Igrač iz Nemačke prikupio je znatnu zaradu. Nažalost, zbog tehničke propuste, to nije ispoštovano. Naknadno je račun igrača bio blokiran. Regulator je na kraju odlučio u korist kockarnice, a žalbu smo odbili.
The player from Germany has accumulated substantial winnings. Unfortunately, due to a technical glitch, it wasn’t honored. Subsequently, the player’s account was blocked. The regulator eventually decided in favor of the casino and we rejected the complaint.
Igrač iz Nemačke prikupio je znatnu zaradu. Nažalost, zbog tehničke propuste, to nije ispoštovano. Naknadno je račun igrača bio blokiran. Regulator je na kraju odlučio u korist kockarnice, a žalbu smo odbili.
Iznos povlačenja 331000 € Kazino mi je blokirao račun, sad sam objavio da je na mom računu navodna greška, žao mi je što je novac prošao kratka verzija 🙂
Payout 331,000 € Casino locked my account now told was a bug in the alleged account money away sorry Summary 🙂
Auszahlungsbetrag 331000€ Casino sperrte mein Konto teilte nun mit war ein angeblicher Bug im Konto sorry Geld weg Kurzfassung 🙂
Dragi Dennis,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Molim vas da mi dostavite bilo koji dokaz? Zaista vam želimo pomoći da riješite ovu neugodnu situaciju, ali trebat će nam ili vaša povijest igara ili snimke zaslona koje prikazuju dobitak. Moja adresa e-pošte je petronela.k@casino.guru . Uz to, molim vas da odredite je li dobitak prikupljen iz redovne igre ili od dobitka džekpota? Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Dennis,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please could you forward me any supporting evidence? We really want to help you to resolve this unpleasant situation, but we will need either your game history or screenshots showing the win. My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru. Additionally, please could you specify if the winnings have been accumulated from a regular play or from a jackpot win? Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hvala puno Dennisu na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija putem e-maila. Sad ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem.
Thank you very much Dennis for providing all the necessary information via email. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Dennis,
Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i slike ekrana koje ste poslali. Ako sam dobro razumio, osvojili ste 138180 eura i 231025 eura igrajući dvije različite igre bez bonusa. Vaš je račun sada blokiran i traje istraga. Je li tako? Jeste li primili bilo kakvu e-poštu od kockarnice u kojoj se navodi zašto se protiv vašeg računa vrši istraga?
Hi Dennis,
I looked at your case and the screenshots you sent. If I understand correctly, you won €138180 and €231025 by playing two different games without a bonus. Your account is now blocked and there is an investigation going on. Is that correct? Have you received any email from the casino stating why your account is being investigated?
Pozdrav, kao što je već spomenuto, kazino je završio istragu! Zatvoreno je zbog pranja novca, a zatim je u kazinu rekao da je to greška u kasinu koju sam namerno iskoristio, jer se povlačenja koja sam otkazao udvostručuju, pa ste zaustavili i obrisali sva moja povlačenja
Hello, as already mentioned, the casino has finished the investigation! It was closed due to money laundering then the casino said it was a bug a bug in the casino that I had intentionally exploited because withdrawals that I canceled were doubled so you stopped and deleted all my withdrawals
Hallo wie bereits erwähnt hat das Casino die Untersuchungen abgeschlossen! Es wurde geschlossen aufgrund Geldwäsche dann meinte das Casino es handele sich um einen Bug einen Fehler im Casino den ich mit Absicht ausgenutzt hätte, denn Auszahlungen die ich storniert habe wurden verdoppelt somit haben Sie all meine Auszahlungen gestoppt und gelöscht
Uvjeravam vas da su na ovom kraju slučajevi rješavali nadležna odjeljenja. Postoje određene stvari o kojima se ne može raspravljati na javnom forumu, kako bi ostala privatnost svih strana. Hvala vam na razumijevanju.
Hi there,
I can assure you that this case has been handled by the relevant departments on our end.There are certain things that can not be discussed in a public forum in order to remain the privacy for all parties. Thank you for your understanding.
