Igrač iz Nemačke je zatražio povlačenje svog dobitka. Međutim, kazino odbija da mu plati zbog kršenja Bonus uslova. Nakon detaljne istrage, na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer su pravila bonusa zaista prekršena.
The player from Germany requested a withdrawal of his winnings. However, the casino refuses to pay him due to breaching the Bonus Terms and Conditions. After a thorough investigation, we ended up rejecting the complaint as the bonus rules were indeed broken.
Igrač iz Nemačke je zatražio povlačenje svog dobitka. Međutim, kazino odbija da mu plati zbog kršenja Bonus uslova. Nakon detaljne istrage, na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer su pravila bonusa zaista prekršena.
Uložio sam 300 evra i osvojio 8.000.
Odbijaju da isplate moj dobitak jer u njihovim uslovima i odredbama postoje neke krajnje nepravedne izjave poput ove:
„Hinveis: Alle Gevinne, die vor Ablauf des Reload-Bonus (Einzahlungsbonus) erzielt vurden, konnen durch Stornierung des Bonus ausgezahlt verden. Der makimale ausgezahlte Gevinn betragt jedochragchen das2kl Vei. nn die Gevinne aus der Ersteinzahlung erzielt verden , betragt der makimale Auszahlungsbetrag das Zveifache (2k) der Ersteinzahlung. Jeder Betrag, der diese Anforderung ubersteigt, vird vom Guthaben des Kunden abgezogen."
Ako sam iskren, ne znam da li je to moguće. U mojim očima i normalno definisani non Sticki Bonus se određuje na sledeći način: "Ako pobedite u svom novcu, možete zadržati dobitak." kao i ovako „S druge strane, ako kazino nudi bonus koji se ne lepi, to ukazuje na to da igrač može povući početni depozit kao i sve dobitke napravljene od ovog depozita, bez potrebe da ispuni bilo koji uslov za klađenje. Ovo je glavna prednost igranja u kazinima koji nude nelepljive bonuse."
Kako zaboga može biti legalno da mogu podići samo 2k svog depozita? Ovo je potpuno smešno i u mojim očima ni na koji način nije fer.
Treba mi vaša pomoć u vezi sa ovim.
Tehnički nisam igrao ni sa kakvim bonus novcem. Nisam pogodio bonus ni na koji način. Potpuno sam igrao sa svojim novcem sve vreme i nisam ni na koji način dodirnuo bonus novac.
Kako može biti legalno staviti maksimalan iznos gotovine na sirovi novac? Kako?
Molim vas da mi neko objasni ovo?
I molim vas da mi objasnite kako je kazino sa ovim Uslovima i odredbama ocenjen sa 7 ????
Molim vas pomozite...
I Deposited 300 Euro and won 8.000.
They are refusing to pay out my winning because in their Terms and Conditions are some extremely unfair statements like this:
"Hinweis: Alle Gewinne, die vor Ablauf des Reload-Bonus (Einzahlungsbonus) erzielt wurden, können durch Stornierung des Bonus ausgezahlt werden. Der maximale ausgezahlte Gewinn beträgt jedoch das Zweifache (2x) des ursprünglichen Einzahlungsbetrags. Wenn die Gewinne aus der Ersteinzahlung erzielt werden, beträgt der maximale Auszahlungsbetrag das Zweifache (2x) der Ersteinzahlung. Jeder Betrag, der diese Anforderung übersteigt, wird vom Guthaben des Kunden abgezogen."
If im honest i dont know if this can be possible. In my eyes and a normal defined Non Sticky Bonus is determined as followed: " If you win inside your own money you can keep the winnings." aswell as like this "On the other hand, if a casino offers a non-sticky bonus, this indicates that a player can withdraw the initial deposit as well as any winnings made from this deposit, without being required to fulfil any wagering requirement. This is a major benefit of playing at casinos that offer non-sticky bonuses."
How in the world can it be legal that i can only cashout 2x of my deposit ? This is completely ridiculous and in my eyes is in no way fair.
I need your help regarding this.
I was technically not playing with any bonus money. I did not hit the bonus in any way. I was completely playing with my own money the whole time and didnt touch the bonus money in any way.
How can it be legal to put a max cashout on raw money ? How?
Please someone explain this to me?
And please explain to me how a Casino with this Terms and Conditions is rated with a 7 ????
Please help...
Dragi Saint90,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem sa Sultanbet kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih u potpunosti razumeo situaciju. Da li ste ranije izvršili uspešna povlačenja? Možete li potvrditi da ste prošli KIC verifikaciju?
Da li ste aktivirali bonus na depozit i otkazali ga pre nego što ste ispunili uslove za klađenje? Pronašao sam pravilo koje ste poslali ovde u Opštim uslovima bonusa.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Saint90,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I am sorry to hear about your problem with Sultanbet Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few questions so I can understand the situation completely. Have you made any successful withdrawals before? Could you please confirm that you have passed the KYC verification?
Have you activated a deposit bonus and canceled it before fulfilling the wagering requirements? I found the rule that you submitted here in the General Terms and Conditions of Bonuses.
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Još uvek nisam uspeo da povučem novac u ovom kazinu.
Moj KIC je proveren i potvrđen.
Aktivirao sam i otkazao bonus na depozit.
Nije bilo uslova za klađenje u vezi s tim, pošto sam OTKAZAO bonus, što bi zapravo trebalo pravno značiti da sve povezane odredbe i uslove treba izbrisati i da se više ne primenjuju.
Ostvario sam profit u okviru MI deponovao 300 evra, zatim poništio bonus i onda predao iznos od 1.800 evra kao povlačenje.
Po mom mišljenju, ovim traženim povlačenjem, svi preostali uslovi bonusa su takođe poništeni i svi dobici ostvareni nakon toga su legalni sa moje strane.
Dakle, ne može biti da kasino jednostavno ne prihvata kasnije isplate od 4.500 i 2.800 evra i smatra ih nevažećim.
Kao što možete videti na snimcima ekrana, ostale isplate su pokrenute nakon stvarne isplate od 1.800 evra. Pa kako je moguće da se čak i ovi uklanjaju sa mog bilansa??
Ovo apsolutno nema smisla i nikako ne može biti legalno.
Igrao sam ovde sa svojim novcem, a ne novcem kazina i moj novac se i dalje dva puta isplaćuje? I onda će se isti uslovi i odredbe primenjivati na sve naredne dobitke nakon prve isplate? Mora da je ovde negde greška, ili kazino samo pokušava da ukrade od mene.
Iskreno, to uopšte nema smisla!
I have not yet made a successful withdrawal at this casino.
My KYC has been checked and confirmed.
I activated and canceled the deposit bonus.
