NaslovnaPritužbeBrango Casino - Dobici igrača još nisu isplaćeni.
Brango Casino - Dobici igrača još nisu isplaćeni.
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160 $
Brango Casino
Index sigurnosti:Veoma visok
Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Texas has been waiting for a withdrawal for less than two weeks. Unfortunately, their payout hasn’t been received yet. the casino responded and explained that the winnings had been confisctaed due to the player depositing before completing the wagering requirements of an active bonus, and playing with 'mixed funds'. Upon further review, the casino decided to make an exception in this case and return the winnings to the player, as no unfair advantage had been gained on this occasion. Consequently, the complaint was closed as 'resolved'.
Igrač iz Teksasa je na povlačenje čekao manje od dve nedelje. Nažalost, njihova isplata još nije primljena. kazino je odgovorio i objasnio da je dobitak zaplenjen zbog toga što je igrač deponovao pre nego što je ispunio uslove klađenja aktivnog bonusa i igranja sa 'mešovitim sredstvima'. Nakon daljeg pregleda, kazino je odlučio da napravi izuzetak u ovom slučaju i vrati dobitak igraču, pošto ovom prilikom nije stečena nepravedna prednost. Shodno tome, žalba je zaključena kao „rešena“.
Uplatio sam depozit bez korišćenja kupona, ali moj dobitak je eliminisan. Razlog koji mi je dat je to što sam imao 10 besplatnih okretaja, što me je sprečilo da igram sa svojim novcem. Igrao sam besplatne okretaje i moj dobitak od okretanja je bio nešto više od 1,00 dolara i nekoliko centi. Koliko ja znam, kada igrate i vaš bonus padne ispod jednog dolara, on se automatski eliminiše i svi naredni dobici su vaši. Na kraju sam nastavio da igram sa svojim kešom i moj dobitak je bio kao što je prethodno pomenuto. Kazino ih je eliminisao u trenutku kada sam izvršio povlačenje. Ne verujem da je ovo valjano ili pošteno. Možete li da mi pomognete?
I made a deposit without using any coupon, but my winnings were eliminated. The reason given to me was that I had 10 free spins, which prevented me from playing with my cash. I played the free spins and my winnings from the spins were a little over $1.00 and few cents. As far as I know, when you play and your bonus falls below one dollar, it automatically gets eliminated and any subsequent winnings are yours. In the end, I continued to play with my cash and my winnings were as previously mentioned. The casino eliminated them at the moment I made the withdrawal. I don't believe this to be valid or fair. Could you please help me?
Hice un depósito sin usar algún cupón, mis ganancias fueron eliminadas, la razón que me dieron fue que tenía 10 giros gratis, que no me dejaban jugar con mi efectivo, jugué los giros gratis y mis ganancias en los giros fueron un poco más de $1.00 y unos centavos, ah mi saver cuando juegas y tú no a baja de un dolar el bono automáticamente se elimina y tus ganancias después ya son tuyas, en fin seguí jugando con mi efectivo y mis ganancias fueron las mencionadas anteriormente, el casino las eliminó al momento de yo hacer el retiro yo no lo creo valido y justo, por favor pueden ayudarme?
Hvala vam što se poslali svoj prigovor. Žao nam je što čujemo da imate problema sa isplatom i razumemo vašu brigu. Ipak, imajte na umu da je prilično normalno da se na isplate čeka nekoliko dana, pa čak i nedelja. Ovo znači da treba da prođe nekoliko dana da se novac pojavi na vašem računu. Ovo se može desiti zbog nezavršene KYC procedure ili zbog velikog broj zatraženih isplata. Zato mi savetujemo igračima da budu strpljivi, sarađuju sa kazinom i čekaju bar 14 dana pre nego što podnesu prigovor.
Ako vam je nalog kompletno verifikovan, istorija igara ispravna, vaša isplata odobrena od strane kazina, i još niste dobili svoje dobitke nakon 14 dana, mi možemo da intervenišemo i da probamo da vam pomognemo. Hvala unapred za vaše strpljenje i razumevanje.
