Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je samoisključenje. Nažalost, upit je zanemaren.
Otvorio sam račun kod Slotva i tamo položio depozite u vrijednosti od 2880 eura.
Zbog odgovornog kockanja nisam htio položiti depozite i zatražio sam blokadu računa i trajno samoisključenje. Potražio sam željenu stranicu i otkrio da joj ova stranica nije dostupna i da se sama ne mogu postaviti brave. Na poznatu stranicu se upućivalo putem chata uživo, ali ona nije bila dostupna.
Zato sam napisao e-mail i zatražio samoisključenje. Ovaj e-mail je do danas ostao bez odgovora, prema informacijama iz podrške nije primljen e-mail. Ali ovo je poslano!
U pošti koju sam zatražio zbog zatvaranja zbog gubitka kontrole, ova blokada nije primljena, pa je i dalje bilo moguće položiti 2880 eura
Optužujem kasino da namjerno nije postavio blok i da je prihvatio novac iako znam probleme s igrama. Stoga vraćam ulog.
I have set up an account with Slotv and made deposits there worth 2880 euros.
Due to the responsible gambling, I did not want to make the deposits and asked for the account to be blocked and for permanent self-exclusion. I looked for the intended page and found that this page is not accessible and that no lock can be set up myself. The known page was referred to via live chat, but it was not available.
So I wrote an e-mail and asked for self-exclusion, this e-mail has remained unanswered to this day, according to information from support no e-mail was received. But this was sent!
In the mail I asked for closure due to loss of control, this blockage was not received, so it was still possible to deposit 2880 euros
I accuse the casino of deliberately not having set up the block and of having accepted the money despite knowing the gaming problems. Therefore I reclaim the stakes.
ich habe bei Slotv ein Konto eingerichtet, und habe dort Einzahlungen im Wert von 2880 Euro getätigt.
Aufgrund des Verantwortungsbewussten spielen wollte ich die Einzahlungen nicht tätigen und bat um Sperre des Kontos sowie um permanenten Selbstausschluss. Ich suchte dafür die dafür vorgesehenen Seite auf und stellte fest, dass diese Seite nicht erreichbar ist und keine sperre selber eingerichtet werden kann. Per Live-Chat wurde auf die bekannte Seite verwiesen, diese war aber nicht erreichbar.
Ich habe also eine E-Mail geschrieben und bat um Selbstausschluss, diese E-Mail blieb bis heute unbeantwortet, nach Auskunft vom Support kam keine E-Mail an. Diese wurde aber abgesendet!
In der Mail bat ich um Schließung wegen Kontrollverlust, dieser Sperre kam man nicht nacht, so dass es trotzdem möglich war 2880 Euro einzuzahlen..
Ich werfe dem Casino vor die sperre bewusst nicht eingerichtet zu haben und trotz Kenntnis der Spielprobleme die Gelde entgegen genommen zu haben. Daher fordere ich die Einsätze zurück.
Dragi Danijele,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu i proslijedili odgovarajuće snimke zaslona. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Prije nego što kontaktiramo kasino i zatražimo njihovo stajalište, možete li proslijediti svoju blagajničku istoriju na petronela.k@casino.guru ?
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Daniel,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding the relevant screenshots. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Before we’ll contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, could you please forward your cashier history to petronela.k@casino.guru?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Računao sam da će se zatvaranje primijeniti odmah, ali u kasinu tvrde da e-pošta nikada nije stigla iako je nesumnjivo poslana, što mislim da je šteta. da se kazino toliko trudi izaći iz njega.
Položeno je 60 eura, tada sam odlučio da neću više uplaćivati novac i posjetio sam stranicu „Odgovorno igranje" koja nije uspjela.
Razgovor uživo uputio me na ovu stranicu na kojoj sam mogao sve postaviti i odrediti koliko će trajati zabrana, jasno je rečeno da želim zabranu zbog odgovornog igranja, ali stalno sam napominjao da bih to trebao učiniti sam.
Nažalost, kasino ne nudi mogućnost primanja povijesti chata putem e-pošte.
Kupio sam Gamban licencu po preporuci, ali ona iz bilo kojeg razloga ne radi na Macbooku. Takođe sam sretan što pružam dokaze o tome.
Na kraju mi nije odgovoreno na moju e-poštu - sve do danas i kasino me nije isključio dok nisam podnio žalbu. Tako bi se, nakon stjecanja Gamban licence i e-maila, moglo uplatiti preostalih 2820 eura.
