Imao sam nekoliko neprijatnih iskustava u jednom danu u kazinu MiEmpire. Dok ste igrali BJ Live sa EVOLUTION provajderom, ruke su pogrešno poravnate 3 puta. (Ili nije dodao dobitak na račun, ili je bila poruka o grešci i tekst poput „opklada nije mogla biti postavljena, molimo kontaktirajte podršku", a zatim je uzeo sredstva bez dijeljenja kartica). Naravno, naknadno sam kontaktirao korisničku službu i oni su verovatno poslali upit EVOLUTION-u, ali su mi prepoznali samo jednu od sledeće tri nepravilnosti i vratili mi 300 PLN (koje sam, prema njima, morao da vratim jednom ranije plaćanje u svakom slučaju, što je za mene apsurdno). Evo detaljnih opisa događaja i vremena rukovanja:
25. april 2024. 13:40:30 Gold Saloon Blackjack 7 -> uzeo mi je 300 PLN bez dijeljenja karata. Ulog nije vraćen. Nakon opklade, imao sam 1.010,25 PLN i trebalo bi da se vrati na početni iznos od 1.310,25 PLN. ID biljke: 10247786965
25. april 2024. 11:17:56 Gold Saloon Blackjack 7 -> jedna opklada nije rešena kao pobeda. Igrao sam sa 3 steka (3k200 PLN). Nakon opklade, imao sam 3.484,1 PLN. Pošto sam imao pobedu na 1 steku, 400 PLN bi trebalo da se vrati na moj balans. Čudno, sve je rešeno kao gubitak ID opklade: 10242235909
25. april 2024. 11:00:08, 11:01:11, 11:02:32 - ovde možete pratiti 3 opklade na Gold Saloon BlackJack 8 sa sledećim ID-ovima: 10241695973, 10241732717, 102417 promenjenih ruku. do 6.418,51 PLN, 5.818, 51 PLN, 5.218,51 PLN. Nešto nije u redu tokom ovih ruku. Pojavila se poruka poput "opklada nije mogla biti postavljena. Molimo kontaktirajte korisničku podršku" (ili nešto slično). Međutim, za najmanje 1 od ovih opklada ulog nije vraćen iako uopšte nije bilo ruke. Mislim da je to moglo uključiti 2 ili čak 3 gorepomenute biljke. U ovom slučaju, želeo bih refundiranje od najmanje 600 PLN (jer sam ga uhvatio 100%), ali možda je čak 3k600 PLN, tj. 1.800 PLN
MiEmpire se nije ni potrudio da da normalan odgovor po ovom pitanju (zašto/šta/kako), samo su suhoparno napisali da su to razmotrili i to je to, bez ikakvih konkretnih podataka. Kada pišem menadžeru, on stalno piše da oni ne mogu biti odgovorni za greške provajdera igara itd., ali ja sam taj koji trpi. Kao što vidite gore, takođe želim povrat od 400 PLN + 600 PLN (druga i treća nepravilnost). Snimci ekrana ove situacije ionako neće pomoći, a u to vreme nisam čuvao nikakve snimke kao dokaz.
Molim za pomoć u ovoj situaciji, jer sam pošten čovek i jako sam se prevario.
I had several unpleasant experiences in one day at MyEmpire Casino. While playing BJ Live with the EVOLUTION provider, hands were incorrectly settled 3 times. (Either it didn't add the winnings to the account, or there was an error message and text like "the bet could not be placed, please contact support", and then took the funds without dealing any cards). Of course, I contacted the customer service after the fact, and they probably sent an inquiry to EVOLUTION, but they only recognized one of the following three irregularities and refunded me PLN 300 (which, according to them, I had to turn over once before the payment anyway, which is absurd to me). Here are detailed descriptions of the events and hand times:
April 25, 2024 13:40:30 Gold Saloon Blackjack 7 -> took PLN 300 from me without dealing any cards. The stake was not refunded. After placing the bet, I had PLN 1,010.25 and it should return to the initial amount of PLN 1,310.25. Plant ID: 10247786965
April 25, 2024 11:17:56 Gold Saloon Blackjack 7 -> one bet was not settled as a win. I played with 3 stacks (3x200 PLN). After placing the bet, I had PLN 3,484.1. As I had a win on 1 stack, PLN 400 should return to my balance. Oddly enough, everything was settled as a loss Bet ID: 10242235909
April 25, 2024 11:00:08, 11:01:11, 11:02:32 - here you can track 3 bets on Gold Saloon BlackJack 8 with the following IDs: 10241695973, 10241732717, 10241758181. during the hands the balance changed to PLN 6,418.51, 5,818, PLN 51, PLN 5,218.51. There was something wrong during these hands. There was a message like "the bet could not be placed. Please contact customer service" (or something like that). However, for at least 1 of these bets the stake was not refunded even though there was no hand at all. I think it could have involved 2 or even 3 of the above-mentioned plants. In this case, I would like a refund of at least PLN 600 (because I caught it 100%), but perhaps it is even 3x600 PLN, i.e. PLN 1,800
MyEmpire didn't even bother to provide a normal answer on this matter (why/what/how), they just wrote dryly that they had considered it and that was it, without providing any specifics. When I write to the manager, he keeps writing that they cannot be responsible for errors made by the game provider, etc., but it's me who suffers from it. As you can see above, I also want the PLN 400 + PLN 600 refund (2nd and 3rd irregularity). Screenshots of this situation won't help anyway, and I didn't keep any recordings as evidence at the time.
I am asking for help in this situation, because I am an honest person and I was very deceived.
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