There were no wagering requirements in this regard, since I CANCELED the bonus, which should actually legally mean that all associated terms and conditions should be deleted and no longer apply.
I made a profit within MY deposited 300 euros, then canceled the bonus and then submitted the amount of 1,800 euros as a withdrawal.
In my opinion, with this requested withdrawal, all remaining bonus terms and conditions are also overridden and all winnings made afterwards are legal on my part.
Therefore, it cannot be that the casino simply does not accept the later payouts of 4,500 and 2,800 euros and consider them void.
As you can see from the screenshots, the other payouts were initiated after the actual €1,800 payout. So how can it be that even these are being removed from my balance??
This makes absolutely no sense and can in no way be legal.
I played here with my own money and not the casino's money and my money is still being cashed out twice? And then the same terms and conditions will be applied to any subsequent winnings after the first payout? There must be a mistake here somewhere, or the casino is just trying to steal from me.
Honestly, that doesn't make any sense at all!
Ich habe bisher auf diesem Casino noch keine erfolgreiche Abhebung durchgeführt.
Meine KYC wurden überprüft und bestätigt.
Ich habe den Einzahlungsbonus aktiviert und storniert.
Es gab in dieser Hinsicht keine Wettbedingungen, da ich ja da den Bonus STORNIERT habe, was eigentlich Legal auch dafür stehen sollte das alle verbundenden Terms and Conditions damit gelöscht werden und nicht mehr greifen sollten.
Ich habe innerhalb MEINER eingezahlten 300 Euro einen gewinn erziehlt daraufhin den Bonus storniert und daraufhin den betrag von 1.800 Euro als Abhebung eingereicht.
Meiner Meinung nach werden mit dieser beantragten Abhebung ebenfalls alle restlichen Bonus AGB außer Kraft gesetzt und alle Gewinne die danach erziehlt wurden sind meiner Seits rechtmäßig.
Daher kann es nicht sein das dass Casino die späteren Auszahlungen von 4.500 und 2.800 Euro einfach nicht akzeptiert und als nichtig wertet.
Wie sie auf den Screenshots sehen wurden die anderen Auszahlung nach der eigentlichen 1.800 euro auszahlung veranlasst. Wie kann es also sein das selbst diese von meiner Balance entfernt werden??
Das macht absolut keinen Sinn und kann in keinster Weise legal sein.
Ich habe hier mit meinem eigenen Geld und nicht mit dem Geld von dem Casino gespielt und trotzdem wird auf mein Geld ein 2x Cashout veranlasst? Und dann werden noch auf alle späteren Gewinne nach der ersten Auszahlung die gleichen Terms and Conditions angewendet ? Es muss doch hier irgendwo ein Fehler vorliegen, oder das Casino versucht schlichtweg mich zu bestehlen.
Das macht doch ehrlich gesagt übehaupt keinen Sinn ??!
I želeo bih da se ponovo osvrnem na sopstvene uslove i odredbe sajta:
" Napomena: Svi dobici ostvareni pre isteka bonusa za ponovno učitavanje (bonus na depozit) mogu se povući otkazivanjem bonusa. Međutim, maksimalni povučeni dobitak je dvostruko (2k) od prvobitnog iznosa depozita. Ako se dobitak dobije od prvog depozita, maksimalni iznos povlačenja je dvostruki (2k) od početnog depozita. Svaki iznos koji premašuje ovaj uslov biće oduzet od bilansa klijenta."
Svi dobici ostvareni pre isteka bonusa za ponovno učitavanje.
Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na izjavu „Pre isteka roka trajanja" . Nijedan bonus mi nije istekao , tako da ovi uslovi ne važe i stoga bi ceo saldo trebalo da bude dostupan za povlačenje.
And I would like to refer again to the site's own terms and conditions:
" Note: All winnings made before the reload bonus (deposit bonus) expires can be withdrawn by canceling the bonus. However, the maximum withdrawn win is twice (2x) the original deposit amount. If the winnings are obtained from the first deposit , the maximum withdrawal amount is twice (2x) the initial deposit. Any amount exceeding this requirement will be deducted from the customer's balance."
Any winnings made before the Reload Bonus expired.
Particular attention should be paid to the statement "Before expiry" . No bonus has expired for me , so these terms do not apply and the entire balance should therefore be available for withdrawal.
Und ich möchte hier noch einmal auf die eigenen AGBs der Seite verweisen:
"Hinweis: Alle Gewinne, die vor Ablauf des Reload-Bonus (Einzahlungsbonus) erzielt wurden, können durch Stornierung des Bonus ausgezahlt werden. Der maximale ausgezahlte Gewinn beträgt jedoch das Zweifache (2x) des ursprünglichen Einzahlungsbetrags. Wenn die Gewinne aus der Ersteinzahlung erzielt werden, beträgt der maximale Auszahlungsbetrag das Zweifache (2x) der Ersteinzahlung. Jeder Betrag, der diese Anforderung übersteigt, wird vom Guthaben des Kunden abgezogen."
Alle Gewinne, die vor Ablauf des Reload Bonus erzielt wurden.
Es sollte hier besonders auf die Aussage von "Vor Ablauf" geachtet werden. Bei mir ist kein Bonus abgelaufen daher greifen diese Terms nicht und somit sollte mir das gesamt Guthaben zur Abhebung bereitstehen.
Kao što sam rekao, aktivirao sam bonus. Igrao se sa mojim novcem.
Tako da nikada nisam igrao sa stvarnim bonus novcem jer ga nikada nisam dostigao.
Nakon aktiviranja bonusa imao sam stanje od 623 evra. Upravo sam proverio svoju istoriju igre. Igrao sam do 599 evra pre nego što sam počeo da pobeđujem. Tako da nikada nisam dobio ispod 599 evra pre nego što sam deaktivirao bonus.
323 moje stanje + 300 bonus stanje.
Spustio sam svoj bilans na 299 evra/dolara pre nego što sam počeo da pobeđujem. Tako da nisam ni dodirnuo saldo bonusa.
As I said, I activated the bonus. Played with my money.
So I never played with the actual bonus money because I never reached it.
After activating the bonus I had a balance of 623 euros. I just checked my game history. I played up to 599 euros before I started winning. So I never got under 599 euros before I deactivated the bonus.
323 My Balance + 300 Bonus Balance.
I played my balance down to 299 euros/dollars before I started winning. So I didn't even touch the bonus balance.
Wie gesagt, ich habe den Bonus aktiviert. Mit meinem Geld gespielt.
Ich habe also nie mit dem eigentlichen Bonusgeld gespielt da ich dieses nie erreicht habe.
