NaslovnaPritužbeManhattan Slots Casino - Igrač zahteva povraćaj novca nakon zatvaranja naloga zbog zavisnosti od kockanja.
Manhattan Slots Casino - Igrač zahteva povraćaj novca nakon zatvaranja naloga zbog zavisnosti od kockanja.
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6.000 $
Manhattan Slots Casino
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Washington disclosed a gambling addiction and mental health issues to the casino, asking them to close her account, but the casino instead offered bonuses and delayed the closure. Eventually, she lost over $6,000 after reopening her account. Despite multiple requests for self-exclusion and refunds, the casino denied any wrongdoing, stating they had followed proper procedures. We at Casino.Guru firmly believed the account should not have been reopened and recommended the player contact the Curacao Gaming Authority for further assistance. The complaint was marked as unresolved.
Igračica iz Vašingtona je kazinu otkrila zavisnost od kockanja i probleme sa mentalnim zdravljem, tražeći od njih da zatvore njen nalog, ali je kazino umesto toga ponudio bonuse i odložio zatvaranje. Na kraju je izgubila preko 6.000 dolara nakon što je ponovo otvorila svoj račun. Uprkos višestrukim zahtevima za samoisključivanje i povraćaj novca, kazino je negirao bilo kakvu nepravdu, navodeći da su sledili odgovarajuće procedure. Mi u Casino.Guru-u smo čvrsto verovali da nalog nije trebalo ponovo da se otvara i preporučili smo igraču da kontaktira Upravu za igre na sreću Curacao za dalju pomoć. Žalba je označena kao nerešena.
Ne mogu da verujem koliko je visoka ograda ovog kazina. Skoro da mislim da oni plaćaju ovaj forum. Gotovo svuda su na crnoj listi.
Ukratko, igrao sam sa ovim kazinom više od dve godine. Dijagnostikovan mi je OKP sa kompulzivnim poremećajem kockanja. Imam papire da to dokažem. Razvio sam problem sa kockanjem na mreži i otkrio sam ovo sa slotovima na Menhetnu 2022., tražeći da mi zatvore račun i blokiraju me kako ne bih mogao da uplatim depozit. Rekao sam im da sam samoubilački i da IMAM OKP sa problemom kockanja . Umesto toga, ponudili su mi bonus čip i trebalo je više od nedelju dana da zatvorim nalog. Tokom ove nedelje poslao sam im nekoliko e-poruka da ih podsetim da zatvore moj nalog, jer očigledno vam nije dozvoljeno da izvršite takvu radnju putem ćaskanja. Kada su to konačno uradili, mogao sam da dam otkaz na neko vreme i lako otvorim svoj nalog i povećam svoj limit koji je bio na mestu kad god sam želeo. Nedavno nakon što sam prestao na nekoliko meseci, bio sam pod velikim stresom i igrao sam tamo. Deponovao sam jedan po jedan bez zaustavljanja depozita od 100 dolara, sve dok više od 6.000 nije nestalo. Nisam mogao da se zaustavim, (a oni od vas koji ne razumeju, to je impuls koji ljudi koji imaju zavisnost ne mogu da kontrolišu. Ponekad se kockamo da bismo pobegli od stresa, krivice, anksioznosti i drugih razloga, ali to samo stvara više.) . u svakom slučaju nisam mogao da prestanem dok nije nestao. Depoziti od 100 dolara uzastopno, sve dok više od 6.000 dolara nije nestalo. možda je bilo i više. Nijedanput nisu znali za moje probleme sa mentalnim zdravljem i zavisnost od kockanja, a da ne pominjemo da su mi lako dozvolili da se vratim nakon samoisključenja, nisu ništa uradili da intervenišu, niti su sprečili da se pojave moji depoziti. Povezao sam se sa blagajnikom u ćaskanju i podsetio ga na svoju zavisnost i OKP i da sam bio toliko uznemiren da sam stalno gubio. Blagajnik je pokušao da se poveže tako što je rekao da njegova žena ima isti poremećaj i ponudio mi je besplatan čip. Izgubio sam. U stvari, od svog tog novca i bonusa koje sam prihvatio, došao sam samo preko 1,000 2k i nigde više od toga. Još jedna stvar sa mojim kompulzivnim poremećajem, ja ne isplaćujem novac. Siguran sam da ste se pitali ili pomislili da se kladite da ne bih želeo povraćaj novca da sam pobedio, ali to je problem. Čak i da sam pobeđivao, ne mogu da se kontrolišem kada se kockam, a kada vam ovo kažem, mislim da ZAISTA NE MOGU DA KONTROLISAM svoje impulse kada se kockam. TAKO DA ne prestajem dok ne izgubim sve. Što me dovodi do još jedne tačke. Definitivno su nameštali svoje slot igre jer od svog tog novca, a ja sam samo dva puta došao blizu 1,000 u istoj sednici, dok je išao na dole i gore i dole na nulu. Svi ostali puti dok sam igrao moj depozit je bio usisan tako brzo da nisam imao priliku da dobijem. Ali su znali da će Ind nastaviti da deponuje. Dobio sam celu svoju igru da to dokažem.
Bio sam histeričan u ovom trenutku i ušao sam u ćaskanje objašnjavajući svoju situaciju kada je sve došlo do stvarnosti, i sav strah od toga da samo potrošim svoju poresku prijavu za novac za iznajmljivanje i uplatu automobila za manje od 48 sati na ništa zaista ne utiče ti ali ne do posle. Imam troje dece, jedno ima ADHD, a jedno ASD nivo 2 sa polnom disforijom. Ja sam samohrana majka pa ponekad tražim bekstvo i, nažalost, izabrala sam kockanje da to uradim. Još je teže doći do toga da nakon gubitka svega moram da se suočim sa svojom decom bez novca. Sada sam u situaciji da nemam automobila da stignem na posao, niti novca da platim prošlih meseci i ovog meseca kiriju. Kada sam podsetio Voltera u ćaskanju da su moji impulsi preuzeli i da nisam hteo sve da izgubim i kada sam pitao zašto me nisu zaključali da zaustavim moje depozite da me pitaju da li sam dobro, sve što je uradio je da mi je ponudio još jedan besplatni čip za nastavak igre. Zatvorio sam ćaskanje i dobio nekog drugog tog puta, i jedva sam mogao da otkucam da se tako jako tresem. Molio sam ga da me lično pozove i da mi treba delimičan povraćaj novca. Samo sam tražio pomoć da dođem do kompromisa da mi vrati manje od polovine mojih depozita kao povraćaj, a ne kao bonus. Ponuđen mi je ponovo bonus. Ponovo sam im objasnio šta tražim i jp osoba na ćaskanju je pristala da me nazove. Bio sam histeričan telefonom, rekao je da će eskalirati moj zahtev za povraćaj novca blagajnama, a ja sam morao da čekam. Čekao sam i ništa. Više puta sam kontaktirao putem ćaskanja i putem e-pošte, savetujući ih da nisu uspeli da upravljaju svojim kazinom zabrinuti za problematične kockare, da nisu uspeli da nametnu ograničenja i ograničenja, nisu uspeli da priznaju moje mentalno zdravlje i poremećaj zavisnosti od kockanja i nisu uspeli da se pozabave znakovima i simptome i preduzmite odgovarajuće mere predostrožnosti da zaštitite problematične kockare. umesto toga, ponudili su mi bonuse, uzeli moj novac i ignorisali moj zahtev za čak i delimičan povraćaj i samo su mi rekli da su mi, zato što sam to tražio, ponovo otvorili moj nalog, jer sam to tražio od njih, uklonili su moje limite sa mog naloga. Naravno da sam ih zamolio, imam kompulzivni poremećaj! Blokirali su me i ništa mi ne igraju
I can't believe how high the railing on this casino is. It almost makes me think they are paying this forum. They are blacklisted almost everywhere else.
