Pozdrav i hvala vam na trenutnom odgovoru. Iskreno da vam kažem, pošto sam proverio sve što su mi tražili, nisu mi dali direktan odgovor u čemu je sada problem... samo radim na tome. Prvo su bili latinični znakovi (jer je moj grčki iban grčkim slovima), poslao sam zvanični dokument svog ibana latiničnim slovima. Onda su mi predložili da otvorim drugi nalog, pokušali revolut (čak me je i carev pomoćnik pitao kako da im pošaljem dokumenta). Imam sva dokumenta overena. Sada nema odgovora o tome šta je problem. Dao sam im sve dokumente potrebne za potvrdu mog identiteta, da. I da odgovorim na vaše poslednje pitanje, nije mi ponuđen nijedan drugi način da podignem svoj dobitak. Čak sam ih zamolio da izvrše transfer novca na račun koji bi predložili (npr. 1 €) pa su odgovorili na ovaj račun tako što su prebacili moju zaradu i oni su odbili.
I naravno da imam dokaz za sve što sada kažem. Samo otpremanje snimaka ekrana ovde nije bilo moguće, tako da kad god vam zatreba mogu da vam pružim drugi metod (e-pošta, VeTransfer itd.)
Hallo and thank you for your immediate response. To tell you the truth, because i've verified anything i was asked to, they haven't given me a straight answer of what is the problem now... just working on it. First was the Latin characters (because my Greek iban is in Greek characters) , i sended an official document of my iban in Latin characters. Then they suggested i open a different account, tried revolut (even assistant of tsars quided me how to send them the documents). I have all the documents verified. Now no response on what is the problem. I've provided them all the documents needed to verify my identity, yes. And to answer to your last question, i haven't been offered any other method to withdraw my winnings. I even asked them to make a money transfer to an account that they would suggest (like 1€) so they reply on this account by transferring my earnings and they rejected.
And of course i have proof of everything I say right now. Just uploading screenshots here was not possible so anytime you need i can provide you with another method (email, WeTransfer etc)
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