Skrenuo bih vam pažnju na sljedeću tačku:
Izvod iz odredbi i uslova:
" Svako samoisključivanje odnosi se na sve račune koje imate na web lokaciji u vlasništvu Avento MT Limited. Ako je igrač sam isključen s jedne od naših web lokacija tokom navedenog razdoblja samoizuzimanja i registrira se na drugoj web stranici u vlasništvu Avento MT Limited, zadržavamo pravo da odmah zatvorimo račun i vratimo sve depozite umanjene za iznose koje ste već uplatili . "
Već je postojalo samoisključenje u Mr.Bitu na neodređeno vrijeme, koje sam uspostavio prije nekoliko mjeseci.
Nisam bio svjestan da se to radi, račun je otvoren bez ikakvih problema i mogao sam se provjeriti, jer se izuzeće moglo primijetiti u slotv kasinu.
MrBit ne daje nikakve informacije o ovome i drži se niskog profila ....
I counted on the closure to be implemented immediately, but the casino claims that the email never arrived even though it was undoubtedly sent, which I think is a shame. that the casino is trying so hard to get out of it.
60 euros were deposited, then I decided not to make any further deposits and visited the "Responsible Gaming" page that didn't work.
The live chat referred me to this page there I could set up everything, and determine how long the ban would last, it was clearly stated that I wanted a ban because of responsible gaming, but kept mentioning that I should do this myself.
Unfortunately, the casino does not offer the possibility to receive a chat history via email.
I bought a Gamban license as recommended, but it doesn't work on the Macbook, for whatever reason. I am also happy to provide evidence on this.
In the end my email was not answered - not until today and the casino didn't exclude me until I filed a complaint. Thus, after the acquisition of a Gamban license and the e-mail, the remaining 2820 euros could be paid in.
I would like to draw your attention to the following point:
Extract from the terms and conditions:
" Any self-exclusion extends to all accounts that you have with a website owned by Avento MT Limited. If a player is himself excluded from one of our websites during the said self-exclusion period and registers on another website owned by Avento MT Limited, we reserve the right to close the account immediately and to repay all deposits minus amounts already made by you . "
There was already a self-exclusion at Mr.Bit for an indefinite period of time, which I set up a few months ago.
I wasn't aware that this was being done, the account was opened without any problems and I was able to verify myself, because the exclusion could have been noticed in the slotv casino.
MrBit does not provide any information on this and is keeping a low profile ....
ich habe mich darauf verlassen, dass die Schließung umgehend umgesetzt wird, jedoch behauptet das Casino dass die E-Mail nie angekommen ist obwohl sie ohne Zweifel abgeschickt wurde, dies finde ich sehr schade. dass das Casino sich so versucht aus der Sache raus zu kommen.
Es wurden 60 Euro eingezahlt, anschließend habe ich mich entschieden keine weitere Einzahlungen zu tätigen, besuchte die Seite "Responsible Gaming" die nicht funktionierte.
Der Live-Chat verwies mich an diese Seite dort könnte ich alles einrichten, und selber festlegen wie lange die Sperre gilt, es wurde klar und deutlich erwähnt, dass ich eine Sperre wegen verantwortungsbewussten Spielen wünsche, aber erwähnte immer wieder ich solle dies selber tun.
Das Casino bietet leider keine Möglichkeit an, ein Chatverlauf per E-Mail zu bekommen.
Ich habe eine Gambanlizenz gekauft wie empfohlen, allerdings funktioniert diese nicht auf dem Macbook, warum auch immer. Gerne kann ich auch hierzu Beweise übermitteln.
Schlussendlich wurde meine Mail nicht beantwortet - bis heute nicht und das Casino schloss mich mich nicht aus, erst als ich eine Beschwerde eingereicht habe. Somit konnte nach dem Erwerb einer Gamban-Lizenz sowie der E-Mail die restlichen 2820 Euro eingezahlt werden.
Ich würde noch gerne auf folgenden Punkt aufmerksam machen:
Auszug aus den AGB:
"Jeder Selbstausschluss erstreckt sich auf alle Konten, die Sie bei einer Website im Besitz von Avento MT Limited besitzen. Wenn ein Spieler während des genannten Selbstausschlusszeitraums auf einer unserer Websites selbst ausgeschlossen wird und sich auf einer anderen Website im Besitz von Avento MT Limited registriert, behalten wir uns das Recht vor, das Konto sofort zu schließen und alle Einzahlungen abzüglich bereits getätigter Beträge zurückzuzahlen von Ihnen zurückgezogen."
Es existierte bereits ein Selbstausschluss bei Mr.Bit auf unbestimmte Zeit diesen richtete ich vor einigen Monaten ein.
Mir war nicht bewusst dass dies so gehandhabt wird, das Konto wurde ohne Probleme eröffnet und ich konnte mich verifizieren, da hätte ggf. der Ausschluss auffallen können im slotv-casino.
MrBit gibt keine Angaben hierzu, und hält sich bedeckt ....
Puno vam hvala, Daniel, na odgovoru. Možete li proslijediti snimke zaslona svih preostalih depozita? Želio bih prikupiti sve prateće dokaze prije nego što kontaktiramo kasino.