Long story short, I have played with this casino for over two years. I Am diagnosed O.C.D. with compulsive gambling disorder. I have paperwork to prove it. I developed an online gambling problem and disclosed this with Manhattan slots in 2022, asking for them to close my account and block me so I couldn't make a deposit I told them that I was suicidal, and that I HAVE OCD with a gambling problem. They offered me a bonus chip instead, and took over a week to close my account. During this week i sent them several emails to remind them to close my account since apparently you're not allowed to complete such action through chat. When they finally did, I was able to quit for a while and easily open my account and up my limit that was in place any time I wanted to. Just recently after quitting for a few months, I got really stressed out and played there. I deposited back to back without stopping $100 deposits one at a time, until over 6,000 was gone. I couldn't stop, (and those of you who don't understand, it's an impulse that people that have the addiction cannot control. Sometimes we gamble to escape stress, guilt, anxiety, and other reason but it just creates more.). anyway I couldn't stop until it was gone. $100 deposits back to back consecutively, until over $6,000 was gone. it might even have been more. Not once knowing my mental health issues and gambling addiction, not to mention easily allowing me to come back after self excluding, they did not do anything to intervene, nor did they stop my deposits from occurring. I connected to a cashier in chat, and reminded him of my addiction, and OCD and that I was so upset that I kept losing. The cashier tried to relate by saying his wife had same disorder, and offered me a free chip. I lost. In fact out of all that money and the bonuses i accepted, I only came up just barely over 1,000 2x and not anywhere close after that. Another thing with my compulsive disorder, I don't cashout. I am sure you were wondering or thinking that you bet I wouldn't have wanted a refund if I were to win, but that's the problem. Even if I was winning, I can't control myself when gambling, and when I tell you this, I mean I REALLY CANNOT CONTROL my impulses when gambling. SO I don't stop until i lose it all. Which brings me to another point. They definitely have rigged their slot games because out of all that money and I only came close to 1,000 twice in the same sitting, as it went up down and up and down again to zero. All the other times that I played my deposit got sucked up so quick not even a chance to win. But they knew Inwould keep depositing . I have my entire game play sent to me to prove it.
I was hysterical at this point, and went in to chat explaining my situation when everything reality hit, and all the dread of just spending my tax return for my rent money and car down payment in less than 48 hours on nothing really takes a toll on you but not till after. I have 3 kids one has ADHD AND one has ASD level 2 with gender dysphoria. i am a single mom so i sometimes look for an escape and unfortunately chose gambling to do so. It's even harder to come to after losing everything to have to face my kids with no money. Now I am in a situation with no car to get to work, or money to pay last months and this months rent. When I reminded Walter in chat that My impulses took over and I didn't mean to lose everything and when I asked why they didn't lock me out of stop my deposits to ask me if I was ok , all he did was offer me another free chip to keep playing. I closed chat and got someone else that time, and i could barely type I was shaking so bad. I begged for him to call me personally and that I needed a partial refund. I just asked for help to come to a compromise to give me less than half of my deposits back as a refund not a bonus. I was offered a bonus again. I explained to them again what I was requesting and jp the person on chat had agreed to call me I was hysterical on the phone, he said that he will escalate my request for a refund to the cashiers, and I just had to wait. I waited and nothing. I reached out in chat several times and through email Advising them that they failed to operate their casino with concern for problem gamblers , that they failed to force restrictions and limits, failed to acknowledge my mental health and gambling addiction disorder and failed to address signs and symptoms, and take proper precautions to protect problem gamblers. instead they offered me bonuses, took my money, and ignored my request for even a partial refund and just told me that because I asked them to., they reopened my account, because I asked them to, they removed my limits off my account. Of course I asked them to, I have a compulsive disorder! They blocked me and game me nothing
Neki od njih su pokazali da sam od njih tražio da mi potpuno blokiraju pristup njihovom sajtu i da mi blokiraju IP adresu i trajno zatvore nalog, a to su učinili tek nakon otvaranja ove žalbe. Tražio sam da to urade 2022. i 2023. godine
Some of them showed that I requested them to block my access to their site completely, and to block my ip address and close account for good permanently, and it wasn't until after this complaint was opened they did. I requested that they did in 2022,and 2023
Hteo sam samo da dodam da sam tražio povraćaj sredstava pre zatvaranja naloga i da je originalni naslov koji ste naveli i koji opisuje detalje mog zahteva bio mnogo tačniji. Tek nakon što sam podneo žalbu kazino Guruu, oni su mi zapravo blokirali pristup da ponovo otvorim svoj nalog, iako sam tražio taj nivo zatvaranja 2022., 2023. i ove godine. tražio sam povraćaj novca od zbog svog OKP-a i zavisnosti od kockanja, o čemu sam im otkrio nekoliko puta. Takođe sam ih u prošlosti tražio da trajno blokiraju moj pristup nalogu i da mi ne dozvole da ponovo otvorim, što su do sada ignorisali. Ako pogledate moj depozit i istoriju igranja, videćete da imam kompulzivni problem, a da ništa drugo ne znam. Bili su svesni, dobro informisani i nisu preduzeli odgovarajuće mere da me zaštite kao ranjivu osobu, samo da bi dobili i profitirali od mene. Oni će postaviti fasadu i delovati veoma brižni i prijateljski, ali oni su čudovišta i to prikrivaju ljubaznošću u svom govoru, i nude bonuse i besplatne žetone kako biste nastavili da igrate. To nije ljubaznost, poštenje ili velikodušnost. To je namamljivanje, obmana i vođeno samo profitom. Ponuđeni su mi besplatni čipovi u ćaskanju i imejlovima nekoliko puta, čak i na istim sesijama ćaskanja i imejlovima kada sam molio za milost i otkrivao svoje probleme sa mentalnim zdravljem i zavisnost od kockanja, čak sam im rekao da ne mogu da prestanem, samo su se pretvarali da su ljubazni nakon ponude za besplatni čip koji me eksploatiše. Bio sam toliko zgrožen ovaj poslednji put odmah nakon što sam izgubio poslednji od $6,000 da su mi ponudili još jedan čip čak i nakon što sam prethodno rekao da ga ne želim. Pustili su me da prekoračim limit za depozite 2022. i dok su to „istraživali". Ponudili su mi besplatan čip dok sam čekao, a na kraju istrage kada su se izvinili za to i uverili me da je sada zauvek na mestu. Oni su prekršili zaštitu zavisnih, impulsivnih ranjivih pojedinaca sa problemima mentalnog zdravlja na svaki mogući način i moj priloženi dokaz to ne može više da dokaže. Toliko sam ogorčen sada da se suočavam sa ishodom tako strašne greške koju sam napravio, iako u vreme kada sam se kockao, nisam uzeo u obzir jer moj impulzivni nedostatak kontrole mi ne dozvoljava da logički racionalizujem, OKP nije šala za one koji pate od istog, molimo vas da podelite svoje iskustvo kako bismo pomogli ljudima da shvate nedostatak kontrole koju imamo. Nemojte da vas zavara ova kazina prijateljska raspoloženja, oni je koriste da manipulišu vašim poverenjem i da vam olakšaju da im dozvolite da uzmu vaš novac. Njihovi slotovi nisu fer, a njihova operativna praksa je nemarna i vođena je čistom dobiti, bez obzira na ranjive igrače ili bilo kog igrača po tom pitanju.
