2 of these complaints.
I am handling 2 of these 3 complaints, but I know that also the third thread contains the same type of replies, especially the last ones.
žalbe su podnete u isto vreme jer su svi korisnički nalozi kod mr bet blokirani u isto vreme i dok je isplata na čekanju bila aktivna.
Poznajem ostale pogođene naloge, to su moje kolege, ali svako igra za sebe.
onda smo seli i razgovarali kako da postupimo i doneli odluku da se svi žale kazino guruu zbog mrbetove optužbe
pogrešno što je kreirano više od 1 naloga.
samo smo pomogli jedni drugima da kreiramo i napišemo žalbu
što nije zabranjeno
Nadam se da sada to bolje razumete
svako igra za sebe i sam i nema duple naloge.
the complaints were filed at the same time because the user accounts at mr bet were all blocked at the same time and while a pending payout was active.
I know the other affected accounts, they are my colleagues, but everyone plays for themselves.
we then sat down and discussed how best to proceed and came to the decision that everyone should file a complaint with casino guru because mrbet's accusation
wrong that more than 1 account was created.
we only helped each other to create and write the complaint
which is not forbidden
I hope you can understand it better now
everyone plays for himself and alone and does not have duplicate accounts.
die beschwerden wurden gleichzeitig eingereicht weil auch die benutzerkonten bei mr bet alle gleichzeitig gesperrt wurden und das während eine ausstehende auszahlung aktiv war.
ich kenne die anderen betroffenen accounts es sind meine kollegen aber jeder spielt für sich alleine.
wir haben uns dann zusammengesetzt und beratschlagt wie wir nun am besten vorgehen und sind zum entschluss gekommen das jeder eine beschwerde bei casino guru einreicht da die vorwürde von mrbet
nicht stimmen das mehr als 1 account erstellt wurde.
wir haben uns lediglich gegenseitig beim erstellen und verfassen der beschwerde gegenseitig geholfen
was ja nicht verboten ist
ich hoffe sie können es nun besser nachvollziehen
jeder spielt für sich und alleine und besitzt keine doppelten accounts.
Pošto nismo u mogućnosti da u dovoljnoj meri razmotrimo žalbu na osnovu podataka koje nam je dostavio kazino, a vi ste podneli žalbu regulatoru, ovu žalbu (privremeno) zatvaramo kao nerešenu za sada.
Molimo vas, kada dobijete odgovor od regulatora, obavestite nas o rezultatima i njegovoj odluci. Tada ćemo moći ponovo da razmotrimo žalbu na našoj strani.
Moguće je da nas obavestite ponovnim otvaranjem ove žalbe ili slanjem informacija/dokumenta na moju adresu e-pošte ( ). U slučaju da nam bilo koja uključena strana ne dostavi konačnu odluku u razumnom roku, žalbu će ponovo otvoriti
Iskreno verujem da će vaš problem biti pažljivo pregledan i rešen.
Hvala vam puno na razumevanju i strpljenju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Branislav, Kazino.Guru
Dear fowi30,
Thank you for providing the explanation.
As we are not able to sufficiently review the complaint based on the data provided by the casino, and you filed a complaint with the regulator, we are (temporarily) closing this complaint as unresolved for now.
Please, once you have a response from the regulator, let us know about the results and its decision. We will then be able to reconsider the complaint on our side.
It is possible to let us know by reopening this complaint or by sending information/documents to my email address ( In case we are not provided with the final decision by any party involved in a reasonable time, the complaint will be reopened by
I sincerely believe your issue will be carefully reviewed and resolved.
Thank you very much for your understanding and patience.
Nadamo se da će vas ova poruka dobro naći. Želeli smo da pratimo vaš slučaj, koji je pre izvesnog vremena na našoj veb stranici označen kao „Čeka se regulatora". Pitali smo se da li je bilo ažuriranja ili rešenja od našeg poslednjeg razgovora.
Ako je Vaš slučaj rešen od strane Uprave za licenciranje, molimo Vas da nam prosledite njihovu zvaničnu izjavu na . S druge strane, da je presuda bila u korist kazina, i dalje bi nam bilo od velike pomoći da znamo. Razumemo da je prošlo dosta vremena, ali ažuriranje vaše žalbe će nam omogućiti da ili izdajemo crne tačke kazinu (ako je presuda bila u vašu korist) ili da upozorimo druge igrače i korisnike o slučajevima u kojima Uprava podržava operatera.
Zaista cenimo vašu saradnju i vaš odgovor bi nam bio od velike pomoći.
Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Dear fowi30,
We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to follow up on your case, which was marked as "Waiting for Regulator" on our website some time ago. We were wondering if there have been any updates or resolutions since our last conversation.
If your case has been resolved by the Licensing Authority, we kindly request you to forward us their official statement at On the other hand, if the ruling was in favor of the casino, it would still be incredibly helpful for us to know. We understand that it has been a while, but updating your complaint will allow us to either issue black points to the casino (if the ruling was in your favor) or warn other players and users about cases where the Authority supports the operator.
We truly appreciate your cooperation, and your response would be of great assistance to us.