Igračica iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s provjerom svog računa u kazinu zbog nedostatka dokaza o prihodu. Žalba je riješena jer je igračica dobila svoj dobitak.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties verifying her casino account due to missing proof of income. The complaint was resolved as the player received her winnings.
Igračica iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s provjerom svog računa u kazinu zbog nedostatka dokaza o prihodu. Žalba je riješena jer je igračica dobila svoj dobitak.
Pozdrav, imam 16. maja i 17.05 u casinu ukupno 100 € položenih kod ecopayza. Tada sam 17. maja želio podići 200 eura. Nije uspjelo, prvo je trebalo potvrditi broj mobitela, a zatim potvrditi e-poštu. Nije uspjelo, uvijek je došlo da je vaš račun već potvrđen. Igrao sam igru nekoliko puta, zatim sam napisao podršku, nakon 2 dana napokon sam dobio odgovor, moj račun bi morao biti ručno potvrđen, pričekao još 2 dana, a onda je konačno potvrđen. Tako je 20. maja tražena uplata. Prije sam već bio učitao dokumente na svoj račun, identifikacijski dokument s obje strane, dokaz o adresi, dokaz o plaćanju Ecopayzom, račun račun na koji sam tražio uplatu (Ecopayz plaćanje ne radi)
nakon 2 dana se ništa nije dogodilo, ponovo sam napisao podršku, ponovo čekao odgovor 2 dana, zatim bih trebao poslati karticu s računom koju sam položio prije nekoliko mjeseci i dokaz o prihodu. Račun više ne postoji jer imam novi. Pa sam poslao potvrdu o otkazu i dokaz o prihodu (tamo sam pokrio sve brojeve), opet čekao 3 dana! Danas sam primio još jedan e-mail da vam treba dokaz odakle dolaze moja sredstva koja sam koristio za depozite. Sad sam u gubitku i ne znam kako dalje. I mislim da je nered koliko sve to traje. Već sam igrao u kasinu s istom licencom, tamo je trebalo 14 dana da se isplati, ali tamo nisam trebao poslati dokaz o prihodu! Nikad nisam imao toliko problema s kasinom radi provjere.
Mislim da je to čisti šikan. Čitava stvar sada traje 3 tjedna!
Hello, I have on May 16. and 17.05 in the casino a total of 100 € deposited with ecopayz. Then on May 17th I wanted to make a withdrawal of € 200. Didn't work, first had to confirm cell phone number, then confirm email. Did not work, always came your account is already confirmed. I played the game a few times, then wrote to support, after 2 days I finally got an answer, my account would have to be confirmed manually, waited another 2 days, then it was finally confirmed. So on May 20th the payment requested. Before, I had already uploaded documents to my account, ID on both sides, proof of address, proof of payment with Ecopayz, account card to which I requested the payment (Ecopayz payment does not work)
after 2 days nothing happened, I wrote to support again, waited again for an answer for 2 days, then I should send an account card that I used to deposit a few months ago and proof of income. The account no longer exists because I have a new one. So I sent confirmation of termination and proof of income (I covered all the numbers there), again waited 3 days! Today I received another email that you need proof of where my funds come from, which I have used for the deposits. Now I'm at a loss and don't know how to go on. And I think it's a mess how long it all takes. I have already played in a casino with the same license, there it took 14 days to pay out, but there I did not need to send a proof of income! I've never had so much trouble with a casino for verification.
I think that's pure chicane. The whole thing now takes 3 weeks!