Da, naravno, ono što Dreamz.com kaže je glupost!
Mogu to reći! Položio sam / pobijedio / izgubio / osvojio skoro 300 eura u jednom danu
zatim 300 € kliknuli na povuci, a zatim izgubili i htjeli smo se ponovo igrati sa 300 €. Tada sam igrao za 2 € i također imao besplatne okrete itd. Za koje nisam znao da Dreamz.de ima BUG u svom SISTEMU (koji mi je obaviješten tek nakon zatvaranja računa) da su moje isplate koje sam otkazao nastavio igrati uvek udvostručen imao !!!
To mi nikad nije bilo očigledno otkad sam pitao službu za korisnike i rekli su da je sve u redu (screenshot)
zatim sam sve uplate kreditnom karticom preusmjerio na bankovni prijenos tako da sam morao otkazati tako da je bilo ukupno 331.000 € koji je bio spreman za plaćanje! Dreamz.de mi je uplatio skoro 12.000 eura na svoj bankovni račun, pa sam pomislio da je sve u redu! Ali nije !!
dreamz.com me optužuje da to radim namerno i sada od mene traži 19.000 eura za šta? Jer sam se igrao sa novcem koji nije bio moj! To nije istina! Nisam ništa napravio namerno nisam haker !!
Bila sam sa svojim advokatom koji mi je savjetovao da pronađem mirno rješenje. Napisao sam dreamz.com da se možemo dogovoriti oko 200.000 eura. Ostali su tvrdoglavi i rekli da sam ja kriva!
Dakle, ukratko o Dreamz.com-u nije pouzdan ako takav "bug" zapravo postoji zašto samo kod mene?
Zašto je bila ova buba? Zašto ste zatvorili moj račun a da me prethodno niste obavijestili? Zašto mi niste sve ovo prethodno rekli?
Hoću svoj novac! Inače ova stranica mora biti zatvorena kako bi zaštitili druge igrače! Tako zarađuju
Yes of course what Dreamz.com is saying is nonsense!
I can tell it! I deposited / won / lost / won almost € 300 in one day
then 300 € clicked on withdraw then lost and wanted to play with the 300 € again. Then I played for € 2 and also had free spins etc. which I did not know that Dreamz.de had a BUG in their SYSTEM (which was only communicated to me after the account was closed) that my payouts that I canceled to continue playing always doubled had!!!
This was never apparent to me at any time since I asked the customer service and they said everything was ok (screenshot)
then I redirected all payments by credit card to bank transfer so I had to cancel so there was a total of € 331,000 that was ready for payment! Dreamz.de paid me almost € 12,000 into my bank account so I thought it was all ok! But it wasn't !!
dreamz.com accuses me of doing this on purpose and now wants € 19,000 from me for what? Because I played with money that wasn't mine! That's not true! I didn't do anything on purpose I'm not a hacker !!
I was with my lawyer who advised me to find a peaceful solution. I wrote dreamz.com that we can agree on € 200,000. They stayed stubborn and said it was my fault!
So in short about Dreamz.com is not trustworthy if such a "bug" actually exists why only with me?
Why was this bug there? Why did you close my account without informing me beforehand? Why didn't you tell me all of this beforehand?
I want my money! Otherwise this page must be closed to protect other players! That's how they make money
Ja klar was hier Dreamz.com von sich gibt ist schwachsinn!
ich kann es ja erzählen! Ich habe eingezahlt knapp 300€ an einem Tag dann auch gewonnen/verloren/gewonnen
dann 300€ auf auszahlen geklickt dann verloren und wollte wieder mit den 300€ spielen. Dann habe ich auf 2€ gespielt und hatte auch freispiele etc was ich nicht wusste das Dreamz.de einen BUG hatte einen Fehler in DEREN SYSTEM (was mir erst nach Kontoschließung mitgeteilt wurde) das sich meine Auszahlungen die ich storniert habe um damit weiterzuspielen immer verdoppelt hatten!!!