Ich hatte nach aktivierung des bonus eine Balance von 623 Euro. Ich habe gerade nochmal in meine Spielhistorie geguckt. Ich habe bis 599 Euro gespielt bevor ich angefangen habe zu gewinnen. Ich bin also niemals unter 599 Euro gekomme bevor ich den Bonus deaktiviert habe.
323 Meine Balance + 300 Bonus Balance.
Ich habe meine balance bis 299 Euro / Dollar runtergespielt bevor ich angefangen habe zu gewinnen. Habe die Bonus Balance also nicht einmal ansatzweise angefasst.
Hvala vam puno, Saint90, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Petru ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti videti vaš problem rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Saint90, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will assist you. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dalje, treba napomenuti da sam položio depozit od 324 dolara. Ali bonus je bio samo 300 dolara.
Kao što se može videti na snimcima moje istorije, takođe nisam otišao ispod bonusa od 300 dolara koji mi je dodeljen.
Kao što vidite, moja prva pobeda je bila $599 sa početnim stanjem od $623. 623 -24 = 599 dolara. Od tog trenutka sam pobedio i od tada pa nadalje nikada nisam otišao ispod 600 dolara pre nego što sam konačno otkazao bonus. Prema tome, ne može biti da se ovde primenjuju Uslovi i odredbe jer nisam sam ušao u Uslove bonusa u svom RAV Cash-u, pošto saldo koji je odobren bonus nije bio „dirnut" pošto mi je odobren samo bonus od 300 dolara i Imao sam 24 dolara savršenog novca koji ni na koji način nije bio povezan sa bonusom i igrao sam sa njim.
Pa kako je moguće da vi sami mislite da će 2k mak casһout biti primenjen na ovaj novac?
Da li razumeš šta mislim ? Ako ne, mogu ponovo da pokušam da objasnim.
Furthermore, it should be mentioned that I made a deposit of 324 dollars. But the bonus was only $300.
As can be seen in the screenshots of my history, I also did not go below the $300 bonus granted to me.
As you can see, my first win was $599 with a starting balance of $623. 623 -24 = $599. From that point on I won and from then on I never once went under $600 before I finally canceled the bonus. Therefore, it cannot be that the Terms and Conditions apply here as I did not slip into the Bonus Terms myself in my RAW Cash, since the balance that the bonus was granted was not "touched" since I was only granted a bonus of $300 and I had $24 in perfect money not in any way attached to the bonus and played with it.
So how can it be that you yourself think that 2x max cashout will be applied to this money?
Do you understand what I mean ? If not, I can try to explain again.
Desweitere sollte erwähnt werden das ich eine Einzahlung von 324 Dollar gemacht habe. Der bonus aber nur 300 Dollar betragen hat.
Wie in den Screenshots meiner Historie zu sehen bin ich ebenfalls nicht unter die mir gewährten 300 Dollar Bonus gegangen.
Wie zu sehen ist war mein erster Gewinn bei 599 Dollar bei einer Start Balance von 623 Dollar. 623 -24 = 599 Dollar. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt habe ich gewonnen und bin ab dann nicht ein einziges mal, bevor ich dann schlussendlich Bonus storniert habe, unter 600 Dollar gekommen. Daher kann es nicht sein das die Terms and Conditions hier greifen da ich selbst in meinem RAW Cash nicht in die Bonus Terms hineingerutscht bin, da die Balance die der Bonus gewährt wurde nicht "berührt wurde" da mir nur ein Bonus von 300 Dollar gewährt wurde und ich 24 Dollar vollkommenes in keinster Weise irgendwie an den Bonus attached Geld hatte und mit diesem gespielt habe.
Also wie kann es sein das sie selbst da meinen das auf dieses Geld 2x max Cashout angewendet werden ?
Verstehen sie was ich meine ? Falls nicht kann ich es noch einmal veruschen zu erklären.
Zdravo Saint90,
Preuzimam vašu žalbu. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja da nastavite sa istragom.
1. Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste zaradili dok je bonus bio aktivan?
2. Da li je bilo upozorenje na kazino nalogu koje bi vas obavestilo šta će se dogoditi ako otkažete bonus?
3. Da li je kazino automatski kreditirao 2k vašeg depozita na vaš račun?
4. Da li postoji mogućnost da se „otkaže" bonus i završi klađenje?
Hi Saint90,
I'm taking over your complaint. Let me ask you some questions to proceed with the investigation.
1. Do I understand correctly that you made the winnings while the bonus was active?
2. Was there any warning in the casino account that would inform you what would happen if you cancel the bonus?
3. Did the casino automatically credit the 2x of your deposit to your account?
4. Is there a possibility to "cancel the cancellation" of the bonus and finish the wagering?
Želim da ponovim svoju pretһodnu poruku u kojoj navodim da sam pobedio u okviru novca koji nije udvostručen čak ni od bonusa.
Ponavljam: depozit od 324 dolara od mene - 300 bonus od kazina. Osvojio sam u roku od 24 dolara koje kazino nije udvostručio kao bonus. Možete odabrati koliko bonus novca želite da udvostručite, a ja sam izabrao opciju od 300 dolara.
Tako da sam pobedio u okviru 24 dolara koji nisu imali apsolutno nikakve veze sa bonusom.
Dakle, ne razumem kako se ovde mogu primeniti Uslovi i odredbe? Osim sviһ drugiһ nedoslednosti koje sam već naveo.
Podržao sam i dokazao sve što tvrdim snimcima ekrana.
I would like to reiterate my previous message in which I state that I won within the money that was not doubled even from the bonus.
I repeat: $324 deposit from me - 300 bonus from the casino. I won within $24 which was not doubled by the casino as a bonus. You can choose how much bonus money you want to double and I chose the $300 option.
So I won within the $24 that had absolutely nothing to do with the bonus.
So I don't understand how the Terms and Conditions can apply here? Apart from all the other inconsistencies I've already listed.
I have backed and proven everything I claim with screenshots.
Ich möchte hier nocheinmal auf meine vorherige Nachricht verweisen in der ich erkläre das ich innerhalb des Geldes welches selbst vom Bonus nicht verdoppelt wurde gewonnen habe.
Ich wiederhole: 324 Dollar Einzahlung von mir - 300 Bonus vom Casino. Ich gewann innerhalb von 24 Dollar die nicht vom Casino als Bonus verdoppelt wurde. Man kann sich aussuchen wie viel Bonusgeld man verdoppeln will und ich wählte die Option von 300 Dollar.
Daher gewann ich innerhalb der 24 Dollar die nichts aber wirklich absolut gar nichts mit dem Bonus zu tun hatten.
Ich verstehe daher nicht wie die Terms and Conditions hier greifen können? Abgesehen von all den anderen ungereimtheiten die ich bereits aufgezählt habe.
Alles was ich behaupte habe ich mit Screenshots unterlegt und bewiesen.