I just wanted to add that I asked for the refund before account closure, and that the original title you had listed describing details for my claim were a lot more accurate. It wasn't until after me filing a complaint with casino Guru that they actually blocked my access to reopen my account, even though I have asked for that level of closure in 2022, and 2023 and this year. i have asked for refunds from the because of my OCD and gambling addiction, of which I disclosed to them several times. I have also asked them in the past to permanently block my access to the account and not allow me to reopen of which they ignored up until now. If you view my deposit and play history, you will see that I have a compulsive problem without knowing anything else. They were well aware, well informed, and did not take proper measures to protect me as a vulnerable individual, only to gain and profit off of me. They will put on a facade and seem very caring and friendly, but they are monsters and they cover it up with kindness in their speech, and offer bonus and free chips to keep you playing. That's not kindness, fairness, or generous. That's luring, deception, and driven by profit only. I was offered free chips in chat and in emails several times, even in the same chat sessions and emails when I am begging for mercy and disclosing my mental health issues and gambling addiction, even telling them i cannot stop, they just pretended to be kind following an offer for a free chip exploiting me. I was so disgusted this last time right after losing the last of $6,000 they offered me another chip even after I previously stated that I didn't want one. They let me exceed my limit for deposits in 2022, and while they were "investigating it". They offered me a free chip while I waited, and at the end of the investigation when they apologized for it and reassured me that it was in place for good now. They have violated protecting addicted impulsive vulnerable individuals with mental health issues in every way possible and my submitted evidence couldn't possibly prove it more. I am so devistated now I am dealing with the outcome of such an awful mistake I made, although at the time I was gambling, I didn't take into consideration because of my impulsive lack of control doesn't allow me to ration logically, OCD is no joke to those who suffer from the same, please share your experience so we can help people understand the lack of control that we have. Please don't be fooled by this casinos friendly disposition, they use it to manipulate your trust, and make it more easier for you to allow them to take your money. Their slots are not fair, and their operating practices are negligent and pure profit driven, with no consideration for vulnerable players or any player for that matter.
Imam ažuriranje. Menhetn slotovi su odbili da mi daju moje transkripte ćaskanja iz 2022, 2023, iako su uspeli da povuku razgovor iz 2022 i prikažu ga na ekranu. Takođe neće odgovoriti na moje pitanje zašto mi nisu zabranili nalog nakon što su dva puta zahtevali i potvrdili da želim da se zatvori, trajno zabranili ponovno otvaranje i zabranili pristup njihovim sestrinskim sajtovima. 2022. Nisu davali razum i samo su se vrteli u krug. Imam transkript ćaskanja iz ovog razgovora ako je potrebno. Odbijaju mi čak i delimičan povraćaj novca i neće pružiti dokaze da sam imao trenutno ograničenje postavljeno 2024.
I have an update . Manhattan slots refused to give me my chat transcripts from 2022,2023, even though they were able to pull a conversation up from 2022 and display it on the screen . They also won't answer my question as to why they did not ban my account after demanding twice and confirming that I wanted it closed, banned from reopening permanently , and banned access with their sister sites. in 2022. They did not give reason and just went around in circles. I have the chat transcript from this conversation if needed. They are denying me even a partial refund and won't provide evidence that I had a current limit set in 2024
Hvala vam puno, Nikkilm123, na pružanju potrebnih informacija. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Mihalu ( ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Nikkilm123, for providing the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal ( who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Ne mislim da je produženje tajmera da bi kazino reagovao pošteno. Bili su dovoljno brzi da odbiju moj zahtev za povraćaj novca tako brzo nakon samo nekoliko minuta pregleda informacija, ne vidim zašto im treba nedelju dana da prikupe informacije koje bi podržale svoje obrazloženje da to urade sada
I don't think extending the timer for the casino to respond is fair. They were quick enough to reject my request for a refund so quickly from just a couple minutes of reviewing information, don't see as to why it's taking them a week to gather information to support their reasoning to do so now
Prvo, mi shvatamo dobrobit svih naših igrača veoma ozbiljno i ovaj slučaj nije bio drugačiji. U svakom slučaju kada je ovaj igrač zatražio da zatvori svoj nalog, mi smo pratili ispravne procedure i on je zatvoren.
Po zatvaranju naloga nismo kontaktirali igrača da ga ponovo otvori, to smo jasno stavili do znanja igraču po zatvaranju. To je bio igrač koji nam se obraćao u svakoj prilici da ponovo otvorimo. U tom trenutku potvrđujemo da im je prijatno da ponovo otvore svoj nalog na osnovu njihove istorije i podrške nudeći ograničenja/ograničenja – što smo činili svaki put kada je ovaj klijent ponovo kontaktirao da ponovo otvori svoj nalog.
U prvom slučaju (april 2022.) nije bilo pomena o bilo kakvim problemima sa kockanjem i to je bilo zbog opštih gubitaka – kupac nas je kontaktirao da zatražimo da ubrzo kasnije ponovo otvorimo njihov račun.
Sve do 2. zahteva za zatvaranje pomenuto je pitanje kockanja (septembar '22). Mušterija je zatim ponovo pozvala u oktobru 22. da ponovo otvori, potvrđujući da je zadovoljna ponovnim otvaranjem i takođe je izjavila da sada sebi daje određenu naknadu za kockanje i da je srećna da nastavi.
Da razjasnimo ono što je navedeno da njen nalog nije zatvoren sve dok nije kontaktirala Casino Guru u ovoj poslednjoj instanci, nismo bili obavešteni o ovoj žalbi preko CG do srede 26. juna – ali u ovom trenutku njen nalog je već bio zatvoren (19. juna 2024. ) prateći klijenta koji je već uspostavio direktan kontakt sa kazinom 18. juna.
Delovali smo u najboljem interesu igrača na osnovu informacija koje su dali.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Manhattan Slots Casino tim
Hi Michal,
We have reviewed the details regarding the complaint;
Firstly, we take the wellbeing of all our players very seriously and this case was no different. In each instance that this player has reached out to close their account we have followed the correct procedures, and it has been closed.
Upon closing the account we did not contact the player to re-open, we made this clear to the player upon closure. It was the player that reached out to us on each occasion to re-open. At which point we confirm they are comfortable in re-opening their account based on their history and also support by offering limits / restrictions – which we had done so on each occasion that this customer got back in touch to re-open their account.
In the first instance (April, 2022) there was no mention of any gambling issues and it was on the back of general losses – the customer contacted us to request that we re-open their account a short time later.
It wasn’t until the 2nd closure request that an gambling issue was mentioned (September ’22). The customer then reached back out in October ’22 to re-open, confirming that she was comfortable with re-opening and also stated that she now gives herself a specific gambling allowance and so was happy to proceed.
To clarify the point noted that her account wasn’t closed until after she contacted Casino Guru in this latest instance, we were not informed of this complaint via CG until Weds 26th June – but at this point her account was already closed (19th June 2024) following the customer already making direct contact with the casino on the 18th June.
We have acted in the best interests of the player based on the information they have provided.
Žao mi je Michal, ali ako možete da se vratite na moje imejlove koje sam vam poslao još u aprilu 2022., kao i više od te godine, izrazio sam probleme sa kockanjem, a da ne spominjem da sam mogao da uplatim preko svog limita koji je očigledno postavljen 2022. Takođe možete primetiti da je kazino ponudio bonuse i izvinio se, i istražio to bez navođenja razloga zašto se to dogodilo. Nećete takođe ako na snimcima ekrana vidite da sam ponovo izrazio svoje probleme sa kockanjem mnogo pre 26. juna, i to u imejlu. takođe, ako ga nisam poslao, mogu vam poslati datume e-pošte kada mi je kazino poslao e-poštu u kojoj se navodi da je moj nalog potpuno zatvoren i ne može se ponovo otvoriti, što je usledilo dan nakon što sam vam podneo žalbu. Takođe želim da napomenem da kazino I dalje nije preduzeo odgovarajuće korake za koje tvrde da je preduzeo trajno zatvaranje mog naloga kao što je prvobitno traženo, ostavljajući ga otvorenim dok je u međuvremenu nudio bonuse, nudio pregled računa za dodatne bonuse i odlagao zatvaranje , a ne s obzirom na trajno zatvaranje kao što sam prvi put tražio dok nisam otvorio žalbu sa vama , kada je zapravo trajno zatvoreno . Ograničenja su lako ukinuta jednostavnim zahtevom u ćaskanju i lako se otvara nalog iako je prvi put trebalo da bude trajno zatvoren. Zavisni kockari sa OKP imaju probleme sa kontrolom impulsa. Lako je tražiti ponovno otvaranje iako je to štetno za moj finansijski pad. imajte na umu da ovaj kazino NIJE preduzeo odgovarajuće korake da zatvori moj nalog zauvek, potpuno svestan moje istorije od 2022. godine, niti je odgovorno regulisao ponašanje u vezi sa kockanjem kako bi zaštitio moju individualnu ranjivost.
