Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s podizanjem svojih sredstava zbog dnevnih ograničenja povlačenja. Odbili smo žalbu jer je igrač umanjio svoj dobitak.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties withdrawing their funds due to daily withdrawal limits. We rejected the complaint because the player played down his winnings.
Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s podizanjem svojih sredstava zbog dnevnih ograničenja povlačenja. Odbili smo žalbu jer je igrač umanjio svoj dobitak.
Zdravo svima,
naime ja sam od petka registrovan u Zet kazinu i uplatio sam 8000 eura i sada imam 15313,86 eura za podizanje, iako sam na zadnjem nivou VIP modela, tamo mogu podići samo 1500 eura dnevno, sad se brinem da neću dobiti svoj novac ili će to trajati sedmicama i mjesecima, ali biću zadovoljan ako dobijem sve, vikendom mi je rečeno da odjel finansija ne radi i da neće biti obrađen do ponedjeljka najranije imam loš predosjećaj, jer prvo sam pročitao na mnogim forumima da se često ništa nije isplaćivalo, čak sam htio da se verifikujem prije nego što sam tamo položio, ali nisu htjeli verifikaciju tamo, ali sada sa takvim svejedno neki iznos, sad sam poslao ličnu kartu i dokaz adrese tamo pa je proces ubrzan, imam loš predosjećaj, srećom sam otkrio ovaj forum, imaću više informacija u narednih nekoliko dana i ako ih ima problema, pitajte da li mi možete pomoći ili razgovarajte sa kazinom da biste mogli str plaćaju više od 1500 eura dnevno.
Hvala puno.
Pozdrav Michael
Hello everyone,
namely I have been registered at Zet Casino since Friday and have deposited 8000 euros and now I have 15313.86 euros to withdraw, although I am in the last level of the VIP model, they can only withdraw 1500 euros per day there, now I have worry that I won't get my money or it will take weeks and months, but I'll be satisfied if I get everything, at the weekend I was told that the finance department isn't working and it won't be processed until Monday at the earliest, I have a bad feeling, because firstly I've read in many forums that often nothing was paid out, I even wanted to verify myself before I deposited there, but they didn't want verification there, but now with such an amount anyway, I've now sent my ID card and proof of address there, so the process is accelerated, I have a bad feeling, fortunately I discovered this forum, I will have more information in the next few days and if there are problems, ask whether you can help me or talk to the casino that you might be able to pay out more than 1500 euros per day.
Thanks very much.
Greetings Michael
Hallo Zusammen,
und zwar bin ich seit Freitag beim Zet Casino angemeldet und habe 8000 Euro einbezahlt und habe jetzt 15313,86 € zur Auszahlung, obwohl ich in der letzten Stufe des VIP- Modells bin, kann man dort nur 1500 Euro pro Tag auszahlen, nun habe ich sorge das ich nicht mein Geld bekomme b.z.w es Wochen und Monate dauert, aber ich bin schon zufrieden wenn ich alles bekomme , am Wochenende wurde mir gesagt das die Finanzabteilung nicht arbeitet und es frühstens Montag bearbeitet wird, habe so ein ungutes Gefühl, da ich erstens schon in vielen Foren gelesen habe, dass oft nichts ausbezahlt wurde, ich wollte sogar bevor ich einzahle dort mich vertifizieren , aber sie wollten dort keine Vertifzierung, aber nun bei so einem Betrag aufjedenfall, ich habe jetzt Personalausweiß und Adressnachweiß dort hingesendet , sodass der Prozess beschleunigt wird , habe so ein ungutes Gefühl, habe zum Glück dieses Forum entdeckt, ich werde die nächsten Tage mehr Infos haben und falls es Probleme gibt Fragen ob man mir helfen kann b.z.w mit dem Casino reden , dass man vielleicht mehr als 1500 Euro pro Tag auszahlen kann.
Vielen Dank.
Liebe Grüße Michael
Dragi michi97,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Prije svega, dozvolite mi da vam čestitam na sjajnoj pobjedi. Provjerio sam uslove i odredbe, i evo šta sam našao ( ovdje ):
Imajte na umu da ne možemo kazniti kazino za podjelu vašeg dobitka na nekoliko rata, posebno ako su ove informacije jasno navedene u njihovim uvjetima i odredbama.