Pozdrav, Centar za rešavanje prigovora
Dear Sanjlugo,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests. That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
razlog moje žalbe je zato što su mi uskratili povlačenje i eliminisali moju zaradu, takođe mi kazino brango uvek plaća za nekoliko minuta putem bitkoina
the reason for my complaint is because they denied me the withdrawal and eliminated my earnings, also casino brango always pays me in minutes through bitcoins
la razón de mi queja es porque me negaron el retiro y eliminaron mis ganancias, ademas casino brango siempre me paga en minutos por medio de bitcoins
Hvala puno na odgovoru, Sanjlugo. Možete li da prosledite svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ? Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde. Hvala unapred.
Thank you very much for your reply, Sanjlugo. Could you please forward all the relevant communication between you and the casino to Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear Sanjlugo,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Zdravo, hvala vam na strpljenju, poslao sam sve informacije i e-poruke za verifikaciju povlačenja koje je Brango Casino odbio bez opravdanja, nadam se da ćete mi pomoći da uskoro dobijem svoje dobitke.
Hello, thank you for your patience, I have sent all the information and E-mails for withdrawal verification rejected without justification by Brango Casino, I hope you can help me to receive my winnings soon.
Hola, gracias por su paciencia, he enviado toda la información y coreos Electronicos verificación de retiro rechazada sin justificación por parte de brango casino, ojalá puedan ayudarme ah recibir mis ganancias pronto.
Hvala puno, Sanjlugo, na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Adamu ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Sanjlugo, for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Adam ( who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da vidim da li mogu da pomognem.
Pozivamo kazino Brango da se pridruži razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi kazino Brango,
Možete li da date dodatne informacije o igračevom korišćenju bonusa i naknadnog depozita? Koji su bili uslovi da se završi bonus i da li su ispunjeni pre nego što je depozit postavljen?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello Sanjlugo,
I have reviewed your case and will contact the casino to see if I can help.
We would like to invite Brango Casino to join the conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Brango Casino,
Can you please provide further information regarding the player's use of the bonus and subsequent deposit? What were the requirements to complete the bonus and were they met before the deposit was placed?
Imajte na umu da smo pregledali račun igrača i pritužbe.
Dana 3. avgusta, dobici igrača su poništeni zbog mešanja sredstava, odnosno besplatne promocije sa depozitom. Prema uslovima i odredbama kazina Brango, igraču nije dozvoljeno da meša sredstva.
d. " Promocije se ne mogu kombinovati osim ako nije drugačije navedeno ."
i. " Ne možete da uplatite novi depozit, zatražite bonus ili besplatnu promociju sve dok ne odigrate kroz svoj trenutni depozit, bonus ili besplatnu promociju. Vaše stanje treba da bude ispod $/€/AUD 1 pre nego što novi depozit, bonus ili besplatna promocija mogu biti napravljeni, potraživani ili otkupljeni. "
Igrač je imao aktivni bonus besplatnih okretaja na nalogu i u tom trenutku je igrač uplatio kreditnu karticu od 40,00 dolara. Molimo pogledajte snimak ekrana ispod.
Zbog učinjenog prekršaja, Uprava je poništila dobitak igrača i nadoknadila depozit od 40,00 dolara.
Nadamo se da je objašnjenje jasno i razumljivo. Obavestite nas ako su potrebne dodatne informacije.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Luke Nevman
Menadžment kazina Brango
Hello Adam,
Hello sanjlugo,
We hope that you are well.
Please note that we have reviewed the player's account and grievance.
On August 3rd, the player's winnings were voided due to mixing funds, namely a free promotion with a deposit. According to the Terms & Conditions of Casino Brango, a player is not allowed to mix funds.
d. "Promotions cannot be combined unless otherwise stated."
i. "You cannot make a new deposit, claim bonus or free promotion, until you have played through your current deposit, bonus or free promotion. Your balance needs to be below $/€/AUD 1 before a new deposit, bonus or free promotion may be made, claimed or redeemed."
The player had a free spins bonus active on the account and at that moment, the player made a credit card deposit of $40.00. Please see the screenshot below.
Due to the violation made, the Management voided the player's winnings and reimbursed the $40.00 deposit.
We hope that the explanation provided is clear and understandable. Please let us know if any additional information is needed.
