a1) Mogu ovo da potvrdim, a Stake nikada nije pomenuo u svojim uslovima da je Danska bila zabranjena jurisdikcija u uslovima pre registracije, da je tako, nikada se ne bih prijavio. Takođe, nikada nisam prekršio uslove sa ovim nalogom
b1) Bilo je to mesecima nakon što je moj prvobitni nalog zatvoren i Stake me je dugo ignorisao. Ovaj nalog je korišćen samo za kontaktiranje Stake-a.
c1) Ovo nije korišćeno za uznemiravanje osoblja, ali za prikupljanje dokaza da, ovaj nalog je kreiran nakon što je novi TEOS uključio Dansku kao zabranjenu jurisdikciju, i kao što možete videti na ovom priloženom snimku ekrana, više članova podrške nije zatvorilo račun čak i nakon što sam izjavio da sam iz Danske.
Ovo su sve klauzule iz novog i ažuriranog TEOS-a.
a) Tačka 5.4, 5.6 i 11 – On je svesno pristupao našem sajtu iz ograničene jurisdikcije;
b) Klauzula 5.16 i 11 – Napravio je više naloga za svoju ličnu upotrebu.
c) Klauzula 9 naše Politike samoisključenja – Napravio je više naloga nakon što je bio trajno isključen sa sajta.
a) Prethodna klauzula 1.2 – Stake možda neće moći da proveri legalnost Usluga u svakoj jurisdikciji i odgovornost je Korisnika da obezbedi da je njihovo korišćenje Usluge zakonito; i
b) Prethodna klauzula 4.5 - Vi pristupate Usluzi iz jurisdikcije u kojoj je to legalno, a Vaše individualno pristupanje servisu nije zabranjeno nijednom jurisdikcijom.
Ažuriran je krajem decembra 2022. ili početkom januara 2023., ulog bi trebalo da se odnosi na TEOS pre 22. septembra 2022. I opet neki od njih nikada nisu prekršeni na nalogu D4N13N.
Sledeći odeljak je tačan, ali Uslovi su prvi put ažurirani mesecima nakon što je moj jedini nalog u to vreme zatvoren i ovaj nalog nije prekršio nikakve uslove.
Dalje, u skladu sa klauzulama 2 i 16, Stake zadržava pravo da izmeni i promeni Uslove korišćenja bez daljeg obaveštenja i Korisnik će biti obavezan takvim izmenjenim ugovorom. Uvek se ohrabruje da korisnici budu u toku sa informacijama koje se nalaze u našim Uslovima korišćenja usluge. Korisnik je uzeo isečak iz Uslova korišćenja usluge od marta 2021. kada je registrovao svoj prvi nalog, koji se takođe nalazi u starim Uslovima korišćenja usluge:
P za ulog:
1) Da li sam imao više naloga pre 21. septembra 2022?
2) Kada je TEOS ažuriran i Danska uključena kao zabranjena jurisdikcija?
3) Da li sam ikada deponovao i igrao sa novih naloga?
Imam mnogo imejlova gde sam kontaktirao Stake, odbijaju da odgovore na ove mejlove. I ovde Stake mi kaže da počnem da kontaktiram njihove partnere. Tako da je zbunjujuće.
Stake je poznat po tome što ne odgovara na žalbe, prošli put su ignorisali moj GDPR zahtev skoro dva meseca, što je protivno GDPR zakonu, i samo uz pomoć Casino Gurua dobio sam kopiju svojih podataka.
Takođe, ovo su moje poruke za Stake messenger i ovde možete videti da vide moje poruke, ali ne odgovaraju, i da li ovo izgleda kao uznemiravanje?
a1) I can confirm this, and Stake never mentioned in their terms that Denmark was a prohibited jurisdiction in the terms prior to signup, If so I would never have signed up. Also, I never breached the terms with this account
b1) This was months after my original account was closed and Stake ignored me for a long time. This account was only used to contact Stake.
c1) This was not used to harass the staff, but to gather evidence yes, this account was created after the new TEOS included Denmark as a prohibited jurisdiction, and as you can see in this attached screenshot, multiple support members didn't close the account even after I stated I was from Denmark.
These are all clause from the new and updated TEOS.
a) Clause 5.4, 5.6, and 11 - He was knowingly accessing our site from a restricted jurisdiction;
b) Clause 5.16 and 11 - He created multiple accounts for his own personal use.
c) Clause 9 of our Self-Exclusion Policy - He created multiple accounts after being permanently excluded from the site.
a) Previous Clause 1.2 - Stake may not be able to verify the legality of the Services in each jurisdiction and it is the User's responsibility to ensure that their use of the Service is Lawful; and
b) Previous Clause 4.5 - you are accessing the Service from a jurisdiction in which it is legal to do so, and your individual accessing of the service is not prohibited by any jurisdiction.
It was updated end December 2022 or start January 2023, Stake should refer to the TEOS prior to September 22 2022. And again some of these was never breached on the D4N13N account.
The following section is true, but the Terms was first updated months after my only account at that time was closed and this that account did not breach any terms.
Further, as per Clauses 2 and 16, Stake reserves the right to amend and change the Terms of Service without further notice and the User will be bound by such amended agreement. It is always encouraged that Users are up to date with the information found in our Terms of Service. The User has taken a snippet from the Terms of Service dated around March 2021 when he registered his first account, also found in the old Terms of Service are the following
Q for Stake:
1) Did I have multiple accounts prior to Sep 21 2022?
2) When was the TEOS updated and Denmark included as prohibited jurisdiction?
3) Did I ever deposit and play from new accounts?
I have many emails where I contacted Stake, they refuse to respond to these emails. And also here Stake tells me to start contacting their partners. So it's confusing.
Stake is known for not responding to complaints, last time they ignored my GDPR request for almost two months, which is against the GDPR law, and only with the help of Casino Guru I got a copy of my data.
Also, this is my messages to Stake messenger and here you can see they see my messages but doesn't respond, and does this look like harassing?
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