Igrao sam malo ove godine, i tu i tamo sam osvojio iznose, verovatno malo u plusu. Podigao sam nešto novca tokom prošle godine, a pre neki dan sam osvojio nešto više i ostao mi je oko 10.000 nok na računu. Tražio sam da povučem sredstva i odobreno je putem e-pošte prošlog petka.
danas sam pokušao da se prijavim i dobio sam poruku u kojoj je pisalo da sam blokiran. Nema više informacija. Razgovarao sam sa timom za podršku putem ćaskanja, i niko nije mogao da mi da više informacija, osim poslednjeg sa kojim sam razgovarao i koji je rekao da imam duple naloge. Tražio sam dokumentaciju, ali sve što sam mogao da uradim je da im verujem. Imam samo jednu e-poštu i sigurno nisam otvorio drugi nalog. Moj nalog ima visok nivo i redovno ga koristim. Nisam dobio nikakav dokaz, osim onoga što izgleda kao Moje ime u adresi e-pošte, ali od drugog provajdera pošte. I potvrdili su da je jedini od dva naloga koji su verifikovani onaj koji redovno koristim. Imam opciju da deblokiram nalog, samo ako poništim svoj bilans, sa čime se ne slažem. Molim vas pomozite
i have been playing a little bit this year, and have won amounts here and there, probably a bit on the plus side. I have withdrawn a bit of money over the last year, and the other day I won a little more and was left with about 10,000nok in My balance. I asked to withdraw the funds and it was approved via email last friday.
today i tried to log in, and was met with a message that said i was blocked. No more info. I talked to the support team via chat, and no one could give me more info, except for the last one i talked to that said i had duplicate accounts. I asked for documentation, But all i could do was to trust them. I have only one email, and i have most certainly not created another account. My account has a high level, and i use it on a regular basis. I got no proof, other than what looks like My name in an email adress, But from a different Mail provider. And they confirmed that the only of the two accounts that Are verified is the one i use on a regular basis. I got an option to unblock the account, only if i void My balance, which i dont agree with. Please help
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