Das war für mich zu keinem Zeitpunkt ersichtlich da ich dies beim Kundenservice angefragt hatte und diese meinten es sei alles ok (Screenshot)
dann habe ich alle Zahlungen per Kreditkarte auf Banküberweisung umgeleitet also musste ich stornieren somit kam eine Summe von 331000€ zusammen die zur Auszahlung bereit stand! Dreamz.de zahlte mir knapp 12000€ auf mein Bankkonto aus somit dachte ich es ist alles ok! War es aber nicht!!
dreamz.com beschuldigt mich dies mit Absicht getan zu haben und will nun 19000€ von mir wofür? Weil ich mit Geld spielte das nicht meins gewesen ist! Das stimmt nicht! Ich habe nichts mit Absicht getan ich bin kein Hacker!!
Ich war bei meinem Anwalt dieser riet mir eine friedliche Lösung zu finden ich schrieb dreamz.com wir können uns auf 200.000€ einigen diese blieben stur und sagen es sei meine schuld!
Also kurz um Dreamz.com ist nicht vertrauenswürdig wenn ein solcher „Bug" tatsächlich existiert wieso nur bei mir?
Wieso war dieser Bug da? Wieso schlossen Sie mein Konto ohne mich vorher zu informieren? Wieso haben Sie mir das alles nicht vorher gemeldet?
Ich möchte mein Geld! Ansonsten muss diese Seite zum Schutz anderer Spieler geschlossen werden! So machen die Geld
I to je čista istina! Ne razumijem kako takav BUG može nastati u kockarnici! Nešto nije u redu s tim? Tada tvrditi da je igrač namjerno učinio ovo je potpuno apsurdno! Svaki igrač zna da nastavljate sa igranjem i zatim otkazujete isplate spremljene na računu da biste nastavili igrati!
Ko kaže da postoji takav BUG? Da li se svi visoki "profiti" guraju na ovaj BUG osiguravanjem uvjeta i uslova tako da nema potrebe za isplatom?
Tada ste trebali obavijestiti igrača, a ne samo blokirati račun 10 dana! Apsolutno loše ponašanje! I zašto mi onda kazino prebacuje 12.000 eura? Tako sam smiren, zar ne?
And that's the pure truth! I do not understand how such a BUG can arise in a casino! There is something wrong with it right? Then claiming the player intentionally did this was totally absurd! Every player knows it you keep playing and then cancel the payouts that are stored in the account to continue playing!
Who says there is such a BUG? Are all high "profits" pushed onto this BUG by securing the terms and conditions so that there is no need to pay out?
Then you should have informed the player and not just blocked the account for 10 days! Absolutely bad behavior! And why then does the casino transfer € 12,000 to me? So I’m calm, right?
Und das ist die reine Wahrheit! Ich verstehe nicht wie ein solcher BUG in einem Casino entstehen kann! Da geht ja schoneinmal was nicht mit rechten Dingen zu oder? Dann zu behaupten der Spieler hätte dies mit Absicht gemacht total absurd! Jeder Spieler kennt es man spielt immer weiter und storniert dann die Auszahlungen die im Konto hinterlegt sind um weiter zu spielen!
Wer sagt überhaupt das es einen solchen BUG giebt? Werden hier durch Sicherung der AGBs alle hohen „Gewinne" auf diesen BUG geschoben damit nicht ausgezahlt werden muss?
Dann hätte man den Spieler informieren müssen und nicht einfach das Konto sperren für 10 Tage! Ein absolut schlechtes Verhalten! Und wieso überweist mir das Casino dann 12000€? Damit ich ruhig bin oder?
Želio bih zamoliti Dreamz Casino da mi pošalje privatni e-mail (peter.m@casino.guru) s objašnjenjem i dokazima ako ne želite javno razgovarati o tom pitanju. Mogu čak zatražiti od igrača da potpiše punomoć i da vam to predočim ako je potrebno.
I would like to ask the Dreamz Casino to send me a private email (peter.m@casino.guru) with an explanation and evidence if you don't want to discuss the issue publicly. I can even ask the player to sign a power of attorney and provide this to you if necessary.
