Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem dobitaka zbog nepotpune verifikacije. Nije prošao verifikaciju i izgubio je novac.
The player from Germany is having difficulties withdrawing winnings due to incomplete verification. He didn't pass the verification and lost his funds.
Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem dobitaka zbog nepotpune verifikacije. Nije prošao verifikaciju i izgubio je novac.
Hteo sam da podignem svoj dobitak. Prvo, moj račun je morao biti verificiran (slijede depoziti uz Apple Pay). Nakon što sam predao traženu dokumentaciju, ponovo je stigao e-mail u kojem je pisalo "dokumenti još uvijek nedostaju". Nakon razgovora sa korisničkom podrškom, ponovo sam predao potrebnu papirologiju. Onda je došao drugi mejl, nedostajali su dokumenti, ponovo sam kontaktirao čet, koji me je tada obavestio da mora da ima verifikovane sve depozite od 2021. godine, pa sam poslao izvode iz banke iz meseci u kojima je jasno šta sam položio, moje ime i adresa, itd.
Sada sam na svom nalogu video da su dokumenti ponovo odbijeni i nedugo kasnije moj nalog je blokiran do 18.02.22.
Molim vas pomozite, jer podrška mi više ne može pomoći.
Hi there,
I wanted to withdraw my winnings. First, my account had to be verified (deposits followed with Apple Pay). After I had submitted the required documents, an email came again saying "documents are still missing". After chatting with customer support, I re-submitted the required paperwork. Then another email came, documents were missing, I contacted the chat again, who then informed me that he had to have verified all deposits from 2021, so I sent bank statements from the months in which it is clear what I deposited, my name and address, etc .
Now I have seen in my account that the documents were rejected again and a short time later my account was blocked until 02/18/22.
Please help, because the support just can't help me anymore.
ich wollte mir mein Gewinn auszahlen lassen. Zunächst musste mein Konto verifiziert werden (Einzahlungen folgten mit Apple Pay). Nachdem ich die geforderten Unterlagen eingereicht hatte, kam wieder eine Mail „es fehlen noch Unterlagen". Nach dem Chat mit dem Kundensupport habe ich die benötigten Unterlagen wieder eingereicht. Dann kam wieder eine Mail es fehlen Unterlagen, wieder kontaktierte ich den Chat der mir dann mitteilte dass er alle Einzahlungen von 2021 verifiziert haben muss, also hab ich Kontoauszüge von den Monaten zugeschickt in denen klar hervorgeht was ich eingezahlt habe, mein Name und Anschrift etc.
Jetzt habe ich in meinem Konto gesehen, dass die Dokumente wieder abgelehnt wurden und zudem wurde kurze Zeit später mein Konto bis 18.02.22 gesperrt.
Bitte um Hilfe, da der Support mir einfach nicht mehr weiterhilft.
Dragi André,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Shvatite da je KYC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku.
Da li sam dobro shvatio da je ovo bio vaš prvi pokušaj povlačenja? Možete li ovdje postaviti snimak ekrana te poruke koja vas obavještava o odbijenim dokumentima i blokiranom računu?
Dodatno, molimo vas da prosledite svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na kristina.s@casino.guru . Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovdje.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Unaprijed vam hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear André,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please understand KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner.
Do I understand correctly that this was your first attempt at withdrawal? Could you please post here a screenshot of that message informing you about rejected documents and blocked account?
Additionally, please, forward any relevant communication between you and the casino to kristina.s@casino.guru. Alternatively, you can post it here.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Problem je što trenutno nemam pristup svom računu jer ga je deaktivirao Platin Casino (iz bilo kojeg razloga) inače bih vam rado poslao snimak ekrana direktno 🙁
The problem is that I currently have no access to my account because it was deactivated by Platin Casino (for whatever reason) otherwise I would have gladly sent you a screenshot directly 🙁
Das Problem ist, das ich momentan keinen Zugriff auf mein Konto habe da es von Platin Casino deaktiviert wurde ( warum auch immer ) ansonsten hätte ich Ihnen gerne direkt einen Screenshot dazu geschickt 🙁
Hvala vam puno André na odgovoru, razumijem. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Vilijamu (viliam.v@casino.guru) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much André for your reply, I understand. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam (viliam.v@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
zdravo André,
Pogledao sam Vašu žalbu i dat ću sve od sebe da Vam pomognem. Želio bih da pozovem Platin Casino u ovaj razgovor. Dragi kazino, možete li navesti gdje je problem sa procesom verifikacije igrača?
