Do sada me niko nije kontaktirao,
Poslao sam vam e-mailom sve informacije koje sam mogao pronaći u svojim razgovorima sa Coinbaseom, kao i
Krajnji rezultat sa mojim tiketom(ama) otvorenim sa Coinbase-om je bio, nema pomoći. Prilično su rekli pošto je jedna vrsta kriptovaluta poslana na drugu vrstu kripto novčanika, onda mi nisu mogli pomoći.
I nastavak. da otvore tikete kako bi pokušali da im se moja situacija u potpunosti objasni kako bi razumjeli. S obzirom na vrstu problema koji imam, njihov obrazac za traženje pomoći bilo je prilično teško ispuniti na način na koji sam trebao. Samo su me grubo ignorisali; svaka karta je odmah zatvorena. Moj prvi kontakt sa Coinbaseom bio je preko twittera. Mislio sam da ću zapravo nešto stići s njima, dok puf nisu i oni prestali da mi odgovaraju. bez odgovora. nema pomoći. je imao samo 2 vrlo dosljedne stvari da mi kaže, da je povlačenje poslano s njihove strane, tako da to više nije njihova odgovornost, i da od tada moram kontaktirati primaoce.
koje informacije su nedostajale u mejlovima koje sam vam poslao? Shvatio sam da želite da podijelim sa vama sve informacije koje imam, ako mi nešto nedostaje, javite mi.
As of now, nobody has contacted me,
I emailed you all the information i could find on my conversations with Coinbase, as well as
The ending result with my ticket(s) opened with Coinbase, was, no help. They pretty much said since one type of crypto was sent to a different type of crypto wallet, then they couldn't help me.
I cont. to open tickets to try and get my situation explained fully to their understanding. With the type of issue, I am having, their form to request help was quite difficult to fill in the way I needed to. I was just rudely ignored; every ticket was immediately closed. My first contact with Coinbase was through twitter. I thought I was actually getting somewhere with them, until poof they just stopped responding to me as well. with no answers. no help. only had 2 very consistent things to say to me, that the withdrawal had been sent from their side, so it was no longer their responsibility, and that I needed to contact the receivers end from then on.
what information were the emails that I sent to you missing? I understood you wanted me to share with you all of the information I had, if I am missing something please let me know.
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