Da li sam dobro shvatio da je prva isplata zatražena prije samo nekoliko dana?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Jedva čekamo čuti od vas.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear michi97,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. Foremost, allow me to congratulate you on your great win. I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
Please understand, that we can’t penalize the casino for splitting your win into several installments, especially, if this information is clearly stated in their terms and conditions.
Do I understand correctly that the first payout has been requested just a few days ago?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Zdravo Petronela, hvala ti puno sto si mi tako brzo odgovorio, da znam da je limit 1500 eura po danu je u redu, bitno mi je da u narednih nekoliko sedmica i dobijem svoj novac, problem je moja isplata na Subota i nedelja od po 1500 evra otkazana 3000 evra navodno sam imao prostor u ibanu sto nije tacno, sad ponovo pocinje proces i za par dana ce opet biti otkazan tako da nikad ne dolazi do isplate a kamoli do 15 k eura, imam i e-mail potvrdu da je moj račun verifikovan, zapravo ništa ne stoji na putu, ali kazino ima izgovore. Takođe sam napravio screenshot transakcija statusa naloga i sve istorije pošte mogu vam sve poslati poštom.
Bio bih vam veoma zahvalan ako mi pomognete u narednih nekoliko dana i sedmica dok ne dobijem svoj novac.
Hvala prvo.
Hello Petronela, thank you very much for answering me so quickly, yes I know the limit is 1500 euros per day is okay, it is important to me that I will even receive my money in the next few weeks, the problem is my payout on Saturday and Sunday of 1500 euros each was canceled 3000 euros supposedly I had a space in the Iban which is not correct, now the process starts again and in a few days it will be canceled again so it never comes to the payout let alone the 15 k euros, I also have the email confirmation that my Account is verified, actually nothing stands in the way but the casino comes up with excuses I have also made a screenshot of account status transactions and all mail histories I can send you everything by mail.
I would be very grateful if you help me over the next few days and weeks until I get my money.
Thank you first.
Hallo Petronela, vielen Dank das sie mir so schnell geantwortet haben ja ich weiß Limit ist 1500 Euro pro tag ist Inordnung , mir ist wichtig das ich in den nächsten Wochen überhaupt mein Geld erhalte, das Problem ist meine Auszahlung von Samstag und Sonntag je 1500 Euro wurde storniert 3000 euro angeblich hatte ich ein Leerzeichen in der Iban was nicht stimmt, jetzt beginnt der Prozess erneut und in paar Tagen wird es wieder storniert so kommt es nie zur Auszahlung geschweige den die 15 k euro ,zudem habe ich die Mail Bestätigung das mein Konto vertifiziert ist , eigentlich steht nix im Wege aber das Casino kommt mit Ausreden ich habe zuallem ein Screenhot gemacht Konto Stand Transaktionen und alle Mailverläufe ich kann ihnen per Mail gerne alles senden.
Ich wäre ihnen sehr Dankbar wenn Sie mir über die nächsten Tage und Wochen mir helfen bis ich mein Geld bekomme.
Vielen Dank erstmal.
Hvala, michi97, na ažuriranju i pojašnjenju. Možete poslati bilo koju relevantnu komunikaciju i prateće dokaze na petronela.k@casino.guru . Jedva čekamo čuti od vas.
Thank you, michi97, for the update and clarification. You could send any relevant communication and supporting evidence to petronela.k@casino.guru. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Zdravo Petronela, nakon što sam pročitao sve forume o ZetCasinu, stvarno sam zabrinut da ću dobiti cijeli dobitak. Sada sam primio svoju prvu isplatu od 1500 eura, ali do sada su dvije otkazane pogledajte zadnji mail i dvije stoje otvorene tamo, postavio sam dosta pitanja u live chatu danas i nisam dobio jasne odgovore , danas je osoba u chatu čak rekla nešto o zatvaranju računa iako nisam ništa rekao, odmah sam rekao da želim da ostavim račun otvoren, uvjeti također kažu ako ga zatvorite, svi dobici će biti poništeni i samo zadnji depozit će biti vraćen, ja to ne želim, hoću cijeli moj petocifreni dobitak i imam pravo na njih, mislim da će kasino sve odgoditi da ne isplati moj dobitak i tražit će sve mogući izgovori, možete li mi dati sigurnost ako sam verifikovan da nisam prekršio uslove i da imam sve vrste dokaza S Snimci depozita, stanja na računu, transakcija Čak sam i slikao ceo tok igre kao dokaz da li treba da blokirate svoj računam da imam dokaz za to često ste morali imati posla sa ZetCasinom koji će nastaviti stvarati probleme ili čak zatvoriti vaš račun i zadržati petocifreni profit ili će, nadamo se, platiti sve kako treba.