Thank you very much, Daniel, for your reply. Could you please forward screenshots of all the remaining deposits? I would like to collect all the supporting evidence before we'll contact the casino.
Trenutno nema drugih računa, ja samo račune šaljem vama. Zahtjev za kazino otkrio je da stvaranje takve potvrde može trajati do 30 dana.
Kazino je odbio potvrditi da je 2880 Europe deponovano.
There are no other receipts at the moment, I only have the receipts sent to you. A request to the casino revealed that the creation of such a receipt can take up to 30 days.
The casino refused to confirm that 2880 Europe had been deposited.
weitere Belege existieren im Moment nicht, ich bin nur im Besitz von den an Dich geschickten Belege, eine Anfrage an das Casino hatte ergeben, dass die Erstellung eines solchen Beleges bis zu 30 Tage in Anspruch nehmen kann.
Eine Bestätigung dass 2880 Europa eingezahlt wurden verweigert das Casino.
Jesu li svi ostali depoziti položeni istim načinom plaćanja? Možete li, molim vas, proslijediti svoju izjavu s povjerenjem? Hvala vam unaprijed.
Were all the other deposits made using the same payment method? Could you please forward your Trustly statement? Thank you in advance.
Kazino mi je danas poslao DPO izvještaj koji sam vam proslijedio.
Sve informacije možete pronaći tamo.
Puno hvala!
The casino sent me a DPO report today, which I forwarded to you.
All information can be found there.
Many Thanks!
das Casino hat mir heute eine DPO-Auskunft übersendet, diese habe ich weitergeleitet an Euch.
Dort können alle Informationen entnommen werden.
Vielen Dank!
Puno vam hvala, Daniel, što ste pružili sve potrebne informacije putem e-pošte. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Jozefa koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Daniel, for providing all the necessary information via email. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Daniel.
Izuzetno cijenim što ste podijelili svoja iskustva s timom Casino Gurua. Sada ćemo pokušati stupiti u kontakt s kasinom.
Hello Daniel.
I absolutely appreciate that you shared your experiences with the Casino Guru team. We will now try to get in touch with the casino.
Dragi Danijele,
Žao nam je što ste imali tako neugodno iskustvo u našem kasinu.
Trenutno pokušavamo razjasniti vašu situaciju kako bismo mogli poduzeti odgovarajuće radnje. Dat ćemo sve od sebe da riješimo ovaj problem što je brže moguće!
Dragi tim Casino gurua, također vam želimo zahvaliti na pomoći. Ovo je važno za nas.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Daniel,
We are sorry that you had such an unpleasant experience in our casino.
Right now we are trying to clarify your situation so we can take appropriate actions. We'll do our best to resolve this issue as quickly as possible!
Dear Casino Guru Team, we also want to thank you for your assistance. This is important for us.
Best regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Mislim da je šteta što tvrdite da niste dobili e-poštu. ovo je čisto zaštitna tvrdnja. Iako je jasno da vam je ovo poslano ako ga ne primite ili ne možete dodijeliti. I kontaktirali smo chat uživo.
Kupljen je blokator i to Gamban (dokaz priložen ili poslan administratoru).
Bloker nije obavio svoj posao, unatoč instalaciji, uspio sam posjetiti web stranice kasina i sudjelovati u kockanju. Softver Gamban trenutno blokira Casino-Guru Casino web lokacija koja ne blokira softver.
Takođe se pozivam na vaše uslove i odredbe:
Izvod iz odredbi i uslova:
"Svako samoisključenje odnosi se na sve račune koje imate na web lokaciji u vlasništvu Avento MT Limited. Ako se igrač samoizključi na jednoj od naših web lokacija tokom navedenog razdoblja samoisključenja i registrira na drugoj web lokaciji u vlasništvu Avento MT Limited, zadržavamo pravo da odmah zatvorimo račun i vratimo sve depozite umanjene za iznose koje ste već uplatili. "
Formulacija SVI ostavlja prostor za špekulacije, ovaj odjeljak može se shvatiti kao da se svako izuzeće, bez obzira koliko dugo, prenosi na druge web stranice.
Stoga bi pravo na povrat novca već postojalo nakon izuzimanja iz Mr.Bita. zbog formulacije SVI.
Predlažem usporedbu u ovom pitanju, to je u rasponu od 60-70%, znači da se odričem 30-40%.
Moja ponuda za poravnanje stoji, bio bih sretan ako se stvar riješi u sljedećih 7 dana.
Ako se još uvijek ne može postići dogovor, a tim kazino gurua nema rješenje, zadržavam pravo da kontaktiram organ za igre na sreću.
Unaprijed hvala na zalaganju Casino-Gurua i odgovornih za slotv!
Želim vam ugodan vikend!
