NaslovnaPritužbeDecode Casino - Nalog igrača je zatvoren nakon dobitka.
Decode Casino - Nalog igrača je zatvoren nakon dobitka.
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1.800 $
Decode Casino
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Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from the United States deposited $100 but the casino added a bonus despite his request not to. After continuing to play with his funds, he noticed his account was logged out, and with $2000 in winnings, he received an email stating he did not pass verification for unspecified reasons.
Igrač iz Sjedinjenih Država je deponovao 100 dolara, ali je kazino dodao bonus uprkos njegovom zahtevu da to ne učini. Nakon što je nastavio da igra sa svojim sredstvima, primetio je da je njegov nalog odjavljen, i sa 2000 dolara dobitka, dobio je e-poštu u kojoj se navodi da nije prošao verifikaciju iz neodređenih razloga.
Ovaj kazino je još jedan prevarant koji sam sinoć uplatio 100$ i rekao sam agentu da ne stavlja nikakav bonus na moj depozit da ga i dalje dodaje iako sam im rekao da to ne čine, pa sam im se prepirao da uklone taj bonus jer nikada ne igram svoj novac sa ograničenjima iz kazina Ne igram sa bonusom. Imam svoj novac za igru. Bez obzira što objasnim ovim ljudima da nikada nisam dobio dodatni bonus, oni nisu umanjili ono što sam govorio, ignorisali su sve što sam rekao tako da ne žele da skinu taj glupi bonus koji dodaju na moj depozit. Tako da nastavljam da igram svoj novac sve dok ujutro oko 10:00 ne znam da je moja igra stala i moj nalog se odjavio. Imam 2000$ na svom nalogu za poslednji spin koji imam, a zatim sam pokušao da se vratim Ne mogu da pristupim moj nalog onda su mi poslali e-poštu rekavši da nisam prošao sve što su rekli. Ali kako to da mi to nisu rekli kada je moj nalog bio manji od 1000$ ne nakon što imam dobitke i platim opklade bonusa koji dodaju na moj depozit!! Zašto toliko onlajn kazina ne isplaćuje dobitke, ova prevara i krađa identiteta umiruju novac od igrača koji nisu platili svoje dobitke
This casino is another scammer I deposit 100$ last night and I told the agent don’t put any bonus on my deposit they still add it even I told them not to so I was arguing to them to remove that bonus because I never play my money with restrictions from casino I ain’t playing with bonus I have my own money to play with. No matter I explain to this people that I was never add bonus they did not lessen what I was saying they ignored what ever I said so they don’t wanna take it off that stupid bonus they add on my deposit. So I continue playing my money until I the morning around 10am out of knower my game stopped and my account got log out I have 2000$ on my account for the last winnings spin I have then I tried to lug back in I can’t access my account then they emailed me saying I did not pass whatever they said. But how come they did not told that when my account was less than 1000$ not after I have winnings and done paying the wagers of the bonus they add on my deposit!! Why so much online casino does not paying winnings this fraud and identity theft stilling money from players who have not paid for their winnings
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja da razjasnim vašu situaciju.
Da li ste poslali lične dokumente u kazino na verifikaciju?
Da li ste ranije uspešno podizali novac iz ovog kazina?
Da li sam dobro razumeo da je vaša igra naglo otkazana i da ste se odjavili sa svog kazino profila?
Možete li mi, molim vas, proslediti e-poštu koju ste dobili od kazina nakon što je vaš nalog blokiran? Moja adresa e-pošte je .
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Robert08,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions to clarify your situation.
Have you sent any identity documents to the casino for verification?
Have you made any successful withdrawals from this casino before?
Do I understand correctly that your gameplay was abruptly canceled and you got logged out of your casino profile?
Could you please forward me the email you received from the casino after your account was blocked? My email address is
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Nisam predao svoje dokumente. Bio sam nov u tom onlajn kazinu, ali sve moje informacije su tačne i tačne. Nikada ne podižem novac ili dobitke iz tog kazina, to mi je prvi dan bio sam tamo verovatno 10 sati od otvaranja naloga dok ga nisu zatvorili.. kako su mogli da me ograniče kada imam dobitak, trebalo bi da to urade kada pokušam da ih razgovaram o bonusu koji dodaju na moj nalog.