Hvala na pomoći.
Hi Petronela, after reading all the forums about ZetCasino, I'm really worried that I'll get my entire winnings. I've now received my first payout of 1500 euros, but so far two have been canceled see the last mail and two are standing still open there, I asked a lot of questions in the live chat today and didn't get any clear answers, today the person in the chat even said something about closing the account although I hadn't said anything, I said right away I wanted to leave the account open, the terms and conditions also say if you close it, all winnings will be canceled and only the last deposit will be refunded, I don't want that, I want my entire five-digit winnings and I am entitled to them, I think the casino will delay everything in order not to pay my winnings and will look for all possible excuses , could you give me certainty if I am Verified have not violated the terms and conditions and have all sorts of evidence S Creenhots of deposits, account balance, transactions I even photographed the entire course of the game as proof if you should block your account that I have the proof that you have often had to deal with the ZetCasino who will continue to cause problems or even close your account and keep the five-digit profit or will hopefully pay everything correctly.
Thank you for your help.
Hi Petronela, nachdem was ich alles in Foren über das ZetCasino gelesen habe , mache ich mir wirklich sorgen das ich meinen Gesamten Gewinn erhalte ich habe nun meine erste Auszahlung über 1500 euro erhalten, aber es wurden bisher schon zwei Storniert siehe letzte Mail und zwei stehen noch offen da , ich habe heute öfters im Live chat nachgefragt und bekomme keine klaren Antworten , heute hat die Person im Chat sogar was von Kontoschließung erzählt obwohl ich nichts gesagt hatte ich habe gleich gesagt ich möchte das Konto offen lassen, in den Agbs steht auch wenn man es schließt werden alle Gewinne annuliert und bekommt nur die letze Einzahlung zurück, das möchte ich nicht sondern meinen ganzen Gewinn der fünfstellig und mir zusteht , ich denke das casino wird alles hinauszögern um meine Gewinne nicht zu bezahlen und wird nach allen möglichen Ausreden suchen, könnten sie mir Gewissheit geben wenn ich Vertifiziert bin nicht gegen die Agbs verstoßen habe und alle möglichen Beweise habe Screenhots von Einzahlungen, Kontostand , Transaktionen habe sogar den ganzen Spielverlauf abfotografiert alS Beleg wenn man von Konto sperren sollte das ich den Beweis habe, sie hatten ja schon öfters mit dem ZetCasino zutun werden die weiter Probleme machen oder gar Konto schließen und den fünfstelligen Gewinn behalten oder werden die hoffentlich alles korrekt auszahlen.
Danke füe ihre Hilfe .
Dragi michi97,
Da li sam dobro shvatio da je prva isplata uspješno primljena? Molimo sačekajte nekoliko radnih dana da se obradi još jedno povlačenje i obavijestite me. Zaista vjerujem da je samo pitanje vremena kada ćete dobiti sve svoje dobitke.
Dear michi97,
Do I understand correctly that the first payout has been received successfully? Please allow a few working days for another withdrawal to be processed and keep me informed. I truly believe it’s only a matter of time before you’ll receive all your winnings.
Zdravo Petronella,
Danas mi je tamo obecano da cu dobiti depozit danas, lagali su me i namerno sve razvlacili, sad sam dobio samo uplatu, ako uvek traje bar 1 nedelju ili duzina po uplati onda ce biti vise od 3 mjeseci traju dosta vremena dok ne dobijem svoj novac, to mi je jako nečuveno od kazina, pošto možete imati samo 3 zahtjeva za povlačenje, ne mogu se prijaviti ni za šta za danas, subotu i nedjelju, ne znam više, uslovi i odredbe obično kažu 20 hiljada mesečno, ja imam 15 hiljada i ako postoji samo jedna isplata od 1,5 hiljada evra nedeljno, potrebno je jako, jako dugo
namerno odlagati? Mislim da ako stvari ne budu bolje iduće sedmice možete molim vas da napišete kazinu zašto se ništa ne dešava, poslat ću vam sve relevantne poruke i račune sljedeće sedmice.
