Trenutni status. Od 23.2.24, nisam primio poslednju odobrenu uplatu. Plaćanje je odobreno 15. 1. 24. i, prema rečima finansijskog tima, ubrzo nakon toga poslato je kompaniji za obradu plaćanja na obradu. Dakle, prerađivačka kompanija ima odobrenu uplatu 39 kalendarskih dana (28 radnih dana), a od finansijskog tima nema reči kada će ta uplata biti obrađena.
Razgovarao sam sa finansijskim timom putem e-pošte i svaki odgovor koji dobijem je da „postoje određena ograničenja brzine obrade koja moramo poštovati, a vremenski okviri mogu da variraju zbog ograničenja procesora i dostupnosti. Trenutno procesori imaju kašnjenja na svom kraju pored redovnog vremenskog okvira za slanje/isplatu uplate. "
Oni nemaju vremenski okvir kada će to biti obrađeno, i ne mogu mi dati datum ili vremenski okvir kada će to biti završeno.
Current status. As of 2.23.24, i have not received the last approved payment. The payment was approved on 1.15.24, and, according to the finance team, was sent to the payment processing company shortly thereafter for processing. So the processing company has had the approved payment for 39 calendar days, (28 business days), and there is no word from the finance team on when that payment will be processed.
i have been talking to the finance team via email, and every reply i get is that "there are certain processing velocity limits that we must respect, and time frames may vary due to processor limitations and availability. Currently the processors are experiencing delays on their end on top of the regular time frame for the payment to be sent/paid out. "
They do not have a timeframe on when it will be processed, and cannot give me a date or timeframe on when it will be completed.
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