Hallo, ich habe am 16.05. und 17.05 im Casino insgesamt 100€ mit ecopayz eingezahlt. Dann wollte ich am 17.05. eine Auszahlung tätigen, von 200€. Ging nicht, musste erst Handynummer bestätigen, dann E-mail bestätigen. Ging nicht ,kam immer ihr Konto ist schon bestätigt. das Spiel habe ich ein paar Mal gemacht, dann den Support angeschrieben, nach 2 Tagen kam endlich mal eine Antwort, mein Konto müsste manuell bestätigt werden, wieder 2 Tage gewartet, dann war es endlich bestätigt. So am 20.05 die Auszahlung beantragt. Vorher hatte ich schon in meinem Konto Dokumente hochgeladen, Ausweis beide Seiten, Adressnachweis, Nachweis über Einzahlung mit Ecopayz, Kontokarte ,wohin ich die Auszahlung beantragt habe(Ecopayz Auszahlung geht nicht)
nach 2 Tagen tat sich nichts, wieder geschrieben an Support, wieder 2 Tage auf Antwort gewartet, dann sollte ich Kontokarte senden, mit der ich mal vor ein paar Monaten eingezahlt habe und einen Einkommensnachweis. Das Konto existiert nicht mehr, da ich ein neues habe. Also Kündigungsbestätigung und Einkommensnachweis (habe dort alle Zahlen verdeckt)gesendet, wieder 3 Tage gewartet! Heute kam nun wieder eine Mail, das sie einen Nachweis brauchen, woraus meine Gelder stammen, die ich für die Einzahlungen verwendet habe. Jetzt bin ich ratlos, und weis nicht mehr weiter. Und ich finde es eine Sauerei, wie lange sich das alles hinzieht. Ich habe auch schon in einem Casino mit der gleichen Lizenz gespielt, dort hat es auch 14 Tage gedauert bis zur Auszahlung, aber dort brauchte ich keinen Einkommensnachweis senden! ich habe noch nie so Schwierigkeiten mit einem Casino für die Verifizierung gebraucht.
Ich finde das ist doch reine Schikane. Das ganze dauert jetzt schon 3 Wochen!
Draga Bettina,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Molimo vas da shvatite da su tražene informacije potrebne da bi se kasino osigurao da su vaša sredstva legalno prikupljena i da imate dovoljno sredstava za učešće u klađenju. Propise o pranju novca protiv pranja novca za industriju igara na sreću i kockanje obično postavlja tijelo za izdavanje dozvola i sva ozbiljna i licencirana kazina moraju se pridržavati i pridržavati se ovih pravila. Čini se da kasino ima strog postupak provjere, ali to nije neobično.
Zbog toga savjetujemo igračima da u potpunosti sarađuju s kockarnicama i pruže sve potrebne dokumente što je prije moguće.
Molimo vas da me obavijestite je li ovaj savjet bio koristan ili moramo intervenirati.
Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Bettina,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please understand that the requested information is necessary for the casino to make sure that your funds have been obtained legally and you have enough funds to participate in the betting. AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Regulations for Gaming and Gambling Industry are usually set by the Licensing Authority and all the serious and licensed casinos have to comply and follow these policies. It seems that the casino has a strict verification process, but it's not unusual.
That’s why we advise players to fully cooperate with casinos and provide all the required documents as soon as possible.
Please let me know if this advice was helpful or we need to intervene.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Pozdrav Petronela.
hvala na odgovoru, ali problem je u tome što se sve vuče zauvijek, kao što sam rekao, to traje već 3 sedmice. Posljednji dokument poslao sam prije dva dana, uplatnicu sa svim vidljivim brojkama, samo poslodavci skriveni, zasad nema odgovora.
I zašto ne morate poslati uplatnicu na pregled u kockarnice s istom licencom?
Nisam to morao raditi ni u drugim kazinima!
sad ću pričekati dok ne stupe u kontakt i onda mi reći što dalje žele. Jer nažalost još ne vidim kraj, u mojim očima ovo je taktika koja odgađa.
Pozdrav Bettina
Hello Petronela.
thanks for the answer, but the problem is that it all drags on forever, as I said, it has been going on for 3 weeks now. I sent my last document two days ago, pay slip with all the figures visible, only employers hidden, no response so far.
And why don't you have to send a pay slip for review at casinos with the same license?
I haven't had to do this in other casinos either!
now I'll wait until they get in touch and then tell me what they want next. Because unfortunately I don't see an end yet, in my eyes this is a delaying tactic.