I think it's a shame that you claim that you haven't received an email. this is a purely protective claim. Although it is clear that this has been sent to you if you do not receive it or cannot be assigned. And the live chat was contacted.
A blocker was bought and that was Gamban (proof attached or sent to the admin).
The blocker did not do its job, despite the installation I was able to visit casino sites and take part in gambling. The Gamban software is currently blocking the Casino-Guru Casino-only website is not blocking the software.
I also refer to your terms and conditions:
Extract from the terms and conditions:
"Any self-exclusion applies to all accounts you have with a website owned by Avento MT Limited. If a player is self-excluded on one of our websites during the said self-exclusion period and registers on another website owned by Avento MT Limited, we reserve the right to close the account immediately and to repay all deposits minus amounts already made by you. "
The wording EVERYONE leaves room for speculation, this section can be understood to mean that every exclusion, no matter how long, is transferred to other websites.
Therefore, a right to reimbursement would already exist after the exclusion from Mr.Bit. due to the wording EVERYONE.
I propose a comparison in this matter, this is in the range of 60-70%, means I waive 30-40%.
My settlement offer stands, I would be happy if the matter is resolved in the next 7 days.
If no agreement can still be reached and the casino guru team does not have a solution, I reserve the right to contact the gaming authority.
Thank you in advance for the commitment of Casino-Guru and those responsible for slotv !.
I wish you a nice weekend!
ich finde es schade, dass Sie behaupten dass keine E-Mail bei Ihnen angekommen ist. dies ist eine reine Schutzbehauptung. Obwohl eindeutig ist dass diese an Sie verschickt wurde, wenn diese bei Ihnen nicht ankommt oder nicht zugeordnet werden kann. Und der Live-Chat wurde kontaktiert.
Ein Blocker wurde gekauft und zwar Gamban (Beweis anbei bzw. übersendet an den Admin).
Der Blocker hat seine Aufgabe nicht erfüllt, ich konnte trotz der Installation Casinoseiten besuchen und am Glücksspiel teilnehmen. Die Gamban-Software blockiert derzeit die Seite Casino-Guru reine Casinoseiten blockiert die Software nicht.
Ich Verweise noch auf die AGB von Ihnen:
Auszug aus den AGB:
"Jeder Selbstausschluss erstreckt sich auf alle Konten, die Sie bei einer Website im Besitz von Avento MT Limited besitzen. Wenn ein Spieler während des genannten Selbstausschlusszeitraums auf einer unserer Websites selbst ausgeschlossen wird und sich auf einer anderen Website im Besitz von Avento MT Limited registriert, behalten wir uns das Recht vor, das Konto sofort zu schließen und alle Einzahlungen abzüglich bereits getätigter Beträge zurückzuzahlen von Ihnen zurückgezogen."
Der Wortlaut JEDER lässt hier Raum für Spekulationen, man kann diesen Abschnitt so verstehen, dass Jeder Ausschluss egal wie lang dieser ist auf andere Webseiten übertragen wird.
Daher würde ein Anspruch auf Erstattung schon bestehen nach dem Ausschluss bei Mr.Bit. aufgrund des Wortlautes JEDER.
Ich Schlage in dieser Angelegenheit einen Vergleich vor, dieser bewegt sich im Rahmen von 60-70% , bedeutet ich verzichte auf 30-40% .
Mein Vergleichsangebot steht, ich würde mich freuen wenn die Angelegenheit in den nächste 7 Tagen gelöst wird.
Sofern weiterhin keine Einigung erzielt werden kann, und auch das Casino-Guruteam keine Lösung parat hat, behalte ich mir das Recht vor die Gaming-Authority zu kontaktieren.
Ich Bedanke mich schon jetzt für das Engagement von Casino-Guru sowie die Verantwortlichen von slotv!.
Ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich!
Dragi Danijele,
Hvala na vašoj e-pošti i pitanjima. Želimo sve razjasniti, pa smo pripremili detaljne odgovore na tri glavne točke:
-E-mail od 23.05.21 i chat uživo;
-Gamban usluga;
-SlotV uslovi i odredbe.
1. U vašoj žalbi vidimo da ste poslali e-mail na support@slotv.de, ali trebali ste se žaliti na support@slotv.com. Zapravo, ove dvije domene pripadaju dvije različite licence.
Ovdje se pozivamo na naš odjeljak o uvjetima i odredbama s web stranice:
"Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, možete kontaktirati našu korisničku službu na support@slotv.com"
Nažalost, od vas nismo dobili e-poštu na support@slotv.com. Zbog zaštite podataka, nismo u mogućnosti podijeliti bilo koji od back-office podataka.
Pored toga, Služba korisničke podrške SlotV nikada nije primila vašu e-poštu od 23.05 na support@slotv.de. U našem prethodnom pismu pružili smo snimak zaslona naše ulazne pošte u kojem je vaš e-mail od 31.05 prvi u niti.
