Dragi Super Slots Casino,
Hvala na snimku ekrana. Mogu li vas pitati da li je to sa superslots.ag? Takođe, na prikazanom snimku ekrana ne spominje se dotično pravilo (u vezi potrebnog depozita).
U suštini, moramo znati kojim pravilima bi igrač imao pristup prije/u trenutku registracije za turnir.
Dragi mattpanken,
Sjećate li se da ste pročitali bilo koje odredbe i uslove u vezi sa turnirom?
Srdačni pozdravi,
Dear Super Slots Casino,
Thank you for the screenshot. Can I ask you if that is from superslots.ag? Also, in the screenshot provided there is no mention of the rule in question (regarding the necessary deposit).
Essentially, we need to know what rules the player would have had access to before/at the moment of registering for the tournament.
Dear mattpanken,
Do you recall reading any Terms and Conditions regarding the Tournament?
Kind regards,
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