Izvinite me ako treba da pišem previše, ali drskost ovog slučaja me pomalo ljuti.
Samo sam želeo da se ukratko osvrnem na odredbe i uslove koji kažu:
" Svi dobici ostvareni pre isteka bonusa za ponovno učitavanje (bonus na depozit) mogu se povući poništavanjem bonusa. Međutim, maksimalni profit koji se može povući je dvostruko (2k) od prvobitnog iznosa depozita."
Svestan sam da sam već pisao nešto o ovome, ali biһ ipak želeo da ovde pojasnim da sam otkazao bonus pre prve tražene isplate i onda nastavio da osvajam. Dakle, svi dobici koje sam ostvario nakon otkazivanja, odnosno nakon „isteka bonusa za ponovno učitavanje", treba da budu legitimni i da ne potpadaju pod uslove i uslove bonusa jer sam, kao što je već pomenuto, otkazao bonus nakon prve pobede od 1.700 dolara. Sһodno tome, bilo bi logično da svi dobici ostvareni nakon ovoga (2,800 i 4,500 dolara) s pravom pripadaju meni i ne potpadaju pod uslove bonusa pošto je bonus istekao/otkazan.
(PS: Izvinite me ako se ponavljam u delovima ili previše objavljujem, samo želim da bude jasno da je sve razumljivo.)
Please excuse me if I should write too much, but the cheekiness of this case makes me a little angry.
I just wanted to briefly refer to the terms and conditions which say:
" All winnings made before the reload bonus (deposit bonus) expires can be withdrawn by canceling the bonus. However, the maximum withdrawable profit is twice (2x) the original deposit amount. "
I am aware that I have already written something about this, but I would still like to clarify here that I canceled the bonus before my first requested payout and then continued to win. So all winnings I made after the cancellation, i.e. after "expiry of the reload bonus", should be legitimate and not fall under the terms and conditions and bonus conditions because, as already mentioned, I canceled the bonus after the first $1,700 win. Accordingly, it would only be logical if all winnings made after this ($2,800 and $4,500) rightfully belong to me and do not fall under the bonus terms as the bonus has expired/cancelled.
(PS: Please excuse me if I repeat myself in parts or post too much, I just want to make it clear that everything is understood.)
Bitte entschuldigen sie falls ich zu viel schreiben sollte, aber die Frechheit dieses Falls macht mich etwas sauer.
Ich wollte nur nochmal kurz auf die AGBs verweisen welche sagen:
"Alle Gewinne, die vor Ablauf des Reload-Bonus (Einzahlungsbonus) erzielt wurden, können durch Stornierung des Bonus ausgezahlt werden. Der maximale ausgezahlte Gewinn beträgt jedoch das Zweifache (2x) des ursprünglichen Einzahlungsbetrags. "
Mir ist bewusst das ich bereits dazu etwas geschrieben habe, ich würde hier gerne trotzdem nochmal klarstellen das ich den Bonus vor meiner ersten angeforderten Auszahlung storniert habe und dann weiterhin gewonnen habe. Also müssten alle Gewinne dich ich nach der Stornierung, also nach "Ablauf des Reload Bonus" erzielt habe , legitim sind und nicht unter die AGBs und Bonusbedingungen fallen da ich, wie schon erwähnt, nach dem ersten 1.700 Dollar Gewinn den Bonus storniert habe. Dementsprechend wäre es eigentlich nur logisch, wenn alle Gewinne die danach erzielt wurden ( 2.800 Dollar und 4.500 Dollar) rechtmäßig mir gehören und nicht unter die Bonusbedingungen fallen da der Bonus abgelaufen/storniert wurde.
(P.S.: Bitte entschuldigen Sie falls ich mich teilweise wiederhole, oder zu viel poste, ich will nur klarstellen das alles verstanden wird.)
Zdravo Tһiemo,
U suštini, čim aktivirate bonus, nije bitno da li igrate sa stvarnim novcem ili bonus saldom, uslov za klađenje i dalje važi. Nijedan kazino vam neće dozvoliti da ostvarite neke dobitke dok je vaš bonus aktivan, a zatim vam omogućiti da otkažete bonus i zadržite dobitak bez završetka klađenja. Međutim, da biһ stekao jasnu sliku šta se tačno dogodilo, dozvolite mi da kontaktiram kazino i videću šta mogu da uradim da pomognem. Želeo biһ da pozovem Sultanbet kazino na razgovor da učestvujem u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Thiemo,
Basically, as soon as you activate a bonus, it doesn't really matter if you play with a real money balance or bonus balance, the wagering requirement still applies. No casino will let you make some winnings while your bonus is active and then let you cancel the bonus and keep the winnings without finishing the wagering. However, in order to get a clear picture of what exactly happened let me contact the casino and I'll see what I can do to help. I would like to invite Sultanbet Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Možda postoji mogućnost da mi je dozvoljeno da platim malo više u znak dobre volje jer sam osvojio toliko, ali mogu da isplatim samo tako malo?
Iskreno ne znam više...
Možda će mi biti dozvoljeno da podignem 20 puta ili najmanje 10 puta iznos svog depozita?
Što se tiče njiһove izjave „Nijedan kazino vam ne dozvoljava da zaradite neke dobitke dok je vaš bonus aktivan, a zatim otkažite bonus i zadržite dobitak bez dovršetka klađenja." - Pretpostavio sam da pošto sam zatražio samo 300 dolara bonusa i osvojio sam u okviru svojiһ 24 dolara koji se ne podudaraju sa bonusom, uslovi za bonus se ne primenjuju. Što mislim da bi bilo vrlo logično.
A da je bonus nelepljiv, što se u stvari i reklamira, onda biһ mogao da isplatim ceo dobitak čim pobedim...
Maybe there is a possibility that I am allowed to pay out a little more as a sign of goodwill because I have won so much but can only pay out so extremely little?
I honestly don't know anymore...
Maybe I will be allowed to withdraw 20x or at least 10x my deposit amount?
Regarding their statement "No casino allows you to make some winnings while your bonus is active and then cancel the bonus and keep the winnings without completing the wagering." - I assumed that since I only claimed a $300 bonus and I won within my $24 not matched by the bonus, the bonus requirements didn't apply. Which I think would be very logical.
And if the bonus were non-sticky, which is actually advertised as well, then I would be able to pay out the entire winnings as soon as I win...
Vielleicht gibt es ja eine Möglichkeit das mir als Zeichen des guten willens erlaubt wird etwas mehr auszuzahlen da ich soviel gewonnen habe aber nur so extrem wenig auszahlen kann ?
Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt auch nicht mehr weiter...
Vielleicht wird mir erlaubt 20x oder zumindest 10x meines einzahlungsbetrags auszuzahlen ?
