Neispravnost igre na Tarot Destini
kazino "istražio" i kaže da je sve normalno.
potpuno su mi lagali u lice i na ovaj snimak ekrana koji sam im poslao.
vrlo jasno pokazuje 3 bonus simbola u sredini a donji je nekako prisluškivan sa pogrešnim simbolom ali sa množiteljem koji aktivira bonus.
Ispunio sam uslove za klađenje i ovaj bonus zasnovan na početnom ekranu bi rezultirao gotovinom.
Game malfunction on Tarot Destiny
casino "investigated" and says everything is normal.
they completely lied to my face and to this screenshot I sent them.
very clearly shows 3 bonus symbols in the middle and the bottom one is bugged somehow with the wrong symbol but with the multiplier that triggers the bonus.
I completed the wagering requirements and this bonus just based off the start screen would’ve resulted in a cash out.
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