U svojoj e-pošti navodite da „kazino ne nudi mogućnost primanja istorije razgovora putem e-pošte".
Budući da SlotV slijedi kompletni skup GDPR pravila, to se može zatražiti od DPO-a. Ipak, naša korisnička podrška nije zabilježila nijedan vaš zahtjev.
Također bismo htjeli naglasiti da ste uspješno samoisključeni putem web stranice SlotV dana 29.05.2021 i od tada nisu izvršeni depoziti i registracije ni na jednoj Avento web stranici. Nažalost, to znači da ne možemo uzeti u obzir vaš zahtjev za povrat depozita nakon samoisključenja.
2. Žao nam je kad saznajemo da blokator Gamban nije radio na vašem uređaju. Gamban je neovisna cjelina s kojom nismo u srodstvu i stoga će problem morati riješiti oni.
3. O uvjetima i odredbama: Žao nam je što vas ovaj odjeljak nije pravilno informirao. Zahvaljujući vašem komentaru pojasnili smo opis kako bismo odredbe i uvjete učinili jasnijima.
Uvjeravamo vas da je odgovorno kockanje od najveće važnosti za nas i SlotV vrlo ozbiljno shvaća ovu odgovornost.
Uvjeravamo vas i da su svi računi trenutno zatvoreni i da ih nećete moći otvoriti.
Ako i dalje imate bilo kakvih pitanja, možete nam ih uputiti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Daniel,
Thank you for your e-mail and your questions. We want to make everything clear, so we have prepared detailed answers on three main points:
-The e-mail from 23.05.21 and live chat;
-Gamban service;
-SlotV Terms and Conditions.
1. In your complaint we can see that you sent an e-mail to support@slotv.de, but you should have complained to support@slotv.com. In fact, these two domains belong to two different licenses.
Here we refer to our Terms & Conditions Section from the website:
"Should you have any questions you may contact our customer service at support@slotv.com"
Unfortunately, we didn't receive any e-mail from you to support@slotv.com. Due to data protection, we are unable to share any of the back-office data.
In addition, the SlotV Customer Support department has never received your e-mail from 23.05 to support@slotv.de. In our previous letter, we provided a screenshot of our inbox where your e-mail from 31.05 is the first one in the thread.
In your e-mail, you state that "the casino does not offer the possibility to receive a chat history via email".
Since SlotV follows a complete set of GDPR rules and this can be requested from DPO. Yet no requests from you have been recorded by our customer support.
We would also like to point out that you were successfully self-excluded via the SlotV website on 29.05.2021 and since then no deposits and registration have been made on any Avento websites. Unfortunately, it means that we can not consider your deposit refund request after self-exclusion.
2. We are very sorry to learn that the Gamban blocker did not work on your device. Gamban is an independent entity that we are not related to and thus, the problem will need to be resolved by them.
3. About Terms & Conditions: We are sorry that this section misinformed you. Thanks to your comment we made a clarification into the description to make Terms & Conditions more clear.
We assure you that Responsible Gambling is of paramount importance to us and SlotV takes this responsibility very seriously.
We also assure you that all accounts are closed at the moment and you won’t be able to open them.
If you still have any questions, you can address them to us.
Best regards,
moja ponuda za upoređivanje i dalje postoji.
Vrlo je čudno da je stigao drugi e-mail, a prvi navodno nije.
E-pošta mi se nije vratila sa porukom o grešci ili slično, pa je e-pošta sigurno stigla do vas.
Budući da su sada promijenili klauzulu o uvjetima i olakšali razumijevanje, to bi također rezultiralo povratom novca, jer to stavlja korisnika kazina u nepovoljan položaj.
Klauzula kaže da je SVAKO izuzeće više stranica.
Učinio sam sve što sam mogao da uspostavim isključenje, što ste mi odbili.
Niste postavili željeni blok e-poštom jer e-pošta navodno nije stigla do vas.
Ako ste imali grešku ili slično i niste mogli primiti e-poštu, ne smatrate me odgovornom za to.
Može se puno toga tvrditi, oni ponovo okreću tvrdnje kad im zatreba.
Moja ponuda za nagodbu i dalje postoji, ako ne bude rješenja, pokrenut će se daljnji koraci, sud nadležnih za igre na sreću itd. U slučaju drugačije arbitraže, tražit će se puni iznos.
my offer for a comparison still exists.
It's very strange that the second email arrived and the first supposedly didn't.
The email didn't come back to me with an error message or something like that, so the email must have reached you.
Since they have now changed the terms and conditions clause and made it easier to understand, this would also result in a refund, as it disadvantages the user of the casino.
The clause states that EVERY exclusion is cross-page.