Bok Dennis, ne, još nije bilo odgovora. Željeli bismo zamoliti Casino Dreamz da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati "neriješen" što može negativno utjecati na njegovu ocjenu.
Hi Dennis, no, there was no response yet. We would like to ask the Dreamz Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zašto dobijaju još 7 dana? To je obraz! Jasno je šta ovdje radi Dreamz.com! Odgovori nemaju nikakvo objašnjenje koje bi poticalo celu pobedu na BUG! Hoću svoj novac!
Dreamz.com je sada imao više od 10 dana za komentare i sve što se ovdje dogodilo "Dobivaju još 7 dana" inače loša ocjena?!?!
Odmah sam vam poslao sve dokaze da zaštitim kupce i igrače! To ne može biti istina ?!
Ovo je puno novca! Definitivno im treba više od 10 dana da smisle još jednu laž!
kako mogu dobiti svoj novac
Why do they get another 7 days? That is a cheek! It's clear what Dreamz.com is doing here! The answers don't have any explanation pushing the whole win onto a BUG! I want my money!
Dreamz.com now had over 10 days to comment and everything that happened here "They get another 7 days" otherwise a bad rating?!?!
I immediately sent all the evidence to you to protect customers and players! This can not be true?!
This is a lot of money! They definitely need over 10 days to invent another lie!
how do i get my money
Wieso erhalten die nocheinmal 7 Tage? Das ist eine Frechheit! Es ist doch klar was Dreamz.com hier veranstaltet! Die Antworten nicht haben keine Erklärung schieben den ganzen Gewinn auf einen BUG! Ich möchte mein Geld haben!
Dreamz.com hatte jetzt über 10 Tage Zeit sich zu äußern und alles was hier passiert ist „Die bekommen nochmal 7 Tage" ansonsten eine schlechte Bewertung?!?!
Ich habe alle Beweise sofort an euch gesendet um Kunden bzw. Spieler zu schützen! Das kann nicht wahr sein?!
Es geht hier um eine Menge Geld! Bestimmt brauchen die über 10 Tage um eine weitere Lüge zu erfinden!
wie bekomme ich mein Geld?
Da, jednostavno bi trebali priznati da je bila njihova greška i prihvatiti moju ponudu od 331 000 eura i prenijeti mi 100 000 eura naknade !!! Tada smo gotovi! Ali reći da je to greška koju sam očito koristio je glupost !!! Casino laže i vara i neću dopustiti da mi se to dogodi! To nije moja krivica! To je bio moj novac !! Ne mogu to jednostavno uzeti od mene !!! To traje predugo i ne vidite reakciju! I sve laži !!!
Kazino se mora izbrisati! Apsolutno za zaštitu ostalih igrača!
Ali prije toga želim vidjeti novac, u protivnom se okrećem policiji i odvjetnicima!
Yes, they should simply admit that it was their mistake and accept my offer from the € 331,000 and transfer me € 100,000 in compensation !!! Then we're done! But to say it is a bug that I obviously used is nonsense !!! The casino lies and cheats and I won't let that happen to me! It's not my fault! It was my money !! They can't just take it from me !!! This takes too long and you see no reaction! And all lies !!!
The casino must be deleted! Absolutely to protect other players!
But before that I want to see money, otherwise I turn on the police and lawyers!
Ja die sollen einfach zugeben das es deren Fehler war und mir von den 331000€ mein Angebot annehmen und mir 100.000€ Entschädigung überweisen!!! Dann sind wir die Sache los! Aber hier zu behaupten es sei ein Bug den ich offensichtlich benutzt habe ist schwachsinn!!! Das Casino lügt und betrügt und das lasse ich nicht mit mir machen! Es ist deren schuld nicht meine! Es war mein Geld!! Die können es mir nicht einfach nehmen!!! Das zieht sich zulange hin und sie sehen ja keine Reaktion! Und alles Lügen!!!
Das Casino muss gelöscht werden! Unbedingt um andere Spieler zu schützen!
