Poslao sam poštom na svoj mobilni, ali odatle ne dobijam odgovarajući odgovor i ovaj odgovor dobijam kao odgovor.
Dragi Safvan,
Razumem da vam je svakako potrebna pomoć sa Jio uslugama na vašem broju, ali ne mogu u potpunosti da razumem vaš upit.
Voleo bih da vam pomognem da odmah odgovorite na vaš upit, informacije koje trenutno imam sprečavaju me da identifikujem tačan problem sa kojim se suočavate.
Zamolio bih vas da razradite svoj upit, kako bismo mogli dalje istražiti i rešiti ga za vas.
Kada dobijemo detalje, pobrinućemo se za situaciju sa najvećim prioritetom i pobrinućemo se da problem bude rešen što je pre moguće.
Čekam na tvoj odgovor.
I had mailed on my mobile but I don't get proper reply from there and I get this reply as reply.
Dear Safvan,
I understand that you certainly need help with the Jio services on your number but I am unable to comprehend your query completely.
I would love to help you answer your query right away, the information that I currently have is preventing me from identifying the exact issue faced by you.
I would request you to elaborate your query, so that we can investigate further and get it resolved for you.
Once we have the details, we will take care of the situation with utmost priority and ensure that the issue gets resolved at the earliest.
Awaiting your response.
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