Dobar dan
Upravo sam ostao osjećati jako ljut i povrijeđen aktivnostima koje se ovaj kazino ponašao prema meni. Oni su bili neetični, zabludu i prema mom mišljenju ponašali su se na prevarantski način da bi uzimali depozite od članova znajući da ih ne moraju plaćati.
Trebao bih znati bolje, ali nakon registracije pitao sam chat je li moj račun u redu i legitiman, tako da ne bi bilo problema ako želim povući novac. Zvao se John (ako je to istina), ali provjerio je moj račun i rekao da sve izgleda u redu i da nema znakova ilegalne aktivnosti. Rekao sam super da je dobro znati kao što sam već spomenuo u gore.
Ispada da je sve bila laž i iako sam se registrirao i prihvatio me iz Velike Britanije. Od tada čudno neće vam dozvoliti da se registrirate iz Velike Britanije.
Položio sam 2072,15 funti što je, na moje iznenađenje, uključeno u naknadu za depozit. Ne mogu vjerovati koliko ti ljudi mogu biti hladni i proračunati, a to je odgovor koji sam dobio od osobe zvane Lydia na chatu, koja je samo bacala 2.8 od masovnih uvjeta koje imaju.
Na pitanje kako mislite da smatram da znam koliko sam uplatio, nikad neću dobiti ni peni od bilo kakvih mogućih dobitaka, odgovorila je da je to vaša greška i vaša odgovornost, mogu li vam pomoći bilo što drugo samo da je protrkam .
Omogućit će vam da položite depozit nakon pologa znajući da se ne smijete registrirati kod njih i da mogu baciti na vas odredbe i uvjete ako pokušate izvršiti povlačenje.
Kako se kompanija može ponašati na ovaj način. Opet kažem da trče na način koji je gotovo lažan jer obmanjuju ljude prilikom uplate depozita, a zatim kažem da je sve kriv kad dovodite u pitanje etiku.
Ukratko, uzeli su mi 2000 funti sa depozita koje nisu smjeli prihvatiti i lažno su mi stvorili dojam da je u redu igrati u tamošnjem kazinu.
Ne znam šta možete da mi pomognete, ali mrzim kad se ovo dogodi i mrzilo bih da se to desi bilo kome drugom.
Ispričat ću vam nešto o sebi kao da stupite u kontakt s njima. Znam da će to vjerovatno spomenuti. Kao i u svojoj izjavi bit ću iskren prema onome što kažem.
Ja sam ovisnik o kockanju i oporavljam se već neko vrijeme. Očito je razlog zbog kojeg sam završio u ovom kasinu bio taj što vam gamstop sprečava da igrate na web lokacijama u Velikoj Britaniji. Igrao sam kao da pobjegnem ili se bavim problemima i zbog toga sam se opet privukao.
Prvobitno sam prihvatio da sam otišao predaleko (poput starih navika) i da je to bilo dovoljno, kontaktirao sam ih u chatu da bih zatvorio račun jer sam objasnio svoje osobne okolnosti. Prihvatio sam da je moj novac izgubljen.
Nakon nekoliko dana kontaktirao sam ih jer sam želio biti siguran da sam se, iako izgubio, izgubio na automatima, a ne u praksi.
I zbog neetičke prakse tu sam da podnesem ovu žalbu. To je odvojeno od mojih problema s kockanjem i tako nema nikakve veze s tim.
Riječ je o zavjeri za prevarom članova.
Srdačni pozdravi
Good afternoon
I have just been left feeling very angry and hurt by the activities this casino have behaved in treating me. They have been unethical , misleading and in my opinion behaved in fraudulent manner to take deposits from members knowing they don't have to pay them.
I should know better but upon registering I asked chat if my account was ok and legitimate so there would be no issues if i wanted to make a withdrawal. His name was John (if this is true) but he checked my account and said everything looks okay and no signs of illegal activity. I said great that's good to know as I mentioned in the above.
It turns out though it was all lies and even though I registered and it accepted me from the UK . Since then strangely it won't let you register from the UK.
I deposited £2072.15 which to my surprise were deposit fees included in that. I can't believe how cold and calculated these people can be and that is the response I got from someone called Lydia on chat who just kept throwing 2.8 from the mass terms and conditions they have.
When I asked how do you think I feel knowing the amount I have deposited I was never going to receive a penny from any possible winnings , her response was it's your fault and your responsibility, can I help you with anything else just to rub it in.
They will let you make deposit after deposit knowing you should not be registered with them and that they can throw the terms and conditions at you if you try to make a withdrawal.
How can a company behave in this way. Again I say they are running in a way which is almost fraudulent because they are misleading people into making deposits and then saying it's all you fault when questioning there ethics.
In short they have taken over £2000 from me from deposits they should not have accepted and falsely gave me the impression it was okay to play at there casino.
I don't know what you can do to help me but I hate seeing this happen and would hate for this to happen to anyone else.
I will tell you a bit about myself as if you do get in contact with them I know they will probably mention this. As in my statement I will be honest with what I say.
I am a recovering gambling addict and have been clean for some time. Obviously the reason why I ended up at this casino was because gamstop prevents you from playing on UK casino sites. I used to gamble as a way of escaping or dealing with issues and this is the reason I was drawn in again.
I accepted originally that I'd gone too far ( like old habits) and that enough was enough I contacted them on chat to close my account because I explained my personal circumstances. I accepted my money was lost.
After a few days I contacted them because I wanted to be sure that even though I'd lost, I'd lost on the slots and not there practices.
And because of there unethical practices I am here to make this complaint. It is a separate issue from my gambling issues and so has nothing to do with that.
It is about the conspiracy to defraud members.
Kind regards
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