Osvojio sam najveći džekpot koji sam ikada osvojio £301,000 na slotu. Ali sam se teško kladio. Onda mi se igra zamrznula kada sam se kladio na nešto više, ali je to i dalje bio značajan iznos i rekli su da ne isplaćuju taj iznos i trebalo je da pročitam njihove uslove.
ko čita uslove kada igraju !!!!!!
vidi da zaobilaze zbog toga. Ali moj argument je zašto imati džekpot i pustiti me da igram za džekpot ako nije dozvoljeno. Tako su otišli sa mojih 300.000 funti i mojim novcem sa kojim sam se kockao i onda su mi zatvorili račun !!!!!!!
reći da sam bio pod stresom je malo reći
možete li pomoći sa ovim ili gubim vreme?
vaš korak koji traži e-poštu itd. Imam gomilu vremena da ih otpremim. Mogu ako se smatra da imam šansu da nešto vratim. Pitao sam i rekli su da neće!!!!!!!!
I won the biggest jackpot I have ever won £301,000 on the slot. But I was betting hard. Then my game froze when I had bet quite a bit more but it was still a substantial amount and they said they don’t pay out that amount and I should have read their terms and conditions.
who reads the terms and conditions when they play !!!!!!
see they are getting around it because of that. But my argument is why have the jackpot and let me play for a jackpot if it’s not allowed. So they walked away with my £300k and also my money I had gambled with and then they closed my account !!!!!!!
to say I have been stressed is an understatement
can you help with this or am I wasting my time ?
your step asking for emails etc. I have loads it would take an age to upload them. I can if it is deemed I have a chance of getting something back. I have asked and they said they won’t !!!!!!!!
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