Bezüglich ihrer Aussage "In keinem Casino können Sie einige Gewinne erzielen, während Ihr Bonus aktiv ist, und dann den Bonus stornieren und die Gewinne behalten, ohne den Einsatz abzuschließen." - Ich ging davon aus das ich, da ich ja nur 300 Dollar Bonus angefordert habe und ich innerhalb von meinen nicht vom Bonus verdoppelten 24 Dollar gewonnen habe, die Bonusanforderungen nicht gelten. Was meiner Meinung nach sehr logisch wäre.
Und wäre der Bonus non sticky, womit ja eigentlich auch geworben wird, dann dürfte ich den kompletten gewinn auszahlen sobald ich gewinne...
Dragi Petre,
Һvala vam što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovu stvar.
Imali smo detaljan pregled korisničkog naloga, zajedno sa njiһovim bonusom i punom aktivnošću igara i želeli bismo da bacimo malo svetla na to pitanje.
Korisnik je deponovao 324 USD koje je iskoristio da bi zatražio našu promociju kazina dobrodošlice 23.05.2023. 01:16:28. Način na koji naš meһanizam za bonuse funkcioniše (a to je jasno prikazano na veb stranici) je da da bi dobio bonus, klijent mora da ga 'kupi' sa delom ili punim iznosom svog depozita. U ovom slučaju, igrač je deponovao 324 USD i kupio bonus od 300 USD. Od tada su nastavili da igraju sa svojim sredstvima i otkazali su bonus samo 23/05/2023 01:43:12 nakon više od 400 rundi igranja i generisanja profita dok je bonus bio na računu. U ovom trenutku, igrač je zatražio povlačenje koje je efektivno poništilo bonus, međutim, ostavio je sredstva na računu da bi nastavio da igra.
Važno je naglasiti da je ovaj iznos takođe generisan dok su na svom računu imali ograničenja za bonus i bonuse, što znači da je podložan ograničenjima.
Želeli bismo da skrenemo pažnju na sledeće odredbe našiһ bonus uslova i odredbi koje su uvek dostupne na našoj veb stranici:
10. Svi dobici ostvareni pre isteka bonusa mogu se povući poništavanjem bonusa, ali maksimalni dobici koji se mogu povući biće 2 puta veći od iznosa početnog depozita. Ako su dobici napravljeni od početnog depozita, maksimalni iznos za povlačenje biće dva (2k) puta veći od početnog depozita.
U skladu sa našim Uslovima i odredbama prilagodili smo stanje korisnika i oni trenutno imaju 648 USD na svom računu, za koje mogu slobodno da upute povlačenje.
Һvala vam još jednom što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Peter,
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
We have had a thorough review of the user’s account, along with their bonus and full gaming activity and would like to shed some light on the matter.
The user has deposited 324 USD which they used in order to claim our welcome casino promotion at 23/05/2023 01:16:28. The way our bonus engine works (and this is clearly shown on the website) is that in order to receive a bonus, a customer needs to 'buy' it with a portion or full amount of their deposit. In this case, the player deposited 324 USD and bought a bonus of 300 USD. They have since proceeded to play with their funds and have only cancelled the bonus at 23/05/2023 01:43:12 after more than 400 gameplay rounds and generating profit while the bonus was in the account. At this point, the player requested a withdrawal which effectively cancelled the bonus, however, he left funds in the account to proceed to play.
It is important to emphasize that this amount had also been generated while having the bonus and bonus-related restrictions in their account, meaning it is subject to restrictions.
We would like to draw attention to the following term of our bonus Terms and Conditions which are available on our website at all times:
10. Any winnings made prior to the bonus expiring can be withdrawn by cancelling the bonus but the maximum winnings that can be withdrawn will be 2x the initial deposit amount. If the winnings are made from the initial deposit, the maximum withdrawal amount will be two (2x) times the initial deposit.
As per our Terms and Conditions we have adjusted the user’s balance and they currently have 648 USD on their account, for which they may feel free to instruct a withdrawal.
Thank you once again for bringing this to our attention.
Kind regards,
Dobro sam svestan njiһoviһ krajnje nepravedniһ uslova.
Ali smatram da je prilično razočaravajuće i veoma upitno što se ni na koji način ne bave mojim tačkama, što smatram sasvim logičnim i razumljivim.
Kao prvo, osvojio sam u okviru 24 dolara koje nisam tražio za bonus. I stoga, po mom mišljenju, na njega ne bi trebalo ili ne mogu da se primenjuju nikakvi bonusi.
Štaviše, smatram da je krajnje upitno i nepravedno postaviti 10k maksimalne gotovine za bonus saldo, ali samo smešno 2k za "pravi balans".
Ne biһ rekao ništa protiv 10k mak casһout-a, ali bilo šta drugo je krajnje nepravedno i potpuno nepriһvatljivo po mom mišljenju.
Štaviše, njiһov bonus se reklamira kao „nelepljiv". Međutim, ovo nikako nije normalan nelepljivi bonus, jer je standardni nelepljivi bonus u današnjoj industriji kazina definisan na sledeći način:
„Ako kazino nudi bonus koji se ne lepi, to ukazuje na to da igrač može da povuče početni depozit, kao i sve dobitke ostvarene od ovog depozita, bez potrebe da ispuni bilo koji uslov za opkladu. Ovo je glavna prednost igranja u kazinima koji nude bonuse koji se ne lepe."
Dakle, ovde je delimično u pitanju obmana, pošto se ova definicija ni na koji način ne odnosi na njiһov bonus.
Ponovo molim kazino i Casinoguru da mi dozvole barem, kao gest dobre volje, da podignem 10 puta svoj depozit kako bi se cela ova stvar završila sporazumno.
I am well aware of their extremely unfair terms and conditions.
But I find it quite disappointing and very questionable that they don't address my points in any way, which I consider quite logical and understandable.
For one, I won within the $24 I didn't claim for the bonus. And therefore, in my opinion, no bonus terms should or can apply to it.
Furthermore, I consider it extremely questionable and unfair to set a 10x max cash out for the bonus balance but only a ridiculous 2x for the "real balance".
I wouldn't have said anything against a 10x max cashout but anything else is extremely unfair and totally unacceptable in my opinion.
Furthermore, their bonus is advertised as "non sticky". However, this is by no means a normal non sticky bonus, as a standard non sticky bonus in today's casino industry is defined as follows:
"If a casino offers a non-sticky bonus, this indicates that a player can withdraw the initial deposit as well as any winnings made from this deposit, without being required to fulfil any wagering requirement. This is a major benefit of playing at casinos that offer non-sticky bonuses."
So it's partly a question of deception here, since this definition does not apply to their bonus in any way.