I'm sorry Michal, but if you can reflect back to my emails I sent you as early as april 2022, as well as more from that year, I did express gambling issues, not to mention that I was able to deposit over my limit that was apparently set in 2022. You can also note the casino offered bonuses and apologized, and investigated it without giving reason why that happened. You will also not if you reflect in the screen shots that I did express my gambling issues again well before june 26th, and in email. also if I didn't send it, I can send you the email dates when the casino sent me an email stating my account was fully closed and unable to be reopened which was following the day after I opened up a complaint with you. Id also like to mention that the casino STILL didn't not take the proper steps they claim the took in closing my account permanently as initially requested, leaving it opened while offering bonuses in the meantime, offering account reviews for extra bonuses, and delaying closure, and not given the permanent closure like I had first requested until i opened up a complaint with you is when it was actually permanently closed . Limits were easily lifted with just a simple request in chat and account easily opened although it should have been closed permanently the first time. Addicted gamblers with OCD have impulse control issues. It is easy to ask for reopening although detrimental to my financial downfall occurring . please understand that this casino did NOT take proper steps to close my account for good fully aware of my history since 2022, nor did the responsibly regulate addictive gambling behaviors to protect my individual vulnerability.
Tražio sam da se moja ograničenja postave u maju 2022. zbog gubitaka zbog kockanja zbog mentalnog zdravlja i problema sa kockanjem i znali su da imam i e-poštu u kojoj se navodi da se sećaju da sam nešto spomenuo u aprilu 2022. i da ću to pronaći upravo sada sam ih obavestio i podsetio ih još jednom na moj problem pre nego što sam zatražio da se moj nalog zatvori, a zatim sam zatražio da se moj nalog zatvori. Zašto im je trebalo čitavu nedelju da to urade i to odmah nakon što je podnesena žalba kao dokaz koji sam spomenuo da otkrijem svoje probleme sa kockanjem i moje probleme sa mentalnim zdravljem zbog opsesivno-kompulzivnog poremećaja, a tu je i njihov e-mail iz 2022. u vezi sa njima koji mi dozvoljavaju da preći granicu. Postavio sam svoje mesto zbog mojih problema na prvom mestu. Oni su bili dobro svesni toga početkom 2022. godine i činjenice da sam stalno otvarao i zatvarao svoj nalog i mogao sam da nakon toga, zahtevao sam da mu bude zatvoren pristup, a sa sestrinskim nalozima, koji nisu mogli da se ponovo otvore, nisu prekoračili prema mojim očekivanjima, iako njihovi uslovi i odredbe na njihovoj veb stranici kažu da ako je igrač zatražio, oni će isključiti odmah po uslovima zahteva igrača, a oni to nisu uradili. Učinili su mi lako dostupnim otvaranje i preko depozita na moj limit, nudeći mi samo čip kao odgovor i izvinjenje. Bili su svesni, i iskoristili su me da ne pominjem da tamo gde živim kažu da zabranjuju bilo kog igrača koji živi u jurisdikciji gde je to nelegalno, ali onda kažu da smo mi zaduženi da to priznamo ako mi prijavite se ili ne, ali u početku piše da neće distribuirati ili otvarati nalog ni kod koga u nelegalnoj nadležnosti. To je takođe Laž.
I asked for my limits to be set in place in May 2022 because of gambling losses due to mental health and gambling issues and they knew that I also have an email stating that they remember me mentioning something in April 2022 and I am gonna go find that right now also I did let them know and remind them once again of my issue before I asked for my account to be closed and then I asked for my account to be closed. Why did it take them a whole entire week to do so and do it right after the complaint was filed for proof that I mentioned disclose my issues with gambling and my OCD mental health issues also there's the email from them in 2022 regarding them allowing me to go over the limit. I set in place because of my issues in the first place. They were well aware of it early in 2022 and the fact that I kept reopening and closing my account and was able to after, I demanded that it be closed band access, and with the sister accounts, unable to be reopened, they did not exceed to my expectations, even though their terms and conditions on their website, say that if the player requested, they will exclude immediately upon the terms of the players request and they did not do that. They made it easily accessible for me to open also over deposit on my limits with only offering me a chip in response and an apology. They were well aware, and they took advantage of me not to mention that where I live, they say that they prohibit any player that lives in jurisdiction where it is illegal, but then they say that we're in charge of acknowledging that if we sign up or not, but in the beginning, it says that they will not distribute or open an account with anyone in illegal jurisdiction. That's also a Lie .
i evo ih sa mejlovima koji se raspituju zašto nisam igrao neko vreme, iako su rekli da me nisu podsticali ili tražili da se angažujem. i nedavni imejl poslednje od tri zatvaranja, nakon što sam izgubio više od 6.000 dolara, i ćaskanja i e-poruke u kojima se objašnjavaju moje ovisnosti o ocd i kockanju i impulsivno ponašanje zbog kojih ponovo gubim hiljade, i zahtevaju da se moj nalog zatvori, imajte na umu da su bili u potpunosti svestan svog mentalnog zdravlja i problema zavisnosti od kockanja u poč. 2022. godine, još uvek su imali smelosti da mi pošalju e-poštu u vezi sa ograničenjima i pregledima naloga, i da još jednom potvrde da sigurno želim da trajno zatvorim svoj nalog. Po čemu se ovo vreme razlikuje od drugih prilika u kojima sam tražio da bude trajno? Trebalo je uraditi prvi put. I nisu mi zatvorili nalog da bi me zaštitili, to su uradili zato što sam ja to zahtevao. I odložili su to nekoliko dana pre nego što su to učinili. IAKO JE U NjIHOVIM USLOVIMA I ODREDBAMA DA BI ONI PREDUZETI ODMAH PO ZAHTEVU SAMOISKLjUČIVAČA. Na šta nisu, dozvoljavajući mi da u međuvremenu nastavim sa deponovanjem pre nego što su mi zatvorili račun u svim prilikama, uključujući i poslednju priliku. Zatražite njihovu evidenciju ćaskanja i primetićete da će oni koje nisam naveo imati datume kada sam prvobitno tražio zatvaranje naloga 14. i 15. . Kazina odmah dobiju vetar kada je uložena žalba njihovom kazinu. Znali su sve vreme i samo koriste datum od koga je zatraženo da odgovore kao datum kada su saznali za žalbu, Jensen je njihova tvrdnja da nemaju veze sa mojim nalogom TRAJNO zatvoren istog dana ili sledećeg jutra. Bili su skoro odmah da odgovore kada se to od njih tražilo jer su čekali. ovo je bs. Trebalo bi da imam pravo na svaki pojedinačni depozit na kreditnoj kartici od MINIMUM tokom celog trajanja mog naloga. Prošao sam 15 dana od deložacije iz moje kuće sa moje troje dece i vozim nepouzdan auto. Tražim pravnu pomoć i prisustvujem sastancima o zavisnosti od kockanja i bukvalno sam se pokvario svaki put kada sam se angažovao, iako je terapija bila od pomoći. Ovi kreteni se ne bi oznojili da daju zasluženo, iako pod refundiranim povraćajem od nekoliko hiljada, što je penija za ono što sam izgubio u poslednjih nekoliko godina, malo novca za njih bi mene i moju decu sačuvalo od beskućništva sa kojim ćemo se uskoro suočiti ubuduće treba da se stidiš da si na istom nivou sa đavolom. FRIVILNA POHLEPA PROFIT VOZILA BESRCAČNE ZMIJE