Aber vorher will ich Geld sehen sonst schalte ich die Polizei und Anwälte ein!
Ja kao ozbiljan kazino operater ne mogu kriviti kupca i reći da ste krivi što imate toliko novca na računu igrača!
Ako se Iphone nudi u internetskoj trgovini umjesto 1000 € za 1 €, mogu ga i kupiti !!!
Casino je pogriješio, definitivno je njihova greška toga što nisam bio svjestan! Prema advokatu, novac je moj. Casino ne želi mirno rješenje, ali blokira moj račun i ovdje uopće ne odgovara!
Dao sam svoj iskaz ili ne? Zašto kazino dobija toliko vremena? Jasno je prevara, jedini koji ovdje piše ja sam! Otkad imam dokaze
Želio bih da se stvar riješi za 24 sata ili je barem 100.000 eura koje sam ponudio na svom računu
I as a serious casino operator can not blame the customer and say your fault that you have so much money in the player account!
If an Iphone is offered in an online shop instead of 1000 € for 1 € I can also buy it !!!
The casino made a mistake, it is definitely their mistake that I was not aware of! According to the lawyer, the money is mine. The casino does not want a peaceful solution but blocks my account and does not even answer here!
I gave my evidence or not? Why does the casino get so much time? It is clearly fraud the only one who writes here is me! Since I have evidence
I would like the matter to be resolved in 24 hours or at least the € 100,000 I have offered is in my account
Ich als seriöser Casinobetreiber kann doch nicht dem Kunden die Schuld geben und sagen ja deine Schuld das du soviel Geld auf dem Spielerkonto hast!
Wenn in einem Onlinshop ein Iphone anstatt für 1000€ für 1€ angeboten wird kann ich es auch kaufen!!!
Das Casino hat einen Fehler gemacht hier handelt es sich definitiv um deren Fehler der mir nicht bekannt war! Das Geld steht mir laut Anwalt zu eine friedliche Lösung will das Casino ja nicht sondern sperrt meinen Account und Antwortet nichtmal hier!
Ich habe meine Beweise abgegeben oder nicht? Wieso erhält das Casino noch soviel Zeit? Es ist eindeutig Betrug der einzige der hier schreibt bin ich! Da ich Beweise habe
Ich möchte das die Sache in 24 Stunden geklärt ist oder zumindest meine angebotenen 100.000€ auf meinem Konto sind
Mozes li vidjeti? Nema povratnih informacija, žao mi je što to možete učiniti
Casino ne više od 7 dana daje odgovore samo sa lažima! A ti prijeti lošom ocjenom? Tužno mi je casino sa ovim rasprodajama dnevno! Morate učiniti puno više poput povlačenja dozvola, blokade na godinu dana itd. Oprostite ovo je oko 331,000 € što nije malo novca! Bez obzira da li je to bila greška po njih! Bilo mi je dostupno za plaćanje! Nije važno je li to bila greška, ne događa se takvo što u uglednom kazinu!
Kazino Dreamz jednostavno to mora podnijeti! Ne mogu reći da ako izgubim novac oh to je bio BUG Izgubio sam 100 €! Danas bih želeo odgovor
Can you see it? No feedback so sorry you can do that
Casino no more than 7 days only give the answers with lies! And you threaten a bad rating? I find it sad a casino with these sales per day! You have to do a lot more like withdrawing licenses, blocking for one year etc. sorry this is about 331,000 € that is not little money! No matter if it was a mistake by them! It was available to me for payment! It doesn't matter if it was a bug, no such thing happens in a reputable casino!
The Dreamz Casino just has to stand for that! I can't say if I lose money oh that was a BUG I lost 100 €! I would like an answer today, please
Sehen Sie? Noch keinerlei Feedback also sorry man kann doch dem
Casino keine 7 Tage mehr geben die Antworten nur mit Lügen! Und Sie drohen mit einer schlechten Bewertung? Ich finde es traurig ein Casino mit diesen Umsätzen am Tag! Man muss hier viel mehr machen wie Lizenzen entziehen für ein Jahr sperren usw. sorry hier geht es um 331.000€ das ist nicht wenig Geld! Egal ob es ein Fehler von denen war! Es stand mir zur Auszahlung verfügbar! Es ist egal ob es ein Bug war in keinem seriösen Casino passiert so etwas!
