Igrač iz Nemačke je optužen da je prekršio uslove bonusa tako što je stavio jednu opkladu veću od dozvoljene, pa mu je dobitak konfiskovan. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer je kazino pružio dokaze koji potkrepljuju svoje tvrdnje.
The player from Germany was accused of breaching bonus terms by placing a single bet greater than allowed, therefore, his winnings were confiscated. We ended up rejecting the complaint because the casino provided evidence supporting its claims.
Igrač iz Nemačke je optužen da je prekršio uslove bonusa tako što je stavio jednu opkladu veću od dozvoljene, pa mu je dobitak konfiskovan. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer je kazino pružio dokaze koji potkrepljuju svoje tvrdnje.
Korišten bonus za drugi depozit, 50% na depozit od 100 € plus besplatni okreti.
Dobit od 2300 € u potpunosti realizovana i želite isplatiti 1800 €, svi bonus uslovi su ispunjeni.
Isplata je naređena i nakon 2 sata isplata je otkazana, a novac oduzet, premašio sam iznos uloga koji je tada rečeno.
novac nije vraćen na račun igara već je jednostavno zadržan.
Nije bilo objašnjenja da bi se to moglo razumjeti, neke igre za bonus kupovinu ukazivale su na to da je limit premašen, zbog čega nije bilo moguće igrati na niži ulog.
i sad se odjednom kaže da sam prekršio uslove!
1800 € je nestalo!
korisnička služba, izravno blokira i napušta chat.
samo krade!
2nd deposit bonus used, 50% on a € 100 deposit plus free spins.
Profit of 2300 € fully implemented and want to pay out 1800 €, all bonus conditions have been met.
Payout was ordered and after 2 hours the payout was canceled and the money was confiscated, I exceeded the stake amount it was then said.
the money was not credited back to the gaming account but simply retained.
There was no explanation to understand it, some bonus buy games indicated that the limit had been exceeded, which is why it was not possible to play at a lower stake.
and now it is suddenly said that I violated the conditions!
1800 € are gone!
customer service, blocks directly and leaves the chat.
just stealing!
Einzahlungsbonus verwendet, 50% auf eine 100€ Einzahlung plus freispiele.
Gewinn von 2300€ fertig umgesetzt und 1800€ auszahlen wollen, jegliche Bonusbedingungen wurden erfüllt.
Auszahlung in Auftrag gegeben und nach 2 Stunden wurde die Auszahlung storniert und das Geld konfisziert, ich habe die Einsatz Höhe überschritten hieß es dann.
das Geld wurde nicht wieder dem spielkonto gutgeschrieben sondern einfach einbehalten.
Erklärung zum nachvollziehen gab es nicht, es wurden bei einigen Bonus-Buy spielen angezeigt, dass das Limit überschritten ist, weshalb es dann nicht möglich war zu spielen, auf niedrigerem Einsatz dann schon.
und jetzt heißt es auf einmal das ich gegen die Bedingungen verstoßen habe!
1800€ sind weg!
kundenservice, blockt direkt ab und verlässt den Chat.
einfach nur Diebstahl!
Dragi Joshua,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg negativnog iskustva. Provjerio sam promotivne uvjete ( https://www.slothunter.com/bonus-terms-and-conditions ) i evo što sam pronašao:
"Maksimalna opklada za vrijeme klađenja je 5 EUR / USD, 50 NOK, 7,5 CAD, 400 RUB. Maksimalni limit oklade (5 EUR) uključuje udvostručenje oklada nakon završetka runde igre i bonus runde (kupljene u igri). "
Naša pozicija je detaljno objašnjena u Fair Gambling Codexu https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-casinos#max-bets : Pravilo maksimalne oklade je u stvari industrijski standard, baš kao i činjenica da kazino ima pravo oduzeti dobitak igrača iz bonus igre nakon kršenja ovog pravila. Radije se ne protivimo industrijskim standardima kažnjavanjem kazina koja s vremena na vrijeme koriste pravilo maksimalne oklade protiv igrača.