and here they are with emails inquiring as to why i haven't played in a while, even though they stated they didn't intice or solicit me to engage. and a recent email the last of the three closures, after losing well over $6,000, and chats and emails explaining my ocd and gambling addictions and impulsive behaviors causing me again to lose thousands, and demanding my account to be closed, mind you they were fully aware of my mental health and gambling addiction issues in beg. of 2022, they still had the audacity to send me an email regarding limits and account reviews, and to confirm once AGAIN that I for sure wanted to permanently close my account. What makes this time any different from the other occasions to where I asked it to be permanent ? Should have been done the first time. And they didn't close my account to protect me, they did it because I demanded it. And they delayed it several days before doing so. EVEN THOUGH IT STATES IN THEIR TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT THEY WOULD TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION UPON SELF EXCLUDERS REQUEST. To which they didn't, allowing me to continue to deposit in the meantime before they closed my account on all occasions including the most recent occasion. Ask for their chat records and you will notice the ones i didn't provide will have dates when I initially asked for account closure was the 14. and 15th . Casinos get wind immediately when there has been a complaint filed with their casino. They knew the whole time, and are just using the date they were asked to respond as the date the became aware of the complaint, jensen their claim in having no relation to my account conveniently being PERMANENTLY closed same day or following morning. They were near immediate to respond when requested to because they were awaiting . this is bs I Should be entitled to every single credit card deposit at MINIMUM for my whole account duration . I am 15 days into my eviction from my home with my 3 children, and am driving an unreliable car. I am seeking legal help and attending gambling addiction meetings and have literally broke down every time i have engaged although the therapy has been helpful. These jerks wouldn't sweat giving a well derserved although under reimbursed refund of a couple thousands which is pennie's to what I have lost over last few years that little money to them would keep me and my children from the homelessness we will face in the near future you should be ashamed you are at the same level with the devil. FRIVILOUS GREED PROFIT DRIVEN HEARTLESS SNAKES
Hvala na datom objašnjenju. Želeo bih da napomenem da je samoisključivanje zbog problema sa kockanjem veoma ozbiljan problem jer igrači često gube kontrolu nad svojim postupcima i ne razmišljaju racionalno. Informisanje kazina o potencijalnom problemu sa kockanjem je važan deo procesa samoisključenja i mi u Casino.Guru verujemo da ako igrač ima problem sa kockanjem i obavesti kazino o tome, njegov nalog treba da bude trajno zatvoren bez mogućnosti otvaranje (osim određenih situacija kao što je kada je već prošao dovoljno dug period samoisključenja - govorimo o godinama) i takođe relevantan proces ponovnog otvaranja, koji uključuje dovoljan period hlađenja (ne dan, već najmanje nedelju dana, idealno dva) kao i komunikacija sa igračem tokom ovog perioda hlađenja radi provere da li je zahtev urađen zdravorazumski i da nije bio samo privremeni neuspeh.
U ovom slučaju, samo mesec dana nakon zahteva za samoisključivanje, nalog igrača je ponovo otvoren u oktobru 2022. godine, ne smatramo ceo ovaj proces, kao ni politiku odgovornog kockanja dovoljnim i preporučujemo da se ceo proces unapredi.
Želeo bih da vas pitam da li smo dobro razumeli situaciju ili postoji još neka informacija o tome zašto je igraču sa problemom kockanja dozvoljeno da ponovo otvori svoj nalog i igra tako lako.
Dear Manhattan Slots Casino,
Thank you for the provided explanation. I would like to mention that self-exclusion due to a gambling problem is a very serious issue because the players often lose control over their actions and are not thinking rationally. Informing the casino about a potential gambling problem is an important part of the self-exclusion process and we at Casino.Guru believe that if a player has a gambling problem and informs the casino about it, their account should be permanently closed without the possibility of opening (except for certain situations like when a long enough self-exclusion period has already passed - we are talking about years) and also a relevant reopening process, which includes a sufficient cool off period (not a day but at least a week, ideally two) and also communication with the player during this cool-off period for verifying if the request was made in sound mind and wasn't just a temporary failure.
In this case, only a month after the self-exclusion request, the player's account was reopened in October of 2022, we do not consider this whole process, and also the responsible gambling policy sufficient enough and we recommend improving the whole process.
I would like to ask you if we understood the situation correctly or if there is any other information as to why was the player with a gambling problem allowed to reopen his account and play so easily.
Ako Manhattan slot casino odluči da ne odgovori, možete li mi pomoći da podnesem žalbu njihovom regulatoru coracao gaming kako bih potencijalno dobio povraćaj novca?
If Manhattan slots casino chooses not to respond could you assist me in filing a complaint with their regulator coracao gaming to potentially obtain a refund?
Posetio sam veb lokaciju Manhattan Slots da verifikujem njihovu licencu operatera sa Curacao Gaming klikom na ikonu na veb lokaciji kazina, kao što je savetovano na jednom od vaših foruma da potvrdite akreditive za kazino. Sve ikone prikazane na ovoj slici koju sam postavio mogu se kliknuti osim ikone Curacao koju sam zaokružio na snimku ekrana. To je samo slika. Takođe nema nigde prikazanog broja licence na veb lokaciji Manhattan Casino-a.
Takođe sam otišao na veb lokaciju Curacao Egaming pokušavajući da potvrdim licencu operatera koristeći URL-ove povezane sa kazinom sa, i pridružene kompanije i nisam uspeo da potvrdim aktivnu licencu. Pokušao sam da potvrdim preko Kahnavake-ove veb stranice koristeći te povezane URL-ove i skrolovao sam u potpunosti kroz njihovu listu važećih operatera koji imaju licence kod njih, a takođe nisam uspeo da izvršim verifikaciju. Sada,???
Hello Michal,
I visited Manhattan Slots website to verify their operator license with Curacao Gaming by clicking the icon on the casino's website, as advised in one of your forums to validate a casinos license credentials. All of the icons displayed in this image I uploaded are clickable except the Curacao icon I circled in the screenshot. It's just an image. There also isn't a license number displayed anywhere on the Manhattan Casino's website.
I also went on Curacao Egaming website attempting to validate an operators license using the casinos associated URLS from,, and affiliate and failed to validate an active license. I attempted to validate through Kahnawake's website using those affiliated URLS, and scrolled completely through their list of valid operators that hold licenses with them, and failed verification as well. now,???
U potpunosti cenimo vaše poene i slažemo se da je to veoma ozbiljan problem i pobrinućemo se da vaše povratne informacije budu prosleđene timu dok dosledno tražimo načine da poboljšamo naše procese.
Čini se da je ovo jedinstven slučaj jer možemo da vidimo da igrač ima istoriju žalbi preko nas samih i kod Casino Gurua i ono što smatramo zbunjujućim je da nema pomena OCD ili GA u tih 10 žalbi uprkos vremenskom okviru tih pritužbi preklapajući se sa periodom kada su počeli da se žale kod nas.
Da zaključimo, verujemo da smo ispravno ispratili proces zatvaranja naloga kako je traženo. Dali smo igraču opciju da ponovo otvori nalog kada se oseti spremnim i ponudili podršku i ograničenja kako bismo osigurali da mogu da nastave da igraju na kontrolisanim nivoima. U skladu sa zahtevom igrača, trajno smo zatvorili nalog. Ljubazno preporučujemo igraču da razmisli o kontaktiranju drugih kazina kojima imaju pristup i da tamo zatraži zatvaranje naloga, kako bi osigurao svoje blagostanje i bezbrižnost.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Manhattan Slots Casino tim
Hi Michal,
Completely appreciate your points, and we are in agreement that it is a very serious issue and we will ensure that your feedback is passed on to the team as we are consistently looking at ways to improve our processes.