Hi Petronella,
Today I was promised there that I would receive a deposit today, they lied to me and deliberately drag everything out, now I have only received a payment, if it always takes at least 1 week or length per payment then it will be more than 3 months take a long time until I get my money, I find that very outrageous from the casino, since you can only have 3 withdrawal requests, I can't apply for anything for today, Saturday and Sunday, I don't know anymore, the terms and conditions normally say 20 k in a month, I I have 15K and if there is only one payout of 1.5K euros per week, it takes a very, very long time
deliberately delay? I think if things don't go better next week you can please write to the casino why nothing is happening I will send you all relevant messages and receipts next week.
Hi Petronela,
heute hat man mir dort versprochen das ich heute eine Anzahlung erhalte, die haben mich angelogen und ziehen alles in die länge bewusst, nun habe ich erst eine Auszahlung erhalten, wenn es immer mind 1 woche dauert oder länge je Auszahlung dann wird das über 3 Monate dauern bis ich mein Geld erhalte, ich finde das sehr unveräschmt vom Casino , da man nur 3 Auszahlungsanträge haben kann kann ich für heute ,Samstag und Sonntag nix beantragen, ich weiß nicht mehr weiter normalerweiße steht in den Agbs 20 k in einem Monat, ich habe 15 K und wenn es jede Woche nur eine Auszahlung über 1,5 k euro geht dauert es sehr sehr lange dürfen die
das bewusst hinauszögern? ich denke wenn es nächste Woche nicht besser läuft kannst du bitte dem Casino schreiben wieso da nix passiert ich sende dir nächste Woche dann alle Relevanten Mitteilungen und Belege.
Zdravo Petronella,
moj Vim menadžer mi je pisao danas nakon što sam tražio plan isplate, kada će se desiti sljedeće isplate, odnosno 08.03.22., 03.11.22. i 14.03.22. mislim da je loše jer Uvjeti i odredbe kažu da svaki zahtjev za isplatu traje do maksimalno 3 dana, a ne 3 dana nakon što je isplata izvršena onda traje duplo duže nego što bih ja dobio sav svoj novac tek nakon 2 mjeseca jer se kazino namjerno odugovlači , pisao sam i kazinu i tražio jednu pisanu potvrdu plana isplate, kazino nije odgovorio i samo je odgovorio, tehničko kašnjenje možda će potrajati i duže je stvarno bezobrazno, molim vas pišite kazinu da mora biti brže jer prema uvjetima, 3 dana nakon zahtjeva za isplatu, moji zahtjevi za isplatu su bili srijeda, četvrtak i petak, tako da bih trebao dobiti novac jutros i u srijedu, a ne do sljedećeg prošlog ponedjeljka, oni su također mogli platiti sve 3 prijave odjednom , namjerno odugovlače, molim al pa pitajte kazino da li mi možete dati plan isplate dok se cijeli iznos ne isplati, priložit ću snimku ekrana otvorenih aplikacija za isplatu, ako je tako, potrebno mi je još snimaka ekrana, npr. iz historije igre itd.