Međutim, ako ste sigurni da niste prekršili ovo pravilo, proslijedite mi svoju historiju igara. Moja adresa e-pošte je kristina.s@casino.guru .
Ako postoji neka druga relevantna komunikacija između vas i kasina, pošaljite je također.
Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Joshua,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your negative experience. I have checked promotional terms (https://www.slothunter.com/bonus-terms-and-conditions), and this is what I found:
"The maximum bet while wagering is 5 EUR/USD, 50 NOK, 7.5 CAD, 400 RUB. The max. bet limit (5 EUR) includes bets doubling after a game round has been completed and bonus rounds (purchased within the game)."
Our position is closely explained in Fair Gambling Codex https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-casinos#max-bets: The max bet rule is, in fact, an industry standard, just as the fact that a casino has the right to seize the player's winnings from bonus play after breaking this rule. We prefer not to go against industry standards by penalizing casinos that use the maximum bet rule against players from time to time.
However, if you are sure you didn’t breach this rule, please forward me your game history. My email address is kristina.s@casino.guru.
If there is any other relevant communication between you and the casino, please send it as well.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dragi Joshua,
Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne odgovorimo u zadanom roku odbiti vašu žalbu.
Dear Joshua,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to reply in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Dobro jutro,
Hvala vam na produženju.
Bes je težak.
Smatram neopravdanim što nisam bio informiran cijelo vrijeme, na kraju je moj cjelokupni depozit koji sam dao bio samo igrački novac.
Nije bilo vremena kada bih mogao zaraditi bilo kakav novac jer je novac od kupovine bonusa bio „bezvrijedan".
Kao što je spomenuto, ni u jednom trenutku nije vraćen na iznos depozita, zbog čega nikada nisam imao priliku primijetiti da ne mogu učiniti ništa sa svim novcem.
Želio bih da se ovaj iznos depozita pripiše, čak ni uz bonus, samo da se položi 100 €.
Treba naći rješenje u kojem navodno neću dobiti samo godišnji odmor + stanarinu i na kraju prokockati 100 € 😂
Good Morning,
Thank you for the extension.
The anger is heavy.
I find it unjustified that I was not informed the entire time, in the end my entire deposit that I made was just play money.
There was no time when I could make any profit as the money from the bonus buys was "worthless".
At no moment, as mentioned, was it reset to the amount of the deposit, which is why I never had the opportunity to notice that I cannot do anything with all of the money.
I would like to have this deposit amount credited, not even with the bonus, just the € 100 deposited.
A solution has to be found in which I don't just supposedly win a vacation + the rent & in the end have gambled away € 100 😂
Schönen guten Morgen,
Vielen Dank für die Verlängerung.
Der Ärger sitzt schwer.
Ich finde es ungerechtfertigt, dass ich die gesamte Zeit nicht informiert wurde, letztlich war so meine gesamte Einzahlung die ich getätigt habe, nur Spielgeld.
Es gab keinen Zeitpunkt, an dem ich irgendeinen Gewinn erzielen konnte, da das Geld durch die bonus Buys "wertlos" war.
es wurde zu keinem Moment, wie erwähnt, auf den Betrag der Einzahlung zurückgesetzt, weshalb ich zu keinem Moment die Möglichkeit hatte zu bemerken, dass ich mit dem gesamten Geld nichts anfangen kann.
ich möchte diesen Einzahlungsbetrag gutgeschrieben haben, nicht mal mit dem Bonus, einfach nur die eingezahlten 100€.
es muss sich doch eine Lösung finden, in der ich nicht einfach mal einen Urlaub+ die Miete vermeintlich gewonnen habe& am Ende 100€ verspielt habe 😂
Hvala ti Joshua na odgovoru. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete uskoro vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Joshua for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Zdravo Joshua,
Preuzimam vašu žalbu. Ako vas dobro razumijem, prekršili ste pravilo maksimalne opklade i izgubili dobitak. Tada ste bili obaviješteni da ćete vratiti depozit, ali to se nikada nije dogodilo, zar ne?