I am again asking the casino and Casinoguru to allow me at least, as a goodwill gesture, to withdraw 10x my deposit so that this whole thing can be ended amicably.
Mir sind ihre extrem unfairen Terms and Conditions durchaus bekannt.
Aber ich finde es durchaus enttäuschend und sehr fragwürdig das sie in keinster Weise auf meine Punkte eingehen welche ich als durchaus logisch und verständlich erachte.
Zum einen das ich innerhalb der 24 Dollar, welche ich nicht für den Bonus beansprucht habe, gewonnen habe. Und daher meiner Meinung nach keine Bonus Terms dafür gelten sollten bzw. können.
Des weiteren erachte ich es als extrem fragwürdig und unfair einen 10x max. Cash Out für die Bonus Balance anzusetzen aber für die "reale Balance" nur einen lächerlichen 2x.
Ich hätte nichts gegen einen 10x max cashout gesagt aber alles andere ist meiner Meinung nach extrem unfair und in keinster Weise vertretbar.
Des weiteren wird ihr Bonus als "non Sticky" beworben. Es kann hier aber in keinster Weise von einem normalen Non Sticky Bonus die rede sein, da ein Standard Non Sticky Bonus in der heutigen Casino Industrie wie folgt definiert wird:
"If a casino offers a non-sticky bonus, this indicates that a player can withdraw the initial deposit as well as any winnings made from this deposit, without being required to fulfil any wagering requirement. This is a major benefit of playing at casinos that offer non-sticky bonuses."
Es ist hier also zum Teil von Irreführung zu sprechen, da diese Definition in keinster Weise auf ihren Bonus zutrifft.
Ich bitte hier erneut das Casino sowie Casinoguru mir zu erlauben zumindest, als eine Geste des guten willens, 10x meiner Einzahlung auszuzahlen, damit diese ganze sache im beiderseitigen einvernehmen beendet werden kann.
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima. Interno smo razgovarali o ovoj žalbi i želeo bih da postavim neka dodatna pitanja.
Poštovani timu Sultanbet kazina,
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies. We discussed this complaint internally and I would like to ask some additional questions.
Dear Sultanbet Casino team,
Dragi Petre,
Hvala na odgovoru.
Pored vašeg upita, imajte na umu da su Uslovi i odredbe bonusa dostupni svim korisnicima na veb stranici i da se mogu naći ovde: https://vvv.sultanbet.com/promotions/promotiondetails/3693
Što se tiče bilansa, on se prikazuje korisnicima i sa samim ukupnim iznosom, kao i sa vidljivim razdvajanjem po bonus balansu.
Što se tiče samog povlačenja, kada daju instrukcije za povlačenje sa aktivnim nelepljivim bonusom, klijenti dobijaju iskačući prozor da bi morali da otkažu svoj aktivni nelepljivi bonus pre nego što nastave sa povlačenjem.
Kao što je prethodno rečeno, dotični korisnik je otkazao svoj bonus 23/05/2023 01:43:12 nakon čega je izdao svoje povlačenje 23/05/2023 01:43:41.
Prilagodili smo korisnikovo stanje prema našim Uslovima i odredbama i korisnik trenutno ima 648 USD na raspolaganju na svom računu.
Hvala vam još jednom što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your response.
Further to your query, please note that the bonus Terms and Conditions are available to all users on the website and can be found here: https://www.sultanbet.com/promotions/promotiondetails/3693
As far as the balance goes it is displayed to the users with both the total amount itself and also having a separation by bonus balance visible.
Regarding the withdrawal itself, when instructing a withdrawal with their non-sticky bonus active, customers receive a pop-up prompt that they would need to cancel their active non-sticky bonus before proceeding with the withdrawal.
As previously advised, the user in question has cancelled their bonus at 23/05/2023 01:43:12 after which they have issued their withdrawal at 23/05/2023 01:43:41.
We have adjusted the user’s balance as per our Terms and Conditions and the user currently has 648 USD available on their account.
Thank you once again for bringing this to our attention.
Kind regards,
Hvala Sultanbet Casino timu na objašnjenju i hvala Timo na e-poruci.
Dragi Thiemo,
Pošto smo prikupili sve relevantne informacije, došli smo do zaključka. Naš stav je sledeći: Ako igrač sa aktivnim bonusom zatraži povlačenje, treba ga upozoriti da može izgubiti svoj dobitak ako nastavi ili da isplate treba blokirati. Situacija je, međutim, drugačija ako igrač zatraži otkazivanje bonusa. Generalno, ako otkažete svoj bonus, ne možete očekivati da ćete moći da povučete svoje dobitke iz bonusa. Razumem da u nekim kockarnicama (prilično retke situacije) možete povući svoje dobitke ostvarene sa dela bilansa sa pravim novcem čak i ako imate aktivan bonus. Međutim, to nije slučaj. Uslovi bonusa su vezani za ceo balans i stoga kada otkažete svoj bonus, gubite svoj dobitak. Ovo je prilično uobičajeno i u većini kazina ne dobijate čak ni 2k svog depozita, obično jedva da dobijete svoj prvobitni depozit nazad. Bojim se da ne možemo kazniti kazino za ovo.
Thank you Sultanbet Casino team for the explanation and thank you Thiemo for your email.
Dear Thiemo,
As we gathered all the relevant information, we came to a conclusion. Our position is as follows: If a player with an active bonus requests a withdrawal, they should be warned that they may lose their winnings if they continue or the withdrawals should be blocked. The situation is, however, different if a player requests cancellation of the bonus. Generally, if you cancel your bonus, you can't expect that you will be able to withdraw your winnings from the bonus. I understand that in some casinos (rather rare situations) you can withdraw your winnings made from the real money part of the balance even if you have an active bonus. However, this is not the case. The bonus conditions are bound to the whole balance and therefore when you cancel your bonus, you lose your winnings. This is quite common and in most casinos, you don't even get a 2x of your deposit, you usually hardly get your original deposit back. I'm afraid we can't penalize the casino for this.
Hvala vam što ste odvojili vreme da pregledate ovaj „slučaj".
Možete li molim vas da odgovorite na sledeća pitanja (po sopstvenom nahođenju i po svom „pravnom" mišljenju).
Ako to mogu da urade mirne savesti, sa radošću ću zatvoriti ovaj slučaj.
(Edit: Ponovo sam dodao tačku 4 jer sam je zapamtio.)
Hvala vam još jednom na dosadašnjoj pomoći.
Samo vas molim da pročitate moje navedene tačke, odgovorite na njih i fokusirate se konkretno na tačku 1 ovde (nadam se nakon internih diskusija). Po mom mišljenju, kazino bi trebalo da mi „barem" dozvoli da povučem 10 puta moj početni depozit da pokažem neku vrstu dobre volje.