Hi Petronella,
my Vim manager wrote to me today after I had asked for a payout plan, when the next payouts will take place, namely on 03/08/22, 03/11/22 and on 03/14/22 I think it's bad because the terms and conditions say that every payout request is up to a maximum of 3 days takes, and not 3 days after the payout was made then it takes twice as long then I would only receive all my money after 2 months because the casino is deliberately protracted, I also wrote to the casino and wanted one Written confirmation of the payout plan, the casino did not respond and only replied, technical delay maybe it will take even longer is really cheeky, please write to the casino that it has to be faster because according to the terms and conditions, 3 days after the payout request, my payout requests were Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so I should get the money this morning and on Wednesday and not until next Last Monday, they could also pay all 3 applications at once, they are deliberately delaying it, please also ask the casino if you can give me a payout plan until the whole amount is paid out, I'll attach a screenshot of the open payout applications, if so I also have more screenshots needed, e.g. from the game history, etc
Hi Petronela,
mein Vim Manager hat mir heute geschrieben nachdem ich nach einem Auszahlungsplan gefragt hatte , wann die nächsten Auszahlungen erfolgen und zwar am 08.03.22, 11.03.22 und am 14.03.22 finde ich schlecht da in den Agbs steht das jeder Auszahlungsantrag bis maximal 3 Tage dauert, und nicht 3 Tage nachdem die Auszahlug erst erfolgte dann dauert es ja doppelt so lange dann würde ich erst nach 2 monaten mein ganzes Geld erhalten, weil das Casino ist bewusst in die Länge zieht, zudem habe ich an das Casino geschrieben und wollte eine schriftliche Bestätigung des Auszahlungsplan , das Casino ist nicht drauf eingangen und hat nur geantwortet technische Verzögergung vielleicht wird es sogar noch länger dauern ist wirklich eine Frechheit , bitte schreiben sie dem Casino das es schneller gehen muss da laut Agbs steht 3 Tage nach Auszahlungsantrag ,meine Auszahlungsanträge waren Mittwoch ,Donnerstag und Freitag also müsste ich heute morgen und am Mittwoch das Geld erhalten und nicht erst bis nächsten Montag, zudem könnten die auch alle 3 Anträge aufeinmal bezahlen,die zögern es bewusst hinaus , bitte auch beim Casino nachfragen, ob Sie mir einen Auszahlungsplan geben können bis der ganze Betrag ausbezahlt ist, ich hänge einen Screenhot an von den offen Auszahlungsanträgen, falls noch mehr Screenshot benötigt werden habe ich auch z.b vom Spielverlauf u.s.w.
Hvala puno, michi97, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Tomasu ( tomas@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, michi97, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Tomas (tomas@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
zdravo michi97,
Izvinjavam se na kasnom odgovoru. Od sada ću se pobrinuti za vašu žalbu. Zamolio bih predstavnike ZetCasina na ovu žalbu kako bi se uključili u raspravu. U međuvremenu slobodno pošaljite bilo koju relevantnu komunikaciju i prateće dokaze na tomas@casino.guru
Poštovani ZetCasino,
da li biste mogli da posavetujete šta je uzrok kašnjenja u povlačenju michi97 i da li biste mogli da posavetujete koje korake se mogu preduzeti da bi se osiguralo da je povlačenje uspešno?
Hello michi97,
I apologize for the late reply. I will take care of your complaint from now on. I would like to ask the representatives ZetCasino into this complaint in order to join the discussion. In the meantime feel free to send any relevant communication and supporting evidence to tomas@casino.guru
Dear ZetCasino,
could you advise what is causing the delay in michi97's withdrawal and could you advise what steps can be taken to ensure the withdrawal is successful?
Dragi svi,
Hvala što ste se javili.
Prije svega, želimo naglasiti da cijenimo povratne informacije naših igrača. Možete biti sigurni da je menadžment uzeo u obzir komentare klijenata. Stalno radimo na daljem poboljšanju naše usluge.
Želimo da se pozovemo na sljedeći dio naših Uvjeta i odredbi:
"6.16. Zahtjeve za povlačenje sredstava financijski odjel rješava u roku od 3 (tri) radna dana nakon podnošenja zahtjeva i/ili 3 (tri) radna dana nakon isplate posljednjeg zahtjeva za povlačenje, pod uslovom da su ispunjeni svi ostali uslovi i provjere završeno, kako je navedeno u Uslovima. Agenti finansijskog odjela obrađuju zahtjeve za povlačenje novčanih sredstava od 6:00 do 17:00 GMT, od ponedjeljka do petka. Saglasni ste da ste upoznati i da ste saglasni sa rasporedom povlačenja sredstava. Nakon što je finansijsko odjeljenje razradilo zahtjev za transfer sredstava, bilo kakva dalja kašnjenja u obradi uplata nisu odgovornost kompanije."