Hi Joshua,
I'm taking over your complaint. If I understand you correctly, you breached the maximum bet rule and lost the winnings. Then you were informed you would get the deposit back but it never happened, correct?
Dobro jutro,
Napisano je da je moje stanje vraćeno na depozit, ali u to vrijeme imao sam 500 € na računu za igru, pa sam mislio da neke od njih mogu podići prije ili kasnije.
Obavijest je stigla kasnije, nikada nisam imao priliku osvojiti bilo što nakon kršenja uvjeta i stoga bih želio da mi se barem novac vrati na depozit.
Good Morning,
It was written that my balance was reset to the deposit, but at the time I had € 500 in the game account, so I thought I can withdraw some of it sooner or later.
The notification came later, I never had the opportunity to win anything after violating the condition & therefore I would like to have at least the money credited back to the deposit.
Guten morgen,
Es wurde geschrieben, dass mein Guthaben auf die Einzahlung zurückgesetzt wurde, zu dem Zeitpunkt hatte ich allerdings 500€ auf dem Spielkonto, dachte also ich kann früher oder später davon auch noch etwas auszahlen.
Die Benachrichtigung kam erst später, ich hatte nie die Möglichkeit etwas zu gewinnen, nachdem ich gegen die Bedingung verstoßen habe& deshalb möchte ich mindestens das Geld der Einzahlung wieder gutgeschrieben haben.
Zdravo Joshua,
Možete li mi poslati svoju historiju igara (peter.m@casino.guru)? Ili snimke ekrana ili čitav dokument. U međuvremenu ću kontaktirati kasino i vidjeti šta se može učiniti. Želio bih pozvati SlotHunter Casino na razgovor kako bih sudjelovao u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Joshua,
Could you please send me your game history (peter.m@casino.guru)? Either screenshots or the whole document please. In the meantime, I will contact the casino and see what can be done. I would like to invite SlotHunter Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Željeli bismo zamoliti SlotHunter Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kasino ne reagira u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati 'neriješen' što može negativno utjecati na njegovu ocjenu.
We would like to ask SlotHunter Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo Joshua,
Hvala vam na e-mailu, čudna je situacija. Još uvijek pokušavam stupiti u kontakt s kasinom putem Skype-a i e-pošte, ali do sada nisam imao sreće. Obavještavat ću vas.
Hi Joshua,
Thank you for the email, it's a curious situation. I'm still trying to get in touch with the casino by Skype and email but had no luck so far. I will keep you updated.
Zdravo Joshua,
Pokušavao sam više puta stupiti u kontakt s kasinom, ali bez uspjeha. Bojim se, ne može se mnogo učiniti bez suradnje s njihove strane. Žalbu ću označiti kao nerešenu u našem sistemu. Razumijem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rješenje vašeg problema. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga izazvano neriješenim žalbama moglo bi pomoći u promjeni pristupa kazina. Ako kasino odluči reagirati, mi ćemo ponovo otvoriti žalbu i bit ćete obaviješteni e-poštom. U međuvremenu, preporučujem vam da kontaktirate Malta Gaming Authority (https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/) i podnesete im žalbu. Dobar je autoritet za izdavanje dozvola i ima bolje opcije i alate za pomoć igračima. Molimo vas da me obavestite ako vam treba pomoć oko popunjavanja formulara ili kako je MGA reagovao ako to uspijete sami (peter.m@casino.guru). Volio bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Joshua,
I tried to get in touch with the casino repeatedly but without success. I’m afraid, there is not much that can be done without cooperation from their side. I will mark the complaint "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in rating caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you to contact the Malta Gaming Authority (https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/) and submit a complaint to them. It's a good licensing authority and has better options and tools to help players. Please let me know if you need help with filling the form or how the MGA responded if you can manage to do this on your own (peter.m@casino.guru). I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev kazina. Želeli bismo da ovom slučaju damo još jednu šansu da se reši i pomognemo obema uključenim stranama da donesu zadovoljavajući zaključak.