I did everything I could to set up an exclusion, which you denied me.
You have not set up the desired block by e-mail because an e-mail allegedly did not reach you.
If you had a fault or the like and you could not receive any emails, you do not hold me responsible for it.
One can assert a lot, they turn the assertions just again when they need it.
My offer for a settlement still exists, if there is no solution, further steps will be initiated, gaming authority court, etc. In the event of a different arbitration, the full amount will be claimed.
mein Angebot für einen Vergleich besteht weiterhin.
Es ist schon sehr komisch, dass die zweite E-Mail angekommen ist, und die erste angeblich nicht.
Die E-Mail kam auch nicht zurück zu mir mit einer Fehlermeldung oder ähnliches, also muss die Mail sie erreicht haben.
Da sie ja die AGB Klausel nun abgeändert haben und verständlicher gemacht haben, würde sich auch daraus eine Rückerstattung ergeben, da sie den Nutzer des Casinos benachteiligt.
Aus der Klausel geht hervor, dass JEDER Ausschluss seitenübergreifend ist.
Ich habe alles dafür getan um einen Ausschluss einzurichten, dieser wurde mir von Ihnen verwehrt.
Die gewünschte Sperre per E-Mail haben Sie nicht eingerichtet, weil eine Mail sie angeblich nicht erreicht hat.
Sofern eine Störung oder ähnliches bei Ihnen vorlag und Sie keine Mails Empfangen konnten, machen Sie mich dafür nicht verantwortlich.
Behaupten kann man vieles, sie drehen sich die Behauptungen gerade wieder sie es brauchen.
Mein Angebot für einen Vergleich besteht weiterhin, sollte es hier keine Lösung geben, werden weitere Schritte eingeleitet, Gaming Authority Gericht etc. Im Falle einer anderen Schlichtung wird der volle Betrag eingefordert.
Dragi Danijele.
Molimo vas da li ste primili e-poruku s potvrdom od mBit Casina kada nastave sa samoisključenjem?
Jeste li se tamo samoisključili zbog problema s kockanjem?
Dear Daniel.
Please, have you received any confirmation email from the mBit Casino when they proceed with self-exclusion?
Have you self-excluded there because of the gambling problem?
Koliko se sjećam, izuzeće je postavljeno trajno bez primanja e-pošte.
Zbog slotv-ovih odredbi i uslova koji navode da se svako izuzeće odnosi na sve stranice, vidim i zahtjev za naknadu prilikom formuliranja ove klauzule.
Klauzula je formulisana dvosmisleno, zbog uvjeta i odredbi, korisnik ne smije imati nedostataka.
Kazino je priznao da je klauzula napisana na čudan način i revidiraju klauzulu.
Moja ponuda za upoređivanje i dalje postoji.
As far as I can remember, the exclusion was set up permanently without receiving an email.
Due to slotv's terms and conditions, which state that every exclusion applies across all pages, I also see a claim for reimbursement when formulating this clause.
The clause is formulated ambiguously, due to the terms and conditions, the user must not suffer any disadvantages.
The casino has admitted that the clause is worded in a weird way and they are revising the clause.
My offer for a comparison still exists.
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, wurde der Ausschluss permanent eingerichtet ohne eine Mail erhalten zu haben.
Aufgrund der AGB von slotv die besagen dass jeder Ausschluss Seitenübergreifend ist, sehe ich auch hier bei der Formulierung dieser Klausel ein Erstattungsanspruch.
Die Klausel ist Doppeldeutig formuliert, aufgrund der AGB dürfen den Nutzer keine Nachteile entstehen.
Das Casino hat hier ist selbst zugegeben das die Klausel etwas komisch formuliert ist, und sie die Klausel überarbeitet.
Mein Angebot für ein Vergleich besteht weiterhin.
Zdravo Daniel.
Jeste li obavijestili mBit Casino o svom problemu s kockanjem i to je bio vaš razlog za samoisključenje ili ste ga sami postavili?
Hello Daniel.
Have you informed the mBit Casino about your gambling problem and that was your reason for self-exclusion, or have you just set it on your own?
Dragi tim SlotV Casina.
Hvala vam puno na saradnji. Molim vas, možete li navesti zašto ovaj sistem samoisključenja nije djelovao u slučaju igrača?
"Svako samoisključenje odnosi se na sve račune koje imate na web lokaciji u vlasništvu Avento MT Limited. Ako se igrač samoizključi na jednoj od naših web lokacija tokom navedenog razdoblja samoisključenja i registrira na drugoj web lokaciji u vlasništvu Avento MT Limited, zadržavamo pravo da odmah zatvorimo račun i vratimo sve depozite umanjene za iznose koje ste već uplatili. "
Dear SlotV Casino team.
Thank you very much for your cooperation. Please, could you specify why this system of self-exclusion has not worked in the player's case?
