Prijavio sam se i igrao prvi put juče, 2. februara 2024. Nikada nisam imao nalog ovde i ovo je moj prvi put na sajtu koji sam izabrao da dam bonus od 125%. Napravio sam depozit od 40 dolara sa preokretom od 25 puta. Moja igra je bila 3100.
Uspeo sam da prođem kroz igru, a zatim sam napravio povlačenje i bitkoin za iznos od 340 dolara. Pokušao sam da se ponovo prijavim, rekao je da je onemogućen. Video sam e-poštu u kojoj su tvrdili da imaju više naloga i nešto u vezi sa njihovim uslovima i odredbama bonusa, što sam veoma zbunjeno jer sam deponovao svoj novac i ne mogu da zamislim zašto bi ljudi imali više naloga, posebno kada bi morali da igraju taj iznos rekavši mi da mi ne daju novac da nisu istraživali sa komunikacijom sa mnom čujem da možete pomoći. Nadam se da možete da se zalažete za mene jer osećam da pokušavaju da uzmu sredstva koja sam osvojio na Fair Skuareu i imam samo jedan račun tako da su ove tvrdnje lažne. Spreman sam da dostavim svoje informacije i nadam se da će vam vaš tim pomoći
I signed up and played for the first time yesterday on February 2, 2024. I’ve never had an account here and this is my first time with the site I chose to do the 125% bonus. I made a deposit of $40 with a 25 times rollover. My play through was 3100.
I was able to get through the play through and then made it withdrawal and bitcoin for the amount of $340. I tried to log back in it said it was disabled. I seen an email where they claimed they had multiple accounts and something about their bonus terms and conditions, which I am very confused because deposited my own money and can’t imagine why people would have multiple accounts, especially having to play that amount they’re telling me they are not giving me the money that they didn’t investigation with communication with me I hear you’re able to help. I’m hoping you can advocate for me as I feel they are trying to take funds that I won fair Square and I have only one account so these claims are false. I am willing to submit my information and I’m hoping, your team can help you
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