Ovo je žalba u vezi sa Stake.com, ne Stake UK, ali izgleda da ne mogu da pronađem Stake.com.
Igrao sam iz Velike Britanije, gde Stake.com nije licenciran, tako da sam koristio lažno ime i adresu za verifikaciju nivoa 1. Kladio sam se oko 50.000 dolara i želeo sam da podignem 20.000 dolara sa svog računa, ali je bila potrebna KIC dokumentacija.
Dao sam svoju dokumentaciju za UK, očekujući da će moj nalog biti stavljen u režim samo za povlačenje. Moj nalog je stavljen u režim samo za povlačenje, ali još uvek ne mogu da se povučem - veb lokacija mi ne dozvoljava da se povučem. Kada su kontaktirali podršku, rekli su mi da su na moj nalog postavljena dodatna ograničenja, tako da se od mene zahteva da popunim do nivoa 4 KIC: dokaz o izvoru prihoda, dokaz adrese i dokaz lične karte.
Dao sam ove dokumente, ali podrška Stake-a insistira na tome da moram da završim KIC koristeći informacije dostavljene nivou 1 KIC prvi put.
Čuo sam za igrače koji igraju u nelicenciranim jurisdikcijama, ali nakon pružanja punog KIC-a obično im je dozvoljeno da se povuku jer je identitet dovoljno dokazan. Čini se da to ovde nije slučaj.
U prilogu su evidencije ćaskanja sa podrškom uživo. Kontaktirao sam i podršku putem e-pošte, ali su se vratili sa istim informacijama.
This is a complaint regarding Stake.com, not Stake UK, but I can't seem to find Stake.com.
I was playing from the UK, where Stake.com is not licensed, so I was using a false name and address for level 1 verification. I have wagered around $50k, and wished to withdraw $20k from my account, but KYC documentation was required.
I provided my UK documentation, expecting that my account would be placed into withdraw only mode. My account was placed into withdraw only mode, but I am still unable to withdraw - the website does not allow me to withdraw. Upon contacting support they told me that there are additional restriction placed on my account, such that I am required to complete up to level 4 KYC: proof of source of income, proof of address, and proof of ID.
I provided these documents, but Stake support insists that I must complete KYC using the information submitted to level 1 KYC the first time around.
I have heard of players playing in unlicensed jurisdictions, but upon providing full KYC they are usually allowed to withdraw as identity has been sufficiently proven. This does not seem to be the case here.
Attached are chat logs with live support. I also contacted support by email, but they returned with the same information.
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