Moj problem je počeo sa ovim kazinom kada sam dobio dobitak, oko 20.000 evra, oni ograničavaju iznos povlačenja koji plaćaju svake nedelje, iako oglašavaju isplatu od 2500 evra nedeljno, plaćaju mi manje od 100 evra nedeljno, oni kažu da je ovo pomenuto u njihovim uslovima, ali nema ništa osim nejasne napomene o podeljenim plaćanjima bez dodatnih informacija, izgleda da bi mogli da odluče da vas ograniče na 5 evra nedeljno ako žele, kažu da je to povezano sa klasom igrača, ali Uložio sam oko 2500 € u ovaj kazino i uspeo sam da podignem manje od toga do sada tokom mnogo meseci pokušaja.
Evo istorije mojih poslednjih nekoliko zahteva za plaćanje:
Traženo 2500 € 1/6 - 200 € plaćeno 7/6
Traženo 2500 € 6. 7. - 200 € plaćeno 14. 6
Traženo 2500 € 14/6 - bez plaćanja nakon 11 dana
Poslao sam im e-poštu 8/6:
„200 evra nedeljno? ozbiljno?
Zar ne postoji način da ovo ubrzamo?"
Njihov odgovor 14/6:
„Želeo bih da vas uverim da prihvatamo vašu frustraciju. Međutim, u skladu sa našim uslovima i odredbama, imamo određene smernice za isplate, koje mogu uključivati podelu iznosa na manje jedinice. Ovo se radi kako bi se obezbedila usklađenost sa regulatornim zahteva i održavanje integriteta naših usluga, proces može da varira u zavisnosti od nekoliko faktora, uključujući klasu vašeg igrača i aktivnost depozita."
Moj odgovor 15/6:
„Molim vas, recite mi preciznije kako je isplata samo 200 evra nedeljno umesto vaših oglašenih 2500 evra iz „razloga usklađenosti sa propisima".
U stvari, nemoj da se mučiš, jer znam da ne možeš jer je to glupost – razlog zašto to radiš, oboje znamo, je zato što želiš da tvoji igrači izgube svoje dobitke.
I klasa igrača - gde je to definisano u vašim terminima, btv? Ja sam deponovao preko 2500 € kod vas, vi kažete da me to stavlja samo u klasu igrača koja može da podigne 200 € nedeljno? Pusti me.
Dakle, evo šta će se dogoditi:
Zatvorićete moj nalog tako da ne mogu da igram svoje dobitke i da ih izgubim, podesićete redovan plan plaćanja RAZUMNOG iznosa nedeljno. Imam 20.802 evra na računu i 24.447 komp poena za koje očekujem da ću dobiti nadoknadu.
Obavestićete me u roku od 24 sata o tome za koji plan plaćanja ste se odlučili. Otvoren sam i za paušalnu isplatu manjeg ukupnog iznosa.
Ako ne, odneću ga svakoj službi za žalbe, pregled i arbitražu koja je dostupna.
Ne možete se izvući reklamiranjem određene stope isplate, a zatim plaćanjem manje od 1/12 te stope, i očekivati da će neko to podneti i čekati više od dve godine da izvršite skromnu isplatu."
Njihov odgovor 19/6:
„Zdravo, povećaćemo iznos uplate za vaše sledeće povlačenje. Međutim, prema našim uslovima i odredbama, imamo određene smernice za isplate, koje mogu uključivati podelu iznosa na manje jedinice."
Međutim, uprkos tome, u poslednjih 11 dana nije izvršena nijedna uplata. To možete videti na priloženom snimku ekrana.
Ovo je bilo užasno stresno jer znam da samo žele da vratim novac i izgubim ga, a potreba da se stalno prijavljujem i jurim za malim uplatama je osmišljena da frustrira igrača i natera ih da urade upravo to.
Zamolio sam ih da zatvore moj nalog kako ne bih izgubio dobitak, oni su ignorisali taj zahtev, zamolio sam ih da postave razuman plan plaćanja, i to su ignorisali.
Imam vrlo malo poverenja u ovaj kazino i iznenađen sam što ovde imaju tako visok rejting.
Moji željeni rezultati, po redosledu preferencija bi bili:
A.) Zatvaraju moj nalog i plaćaju mi 2500 €/nedeljno koje oglašavaju kao iznos svoje uplate redovno, a da ih ne jurim svake nedelje
B.) Gore navedeno, bez zatvaranja računa
C.) Oni plaćaju paušal i završite sa tim, prihvatio bih manji iznos od mog ukupnog stanja i komp poena samo da bih preterao sa njima.
Veoma sam zahvalan za svaku pomoć koju možete da mi pružite.
Hvala vam
My problem started with this casino when I had a win, around €20,000, they limit the withdrawal amount they pay each week, although they advertise a payout figure of €2500 a week, they are paying me less than €100 a week, they say this is mentioned in their terms, but there is nothing but a vague note about split payments with no further information, it seems they could decide to limit you to €5 a week if they wanted, they say it is related to player class but I have deposited about €2500 with this casino and managed to withdraw less than that so far over many months trying.
Here is the history of my last few payment requests:
Requested €2500 on 1/6 - €200 paid on 7/6
Requested €2500 on 7/6 - €200 paid on 14/6
Requested €2500 on 14/6 - no payment after 11 days
I have emailed them on 8/6:
"200 euro a week? seriously?
Is there no way we can speed this up?"
Their reply 14/6:
"I'd like to assure you that we acknowledge your frustration. However, as per our terms and conditions, we have certain guidelines in place for cashouts, which may involve dividing the amount into smaller units. This is done to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to maintain the integrity of our services. The process can vary depending on several factors, including your player class and deposit activity."
My reply 15/6:
"Please tell me more specifically how paying out only €200 a week instead of your advertised €2500 is for "Regulatory compliance reasons".
Actually don't bother, because I know you can't because it's nonsense- the reason you do it, we both know, is because you want your players to lose back their winnings.
And player class - where is that defined in your terms, btw? I have deposited over €2500 with you, you are saying that only puts me in a player class capable of withdrawing €200 a week? Give me a break.
So here is what is going to happen:
You are going to close my account so that I cannot play back my winnings and lose them, you are going to setup a regular payment plan of a REASONABLE amount per week. I have €20802 in my balance and 24,447 comp points I expect to be compensated for.
You will notify me within 24 hours of what payment plan you have decided upon. I am open to a lump sum payment of a smaller total amount also.
If not I will take it to every complaint, review and arbitration service there is available.
You can not get away with advertising a certain payout rate and then paying less than 1/12th of that rate, and expect someone to put up with it and wait over two years for you to make a modest payout."
Their reply 19/6:
"Hi, we will increase the payment amount for your next withdrawal. However, as per our terms and conditions, we have certain guidelines in place for cashouts, which may involve dividing the amount into smaller units."
However despite that, there has been no payment made in the last 11 days. You can see that in the attached screenshot.
This has been horribly stressful because I know they just want me to play the money back and lose it, and having to log in all the time and chase tiny little payments is designed to frustrate the player and make them do just that.
I have asked them to close my account so I don't lose the winnings, they have ignored that request, I have asked them to setup a reasonable payment plan, they have ignored that also.
I have very little faith in this casino and am surprised they have such a high rating here.
My preferred outcomes, in order of preference would be:
A.) They close my account and pay me the €2500/w they advertise as their payment amount regularly without me chasing them every week
B.) The above, without closing the account
C.) They pay a lump sum and be done with it, I would accept a smaller amount than my total balance and comp points just to be over dealing with them.
I am very grateful for any help you can provide.
Thank you
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