This does appear to be a unique case as we can see that the player has a history of complaints through ourselves and with Casino Guru and what we find confounding is there is no mention of OCD or GA in those 10 complaints despite the timeline of those complaints overlapping with the period that they started complaining with us.
To conclude, we believe we have correctly followed the process in closing the account as requested. We provided the player with the option to re-open the account when they felt ready and offered support and limits to ensure they could continue playing at manageable levels. In accordance with the player's request, we have permanently closed the account. We kindly recommend that the player consider contacting other casinos they have access to and requesting account closures there as well, to help ensure their well-being and peace of mind.
Izvinite me, ali u kom aspektu moje žalbe drugim kazinom imaju ikakvu vezu sa vašim nedostatkom regulativnih obaveza da izvršite samoisključivanje kao što je obećano u vašim odredbama i uslovima, kao i zahtevima vašeg licenciranog provajdera/regulacionih tela? Kako znate da li sam se ili nisam isključio iz drugih kazina u vezi sa mojim OKP i zavisnošću od kockanja? Vaša tvrdnja nije relevantna za pitanje predstavljeno ovde i predstavlja nepoštovanje vaših odgovornih propisa i poštovanje dobrobiti igrača. Mihal, ako je potrebno, mogu da pružim dokaze o samoisključenju iz drugih kazina koji su napravljeni pre ove žalbe, iako smatram da je nepotrebno doprinositi pravdi neznanju o poslednjem odgovoru kazina.
Takođe mi je interesantno da su odlučili da odgovore nekoliko minuta nakon što sam zatražio od njihove RADNE veze/akreditive da potvrde njihovu operativnu licencu putem ćaskanja, jer ikona na njihovoj veb lokaciji ne preusmerava na autentifikaciju, a informacije su im odbijene i tražene su moje informacije, a potom demantovao informaciju. Sačuvao sam snimke ekrana sa ćaskanja
Želeo bih da promenim prvobitni sporni iznos kada sam podneo ovu žalbu povećanjem sa 6.000 USD na 17.000 USD.
Otprilike dajte ili uzmite samo par stotina, to je koliko sam deponovao od samo 10/2022 kada sam PRVO sebe isključio i ponovo preneo OCD i GA i bio ignorisan samo nakon zatvaranja naloga (nekoliko dana ponuda čipova i pregleda naloga više odlaganja) - do 17.6.2024. moj najnoviji depozit . Na zahtev će vam dati potvrde o depozitu
NAPOMENA: • Žalba podneta Grand Rush-u je bila pre kreiranja naloga na MANHATTAN SLOTS 01/2022
• 4/10 žalbi koristilo je BONUS BEZ DEPOZITA. NIKAKVI DEPOZITI NIJE DALjENI u vezi sa ovim sporovima.
• Žalba podneta 04.2.2024. bila je istog dana i JEDINI dan tog meseca sam odlučio da napravim mali depozit na Menhetnu nakon što sam podnio žalbu drugom kazinu.
Što se tiče Sunrise slotova, sam sam isključio i obavestio ih o svom OKP-u i zavisnosti od kockanja i ODMAH, bez ikakvih pitanja, menadžment me je obavestio zbog informacija koje sam im otkrio, prema regulatornim smernicama, oni su OBAVEZNI za zatvaranje, samoisključivanje i zabranu pristup trajnom ponovnom otvaranju naloga da zaštiti sebe i sebe. BAŠ to su uradili. Ja sam samoisključen i zabranjen mi je pristup svim InClave kockarnicama od 01.2024.
Druga kazina iz kojih sam sam isključio i/ili otkrio OCD i GA poremećaje, odmah su isključili moje naloge ODMAH i TRAJNO prvi i JEDINI put kada sam ih obavestio. Situacija je pravilno rešena sa trenutnim efektom, tako da nisam imao osnova da tražim povraćaj depozita.
Žalosno je da su MANHATTAN SLOTS bili tamo gde sam uložio najviše poverenja i NOVCA od svih kazina, i jedini koji su me izdali i eksploatisali. Prevarili su me njihovi pokroviteljski načini i fasada iskrenosti i toplog šarma koju su izneli kao svoj tabu, ali je malo verovatno da će naglasiti emocije virtuelno putem tekstualnog ćaskanja i pozdravnih e-poruka, i intuitivno interperirati tačnu perspektivu. Dakle, pretpostavljam da reči imaju veću moć nego što im se pripisuje, ali DELA govore VELIKO u odnosu na reči, a rezultati radnji koliko god bili na čekanju će biti KRAJNjI zvučnik po mom mišljenju. Neka to zrači i odjekuje širom zemlje.
Excuse me, but in what aspect are my complaints to other casinos have any appurtenance to your lack of regulating responsibilities to carry out a self exclusion as promised in your terms and conditions as well as requirements by your licensed provider/ regulating bodies? How do you know whether or not I have or haven't self excluded from other casinos in regards to my OCD and gambling addiction? Your claim is irrelevant to the issue presented here, and is a disregard to your reponsible regulations and respect for players well being. Michal if needed, I can provide evidence of self exclusions from other casinos that were made prior to this complaint, although I feel is unnecessary to contribute justice to the ignorance of the casinos most recent response.
I also find it interesting they chose to respond minutes after I requested their WORKING link/ credentials to validate their operating license through chat since the icon on their site does not redirect to authenticate, and was denied the information and was probed for my information instead, and then denied the information. I saved screenshots from the chat
I would like to change the initial disputed amount when I filed this complaint by increasing it from $6,000 to $17,000.
Roughly give or take only a couple hundred that's how much I've deposited from just 10/2022 when I FIRST self excluded and conveyed OCD and GA AGAIN and was ignored with only an account closure after (several days of chip offers and account reviews incurring more delay)-to 6/17/2024 my most recent deposit . Will provide deposit receipts upon request
NOTE: • Complaint filed with Grand Rush was prior to creating an account with MANHATTAN SLOTS 01/2022
• 4/10 of the complaints were using NO DEPOSIT BONUSES. NO DEPOSITS WERE MADE involving this disputes.
• The complaint filed 02/04/2024 was the same day and ONLY day of that month I decided to make a small deposit at Manhattan after filing a complaint with another casino.
As far as Sunrise Slots I self excluded and made them aware of my OCD and gambling addiction and IMMEDIATELY with no questions asked management informed me because of the information I disclosed to them, by regulatory guidelines they are MANDITORY to close, self exclude, and ban access to reopen account permanently to protect me and themselves. That's EXACTLY what they did. I am self excluded and banned access to all InClave casinos as of 01/2024
The other casinos I have self excluded from and/or have disclosed OCD and GA disorders to, immediately self excluded my accounts IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY the First and ONLY time I informed them. The situation was handled correctly with immediate affect so I had no grounds to demand deposit reimbursement.
It is just unfortunate that MANHATTAN SLOTS was where I invested the most trust and MONEY out of all casinos, and the only ones that betrayed and exploited me. I was fooled by their patronizing ways, and facade of sincerity and warm charm they put forth as their taboo, but it's unlikely to emphasize emotion virtually through text chat and greeting emails, and intuitively interperate an accurate perspective. So I guess words do have more power than credited, but ACTIONS speak VOLUMES over words, and results from actions however pending, will be the ULTIMATE loudspeaker in my opinion. Let that radiate and reverberate nationwide.
Kao odgovor na kazino navodeći da me nikada ne traže da se vratim i otvorim svoj nalog, primio sam nekoliko e-poruka od njih u kojima sam dobio kopiju u njihovom bonusu za oglašavanje na tvitovima i njihovom kazinu uopšte. Dobio sam te e-poruke u periodu kada je moj nalog zatvoren -
iako je trebalo da bude zabranjen i samoisključen svaki put kada je moj nalog zatvoren.
Njihovo ime kazina bi se pojavilo odmah ispod obaveštenja e-poštom na Tvitteru bez potrebe da otvorim imejl, a kada sam to uradio, pojavio se njihov tvit sa pozivnim opisom i reklamni baner.