Adame, izvini na smetnji, moraš da znaš da nisam znao da imam bonus besplatnih okretaja, 2 moj bilans je bio samo nekoliko centi, 3 kada sam počeo da igram sa svojim depozitom dolazili su besplatni okreti, pa kako da igrati sa mojim depozitom da Besplatni okreti mi nisu dozvolili? A 4 besplatna okretanja su mi donela samo vrlo mali profit i na kraju ovog bonusa počeo sam da igram sa svojim depozitom, sada kada sam objasnio kazinu šta je bio prekršaj koji je rekao? Ako igrači ne mogu da deponuju sa aktivnim kuponom, zašto onda kazino to dozvoljava? To je prljavo da se može konfiskovati dobitak i nemojte me zaustaviti, ako sistem automatski ograniči depozit ako ima aktivnih spin kupona ili besplatnih čipova, nadam se da možete da mi pomognete, hvala
Adam, sorry for the interruption, you need to know that I didn't know I had a free spins bonus, 2 my balance was only a few cents, 3 when I started playing with my deposit the free spins came in, so how to play with my deposit yes The free spins didn't allow me? And 4 free spins only gave me very little profit and at the end of this bonus I started playing with my deposit, now that I explained to the casino what was the violation that he says? If players cannot deposit with an active coupon, then why does the casino allow it? That's playing dirty to be able to confiscate any winnings and don't stop me, should the system automatically restrict a deposit if there are any spin coupons or free chips active, I hope you can help me, thank you
Adán disculpe la interrupción, necesita saber que yo no sabia que tenía un bono de giros gratis, 2 mi balance era de solo unos centavos, 3 al momento de empezar a jugar con mi depósito entraron los giros gratis, entonces como jugar con mi depósito si los giros gratis no me lo permitieron? Y 4 los giros gratis solo me dieron de ganancia muy poco y al terminar este bono yo empecé a jugar con mi depósito, ahora que expliqué el casino cuál fue la violacion que el dice? Si no pueden los jugadores depositar estando un cupón activo, entonces porque el casino lo permite? Eso es jugar sucio para poder confiscar cualquier ganancia y no me párese justo debería el sistema restringir un depósito automáticamente al estar algún cupón de giros oh fichas gratis activos, espero puedan ayudarme gracias
Izjavio je da kada sam izvršio svoj depozit nije bilo balansa na mom nalogu i takođe je izjavio da nije znao da su besplatni okreti dostupni na mom nalogu, u vreme kada sam želeo da pokrenem igru besplatni okreti mi nisu dozvoljavali , želeo sam da Candelario čak i te prekretnice samo sam igrao sa svojim depozitom i kazino mi nije dozvolio, kada sam kliknuo na Otkaži rekao mi je da se ne može otkazati, pa sam uzeo okretaje koji mi nisu dali mnogo , pa je kupon pokvaren kada su dobici kazina smanjeni za manje od jednog dolara. vrti, tako da sam nastavio da igram sa svojim depozitom koji su mi zaplenili dobitak i vratili samo moj depozit
He stated that when I made my deposit there was no balance in my account and he also stated that he did not know that there were free spins available in my account, at the time I wanted to start the game the free spins would not let me, I wanted Candelario even those milestones to only I played with my deposit and the casino didn't allow me, when I clicked cancel it told me that it couldn't be cancelled, so I took the spins which didn't give me much, so the coupon was broken when the winnings of the casinos were reduced by less than a dollar. spins, it was so I continued playing with my deposit which they confiscated my winnings and only returned my deposit
Afirmó que cuando yo hice mi depósito no había saldo en mi cuenta y también afirmó que no sabía que había giros gratis disponibles en mi cuenta, al momento que yo quise iniciar el juego los giros gratis no me dejaban, quise Candelario incluso esos hitos para sólo jugar con mi depósito y el casino no me lo permitió, cuando puse cancelar me decía que no se podía cancelar, entonces tomé los giros los cuales no me dieron mucho, así que se quebró el cupón al bajar menos de un dólar las ganancias de los giros, fue así que prosigue ah jugar con mi depósito el cual me confiscaron mis ganancias y solo me regresaron mi depósito
I ako je takođe navedeno da je depozit napravljen pre korišćenja besplatnih okretaja! I nisam uneo nikakav bonus kod, ti spinovi su se pojavili u trenutku kada sam počeo da igram
And if it also stated that the deposit is made before using the free spins! And I didn't enter any bonus code, those spins appeared the moment I started playing
Y si también afirmó que el depósito lo realice antes de usar los giros gratis! Y yo no introduci algún código de bono, esos giros aparecieron al momento de yo empezar ah jugar
Problem je u tome što ako koristite bonus, moraju biti ispunjeni uslovi za klađenje. U suprotnom, za svaki naredni depozit će se primenjivati isti uslovi. Ako niste ispunili uslove za besplatne okrete pre deponovanja i igranja, sredstva bi zaista bila pomešana.
