Stake odbija da mi dozvoli da povučem svoje stanje.
Napravio sam račun i deponovao ~$27000 u USDT, ali je nalog ubrzo nakon toga suspendovan.
E-pošta o mojoj suspenziji mi kaže da još uvek mogu da povučem svoje stanje, ali ne možete više da stavljate opklade.
Moj nalog je stavljen u režim samo za povlačenje, ali još uvek ne mogu da se povučem.
Ne razumem zašto mi blokiraju povlačenje. Nisam igrao nijednu igru. Sve što sam uradio je bio depozit i suspendovan sam pre nego što sam mogao da se kladim. Molim vas da vratim svoj depozit.
Razumem ako kazino ne želi da više igram na njihovoj veb stranici, iz bilo kog razloga, ali ja i dalje zaslužujem da dobijem svoja sredstva nazad. To su s pravom moja sredstva.
Takođe mogu dokazati da adresa koja je deponovala sredstva pripada meni putem snimaka ekrana mog Metamask novčanika, ili čak slanjem „testnih" transakcija ako je potrebno.
U e-poruci, koju možete pogledati u nastavku, jasno se navodi da je verifikacija neophodna samo za nastavak klađenja, što me ne zanima. Samo sam zainteresovan da sada vratim svoja sredstva i uverili su me da mogu da podignem svoj iznos bez slanja informacije, ali još uvek ne mogu.
Imejl za suspenziju:
Stake is refusing to let me withdraw my balance.
I made an account and deposited ~$27000 in USDT, but the account was suspended shortly after.
The email about my suspension tells me I can still withdraw my balance, but you cannot place any more bets.
My account was put into a "withdrawal only mode", but I still cannot withdraw.
I do not understand why they are blocking my withdrawal. I did not play any games. All I did was deposit, and I was suspended before I could make any sort of bets. I am requesting to please receive my deposit back.
I understand if the casino does not want me to play on their website anymore, for whatever reason that is, but I still deserve to receive my funds back. It is rightfully my funds.
I can also prove that the address which deposited the funds belongs to me through screenshots of my Metamask wallet, or even sending "test" transactions if needed.
The email, which can be viewed below clearly states that verification is only necessary to resume betting, which I am not interested in. I am only interested in getting my funds back now, and they assured me that I can withdraw my balance without submitting any information, but I still cannot.
Suspension email:
Automatski prevedeno:![](