Dvije posljednje uplate su obrađene 05.03 i 08.03 u skladu sa gore navedenim. Planirano je da se sljedeća uplata izvrši najkasnije nakon 3 radna dana od posljednje, danas, 11.03. Sljedeća uplata je planirana za ponedjeljak, 14.03, jedan radni dan nakon prethodnog.
Budite sigurni da radimo naporno kako bismo isplate izvršili što je brže moguće. Potrudićemo se da proces bude što lakši za klijenta. Nakon što su gore navedene uplate obrađene, pozivamo klijenta da nas kontaktira za raspored sljedećih uplata.
Nadamo se da će gore navedeno razjasniti situaciju.
Slobodno nas kontaktirajte ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja.
S poštovanjem,
Zet Casino
Dear All,
Thank you for reaching out.
First of all, we would like to highlight that we value the feedback from our players. You can be sure that the comments from the client have been taken into consideration by the management. We are always working to improve our service further.
We would like to refer to the following part in our Terms and Conditions:
"6.16. Requests to withdraw funds are worked through by the financial department within 3 (three) business days after the request is made and/or 3 (three) business days after the last withdrawal request was paid out, provided all other conditions are met and checks are completed, as outlined in the Terms. Financial department agents process requests for withdrawing monetary funds from 6 AM to 5 PM GMT, Monday-Friday. You consent that you are familiar and agree with the timetable of withdrawing funds. After the financial department has worked through the request to transfer funds, any further delays in processing payments are not the Company’s responsibility."
Two most recent payments were processed on the 05.03 and 08.03 in accordance to the above. The next payment is planned to be processed no later than after 3 business days from the last one, today, 11.03. The following payment is planned for Monday, 14.03, one business day after the previous one.
You can be sure that we are working hard to make the withdrawals as fast as possible. We will do our best to make a process as smooth as possible for the client. After the above payments are processed, we invite the client to contact us for the schedule of the next payments.
We hope the above clarifies the situation.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Zet Casino
Zdravo ZetCasino,
Hvala puno na detaljnom odgovoru, jako sam sretna zbog toga, to znaci da uvijek mogu racunati na oko 3 dana od uplate do naredne, ako tako ostane u redu je. onda bih morao da dobijem sav svoj novac do početka aprila, u redu je, možete li mi poslati raspored sledećih isplata posle ponedeljka da znam kada mogu očekivati isplate što bi bilo jako lepo.
Hvala puno.
Hi ZetCasino,
Thank you very much for your detailed answer, I'm very happy about it, that means that I can always count on about 3 days from your payment to the next one, if it's kept that way it's ok. then i would have to get all my money by the beginning of april is ok could you send me a schedule for the next payouts after monday so i know when i can expect the payouts that would be very nice.
Thanks very much.
Hi ZetCasino,
Vielen Dank für ihr ausführliche Antwort, bin sehr froh darüber, das bedeutet das ich immer circa 3 Tage von deinen bis zur nächsten Auszahlung rechnen kann, wenn es so eingehalten wird ist es ok. dann müsste ich bis Anfang April mein ganzes Geld bekommen ist in Ordnung , könnten sie mir für die nächsten Auszahlungen nach dem Montag einen Plan zusenden, sodass ich weiß wann ich mit den Auszahlungen rechnen kann, das wäre sehr nett.
Vielen Dank.
Primili smo ovu e-poštu od michi97:
"Zdravo Tomas,
Nažalost, opet sam sve izgubio u Zet Casinu, predugo je trajalo, slučaj se može zatvoriti"
We received this email from michi97:
"Hi Thomas,
Unfortunately, I lost everything again at Zet Casino, it took too long, the case can be closed"
We received this email from michi97:
"Hi Thomas,
ich habe beim Zet Casino alles wieder verspielt leider, hat zu lange gedauert, der Fall kann geschlossen werden"
Dragi michi97,
Nažalost, pošto ste umanjili sporni iznos, bojim se da u ovom slučaju ne možemo mnogo učiniti za vas. Zbog toga ću sada zatvoriti ovu žalbu kao 'odbijenu'. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Dear michi97,
Unfortunately, as you played down the disputed amount, I am afraid there is not much we can do for you in this case. Due to this, I will now close this complaint as ‘rejected’. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
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