Hello André,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Platin Casino into this conversation. Dear Casino, can you specify where is the problem with the player’s verification process, please?
moraju pojasniti neke detalje u ovoj žalbi.
Igrač je imao 700€ u povlačenju i od njega se tražila potvrda koja je tačna.
Međutim, igrač je koristio 16 različitih Apple Pay računa za uplatu u Platin Casino.
Obavezni smo provjeriti svaki od tih 16 Apple Pay računa. Igrač u početku nije prošao te verifikacije, i dok je naša podrška još pokušavala da mu pomogne u verifikaciji, igrač je izgubio svoja sredstva i zatvorio svoj račun igrača 19. januara.
Tako da nažalost tu ništa ne možemo učiniti.
have to clarify some details in this complaint.
Player had 700€ in Withdrawal and was asked for Verification that's correct.
However the player had used 16 different Apple Pay Accounts to deposit at Platin Casino.
We're obligated to verify each of those 16 Apple Pay Accounts. Player initially failed those Verifications, and while our Support was still trying to assist him with Verification, player lost his funds and closed his player account on January 19th.
So unfortunately there's nothing we can do here.
Zašto sam izgubio kredit? Pričao sam s tobom nekoliko puta. Uvijek se govorilo šta nedostaje, stavio sam vam na raspolaganje svoje izvode iz banke, gdje možete vidjeti sve depozite.
sada sam izgubio stanje i račun? Zar nisi ozbiljan? Kako možeš biti tako hrabar? Pokušao sam nekoliko puta da Vas kontaktiram i razjasnim šta Vam je tačno potrebno.
Why did I lose my credit? I've chatted with you several times. It was always said what was missing, I made my bank statements available to you, where you can see all deposits.
now i lost my balance and my account? Are you not serious? How can you be so bold? I have tried several times to contact you and clarify what exactly you need.
Wieso hab ich mein Guthaben verloren? Ich war mehrmals mit euch im Chat. Immer wurde gesagt was fehlt, ich hab euch meine Kontoauszüge zur Verfügung gestellt in der man alle Einzahlungen sehen kann.
jetzt hab ich mein Guthaben und mein Konto verloren? Das ist nicht euer Ernst? Wie kann man so dreist sein? Ich hab mehrmals versucht Kontakt aufzunehmen und mit euch zu klären was genau ihr benötigt.
Nisam zatvorio račun, nisam se trudio, uradio sam sve što se od mene tražilo. Blokirali ste moj nalog. Dobio sam poruku da mi je račun zaključan do 18. februara. Ja to ne mogu sama. Drsko da blokiram svoj nalog, a sada da kažem da sam izgubio kredit.
I didn't close my account, I didn't bother, I did everything that was asked of me. You blocked my account. I got a message that my account is locked until February 18th. I can't do that myself. Cheeky to block my account and now to say I had lost my credit.
Ich hab weder mein Konto geschlossen, noch mich quer gestellt ich habe alles gemacht was verlangt wurde. Ihr habt mein Konto gesperrt. Es kam eine Meldung dass mein Konto bis zum 18.02 gesperrt ist. Das kann ich nicht selbst machen. Frechheit mein Konto zu sperren und jetzt zu sagen ich hätte mein Guthaben verloren.
Poštovani kazino,
hvala na objasnjenju. Molim vas, pošaljite mi dokaz da igrač nije prošao verifikaciju. Takođe, dokaz da je izgubio sredstva i zatvorio račun. Moj email: viliam.v@casino.guru
Dear Casino,
thanks for the explanation. Please, send me evidence that the player failed verification. Also, evidence that he lost his funds and closed the account. My email: viliam.v@casino.guru
Dragi André,
Dobio sam dokaze iz kazina. Nažalost, nakon prikupljanja svih potrebnih informacija ovu žalbu odbijamo kao neopravdanu. Žao nam je, nismo bili u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo oko ovoga, ali molimo vas da nas kontaktirate ubuduće ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Dear André,
I've received evidence from the Casino. Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are rejecting this complaint as unjustified. Sorry, we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
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