Greetings Bettina
Hallo Petronela.
danke für die Antwort, aber das Problem ist, dass sich das alles ewig hinzieht, wie gesagt, das geht jetzt schon 3 Wochen so. Mein letztes Dokument habe ich vor 2 Tagen hingeschickt, Gehaltsabrechnung mit allen Zahlen sichtbar ,nur Arbeitgeber verdeckt, bis jetzt wieder keine Antwort.
Und warum muss man bei Casinos mit der gleichen Lizenz, keine Gehaltsabrechnung zur Überprüfung senden?
Auch in anderen Casinos musste ich das bisher nicht!
jetzt warte ich ab, bis die sich melden und berichte dann, was sie als nächstes wollen. Denn ich sehe leider noch kein Ende, das ist in meinen Augen Hinhalte-Taktik.
Gruß Bettina
Hvala puno, Bettina, na odgovoru. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Nicka koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Bettina, for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Nick who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo, brzo ažuriranje.
Do danas nisam dobio e-poruku u kojoj se navodi da je moj račun konačno potvrđen.
Zatim sam provjerio svoj račun igrača i povlačenje je odobreno danas, (kakvo čudo)
Sada moram pričekati dok novac ne bude na mom računu. Prema nekim izvještajima iz ovog kasina,
obično traje do 1 sedmice.
Tada ću vas obavestiti.
Pozdrav Bettina
Hello, quick update.
To this day, I have not received an email stating that my account has finally been verified.
Then checked my player account and the withdrawal was approved today, (what a miracle)
Now I have to wait until the money is in my account. According to some reports from this casino,
it usually takes up to 1 week.
I will then let you know.
Greetings Bettina
Hallo, kurzes Update.
Eine E-Mail, dass mein Konto endlich verifiziert ist, habe ich bis heute nicht bekommen.
Habe dann auf mein Spielerkonto geschaut, und die Auszahlung wurde heute genehmigt, (welch ein Wunder)
Nun heißt es abwarten, bis das Geld auf meinem Konto ist. Nach einigen Berichten von diesem Casino,
dauert das ja auch meistens bis zu 1 Woche.
Ich gebe dann Bescheid.
Gruß Bettina
Dobar dan Betina,
Ja sam Nick i od sada ću vam pomagati u vašem slučaju. Na osnovu vašeg prethodnog posta ovdje, još neću pozvati kasino ovdje. Sačekajmo ako isplata stigne na vaš račun. Obavještavajte nas.
Hello Betina,
I'm Nick and I'll be assisting you in your case from now on. Based on your previous post here, I won't be inviting the casino here yet. Let's wait if the withdrawal arrives to your account. Keep us updated.
Dobar dan Nick,
uplata je sada stigla na moj račun.
Sve u svemu, trebale su 3 sedmice od zahtjeva za plaćanje do isplate,
Nisam morao nigdje toliko dugo čekati.
Odmah sam se zaključao iz ovog kasina.
Pozdrav Bettina
Hello Nick,
the payment has now arrived on my account.
All in all, it took 3 weeks from the payment request to the payment,
I haven't had to wait anywhere that long.
I locked myself out of this casino right away.
Greetings Bettina
Hallo Nick,
die Auszahlung ist nun auf meinem Konto eingetroffen.
im Ganzen hat es vom Auszahlungsantrag bist zur Auszahlung 3 Wochen gedauert,
so lange habe ich noch nirgends warten müssen.
Habe mich gleich aus diesem Casino ausgeschlossen.
Gruß Bettina
Draga Bettina,
Hvala vam što ste nas obavijestili da je vaš novac stigao. Molimo vas, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo koju drugu nevolju, rado ćemo vam pokušati pomoći. Žalba će sada biti zaključena kako je riješena.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Bettina,
Thank you for letting us know that your money has arrived. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you will come across any other trouble in the future, we will gladly try to help you. The complaint will be now closed as resolved.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
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