Igrač Saksonije na povlačenje čeka manje od dve nedelje. Nažalost, njihova isplata još nije primljena. Igrač je kasnije potvrdio da je povlačenje uspešno obrađeno, pa smo ovu žalbu označili kao rešenu.
The player from Saxony has been waiting for a withdrawal for less than two weeks. Unfortunately, their payout hasn’t been received yet. The player later confirmed that the withdrawal was processed successfully, therefore we marked this complaint as resolved.
Igrač Saksonije na povlačenje čeka manje od dve nedelje. Nažalost, njihova isplata još nije primljena. Igrač je kasnije potvrdio da je povlačenje uspešno obrađeno, pa smo ovu žalbu označili kao rešenu.
Isplatio sam dobit od 1.500 EUR prije 10-ak dana, prema uslovima u 3 rate po 500 EUR. Igrano prije bez aktivnog bonusa.
Dobio sam automatski e-mail da će moj zahtjev uskoro obraditi odjel za finansije - od tada nema daljeg odgovora.
Već sam kontaktirao chat 3x i pitao za status. Svaki put dobijam isti odgovor i kažem da je u toku i da ne brinem. Rečeno mi je i da nisu potrebna nikakva dokumenta i da će se ponovo tražiti brža obrada od "finansije". Ako kažem da više ne prihvatam odgovor, ćaskanje će se delimično završiti.
Mislim da je ovo dugo čekanje na ispit apsolutno neobično, jednostavno je neprihvatljivo. Nisam osvojio džekpot, samo sam tražio normalnu, malu isplatu. Ovako nešto mi mora biti na računu najkasnije u roku od 3-5 dana, inače je sumnjivo. Bojim se da će nakon nekoliko sedmica samo tražiti od mene da predam dokumente i dodatno odugovlačiti proces ili spriječiti plaćanje.
Ne mogu dalje sam i tražiti pomoć, hvala.
I paid out a profit of 1,500 EUR about 10 days ago, as required by the terms and conditions in 3 installments of 500 EUR. Was played before without an active bonus.
I received an automatic email that my request will be processed shortly by the finance department - since then no further response.
I have already contacted the chat 3x and asked about the status. I get the same reply every time saying it's in progress and not to worry. I was also told that no documents are required and that the "finance department" will be asked again for faster processing. If I say I no longer accept the answer, the chat will partially end.
I think these long waiting times for an exam are absolutely unusual, it's just unacceptable. I didn't win a jackpot, just requested a normal, small payout. Something like this has to be on my account within 3-5 days at the latest, otherwise it is dubious. My fear is that sometime after weeks they will only ask me to submit documents and further delay the process or prevent the payment.
I can't get any further here on my own and ask for help, thanks.
Ich habe vor etwa 10 Tagen einen Gewinn von 1.500 EUR zur Auszahlung gebracht, wie von den AGB gefordert in 3 Raten zu 500 EUR. Gespielt wurde vorher ohne aktiven Bonus.
Ich erhielt eine automatische Mail, dass meine Anfrage in Kürze von der Finanzabteilung bearbeit wird - seither keine weitere Reaktion.
Ich habe mich bereits 3x an den Chat gewendet und nach dem Stand gefragt. Ich erhalte jedes Mal die gleiche Antwort, dass es in Bearbeitung ist und ich mir keine Sorgen machen soll. Mir wurde auch gesagt, dass keine Unterlagen benötigt werden und die „Finanzabteilung" nochmal zur schnelleren Bearbeitung aufgefordert wird. Wenn ich sage, dass ich die Antwort nicht länger akzeptiere wird der Chat teilweise beendet.
Ich halte diese langen Wartezeiten für eine Prüfung für absolut unüblich, das ist einfach nicht zu akzeptieren. Ich habe keinen Jackpot gewonnen, sondern lediglich eine ganz normale, kleine Auszahlung beantragt. So etwas muss nach spätestens 3-5 Tagen auf meinem Konto sein, sonst ist es unseriös. Meine Befürchtung ist, dass sie mich irgendwann nach Wochen erst zum Einreichen von Unterlagen auffordern und den Prozess noch weiter verzögern bzw. die Auzahlung verhindern.
Ich komme hier alleine nicht weiter und bitte um Hilfe, danke.
Dear Eszeha,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
Kao što sam se i bojao: Danas (nakon više od 1 sedmice!) prva od 3 plaćanja je otkazana. Razlog: navodno "tehničke poteškoće s provajderom platnih usluga" - inače, ovdje govorimo o bankovnom transferu. Odmah sam se prijavio za novu uplatu, pa sve ispočetka.
To je samo očigledna taktika odlaganja kako bi se izbjeglo plaćanje što je duže moguće. Izuzetno sumnjivo i zaista dosadno. Zanima me šta će biti sa dvije neizmirene uplate - imam ideju 😔
Dodatak: Iskreno rečeno: druge dvije uplate (2 x 500,00 EUR) su upravo stigle na moj tekući račun „u realnom vremenu".
As I feared: Today (after more than 1 week!) the first of 3 payments was canceled. Reason: supposedly "technical difficulties with the payment service provider" - by the way, we're talking about a bank transfer here. I immediately applied for a new payment, so it starts all over again.
It's just an obvious delaying tactic to avoid paying out for as long as possible. Extremely dubious and really annoying. I'm curious what will happen to the two outstanding payments - I have an idea 😔
Addendum: To be fair: the other two payments (2 x EUR 500.00) just came into my checking account "real time".
Wie ich es befürchtet habe: Heute wurde (nach über 1 Woche!) die erste von 3 Auszahlungen storniert. Begründung: angeblich „technische Schwierigkeiten beim Zahlungsdienstleister" - wir reden hier übrigens von Banküberweisung. Auszahlung habe ich sofort neu beantragt, es geht also von vorne los.
Es ist einfach eine offensichtliche Verzögerungstaktik, um die Auszahlung so lange wie möglich zu vermeiden. Extrem unseriös und wirklich nervig. Bin gespannt, was mit den beiden noch offenen Auszahlungen passiert - ich habe da so eine Ahnung 😔
Nachtrag: Um fair zu bleiben: die anderen beiden Auszahlungen (2 x 500,00 EUR) sind eben „Echtzeit" auf meinem Girokonto eingegangen.
Hvala vam puno na odgovoru, Eszeha. Budući da su dva od tri isplate uspješno obrađena, to bi zaista mogao biti samo mali tehnički problem. Stoga bih preporučio da sačekamo još nekoliko dana da vidimo da li će i treći zahtjev za povlačenje biti obrađen. Ostavit ću ovu žalbu otvorenom, pa nas obavijestite ako ima nečeg novog.
Thank you very much for your reply, Eszeha. Since two out of three withdrawals have been processed successfully, it truly might be just a small technical issue. Therefore, I would recommend that we wait for a few more days to see if the third withdrawal request is also processed. I will keep this complaint open, so please let us know if there is anything new.
Novac je primljen, žalba se može zatvoriti.
Zaključak: 1.500 € u tri dela, ukupno trajanje preko dve nedelje.
Underground, račun zatvoren.
Money received, complaint can be closed.
Conclusion: €1,500 in three parts, total duration over two weeks.
Underground, account closed.
Geld ist eingegangen, Beschwerde kann geschlossen werden.
Fazit: 1.500 € in drei Teilen, Gesamtdauer über zwei Wochen.
Unterirdisch, Account geschlossen.
Sjajne vesti, Eszeha. Pošto je žalba uspešno rešena, sada ćemo je zatvoriti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Hvala vam na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako budete imali problema sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Awesome news, Eszeha. As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
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