"Any self-exclusion applies to all accounts you have with a website owned by Avento MT Limited. If a player is self-excluded on one of our websites during the said self-exclusion period and registers on another website owned by Avento MT Limited, we reserve the right to close the account immediately and to repay all deposits minus amounts already made by you. "
ne na mrbit je postavljeno izuzeće bez navođenja razloga.
Međutim, razlog može biti i sporedan.
Klauzula o uvjetima i odredbama kako ovdje stoji uvijek bi se trebala primjenjivati na moj slučaj.
Izuzimanje postavljeno na mrbit, a sudeći prema formulaciji, sva izuzeća se odnose na sva kazina sa istom licencom, bez navođenja razloga.
Kazino je zasigurno postigao autogol formuliranjem uvjeta i odredbi, ovo je dvosmisleno i može se primijeniti po volji, to se ne smije tumačiti na štetu kupaca.
Odredbe i uslovi su sastavni dio kazina i mene.
Ipak, nekoliko pitanja i dalje može biti dopušteno, prva e-pošta koja se koristi za zaštitu igrača ne stiže, ali druga stiže iako je ista adresa?
Moja ponuda za upoređivanje i dalje postoji.
no at mrbit an exclusion was set up without giving reasons.
However, the reason may also be secondary.
The terms and conditions clause as it stands here should always apply to my case.
Exclusion set up at mrbit, and judging by the wording, all exclusions relate to all casinos with the same license, without giving reasons.
The casino has certainly scored an own goal with the formulation of the terms and conditions, this is ambiguous and can be applied at will, this must not be interpreted to the detriment of the customers.
Terms and conditions are an integral part between the casino and me.
However, a few questions may still be allowed, the first e-mail that is used for player protection does not arrive, but the second arrives even though it is the same address?
My offer for a comparison still exists.
nein bei mrbit wurde ohne Angaben von Gründen ein Ausschluss eingerichtet.
Der Grund dürfte aber auch nebensächlich sein.
Die AGB-Klausel wie sie hier steht dürfte auch immer meinem Fall greifen.
Ausschluss bei mrbit eingerichtet, und dem Wortlaut nach zu Urteilen beziehen sich alle Ausschlüsse auf alle Casinos der selben Lizenz, ohne dass hier Angaben von Gründen nötig sind.
Das Casino hat sicher mit der Formulierung der AGB ein Eigentor geschossen, diese ist doppeldeutig und kann nach Belieben angewendet werden, dies darf nicht zum Nachteil der Kunden ausgelegt werden.
AGB sind fester Bestandteil zwischen dem Casino und mir.
Es dürfen aber noch einige Fragen erlaubt sein, die erste E-Mail die dem Spielerschutz dient kommt nicht an, aber die zweite kommt an obwohl es die gleiche Adresse ist?
Mein Angebot für ein Vergleich besteht weiterhin.
Dragi tim Casino gurua,
Priznajemo da paragraf 8.4 nije bio dovoljno jasno predstavljen. Ovaj paragraf, izolirano od ostalih uvjeta i odredbi, mogao bi zavarati naše klijente.
U stvari, ovaj se odlomak odnosi na samoizovoljavanje u slučaju ovisnosti. Od tada smo izmijenili naše uvjete i odredbe kako bismo izbjegli daljnji nesporazum.
"Svako samoisključivanje iz razloga ovisnosti proširit će se na sve račune koje imate na bilo kojoj web lokaciji u vlasništvu Avento MT Limited. Ako je igrač samoisključen na jednoj od naših web lokacija i registriran na drugoj web stranici u vlasništvu Avento MT Limited tijekom navedenog razdoblja samoisključenja zadržavamo pravo da odmah zatvorimo račun i vratimo sve depozite umanjene za iznos koji ste već povukli. "
Izvinjavamo se našim igračima i Danielu. Učinit ćemo sve što je moguće da se ova situacija više ne ponovi.
Također smo poslali pismo na Petronelin e-mail kako bismo pojasnili neka pitanja.
S poštovanjem,
Dear Casino Guru Team,
We are acknowledging that paragraph 8.4 hadn't been represented clearly enough. This paragraph, in isolation from other terms and conditions, could mislead our clients.
In fact, this paragraph refers to self-exclusion in case of addiction. Since that time we have amended our terms and conditions to avoid any further misunderstanding.
"Any self-exclusion due to the reason of addiction shall extend to all accounts held by you with any website owned by Avento MT Limited. Where a player is self-excluded on one of our websites and registers on another website owned by Avento MT Limited during the said self-exclusion period, we retain the right to immediately close the account and return any deposits minus any amount which has already been withdrawn by you."
We apologize to our players and to Daniel. We will do everything possible so this situation doesn't happen again.
We also sent a letter to Petronela's e-mail to clarify some questions.