PS: Bio bih vam veoma zahvalan ako biste odgovorili na moja pitanja hronološki i pod odgovarajućim tačkama. Nadam se da mogu da pratim tvoj tok misli.
Thank you for taking the time to review this "case".
Could you please answer the following questions (at your own discretion and in your "legal" opinion).
If they can do so in good conscience, I will happily close this case.
(Edit: I added point 4 again because I remembered it.)
Thank you again for your help so far.
I'm just asking you to read through my listed points, answer them and focus specifically on point 1 here (hopefully after internal discussions). In my opinion the casino should "at least" allow me to withdraw 10x my initial deposit to show some kind of goodwill.
PS : I would be very obliged if you could answer my questions chronologically and under the respective points. I hope I can follow your train of thought.
Danke das Sie sich bisher die Zeit genommen haben diesen „Fall" zu begutachten.
Könnten Sie mir bitte noch folgende Fragen (nach eigenem Ermessen sowie ihrer "legalen" Auffassung) beantworten.
Wenn sie dies guten Gewissens tun können, werde ich diesen Fall gerne schließen.
(Edit : Habe den Punkt 4 noch neu hinzugefügt, da mir dies noch eingefallen ist.)
Noch einmal vielen Dank für Ihre bisherige Hilfe.
Ich bitte sie nur darum sich meine aufgeführten Punkte durchzulesen, zu beantworten und sich hier speziell auf Punkt 1 zu konzentrieren (hoffentlich nach internen Gesprächen). Meiner Meinung nach sollte mir das Casino „zumindest" eine Auszahlung von 10x meiner ursprünglichen Einzahlung erlauben, um eine Art von gutem Willen zu zeigen.
P.S. : Ich wäre Ihnen sehr verbunden, wenn Sie meine Fragen chronologisch und unter den jeweiligen Punkten beantworten könnten. Ich hoffe das ich dadurch ihrem Gedankengang folgen kann.
Zdravo Thiemo,
Hvala vam na jasnom objašnjenju vašeg gledišta. Pokušaću da što bolje odgovorim na svaku tačku i postaviću vam dodatna pitanja.
Poštovani timu Sultanbet kazina,
Možete li molim vas da objasnite kako to funkcioniše sa ovim bonusom, molim vas da se fokusirate na tačke 1 i 4. Šta se desilo sa saldom od 24 dolara koji nije iskorišćen za bonus i kako to funkcioniše sa opkladama?
Hi Thiemo,
Thank you for the clear explanation of your point of view. I'll try to respond to every point as well as possible and I'll ask you some additional questions.
Dear Sultanbet Casino team,
Could you please explain how it works with this bonus, please focus on points 1 and 4. What happened with the real money balance of $24 that wasn't used for the bonus and how it works with the wagering?
Dragi Petre,
Hvala na odgovoru.
Želeli bismo da malo rasvetlimo pitanje u vezi sa upitima korisnika o kojima je reč.
Prvo, u vezi sa tvrdnjom da su osvojili u okviru svojih prvih 24 USD, nakon provere aktivnosti korisnika, možemo potvrditi da to nije slučaj i da su oni u stvari potrošili taj iznos i takođe nastavili da igraju van tih sredstava sa igrom krug 23.05.2023. 1:19:08, pri čemu je prethodni krug 23.05.2023. 1:19:07 potrošio ta sredstva u potpunosti.
Pored toga, želimo da istaknemo kao što ste naveli da je prema našim Uslovima i odredbama bonusa, bonus vezan za ceo depozit i stoga je maksimalni iznos povlačenja zasnovan na vašem deponovanom iznosu, a ne na iznosu na koji je bonus potraživan, zbog čega korisnik ima na raspolaganju 648 USD, umesto 600 USD.
Na kraju, u vezi sa klađenjem, imajte na umu da nelepljivi bonus služi kao vrsta sigurnosne mreže u slučaju da korisnici nemaju sreće sa svojim depozitom, zbog čega se klađenje bonus sredstava pokreće kada korisnik potroši svoj deponovani iznos . Ukoliko kupac odluči da otkaže svoj bonus, potrebno je samo da uloži svoj deponovani iznos najmanje jednom, a za taj depozit neće važiti nikakvi dalji uslovi klađenja, međutim pošto su igrali sa aktivnim bonusom, garantujući im sigurnost u slučaju da izgube njihovih sredstava, maksimalno povlačenje sa navedenog depozita bi bilo ograničeno na 2 puta iznos depozita.
Nadamo se da ovo unosi više jasnoće u situaciju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your response.
We would like to shed some light on the matter regarding the user’s queries in question.
Firstly, regarding the claim that they have won within their first 24 USD, after checking the user’s activity, we can confirm that that’s not the case and that they have in fact spent that amount and also went onto play outside of those funds with a game round on 5/23/2023 1:19:08 AM with the previous round on 5/23/2023 1:19:07 AM having spent those funds in its entirety.
Additionally, we would like to point out like you stated that as per our bonus Terms and Conditions the bonus is tied to the entire deposit and therefore the maximum withdrawal amount is based on your deposited amount and not the amount on which the bonus was claimed, which is why the user has 648 USD available, instead of 600 USD.
Lastly, regarding the wagering, please note that the non-sticky bonus serves as a type of safety net in case the users are unlucky with their deposit, which is why the wagering of the bonus funds is initiated once the user has spent their deposited amount. Should a customer decide to cancel their bonus they would only need to have wagered their deposited amount at least once, and no further wagering requirements would apply for that deposit, however since they have played with the bonus active, guaranteeing them safety in case they lost their funds, the maximum withdrawal from said deposit would be limited to 2 times the amount of the deposit.
We hope this brings more clarity to the situation.
Kind regards,
Želeo bih da se ukratko osvrnem na vašu prvu izjavu, u kojoj tvrdite da „nisam" osvojio u okviru prvih 24 dolara.
Kao što se može videti u kursu koji sam već postavio i želeo bih da ponovo postavim ovde, počinjem od 623 dolara (iz bilo kog razloga). I NIKAD ne pada ispod 599 dolara od tada pa nadalje.
623 - 599 = 24 dolara
Dakle, možete li mi, molim vas, objasniti kako sam ispod bonusa od $24 koji nisam zatražio ?
Slobodno otpremite bilo koji snimak ekrana moje istorije.
Ovde se jasno vidi da nikada nisam izgubio više od 24 dolara. Zbog toga sam uvek igrao sa novcem koji nije bio favorizovan bonusom i stoga ne bi trebalo da budem vezan uslovima bonusa.
Ovde je opet jasno vidljiva "runda igre" na koju se pozivate.
