Kao što vidite na ovoj slici: Mnogo sam puta pokušao povući račun, prvih 5 pokušaja je odbijeno, što je bilo prihvatljivo jer moj račun nije potvrđen.
Kasnije sam igrao neke igre i imao sam zaradu, a zatim sam htio odustati NAKON validacije. Prvi nije prošao. Nije bilo povratnih informacija zašto je odbijena, nije bilo e-pošte i bilo je 0 znakova da web lokacija ima problema. Pitao sam podršku u čemu je problem, rekli su da postoji problem kod naše banke. (Zaista bih bio zahvalan što bi BitKingz mogao ovdje poslati moju historiju razgovora)
U redu, pokušao sam još jednom, i isto se dogodilo sa 0 informacija o problemu. Tada sam dobio poziv da pitam svoju banku u vezi s problemom, rekli su ako netko želi poslati novac na moj račun, to bi trebalo uspjeti ... ofc ako ŽELE DA GA POŠALJU!
Treći put je otkazan, mozak mi se upravo zajebao i zaigrao sam. Znao sam da ga neću dobiti nazad.
U redu, rekli su da nađemo drugačije rješenje! Ali kao što je rekao vaš član podrške, postojala je metoda od 200 eura, ali kako bih to mogao koristiti? Trebao sam položiti VIŠE S NEVIDLJIVIM WAGEROM 3 *? Samo bih izgubio više.
As you can see on this picture: I have tried many times to withdraw, the first 5 tries got denied which was acceptable because my account was not validated.
Later on I have played some games, and I got some profit then I wanted to withdraw AFTER the validation. The first one did not go through. There was not any feedback why it got rejected, no email and there was 0 sign about the site having issues. I asked the support what was the problem, they said there is a problem at our bank side. (I would really appreciate that BitKingz could send my chat history to here)
Okey I tried once more, and the same happened with 0 information about the problem. Then I got forwarded to ask my bank about the problem, they said if somebody wants to send money to my account, it should work...ofc if they WANT TO SEND IT!
3rd time it got cancelled my brain just got f*cked up and i played it. I knew i wont get it back.
Okey they said to find a different solution! But as your support member said, there was a 200euro method but how could I use that? I should have deposited MORE WITH THE INVISIBLE 3* WAGER? I would have just lost more.
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