Dragi kazino Brango,
Igrač navodi da nije bio svestan bonusa kada je izvršio depozit, pa možete li pojasniti koji je bonus korišćen, uslove klađenja za njega, i da li postoji neki način da je možda dodeljen automatski (tj. nakon registracije)?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you for clarifying the situation, SanjLugo.
The problem is that if you use a bonus, the wagering requirements attached to it must be met. Otherwise, any subsequent deposit will have the same conditions applied to it. If you have not finished the requirements for the free spins before depositing and playing, the funds would indeed have been mixed.
Dear Brango Casino,
The player states that they were unaware of the bonus when they made the deposit, so can you please clarify which bonus was used, the wagering requirements for it, and if there is some way it may have been credited automatically (i.e. after registering)?
Bonus koji je korišćen je bila nagrada za lojalnost. Ovaj bonus obezbeđuje Kazino u odeljku „Moje nagrade" i igrač mora da iskoristi bonus preko navedenog odeljka, u suprotnom neće biti dodat i isteći će do kraja dana. Evo uslova bonusa:
Vidimo da je razlika između trenutka kada je depozit uplaćen i besplatnih okretaja zatražena otprilike 20 minuta, tako da možemo razumeti da je sanjlugo mogao da napravi previd da u početku ne primeti bonus, međutim, verujemo da bi igrač trebalo imali i primetili da su sredstva pomešana. Ispravan tok akcije je bio prilično jednostavan - kontaktirati tim za korisničku podršku kako biste uklonili bonus i ponovo ga kreditirali nakon što je depozit odigran i saldo je poništen.
Obavestite nas ako su potrebne dodatne informacije.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Luke Nevman
Menadžment kazina Brango
Hello Adam,
The bonus that was used was a Loyalty Reward. This bonus is provided by the Casino in the "My Rewards" section and the player has to redeem the bonus through said section, otherwise, it will not be added and it will expire by the end of the day. Here are the terms of the bonus:
We can see that the difference between the moment when the deposit was credited and the free spins were claimed is roughly 20 minutes so we can understand that sanjlugo could have made the oversight of not noticing the bonus initially, however, we believe that the player should have and did notice the funds being mixed. The proper course of action was quite simple - Contacting the Customer Support team in order to remove the bonus and credit it again after the deposit has been played through and the balance was cleared.
Please let us know if any additional information is needed.
Imam još par pitanja, samo da bih bio siguran da sam potpuno razumeo:
Da li su bonus okreti kreditirani i vidljivi/dostupni igraču pre nego što je uplaćen depozit?
Pod pretpostavkom da je igrač prvi koristio okretanje, da li su akumulirani dobici koji bi zahtevali klađenje? Ili je bonus izgubljen, a zatim iskorišćen depozit?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you for the information, Luke and Brango Casino.
I do have a couple more questions, just to be sure I understand completely:
Were the bonus spins credited and visible/available to the player before the deposit was made?
Assuming that the player used the spins first, were any winnings accumulated that would require wagering? Or was the bonus lost and then the deposit used?
Igrač je imao preostale uslove za klađenje od 36,40 dolara u trenutku kada su besplatni okreti završeni. U ovom trenutku, depozit je već bio pomešan sa bonusom.
Bonus je zaista bio vidljiv igraču i možemo pokazati primer kako to izgleda kada je bonus na nalogu:
Na gornjim snimcima ekrana možete videti da kada igrač ima aktivni bonus besplatnih okretaja na svom nalogu, sistem će uvek preusmeriti igrača na igru u kojoj su besplatni okreti aktivni.