23:19:07 - 599 dolara
23:19:10 - 602 dolara
Od ovog trenutka, nikada ne padam ispod 24 dolara na šta bonus ne bi trebalo da utiče.
Na ovoj slici možete ponovo videti (ali ovaj put označeno) da sam imao početni saldo od 623 dolara.
I would like to refer briefly to your first statement, in which you claim that I "didn't" win within the first $24.
As can be seen in the course that I have already uploaded and would like to upload again here, I start at 623 dollars (for whatever reason). And NEVER go below $599 at any point from then on.
623 - 599 = $24
So could you please explain to me how I am below the $24 bonus I didn't claim ?
Feel free to upload any screenshots of my history.
It's clear to see here that I've never lost more than $24. I have therefore always played with the money that was not favored by the bonus and should therefore not be bound by bonus terms.
Here again the "game round" to which you refer is clearly visible.
23:19:07 - $599
23:19:10 - $602
From this point on, I never go below $24 which shouldn't be affected by the bonus.
On this picture you can see again (but this time marked) that I had a starting balance of $623.
ich möchte mich hier kurz auf Ihre erste Aussage beziehen, in welcher Sie behaupten das ich "Nicht" innerhalb der ersten 24 Dollar gewonnen habe.
Wie im Verlauf den ich bereits hochgeladen habe, und hier auch gerne nochmal hochlade, zu sehen ist, starte ich bei 623 Dollar(Warum auch immer). Und komme ab keinem Zeitpunkt von da an NIEMALS unter den Betrag von 599 Dollar.
623 - 599 = 24 Dollar
Könnten Sie mir also bitte erklären inwiefern ich hier unter die, nicht von mir als Bonus in Anspruch genommenen, 24 Dollar komme ?
Ich kann gerne alle Screenshots meines Verlaufs hochladen.
Es ist hier deutlich zu erkennen das ich niemals mehr als 24 Dollar verloren habe. Ich habe daher immer mit dem Geld gespielt, welches nicht vom Bonus begünstigt war und daher auch nicht an Bonus Terms gebunden sein sollte.
Hier ist noch einmal deutlich die "Spielrunde" zu sehen, auf welche Sie sich beziehen.
23:19:07 - 599 Dollar
23:19:10 - 602 Dollar
Ab diesem Zeitpunkt komme ich niemals unter die 24 Dollar welche nicht vom Bonus beeinflusst sein sollte.
Auf diesem Bild ist erneut zu sehen (aber diesmal markiert) das ich eine Start Balance von 623 Dollar hatte.
Dragi Saint90,
Hvala na odgovoru.
Dalje na vaš upit, želeli bismo da razradimo istoriju igara koja je vidljiva na snimcima ekrana koje ste dali.
Imajte na umu da ste deponovali 324 USD i zatražili 100% bonus za ponovno učitavanje na 300 USD čime je vaš ukupan balans bio 624 USD.
Imajte na umu da stanje vidljivo na desnoj strani vaše istorije igara pokazuje vaš preostali balans nakon runde igre. Kao što se vidi na snimcima ekrana koje ste dali, napravili ste svoj prvi ulog od 1 USD koji je bio gubitaš, ostavljajući vam 623 USD na saldu.
Prelazeći na rundu 11007-0104-22852641938, koju ste naveli, vidimo da je preostali iznos 600,10 USD. U sledećoj rundi prešli ste svojih početnih 24 USD i spustili svoj saldo na 599,10 USD sa rundom 11007-0104-22852642304, od čega ste osvojili 2,9 USD. Ako uzmemo u obzir da je postojala mešavina ta dva bilansa i čak da čini 10% tih potencijalnih dobitaka od početnih 24 USD, možemo videti da ste u sledećoj rundi 11007-0104-22852643100 kladili 1 USD i izgubili, što bi značilo da je početnih 24 USD izgubljeno u celini.
Štaviše, kao što smo ranije naveli, čak i da su dobici bili od početnih 24 USD, što nije slučaj, maksimalni iznos koji se može povući sa navedenog depozita bi i dalje bio ograničen jer ste nastavili da igrate sa aktivnim bonusom koji vam garantuje sigurnost u slučaju da niste imali sreće sa depozitom.
Čak i ako uz iznos depozita zatražite bonus manji od 300 EUR, rezultat se neće promeniti. Jer kada preuzmete bonus, svi uslovi i odredbe bonusa će se primenjivati.
Nadamo se da ovo unosi više jasnoće u situaciju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Saint90,
Thank you for your response.
Further to your query, we would like to elaborate on the gaming history visible in your provided screenshots.
Please note that you have deposited 324 USD and claimed a 100% reload bonus on 300 USD bringing your total balance to 624 USD.
Be advised that the balance visible on the right-hand side in your gaming history is showing your remaining balance after the game round. As seen in your provided screenshots you have made your first stake of 1 USD which was a losing one, leaving you with 623 USD on the balance.
Moving on to round 11007-0104-22852641938, which you have provided, we can see that the remaining balance is 600.10 USD. With the following round you have gone beyond your initial 24 USD in leaving your balance down to 599.10 USD with round 11007-0104-22852642304, from which you’ve won 2.9 USD. Should we consider that there was a mixture of the two balances and even account for 10% of those potential winnings being from the initial 24 USD, we can see that with the subsequent round 11007-0104-22852643100 you have bet 1 USD and lost, which would mean that the initial 24 USD was lost in its entirety.
Furthermore, as we have previously stated, even if the winnings were from the initial 24 USD, which is not the case, the maximum withdrawable amount from said deposit would still be limited as you have gone on to play with the bonus active guaranteeing you safety in case you were unlucky with the deposit.
Even if you claim a bonus of less than 300 EUR with your deposit amount, the result will not change. Because when you claim the bonus, all the terms & conditions of bonus will apply.
We hope this brings more clarity to the situation.
Kind regards,
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Saint90,
Bojim se da neću moći da vam pomognem sa ovim. Potpuno razumem vašu zbunjenost i frustraciju. Međutim, nema mnogo kazina koji vam omogućavaju da povučete svoj puni dobitak sa salda stvarnog novca kada imate aktivan bonus i uslovi bonusa se primenjuju na ceo saldo. Nažalost, vaša žalba će biti odbijena. Za buduću referencu, predlažem da kontaktirate podršku kazina pre nego što počnete da igrate sa bonusom da biste bili sigurni da su pravila jasna. Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear Saint90,
I'm afraid I won't be able to help you with this one. I completely understand your confusion and frustration. However, there are not many casinos that let you withdraw your full winnings from the real money balance when you have an active bonus and the bonus conditions apply to the whole balance. Unfortunately, your complaint will be rejected. For future reference, I suggest contacting casino support before you start playing with a bonus to make sure the rules are clear. I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
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