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. We would like to give this case one more chance to get resolved and help both involved parties to reach a satisfactory conclusion.
Još jednom smo razmotrili situaciju.
Igrač je definitivno premašio opkladu tokom igre sa bonusom (ponekad su opklade dostizale 100 do 300 evra).
Iznos depozita je vraćen kada je igrač uložio bonus i otkrili smo kršenje maksimalne opklade.
We've reviewed the situation once again.
The player definitely exceeded bet during a play with a bonus (sometimes, the bets reached 100 till 300 euros).
The deposit amount was returned once the player wagered a bonus and we discovered a max bet breach violation.
Hvala SlotHunter Casino timu na pruženim dokazima.
Zdravo Joshua,
Dokazi iz kazina sugerišu da je napravljeno nekoliko preklapanja. Pošto vam je kazino vratio depozit na zahtev, možemo li smatrati da je problem rešen?
Thank you SlotHunter Casino team for the provided evidence.
Hi Joshua,
The evidence from the casino suggests that several overbets were made. Since the casino gave you your deposit back as requested, can we consider the issue to be resolved?
Dear Joshua,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Hteo sam da isplatim ceo iznos i na kraju je nestalo svih 1800 evra.
Ništa nije refundirano jer sam zaradio u besplatnim okretima i želeo da ga isplatim.
novac je bio od 1800€ do 0.
Neverovatno je da kada kazino očigledno direktno kaže da postoji prekršaj, da samo pustite da se nastavi dok ne pokušate da isplatite ili novac ne bude 0!
Da nisam odmah potom stupio u kontakt, ništa se ne bi desilo.
izvinite, ali da li razumete da je to zaista prilično planiran nedostatak komunikacije sa vama.
I wanted to pay out the full amount and in the end the entire €1800 was gone.
Nothing was refunded because I made a profit in the free spins and wanted to pay it out.
the money was from 1800€ to 0.
It is unbelievable that when the casino apparently has it directly that there is a violation, that you just let it continue until you try to pay out or the money is 0!
If I hadn't got in touch immediately afterwards, nothing would have happened.
sorry, but do you understand that it's really a rather planned lack of communication with you.
Ich habe den Gesamtbetrag auszahlen wollen und am Ende waren die gesamten 1800€ weg.
Da wurde nichts erstattet, denn ich habe in den Freispielen Gewinn gemacht und diesen auszahlen wollen.
das Geld war von 1800€ auf 0.
Es ist unfassbar, dass wenn es dem Casino anscheinend ja direkt vorliegt, dass da ein Verstoß ist, dass man einfach weiterlaufen lässt bis der Versuch der Auszahlung kommt oder eben das Geld auf 0 ist!
Hätte ich mich nicht direkt im Anschluss gemeldet, wäre da gar nichts gekommen.
entschuldigt, aber haben sie Verständnis dafür dass es sich echt nach ziemlich geplanter fehlender Kommunikation bei ihnen handelt.
Zdravo Joshua,
Bojim se da se ne može mnogo učiniti ako ste toliko puta prekršili pravilo maksimalne opklade. U pravu ste da bi bilo mnogo lakše da vam sistem ne dozvoljava da pravite opklade veće od maksimalne opklade. Nažalost, ova funkcija još uvek nije industrijski standard. Jedina stvar koju mogu da vam preporučim je da pravilno proučite pravila bonusa pre nego što prihvatite bonus, kako biste izbegli razočaranje u budućnosti. Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Joshua,
I'm afraid there is not much that can be done if you broke the maximum bet rule so many times. You are right that it would be much easier if the system wouldn't let you make bets bigger than the max bet. Unfortunately, this feature is not an industry standard yet. The only thing I can recommend you do is to study the bonus rules properly before you accept a bonus, so you avoid disappointment in the future. I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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