Tražim pomoć kako da napravim depozit i agent mi je pomogao da napravim svoj prvi depozit i rekao sam agentu iz tog kazina kada tražim pomoć da ne želim nikakav bonus. Ne sviđaju mi se, rekao sam oni su takvi pre nego što je moj prvi depozit uplaćen. Tvrdio sam se da sam rekao agentu kako to da dodaju bonus. Jasno sam ih obavestio o bonusu. Ne želim ih. Imam svoj novac. Nikada nisam ograničavao svoj novac gde god sam igrao. više
od 2 sata od tog bonusa dodaju ga dok ne odustanem i jednostavno se vratim da igram jer bez obzira kako sam im objasnio, nikada ne koristim nikakav bonus na svoj depozit ili bilo gde drugde, nije važno da ga neće ukloniti, ali su napisali T&c kaže da ih kontaktirajte u bilo kom pitanju u vezi sa bonusom i oni će ukloniti sve što su uradili kada sam im rekao za to, zatvorili su okvir za ćaskanje nekoliko puta, a onda mi je drugi agent sa kojim sam razgovarao rekao da moram da se kladim povrh novca koji položim rekli su mi da nastavim da igram i rekao sam im da radije uložim žalbu protiv njih nego da igram svoj novac sa ograničenjima. Rekao sam im da ću ih prijaviti i vratiti depozit, rekli su mi da to ne savetuju pa sam im rekao da emituju bonus onda ona nije uradila ništa, a zatim zatvorili okvir za ćaskanje, oni su to uradili nekoliko puta i drugi agent mi je rekao nakon što je pročitala moju prethodnu poruku agentu koji mi je pomogao oko mog depozita da sam ja obavešten da uklonim bonus na mojoj strani, a to je ne znam kako to mogu da uradim i nisam video tu poruku jer je agent zatvorio taj okvir za ćaskanje
kada je moj nalog imao 1800 dolara to je vreme kada su me izbacili i ne mogu da pristupim svom nalogu, ali je bilo manje, oni ništa ne kažu
I haven’t submitted my documents I was new to that online casino but all my information is accurate and correct. I never withdraw money or winnings from that casino it’s my first day I was there probably 10hrs from the time I open my account until they closed it.. how could they restricted me when I have winnings they should done it when I try to talk them about the bonus they add on my account.
I ask for assistance on how to make deposit and the agent did help me to make my first deposit and I have told the agent from that casino when I ask for assistance that I don’t want any bonus I don’t like them I told them like that before my first deposit was made. I was arguing that I have told the agent how come they add the bonus I clearly informed them about the bonus I don’t want them I have my own money I never put restrictions on my own money where ever I played.i was arguing for more
than 2hrs from that bonus they add it on until I give up and just went back playing because no matter how I explained to them I never use any bonus on my deposit or anywhere else it doesn’t matter they wont remove it but they have written T&c it say contact them in any issue about the bonus and they will remove what ever issue that’s what they did when I told them about it they close the chat box for several times then the other agent I spoke to told me I have to wager on top the the money I deposit they told me to keep playing and I told them I rather make a complaint against them than playing my money with restrictions I told them I would report them and get my deposit back they told me they don’t advise that so I told them to air the bonus out then she did not do anything then close the chat box they did that that several times and the other agent told me after she read my previous message to the agent who help me about my deposit that I was informed to remove the bonus on my side which is I don’t know how can I do that and I did not see that message because the agent close that chat box
when my account had $1800 that’s the time I got kicked out nd can’t access m account but it was less they don’t say anything
Hvala vam na detaljnom objašnjenju vašeg problema. Ako imate dalju komunikaciju sa kazinom u vezi sa bonusom koji niste želeli da dobijete, i bilo kojim drugim dokazom koji bi mogao biti relevantan za istragu vašeg slučaja, molimo vas da mi ga prosledite na . Vaša saradnja je veoma cenjena.
Thank you for the detailed explanation of your issue. If you have further communication with the casino regarding the bonus you did not want to receive, and any other evidence that may be relevant to the investigation of your case, please forward it to me at Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Koji dokumenti na koje se pozivate su utvrdili da ovaj kazino drugi kazino neće platiti osim prikupljanja identiteta igrača i njihovi dobici se ne isplaćuju, umesto toga oni predstavljaju razlog da sav pobednički novac zadrže za sebe. Ovaj kazino je položen svaki reč koja dolazi od njih i zašto bih iz kog razloga ograničavao svoj novac? Možete li mi reći svoj razlog onda ako imate bilo kakvu ideju zašto bih to uradio ako mogu da uplatim više od iznosa bonusa
What documents are you referring to determined this casino was another casino won’t pay except collecting identity of players and their winnings does not paid instead they make up reason for them to keep all the winning money for them self.this casino is laid every single word that comes from them and why would I put restrictions on my money for what reason? Can you tell me your reason then if you have any idea why would I do that for if I can deposit more that the bonus amount
Hvala vam puno, Robert08, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu preneti kolegi Kubou ( ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Robert08, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Kubo ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Ja sam Kubo i od sada ću se pobrinuti za tvoju žalbu. Ako je bilo novih ažuriranja u vezi sa ovim slučajem od poslednje date informacije, obavestite me.
