Zdravo svima, patio sam od zavisnosti od kockanja od polovine prošle godine, uspeo sam da prestanem da se kockam na neko vreme dok nisam otkrio Santedas BV kazina, koji su zaobišli moj gamstop blok i bankovne kazino blokove.
Počeo sam da igram u jednom od njihovih kazina. Verujem da je to bila zlatna opklada za početak, izgubio sam oko £5500 na tome u jednom danu. I pomislio sam da je to kraj, poslao sam e-poštu i zatvorio nalog zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, takođe sam izričito tražio da se više ne sme dozvoliti otvaranje naloga pod mojom adresom e-pošte u celoj santeda grupi.
Mislio sam da je to kraj, sve dok nisam ponovo dobio potrebu i pomislio da ću videti da li mogu da otvorim račun u drugom santeda kazinu, na svoje iznenađenje mogao sam, i od tada sam izgubio još preko 10.000 funti širom sveta. drugi, mogao sam da napravim naloge na Freshbet, Velobet, Donbet, Roletto i cosmobet. Svim ovim drugim kockarnicama upravlja santeda, svi koriste iste sisteme verifikacije. Uvek sam koristio istu adresu e-pošte za svakog od njih, a većina njih je, osim kladionice, koristio potpuno isto korisničko ime.
Svaki put kada bih izgubio veliki gubitak u jednom kazinu, uvek bih zatvorio nalog zbog zavisnosti od kockanja i uvek bi dobijao e-poštu da je zatvoren.
Verujem da je ovo krajnje neodgovorno kockanje, Santeda je znao da se kockam pod novim nalogom i zažmurio je na ono što radim. Sve je ovo moglo da se spreči da me je Santeda blokirao u prvom meču.
Hi all, I’ve suffered from a gambling addiction since halfway through last year, I did manage to stop gambling for a while until I discovered Santedas BV casinos, which bypassed my gamstop block and banks casino blocks.
I started playing on one of their casinos I believe it was goldenbet to start of with, I lost around £5500 on that in one day. And thought it was the end of it, I emailed and had the account shut down for gambling addiciton reasons, I also explicitly asked that no more accounts under my email address should ever be allowed to be created across the whole santeda group.
I thought that was the end of it, until I got the urge again and figured I’d see if I could make an account on another santeda casino, to my surprise I could, and have since then lost well over £10000 more across the others, I was able to make accounts on, freshbet, velobet, donbet, rolletto and cosmobet. All these other casinos are operated by santeda, they all use the same systems of verification. I’ve always used the same email for each of them, and most of them bar freshbet I used the exact same username.
Each time I lost big on one casino I would always shut the account over gambling addiction reasons and would always be emailed back saying it was closed.
I believe this is massively irresponsible gambling, Santeda knew I was gambling under a new account and turned a blind eye to what I was doing. This could all have been prevented if Santeda had blocked me the first time round.
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