Das Dreamz Casino muss dafür gerade stehen! Ich kann ja auch nicht behaupten wenn ich Geld verliere oh das war ein BUG ich habe 100€ verloren! Ich möchte heute noch eine Antwort bitte
Sad mi je dosta! Ovdje ništa ne ide, nijedan odgovor s obje strane! Ovdje je Dreamz.com zaštićen Glavna stvar je da kockarnice stalno varaju! Ovdje šaljem screenshot, tako da ga mogu vidjeti svi igrači koji su zainteresirani! Obrazac kazina ne komentira blokiranje računa igrača! Nema razloga da spominjete i onda sve stavljate na BUGU! Kazino kaže (kao što je gore spomenuto) jer sam otkazao povlačenje, novac se uvijek duplirao, da? Moja krivica ne! Jesam li znao ne! Možete vidjeti totalno sretan i misliti da je džekpot ispucan! Dreamz.com je toliko kukavički i zaključava račun briše transfere i dobro kaže u Agbs-u kako piše!
moje ponude nisu primljene, celokupni kredit je otkazan itd.
Ovdje nijedan igrač ne bi trebao igrati jer se ne isplaćuju visoke dobitke!
It is enough for me now! Nothing goes here no answer from either side! Here Dreamz.com is protected The main thing is that the casinos keep on cheating! I am sending a screenshot here so all players who are interested can see it! It is a cheek of the casino not to comment on blocking a player account! No reasons to mention and then to put everything on a BUG! The casino says (as mentioned above) because I canceled my withdrawals the money was always doubled, yes? My fault No! Did i know No! You can see the total happy and think jackpot cracked! Dreamz.com is so cowardly and locks the account deletes the transfers and says well in the Agbs it says!
my offers were not received, the entire credit was canceled, etc.
No player should play here because high winnings are not paid out!
Mir reicht es nun! Hier geht ja auch nichts keine Antwort von keinem der Seiten! Hier wird Dreamz.com in Schutz genommen Hauptsache die Casinos laufen weiter und betrügen! Ich sende hier einen Screenshot damit alle Spieler die es interessiert es sehen können! Es ist eine Frechheit vom Casino sich nicht zu äußern ein Spielerkonto zu sperren! Keine Gründe zu nennen und dann alles auf einen BUG zu schieben! Das Casino sagt (wie oben genannt) weil ich meine Auszahlungen storniert habe wurde das Geld immer verdoppelt, ja und? Meine Schuld? Nein! Wusste ich das? Nein! Man sieht die Summe freut sich und denkt Jackpot geknackt! Dreamz.com ist dann so feige und Sperrt das Konto löscht die überweisungen und sagt tja in den Agbs steht das drin!
auf meine Angebote wurde nicht eingegangen das gesamte Guthaben wurde storniert gelöscht etc.
Kein Spieler sollte hier spielen da hohe gewinne nicht ausgezahlt werden!
Zdravo Dennis,
Kao što sam već spomenuo, Skype sam privatno kontaktirao kockarnicu, ali sam obaviješten da neće dalje raspravljati o tom pitanju. To je vrsta zaštitnog mehanizma tako da to niko u budućnosti ne pokušava učiniti. Ne znam kako se tačno situacija dogodila, ali kazino (kao i mnogi drugi) u General T & C-ima ima sljedeće izraze:
11.1 Sljedeće aktivnosti nisu dozvoljene i predstavljaju značajno kršenje ovih Uvjeta:
11.1.1 Pregovaranje sa trećim stranama;
11.1.2 Korištenje nepravedne prednosti ili utjecaja (obično poznatog kao varanje), uključujući iskorištavanje greške, rupe ili pogreške u našem softveru , upotrebu automatiziranih igrača (ponekad poznatih i kao „botovi");
11.1.3 Poduzimanje lažnih ili ilegalnih aktivnosti, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na upotrebu ukradene, klonirane ili na drugi način neovlaštene kreditne ili debitne kartice, kao izvor sredstava;
11.1.4. Učestvovanje u bilo kakvim kriminalnim aktivnostima, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na, pranje novca;
11.1.5 Prenos sredstava sa računa igrača na drugi; i / ili
11.1.6 Provođenje prevare s računom, upotreba duplikata računa, manipulacija našim softverom ili web stranicom, iskorištavanje rupa ili drugih tehničkih oblika zloupotrebe ili drugo ponašanje koje predstavlja namjerno varanje.