Drugo, u igri je jasno predstavljeno da postoje aktivni besplatni okreti.
Na kraju, u lobiju - početnoj stranici, u trenutku kada se igrač prijavi, prvi ekran ima dugme IGRAJ SAD koje će dovesti igrača do igre u kojoj je bonus aktivan.
Nadam se da su sve informacije koje su vam potrebne. Naravno, ako vam zatrebaju dodatne informacije, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Luke Nevman
Menadžment kazina Brango
Hello Adam,
The player had remaining wagering requirements of $36.40 at the moment the free spins were completed. At this time, the deposit was already mixed with the bonus.
The bonus was indeed visible to the player and we can show an example of how it looks like when a bonus is on an account:
You may see in the screenshots above that when a player has an active free spins bonus on his/her account, the system will always redirect the player to the game where the free spins are active.
Secondly, it is clearly presented in-game that there are free spins active.
Lastly, in the lobby - homepage, at the moment the player logs in, the first screen has a PLAY NOW button that will lead the player to the game where the bonus is active.
I hope all the information you need have been provided. Of course, should you need any additional info, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Izvinite na smetnji ponovo, izvinjavam se što moram nešto da razjasnim, moj početni ekran nije prikazao nijedan aktivni bonus besplatnih okretaja, zato sam napravio depozit 2 ako je već postojao aktivni bonus besplatnih okretaja na mom nalogu, kao kazino predstavnik kaže da bi se pokazalo u trenutku kada sam započeo transfer 3 u trenutku igranja okretaja da mi sistem nije dozvolio da otkažem dobitke bilo je vrlo malo 4 oh moje saznanje kada bonus automatski padne manje od jednog dolara je poništen i ako nakon poništenja napravite dobar obrt i osvojite veliku sumu koja je već vaša i nemate ograničenje povlačenja, može li kazino da pokaže snimcima ekrana moj početak transfera gde je bonus rekao da je aktivan pre nego što izvršim moj depozit?
Sorry for the interruption again, I'm sorry to have to clarify something, my home screen did not show any active free spins bonus, that's why I made deposit 2 if there was already an active free spins bonus in my account, As the casino representative says, it would have been shown at the time I started the transfer 3 at the time of playing the spins that the system did not allow me to cancel the winnings were very few 4 oh my knowledge when a bonus drops less than a dollar automatically is voided and if after being voided you make a good spin winning a large sum that is already yours and you have no withdrawal limit, can the casino please demonstrate with screenshots my start of transfer where the bonus said to be active before making my deposit ?
Disculpe la interrupción nuevamente, lo siento tener que aclarar algo, en mi pantalla de inicio no se mostraba ningún bono de giros gratis activo fue por eso que yo hice el depósito 2 si fuese que ya avía un bono de giros gratis en mi cuenta activo, como bien lo dice el representante del casino se hubiera mostrado en el momento en que inicie cesión 3 al momento de jugar los giros que no me permitió el sistema cancelar las ganancias fueron muy pocas 4 ah mi saber cuando un bono baja menos de un dólar automáticamente queda anulado y si después de anularse das un buen giro ganando una fuerte suma ya es tuya y no tienes límite de retiro, por favor puede demostrar el casino con capturas de pantalla mi inicio de cesión donde el bono decía estar activo antes de hacer mi depósito?
Hvala vam još jednom na vašim brzim odgovorima i objašnjenjima. Sada moram da razjasnim još jedan detalj - naveli ste da je igrač imao uslov za klađenje od 36,40 dolara u vreme kada su besplatni obrtaji završeni, da li sam u pravu kada kažem da je dobitak igrača od bonusa (koji je imao klađenje 40k) iznosio 0,91 dolara ?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello Luke and Brango Casino,
Thank you again for your prompt responses and explanations. I now have one further detail to clarify - you stated that the player had a wagering requirement of $36.40 at the time the free spins were completed, would I be correct in stating that the player's winnings from the bonus (which had 40x wagering) totalled $0.91?
Pozdrav svima, jedno malo pitanje može li kazino da objasni kako ovo funkcioniše? Ah, koliko razumem, kada stanje padne na manje od 1,00 dolara, kupon se automatski raskida i dobici igrača više nemaju ograničenja o limit, što znači da pravila više ne postoje, zato vam daje mogućnost da automatski povučete bez ograničenja , ne Da li je ovo predstavnik kazina?
