The player from India had been waiting for three months to receive a withdrawal of 2,500 from BC.Game. Despite the withdrawal appearing successful on the platform, the player had not received the funds in their bank account and the transaction appeared untraceable. The player had provided all necessary documents and expressed his disappointment, choosing to withdraw his complaint. Consequently, we had rejected the complaint as per the player's request.
Igrač iz Indije je čekao tri meseca da dobije povlačenje od 2.500 od BC.Game. Uprkos tome što se povlačenje na platformi činilo uspešnim, igrač nije primio sredstva na svoj bankovni račun i transakcija se činila nepreglednom. Igrač je dostavio svu potrebnu dokumentaciju i izrazio svoje razočarenje, odlučivši da povuče svoju žalbu. Shodno tome, odbili smo žalbu po zahtevu igrača.
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