Želeo bih da pozovem predstavnike Decode Casino-a da se pridruže ovoj diskusiji i pruže sve dostupne informacije koje će pomoći u rešavanju ovog problema.
Dragi Decode Casino ,
Možete li da date sveobuhvatno objašnjenje ovog slučaja, uključujući razloge za zatvaranje naloga igrača?
Hvala unapred na odgovoru!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Robert08,
I'm Kubo, and I will be taking care of your complaint from now on. If there have been any new updates regarding this case since the last information provided, please let me know.
I would like to invite the Decode Casino's representatives to join this discussion and provide any available information to help resolve this issue.
Dear Decode Casino,
Could you please provide a comprehensive explanation of this case, including the reasons behind the closure of the player's account?
Pišem da bih se raspitao o svim novostima u vezi sa istragom koja je u toku. Verujem da ne bi trebalo da bude težak zadatak pristupiti CRM-u kazina, locirati igrača i utvrditi razlog za suspenziju njegovog naloga.
Vaša brza pomoć u rešavanju ovog pitanja bila bi vam veoma zahvalna.
Hvala unapred.
Dear Decode Casino,
I’m writing to inquire about any updates regarding the ongoing investigation. I believe it shouldn’t be a difficult task to access the casino's CRM, locate the player, and determine the reason behind the suspension of his account.
Your prompt assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Želeo sam da vas obavestim da još uvek nisam dobio odgovor iz kazina u vezi sa dodatnim informacijama koje sam tražio. Čim budem imao sve potrebne detalje, obavestiću vas o svakom razvoju događaja.
Hvala vam na strpljenju.
Dragi Decode Casino ,
Poslednji put produžavam rok za vaš odgovor. Uverite se da brzo odgovorite na moju e-poštu.
Dear Robert08,
I wanted to update you that I still haven't received a response from the casino regarding the additional information I requested. As soon as I have all the necessary details, I will inform you of any developments.
Thank you for your patience.
Dear Decode Casino,
I am extending the deadline for your response one last time. Please ensure that you reply to my email promptly.
Čekao sam ažuriranja od poslednje 4 nedelje i još uvek nisam dobio ništa. Imate li vremenski okvir za ovaj problem kada treba da očekujem rezultate od ovog problema.?
Očigledno nam neće dati informacije o tome šta se dogodilo jer su oni prevareni igrači i ne isplaćuju igračima dobitke, umesto toga drže novac i hrane svoje porodice! Žao mi je što kažem, ali to je ono što oni rade i nije fer za druge operatere onlajn kazina da imaju dobre namere prema svojim klijentima ne kao što je ovaj DECODE KAZINO NE TREBA DA IMAJU PRISTUP SA ONLINE OD NjIH DAJU LOŠU POZADINU ONLINE KAZINU!
I been waiting for an updates since last 4weeks and still haven’t gotten anything do you have any time frame for this issue when should I expect the results from this issue.?
Obviously they’re not going to give us information about what happened because they are scammed players and not paying players winnings instead they keep the money and feed to their families,! Sorry to say but that’s what they do and it’s not fair for the other online casino operators that they have good intentions to their customers not like this DECODE CASINO THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE ACCESS WITH THE ONLINE BY THEM THEY GIVE BAD BACKGROUND TO ONLINE CASINO!
Ne moj nalog nije zatvoren onog dana kada sam koristio ovaj kazino. Ali to više nije problem, problem sa ovim kazinom oni ne isplaćuju moje dobitke i prikupljaju identitet moj advokat želi da zna više informacija o ovome žele da vaš kontakt broj ili informacije napreduju sa ovim, molimo vas da komunicirate sa mojim advokatom o ovome situacija Plaćam ih da urade ono što treba da urade pa me obavestite molim vas
No my account has been closed the day I have used to this casino. But that’s not the issue anymore the problem with this casino they don’t pay my winnings and they collect identity my attorney wants to know more information about this they want your contact number or information to move forward with this please communicate with my attorney about this situation I’m paying them to do what should be done so let me know please
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