Hello Ah everyone, a small question can the casino explain how this works? Ah my understanding, when the balance drops to less than $1.00 the coupon automatically breaks and the player's winnings no longer have restrictions oh limit, that is to say the rules are no longer there that is why it gives you the option to withdraw automatically without limit, no Is this a representative of the casino?
hola Ah todos, una pequeña pregunta puede el casino explicar cómo funciona esto? Ah mi entender cuando el saldo baja a menos de un $1.00 el cupón automáticamente se rompe y las ganancias del jugador ya no tienen restricciones oh límite, es decir las reglas ya no están es por eso que te da opción de retiro automáticamente sin límite, no es así representante del casino?
Koliko ja razumem uslove, zabranjeno vam je da uplaćujete depozit ili aktivirate novi bonus sve dok se ne ispune uslovi klađenja za trenutni bonus i saldo ne bude manji od 1 USD (tako da ste ili povukli ili izgubili sve).
Iako su vaši dobici bili manji od $1, uslov za klađenje nije bio ispunjen, tako da ste uplatom depozita pomešali sredstva.
Pošto je ovo neobičan slučaj, sutra ćemo o tome razgovarati na našem nedeljnom sastanku rukovodstva, a svoje zaključke ću objaviti ubrzo nakon toga.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello Sanjlugo,
From my understanding of the terms, you are prohibited from making a deposit or activating a new bonus until the wagering requirements for the current bonus are completed and the balance is less than $1 (so you have either made a withdrawal or lost everything).
While your winnings were less than $1, the wagering requirement had not been completed, so by making a deposit you have mixed the funds.
As this is an unusual case, we are going to discuss it at our weekly management meeting tomorrow, and I will post our conclusions shortly afterward.
Zdravo Adame, samo želim da razjasnim da nisam pomešao bonus sa svojim depozitom, u ovom slučaju bi to uradio kazino, jer kada sam napravio depozit, nije pisalo aktivni kupon za besplatne okrete, to je bilo vidljivo do mog depozita, pošto je to slučaj, verujem da je onaj ko igra prljavo kazino od kada sam želeo da igram sa svojim saldom, ti okreti mi to nisu dozvolili i ako kazino to odbije, molim pokaži moju prijavu sa tim aktivnim okretanjima pre nego što napravim moj depozit, tako da ovo bude ispravno obrisano
Hello Adam, I just want to make it clear that I did not mix the bonus with my deposit, in this case it would be the casino that did it, because when I made my deposit it had not said active free spins coupon, that was visible until after my deposit, this being the case, I believe that the one who is playing dirty is the casino since when I wanted to play with my balance, those spins did not allow me to do so and if the casino denies it, please show my login with those active spins before making my deposit, so that this is cleared correctly
Hola Adán, solo quiero que quede claro que yo no mezcle el bono con mi depósito, en este caso sería el casino el que lo ah echo, pues cuando yo entre hacer mi depósito no había dicho cupón de giros gratis activo, eso fue visible hasta después de mi depósito, siendo así creo que el que está jugando sucio es el que casino ya que al momento de querer jugar con mi saldo, esos giros no me lo permitieron y si el casino lo niega, que por favor muestre mi inicio de sesión con esos giros activos antes de hacer mi depósito, para que esto se aclare correctamente
Kao što je pomenuto, razgovarali smo o slučaju na našem nedeljnom sastanku, ali je utvrđeno da ćemo morati da vidimo igračeve zapise klađenja/igara, počevši od trenutka kada je bonus tražen, kako bismo mogli da izvučemo najpravedniji zaključak.
As mentioned we have discussed the case in our weekly meeting, but it was determined that we would need to see the player's betting/game logs, starting from the time the bonus was claimed, to enable us to draw the fairest conclusion.
Imajte na umu da je izveštaj o igranju igrača poslat na vašu ličnu e-mail adresu. Izveštaj obuhvata sve opklade od trenutka kada je bonus besplatnih okretaja iskorišćen do trenutka kada je zahtev igrača odbijen.