Ne posedujem Tviter nalog niti koristim Tviter. Te e-poruke su stizale tokom celog mog trajanja naloga na Menhetnu, do ovog poslednjeg zatvaranja 20.6.24. Nisam dobio nikakvu komunikaciju od njih, uključujući njihovu reklamu putem tvitova.
20. oktobra 2022. nakon što sam primio nekoliko tvitter e-poruka od njih tokom ovog konkretnog zatvaranja, otvorio sam jednu od e-poruka i videvši njihov dodatak, brzo sam ih kontaktirao da ponovo otvore svoj nalog.
Varljivi načini da me nateraju da se vratim jer sam potrošio više hiljada i oni su želeli moj posao, ali su morali da se ponašaju kao da im je stalo da im i dalje verujem.
Išlo se od prenošenja mog OCD-a i GA u ćaskanju, i zahtevanja samoisključenja, do ćaskanja koji mi je savetovao da to mora da se uradi putem e-pošte kako bi mogli pravilno da obrađuju samoisključivanje, onda kada sam jasno rekao da je to za OCD i GA IN EMAIL i da sam ozbiljno mislio da zabranim svoj nalog i da se samoisključim, ignorisan sam i mogao sam da napravim depozite u tom vremenskom okviru. Jedini kontakt koji smo uspostavili bili su trikovi da se odloži zatvaranje pitajući da li sam siguran, nudeći preglede naloga za čipove i da odgovorim putem e-pošte ako i dalje želim da se zatvori.
Bez obzira da li sam položio depozite u tim vremenskim okvirima ili ne, i dalje je kasnilo. Onda su konačno ili potvrdili zatvaranje u celini, nisu me sami isključili, već su zatvorili moj nalog, ili su odgovorili tako da je moj nalog ostao otvoren jer nisam potvrdio detalje putem ćaskanja za finalizaciju, iako je čet rekao da se proces samoisključivanja obavlja putem e-pošte i napred i nazad i nazad i nazad.
Smešno što imam sve dokaze na svetu i smešno je što oni imaju više jer sam prvo otkrio svoju zavisnost od kockanja i mentalno zdravlje 22. 03. putem ćaskanja, i moj nalog je zatvoren tek tako bez ikakve potvrde e-pošte ili ništa, a onda mogao je ponovo da se otvori u aprilu, ali samo putem ćaskanja uživo u to vreme. Ako vam daju moju istoriju ćaskanja za koju sam siguran da neće, videćete to. Nema zapisa u imejl prepisci od zatvaranja, već samo moj zahtev da se ponovo otvori u aprilu 2022.
Relevantno je da ne žele da mi vrate novac, siguran sam da bi depoziti od 17.000$+ od 22.3.-9.22. kada sam se prvi put isključio mogli oštetiti kazino sa malim prihodima.
Možda da su sledili odgovornu politiku kockanja i poštovali svoje odredbe i uslove sa sopstvene veb stranice, forumi i posrednici širom sveta ih ne bi stavili na crnu listu i igrači bi im više verovali. Novo vlasništvo/menadžment je njihov najveći pad. Prethodni vlasnik je trebalo da zadrži ovaj kazino u radu pre nego što su se pridružili najvećim onlajn kazino kriminalcima u svetu klubova i affgroup-a.
Spreman sam da preuzmem ovo više kad god si Michal. Ne žele da se vraćaju na lak način. Završio sam s molitvom, sada tražim. Samoisključio sam se širom sveta za maksimalno ponuđeno vreme od 5 godina. Imaću svoj novac za koji si me na prevaru prevario...
In response to the casino stating they never solicit me to come back and open my account, I received several emails from them where I was cc'd in their tweets advertising bonus and their casino in general. I received those emails in the duration my account was closed -
although supposed to have been banned and self excluded every time my account was closed.
Their casino name would appear right below the Twitter email notification without having to open the email, and when I did, there was a tweet from them with inviting description, and an advertisement banner.
I don't own a Twitter account nor do I use Twitter. Those emails came throughout my entire duration of having an account with Manhattan, until this most recent closure 6/20/24. I haven't received any communications from them including their advertisement through tweets.
October 20th 2022 after receiving several twitter emails from them throughout this particular closure, I opened one of the emails and seeing their add, I quickly contacted them to reopen my account.
Deceptive ways of getting me to come back because I've spent multiples of thousands and they wanted my business but had to act like they cared to get me to keep trusting them.
It went from conveying my OCD and GA in chat, and requesting self exclusion, to chat advising me it had to be done in email so that they could properly process self exclusion, then when I made it very clear it was for OCD and GA IN EMAIL and that I was serious about banning my account and self excluding, I was ignored and able to make deposits within that timeframe. The only contact the made were ploys to delay the closure asking if I was sure, offering account reviews for chips, and to respond back via email if I still wanted it closed.
Whether I made deposits within those time frames or not, it was still delayed. Then finally either they confirmed closure across the board, did not self exclude me but closed my account, or responded with my account remained open because I did not confirm details through chat to finalize, even though chat said self exclude process is done through email and back and forth and forth and back.
Ridiculous I have all the evidence in the world and funny thing is they have more because I first disclosed my gambling addiction and mental health in 03/22 via chat, and my account was closed just like that with no confirmation email or nothing, and then was able to reopen in april but only through live chat at that time. If they give you my chat history which I'm sure they won't you'll see that. There's no record within email correspondence from the closure , but only my request to reopen in april 2022.
It's relevant that they don't want to refund me, I'm sure $17,000+ deposits from 3/22-9/22 when i first self excluded would damage a small revenue based casino .
Maybe if they followed responsible gambling policy and abided by their terms and conditions from their own website, forums and mediators across the globe wouldn't have black listed them and players would trust them more. New ownership/ management is their biggest downfall. The previous owner should've kept this casino running before they joined club world and affgroup biggest online casino criminals.
Im ready to take this higher up whenever you are Michal. They don't want to payback the easy way. I'm done begging I'm demanding now. I have self excluded across the globe maximum time offered 5 years. I will have my money you deceptively conned me out of...
Želim da se izvinim za svoj prethodni post u ovoj temi sa pritužbama, jer sam možda bio prenagljen i previše odbrambeni. U svojoj trenutnoj situaciji, sve više žalim i sada kada sam prisustvovao sastancima Generalne skupštine, naučio sam mnogo o sebi i postao sam nepokolebljiv u tome da se trajno isključim iz kockanja na mreži, i neprijateljski sam prema tome da budem iskorišćen za hiljade dolara, štaviše, posebno zato što su me Manhattan Slots eksploatisali i zbunili kada sam bio u veoma ranjivom stanju i sa ostatkom svog dostojanstva u nekoliko navrata sam vapio za pomoć i posegao za hitnim rešenjem prema njihovoj milosti da me spreče moje impulse zavisnosti od kockanja, i stavili tačku na svoje revolving samouništenje tako što su mi isključili i zabranili pristup njihovim kockarnicama.
Moj vapaj za pomoć i njihova ruka u akciji da brzo reše ovaj problem preduzimanjem odgovarajućih i hitnih mera da se samoisključim ne samo da su ignorisani, odloženi, nisu pravilno adresirani i zaključeni, već i način na koji me je svaki član osoblja Manhattan Slots-a psihološki nagovarao u zonu udobnosti površne iskrenosti – ne mogu drugačije da objasnim osim što se skoro osećalo kao da je u redu što gubim hiljade i ignorisano je zbog prijateljskog manipulativnog ponašanja koje su svi imali bilo uznemirujuće.
Prevarila me je njihova sociopatska psihološka manipulativna taktika da zadobiju moje poverenje, tako da mogu da zarade hiljade dolara od jednog igrača.