Budući da ste već priznali da ste pogriješili, smatram poštenim ako se ovdje dogovorimo o usporedbi .
Since you have already admitted that you made a mistake, I consider it fair if we agree on a comparison here.
Da Sie ja bereits zugegeben haben dass ein Fehler von Ihnen vorliegt, halte ich es für Fair wenn wir uns hier auf einen Vergleich einigen.
Dragi Danijele.
Kazino tim nas je kontaktirao i vjerujem da je njihov zahtjev u potpunosti valjan. Molim vas, možete li napraviti video zapis punog korisničkog protoka u vašem poštanskom sandučetu i pokazati nam kako prolazimo kroz mape Odlazne pošte i klikom na pismo od 23.05.?
To može povećati vaše šanse da riješite ovaj slučaj i dobijete iznos.
Dear Daniel.
The casino team has reached us and I believe their request is fully valid. Please, could you make a video of full user flow in your mailbox and show us going through Outbox folders and clicking on the letter from 23.05.?
It may increase your chances to resolve this case and get the amount.
Hvala vam na povratnim informacijama i dosadašnjoj komunikaciji.
Video odlazne pošte nije moguć, ispraznio sam ga početkom mjeseca jer više nisam imao mogućnosti slanja e-pošte.
Poslao sam puno e-mailova, jer su tamo poslani i poslani e-mailovi s prilozima, pa mi je ponestalo prostora za pohranu.
Smatrao sam da više nije potrebno čuvati e-poštu jer sam napravio snimak e-pošte koja je poslana.
Nadam se da ovo neće imati negativan utjecaj na konačnu odluku, spreman sam doći do prijateljskog rješenja (usporedbe) ili nečeg sličnog s kasinom.
Odgovorna osoba iz SlotV-a trebala bi mi samo prići ovdje.
Puno hvala!
Thank you for your feedback and the communication so far.
A video of the outbox is not possible, I emptied it at the beginning of the month because I no longer had the capacity to send e-mails.
I sent a lot of e-mails, as the sent e-mails with attachments were also saved there, so I ran out of storage space.
I didn't think it was necessary to save the e-mail any more, as I had taken a screenshot of the e-mail that was sent.
I hope this does not have a negative impact on the final decision, I am ready to come to an amicable solution (comparison) or something similar with the casino.
A person in charge from SlotV should just approach me here.
Many Thanks!
vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung und die bisherige Kommunikation.
Ein Video des Postausganges ist nicht möglich, ich habe diesen Anfang des Monats geleert da ich keine Kapazität mehr hatte um E-Mails zu verschicken.
Ich habe viele Mails versendet, da dort auch die gesendeten Mails mit Anhang gespeichert waren hatte ich keinen Speicherplatz mehr zur Verfügung.
Eine weitere Speicherung der E-Mail hatte ich nicht für nötig gehalten, da ich einen Screenshot von der gesendeten E-Mail gemacht hatte.
Ich hoffe dies hat keinen negativen Einfluss auf die endgültige Entscheidung, ich bin gerne dazu bereit mit dem Casino eine einvernehmliche Lösung (Vergleich) oder ähnliches zu treffen.
Hier soll einfach ein verantwortlicher von SlotV auf mich zukommen.
Vielen Dank!
Dragi Danijele.
Procijenili smo sve informacije dane u ovom gaznom sloju i došli do zaključka. Čak i ako zanemarimo činjenicu da je gotovo nemoguće u potpunosti ispuniti spremište Yahoo adresom e-pošte, otkrili smo da ste nam pružili lažni dokaz. Snimak ekrana vaše e-pošte od 23. maja grafički je uređen - primalac (adresa e-pošte u kazinu) i datum su jasno uređeni u odnosu na Yahoo original. Daniel, budući da si nas pokušao prevariti, odbit ću tvoj slučaj i toplo savjetujem da se ubuduće suzdržiš takvog ponašanja.
Vaš dokaz:
Original sa Yahoo-a:
Ali, ako se ne slažete s našom odlukom, uvijek možete kontaktirati tijelo za izdavanje dozvola u kazinu koje vam može pružiti konačnu odluku.
Srdačan pozdrav, Jozef
Dear Daniel.
We have evaluated all the information provided in this tread and came to a conclusion. Even if we would ignore the fact that it is almost impossible to fully fill the storage with Yahoo email address, we have detected that you have provided us with false proof. The screenshot of your email from 23rd of May, is graphically edited - recipient (the casino email address) and the date were clearly edited compared to Yahoo original. Daniel, since you have tried to cheat us, I am going to reject your case and I highly advise you to refrain from such a behavior in the future.
Your proof:
Original from Yahoo:
But, if you do not agree with our decision, you can always contact the licensing authority of the casino which may provide you with final decision.
Best regards, Jozef
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.