11.2 Poduzećemo sve razumne korake da sprečimo takve aktivnosti; otkriti ih i osigurati da se na odgovarajuće igrače postupa na odgovarajući način. Možemo prijaviti znanje ili sumnju na prekršaj nadležnim vlastima, možemo ukinuti igru, suspendirati ili zatvoriti vaš račun igrača, oduzeti vaše dobitke i bilo koje bonus fondove (koje će vam oduzeti), a u određenim slučajevima u ispunjenju naše regulatorne i zakonske obaveze blokiraju pristup svim fondovima dok nas ne upute kako postupiti vlasti. Nećemo biti odgovorni za bilo kakav gubitak ili štetu koju vi ili bilo koji drugi igrač možete pretrpjeti kao rezultat bilo kojeg ponašanja opisanog u stavku 11.1 gore, i bilo koje radnje koje poduzmemo u vezi s tim bit će po našem vlastitom nahođenju. "
Zbog toga vjerujem da će vam biti teško pobijediti u tom argumentu. Takođe sam obavešten da ste podneli žalbu MGA. Budući da kazino neće razgovarati o ovom pitanju s nama, morat ćemo pričekati odluku regulatora. Javite mi o rezultatu (peter.m@casino.guru). Žalba će ostati neriješena dok to ne učinite. Želim vam puno sreće i radujem se što ću se uskoro javiti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello Dennis,
As I mentioned before, I contacted the casino privately by Skype, but I was informed they will not discuss the issue further. It is kind of a protection mechanism so that nobody else tries to do the same in the future. I don't know how exactly this situation occurred, but the casino (as many others) has the following terms in the General T&Cs:
11.1 The following activities are not permitted and constitute a material breach of these Terms:
11.1.1 Colluding with third parties;
11.1.2 Using unfair advantage or influence (commonly known as cheating), including the exploitation of a fault, loophole or error in our software, the use of automated players (sometimes known as 'bots');
11.1.3 Undertaking fraudulent or illegal activities, including but not limited to the use of a stolen, cloned or otherwise unauthorised credit or debit card, as a source of funds;
11.1.4 Taking part in any criminal activities including, but not limited to, money laundering;
11.1.5 Transferring of funds from one player account to another; and/or
11.1.6 Conducting account fraud, use of Duplicate Accounts, manipulation of our software or Website, exploitation of loopholes or other technical forms of abuse or other behaviour which amounts to deliberate cheating.
11.2 We will take all reasonable steps to prevent such activities; detect them and ensure that the relevant players are dealt with appropriately. We may report knowledge or suspicion of an offence to the relevant authorities, we may terminate a game, suspend or close Your Player Account, confiscate your Winnings and any Bonus Funds (which shall be forfeited by you) and in certain cases, in fulfilment of our regulatory and legal obligations, block access to All Funds until we are directed on how to proceed by the authorities. We will not be liable for any loss or damage which you or any other player may incur as a result of any of the behaviour outlined in paragraph 11.1 above and any action we take in respect of the same will be at our sole discretion."
This is why I believe it will be difficult for you to win this argument. I was also informed you submitted a complaint with the MGA. Since the casino won't discuss this issue with us, we will have to wait for the regulator's decision. Please let me know about the result (peter.m@casino.guru). The complaint will remain unresolved until you do so. I wish you good luck and I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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