Hej Nik,
Moj status verifikacije je zaglavljen na „Pregledu" od kada sam napravio nalog, odnosno pre nekoliko nedelja. I dalje sam mogao da obavljam transakcije i da se kladim za to vreme. I da, imam stanje na računu.
Korisnička podrška Stake-a se sastoji samo od botova, tako da nisu mogli da reše moj problem. Poslao sam im i svoj problem e-poštom pre nekoliko dana, ali sa njihove strane još uvek nema odgovora.
Hey Nick,
My verification status has been stuck at "Reviewing" ever since I made my account i.e. a couple of weeks ago. I was still able to make transactions and place bets during this time though. And yes, I have balance in my account.
The customer support of Stake only comprises of bots, so they could not solve my issue. I e-mailed them my problem a couple of days ago too, but there has been no response from their side as of yet.
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