Podigao sam 2000 R i to je poništeno, rekli su da zahtevaju od mene da predam precizirani račun za koji nisam ni znao šta je u početku,
onda sam pitao korisničku podršku kako to mogu da nabavim i oni su mi rekli da mogu da ga dobijem tako što ću kontaktirati svog mrežnog provajdera i onda sam to uradio i onda ga poslao
a onda sam posle nekog vremena kontaktirao korisničku podršku da ih obavestim da sam predao detaljan račun i osoba koja mi je do tada pomagala rekla je da je primila precizirani račun i da je prosledila precizirani račun timu za plaćanja
i rekao mi da treba da sačekam dok ne dobiju odgovor od tima za plaćanje kako bih mogao da primim svoje dobitke.
Bilo je to 03.01.2024
Onda sam čekao dan.
Dana 04.01.2024 sam kontaktirao korisničku podršku zahtevajući ažuriranje sa povlačenjem jer se igre takođe nisu otvarale
A onda su mi rekli da još nisu dobili nikakva ažuriranja od tima za plaćanje i rekli su mi isto kao juče, kao da kopiraju istu poruku od juče.
Onda sam čekao još jedan dan, a onda sam danas 05.01.2024 ponovo kontaktirao korisničku podršku i tražio informacije o svom upitu, a zatim ponovo iste kopirao odgovore kao da razgovaram sa mašinom,
Onda sam posle 30 minuta ili sat primio e-poštu da je moj nalog zatvoren.
Zatim sam posle 5 do 10 minuta ponovo primio e-poruku od korisničke podrške u kojoj je pisalo sledeće:
Dragi Koketso,
Hvala na strpljenju!
Žao nam je što vas obaveštavamo da je vaš nalog zatvoren i da je stanje poništeno.
Ovo je iz nedavnog pregleda našeg bezbednosnog tima koji se sprovodi za sve naloge u nekom trenutku tokom trajanja naloga. Naš bezbednosni tim će pregledati sve informacije dostupne na nalogu pre nego što donese odluku ove prirode, na primer igranje igre, ulozi, šabloni depozita i identifikacija. Bilo koja odluka doneta u vezi sa uklanjanjem naloga ne uzima se olako i, nažalost, neće biti poništena.
Verujemo da smo na vaš upit odgovorili na zadovoljavajući način, međutim, ako vam zatreba dodatna pomoć, ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate gde ćemo nastojati da vam dodatno pomognemo. Naš tim Kontakt centra je dostupan svakog dana putem Live Chata, kojem možete pristupiti preko naše veb stranice.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mihai C
Dakle, ono što ne razumem je zašto je moj nalog zatvoren i šta oni znače kada kažu da je moj balans poništen?
Da li je nalog zatvoren zato što sam svaki dan tražio ažuriranje?
Takođe ću izgubiti novac koji sam osvojio?
Ovo zaista uopšte nije fer.
Samo se nadam da ćete rešiti ovaj problem, jer me je neko na mreži uputio o ovoj veb stranici rekavši da biste možda mogli da mi pomognete.
Hvala i pozdrav.
I have made a withdrawal of R2000 and it was canceled, they said they require me to submit the itemized bill which I didn't even know what it was at first,
then I asked the customer support on how can I acquire that and they told me that i can get it by contacting my network provider and then I did that and then submitted it
and then after some time I contacted the customer support to notify them that I have submitted the itemized bill and the person who was assisting me by that time told that they received the itemized bill and he/she has forwarded the itemized bill to the payments team
and told me that i should wait until they receive a response from the payment team so that i could receive my winnings.
It was on the 03.01.2024
Then I waited a day.
On the 04.01.2024 I contacted the customer support requesting an update with the withdrawal because the games weren't opening also
And then they told me that they haven't received any updates from the payment team yet, and told me the very same thing as yesterday, as if they're copying the same message from yesterday.
Then I waited another day and then today on the 05.01.2024 I reached out to the customer support again and asked information about my query and then the same copied answers again as if I'm talking to a machine,
Then after 30 minutes or an hour I received an email saying that my account has been closed.
Then after 5 to 10 minutes again I received an email from the customer support saying as follows :
Dear Koketso,
Thank you for your patience!
We are sorry to inform you that your account has been closed and balance was voided.
This is from a recent review from our security team that is undertaken on all accounts at some point during the lifetime of the account. Our security team will review all of the information available on an account before taking a decision of this nature, for example game play, stakes, deposit patterns and identification. Any decision made regarding the removal of an account is not taken lightly and, unfortunately, will not be reversed.
We trust we have answered your query satisfactorily, however, should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us where we will endeavour to assist you further. Our Contact Centre team is available every day via Live Chat, that you can access through our website.
Kind regards,
Mihai C
So what i do not understand is why my account was closed and also what does they mean when saying my balance is voided?
Was the account closed because I kept on requesting an update every day?
Also I will lose the money that I won?
This is really not fair at all.
I just hope that you will resolve this issue, as I was referred by someone online about this website saying that you might be able to help me.
Thanks regards.
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