Da razmislim tokom skoro 3 godine trajanja kockanja na mreži u koje sam uložio više novca nego što sam ikada imao u bilo kom drugom kazinu daleko – onlajn ili na zemlji.
Nakon angažovanja na sastancima, deljenja i slušanja, - stavljanje svega ovoga u retrospektivu i videti kako empatija i integritet toliko ne postoje kod istih ljudi je zaista bio poziv za buđenje.
Ne pridržavati se protokola za zaštitu problematičnih kockara pored toga što se pridržavate naredbi igrača o samoisključenju i nepoštivanja propisa u vezi sa politikom odgovornog kockanja je već jedna stvar, ali biti psihološki manipulisan dok odstupaju od zahteva i propisa samoisključivanja je samo po sebi možda zanemareno i duboko neprihvatljivo.
I want to apologize for my previous post in this complaint thread, as I may have been hasty, and overly defensive. In my current situation right now, I am increasingly in regret and now that I have been attending GA meetings, I have learned a lot about myself and have become adamant about self excluding from online gambling permanently, and am hostile from being taken advantage of for thousands of dollars , furthermore especially for being exploited and gaffled by Manhattan Slots when I was at a very vulnerable state and with the remainder of my dignity on several occasions I was crying for help and reaching for an immediate resolution upon their mercy to stop me from my gambling addiction impulses, and put an end to my revolving self destruction by self excluding and banning me access to their casinos.
My cry for help and their hand in action to promptly solve this problem by taking appropriate and immediate action to self exclude myself were not only ignored , delayed, not properly addressed and concluded, but the way that every staff member at Manhattan Slots psychologically coaxed me into a comfort zone of superficial genuineness- I can't explain other than it almost felt as though it was okay that I was losing thousands and was ignored because of the friendly manipulative demeanor that they all had was unnerving.
I was fooled by their Sociopathic psychological manipulative tactics to gain my trust, so they can profit thousands of dollars off of a single player.
To think throughout a nearly 3 year duration of online gambling where I invested more money than I ever have at any other casino by far- online or on land.
After engaging in meetings, sharing and listening, - putting this all in retrospect and to see how empathy and integrity is so non existent in the same people has truly been a wake up call.
To not follow protocols to protect problem gamblers in addition to adhere to a players orders of self exclusion and not complying with regulations regarding responsible gambling policies is already one thing, but to be psychologically manipulated while deviating self exclusion demands and regulations is in itself possibly overlooked and profoundly unacceptable.
Hvala na objašnjenju. Cenim što ste mi saopštili svoje gledište. Razumem vremenski okvir koji je potreban da se završi postupak samoisključenja zbog ručnog pregleda koji je potreban za svaki pojedinačni zahtev.
Međutim, ne mogu dovoljno da istaknem činjenicu da ukoliko igrač pomene samoisključivanje zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, količina vremena potrebnog za ispunjenje zahteva za igrača je ključna, jer je duži vremenski okvir ako se ceo proces odvija. , više novca igrači mogu izgubiti. Takođe, kada su igrači samoisključeni, njihov nalog ne bi trebalo ponovo da se otvara, kao što sam pomenuo u svom prethodnom odgovoru. To se ne može desiti posle mesec dana kao u ovom slučaju. Do ponovnog otvaranja nije trebalo da dođe ako je razlog za zatvaranje računa bila zavisnost od kockanja.
Čvrsto verujemo da igraču treba refundirati sve depozite koji nastanu nakon ponovnog otvaranja naloga.
Da li biste razmotrili vraćanje novca igraču i stoga rešavanje ove žalbe?
Dear Manhattan Slots Casino,
Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate your letting me know your point of view. I understand the timeframe that is required to complete the self-exclusion procedure due to the manual review that is needed for every single request.
However, I can not stress enough the fact that if a player mentions self-exclusion due to a gambling addiction, the amount of time needed for the fulfillment of the request is crucial for the player, because the longer the timeframe if the whole process is, the more money the players can lose. Also, when the players are self-excluded, their account should not be reopened, as I have mentioned in my previous reply. This can not happen after a month like in this case. The reopening should not have happened if the reason for the account closure was gambling addiction.
We firmly believe that the player should be refunded for all the deposits that occur after reopening of the account.
Would you consider refunding the player and therefore resolving this complaint?
Kao što je ranije rečeno, postupili smo u skladu sa tim i slušali igrača tokom čitavog perioda. Zatvaranje naloga kada se to zatraži i zaustavljanje kontakta, do ponovnog otvaranja naloga kada je igračica pokrenula kontakt i obavestila da je u poziciji da ponovo igra.
Stoga, naš stav ostaje isti i u ovoj situaciji ne bismo izdavali nikakav povraćaj.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Manhattan Slots Casino tim
Hi Michal,
Thanks for your reply.
As previously stated, we have acted accordingly and listened to the player throughout the period. Closing the account when requested and stopping contact, to re-opening the account when the player initiated contact and advised she was in a position to play again.
Therefore, our position remains the same and we would not be issuing any refunds in this situation.
Ne, nisu me poslušali i nisu zatvorili moj nalog kada sam ih zamolio da se trajno zatvore 2022. u nekoliko slučajeva da se samoisključe, i bili su potpuno svesni mentalnog zdravlja i zavisnosti od kockanja. Da ne spominjemo njihove uslove, kažu da će sami isključiti igrače koji to zatraže sa trenutnim dejstvom, a oni nisu uradili nijedno.
Odložili su zatvaranje samo do poluzatvaranja gde sam lako mogao da ponovo otvorim, i dozvolili su mi da uplatim preko postavljenog limita i nekoliko drugih faktora. Imam sve dokaze. Ako mi ne bude refundiran konačni ishod, nadam se da su u najmanju ruku stavljeni na crnu listu.
Kada budeš spreman, Mihal, ako bi bio ljubazan da mi pomogneš u podnošenju žalbe njihovom regulacionom telu. Hvala
No they didn't listen, and didn't close my account when I asked I told them to close permanently in 2022 on several instances to self exclude, and they were fully aware of mental health and gambling addiction. Not to mention their terms say they will self exclude players who request it with immediate effect, and they did neither.
They delayed closure only semi-closing where I was easily able to reopen , and they allowed me to deposit over my set limit and several other factors . I have all the evidence. If I am not refunded by the final outcome I hope they are blacklisted to say the least.
When your ready Michal if you would be so kind as to assist me in filing a complaint with their regulating body. Thanks
Pošto kazino nije voljan da vrati novac igraču, primoran sam da označim žalbu kao nerešenu.
Mi u Casino.Guru-u čvrsto verujemo da ako igrač zatraži samoisključivanje zbog problema sa kockanjem, račun definitivno ne bi trebalo ponovo da se otvara nakon samo mesec dana ni na koji način. Igrači koji pate od zavisnosti od kockanja često ne kontrolišu svoje postupke i ovakvi događaji ih čine da pate i više ulažu.
Ako kazino odluči da promeni svoj stav, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte. U međuvremenu, preporučujem vam da kontaktirate Curacao Gaming Authoriti ( ) i podneti im žalbu. Uprava za igre na sreću ima više opcija i alata za pomoć igračima.
Obavestite me da li vam treba pomoć oko podnošenja žalbe ili kako su oni odgovorili ako to možete učiniti sami ( ). Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nisam mogao više pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Michal V, Casino.Guru
Dear everyone,
Since the casino is not willing to refund the player, I am forced to mark the complaint as unresolved.
We at Casino.Guru firmly believe that if a player asks for self-exclusion due to a gambling problem, the account definitely should not be reopened after just one month by any means. The players who suffer from gambling addiction are often not in control of their actions and events like this make them suffer and deposit more.
If the casino decides to change their stance, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you contact the Curacao Gaming Authority ( and submit a complaint to them. The Gaming Authority has more options and tools to help players.
Please let me know if you need help with submitting the complaint or how they responded if you can do it on your own ( I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Best regards,
Michal V, Casino.Guru
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