Sanjlugo, imajte na umu da smo isti izveštaj poslali i na Vašu e-mail adresu.
Obavestite nas ako su potrebne dodatne informacije.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Luke Nevman
Menadžment kazina Brango
Hello Adam,
I hope you're well.
Please note that the player's gaming report has been sent to your personal e-mail address. The report encompasses all bets from the moment the free spins bonus has been redeemed until the moment the player's withdrawal request was denied.
Sanjlugo, please note that we have sent the same report to your e-mail address as well.
Please inform us if any additional information is needed.
Zdravo, još uvek nisam dobio ovu informaciju! Ali predlažem da pošaljete dokaze da kada sam ušao u kazino pre nego što sam napravio depozit, kupon za besplatne okrete je već bio aktivan, mislim da će to biti nemoguće proveriti pošto je kazino izmešao bonus i kada sam napravio depozit i to prestaje svirati nešto prljavo, mislim da nije fer!
Hello, I have not received this information yet! But I suggest that you please send evidence that when I entered the casino before making the deposit the free spins coupon was already active, I think it will be impossible to verify that since the casino mixed the bonus and once I made the deposit and that stop playing something dirty, it's not fair I think!
Hola, no eh recibido dicha información aún! Pero sugiero que por favor envíen evidencia de que cuando yo entré al casino antes de hacer el depósito ya estaba activo el cupón de giros gratis, creo que será imposible comprobar eso ya que el casino mezclo el bono ya una ves echo el depósito y eso me párese jugar algo sucio, no es justo creo yo!
Hvala vam na pruženim informacijama, kazino Brango.
Dragi Sanjlugo,
Mogu li da vas zamolim da potvrdite sporni iznos, čini se da ste naveli da je 16,059 dolara kada ste podneli žalbu, ali prema vašim evidencijama igre dobitak je bio 160,59 dolara?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you for the information provided, Brango Casino.
Dear Sanjlugo,
Can I ask you to please confirm the disputed amount, it seems you have stated it to be $16,059 when submitting your complaint, but according to your game logs the winnings were $160.59?
Imajte na umu da je nakon sugestije Adama i Casino Gurua i pošto su istakli da su dobici od besplatnih okretaja ispod 1,00 $, Kazino je odlučio da nadoknadi vaš dobitak na vaš račun.
Moramo da vas podsetimo da je prvobitnih 40,00 USD nadoknađeno i potrošeno, 120,59 USD je sada nadoknađeno na vaš račun.
Nadamo se da ćete ovo rešenje smatrati prihvatljivim i da možemo smatrati da je problem rešen.
Ukoliko su potrebne dodatne informacije, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Luke Nevman
Menadžment kazina Brango
Hello Sanjlugo,
Hello Adam,
Hope you're well.
Please note that after the suggestion Adam and Casino Guru made and as they pointed out that the winnings from the free spins were under $1.00, The Casino decided to reimburse your winnings to your account.
We do have to remind you that as your original $40.00 was reimbursed and spent, $120.59 was now reimbursed to your account.
We hope that you find this solution acceptable and that we may consider the issue resolved.
Should any additional information be required, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Imajte na umu da je ograničenje isplate ograničeno zbog činjenice da vraćena sredstva nisu došla iz jedne akcije fonda. Naime, Kazino je napravio izuzetak vraćajući dobitke stečene mešanjem promocije besplatnih okretaja i vašeg depozita.
Dozvoljavanjem dalje igre prekršaj se nastavlja. Dakle, vraćena sredstva nisu bila moguća za igranje i samo se povlače za povlačenje.
Kao što možemo da vidimo, uspeli ste da podignete početna vraćena sredstva.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Luke Nevman
Menadžment kazina Brango
Hello sanjlugo,
We hope that you are well.
Please note that the cashout limit was capped due to the fact that the funds that were returned did not come from a single fund action. Namely, the Casino provided an exception by returning the winnings that were acquired by mixing the free spins promotion and your deposit.
By allowing further play, the violation is then continued. Therefore, the returned funds were not playable and are only cleared for a withdrawal.
As we are able to see, you were able to withdraw the initial returned funds.
Zdravo, dobar dan, još uvek nisam povukao ukupnih 200,17 dolara, razlog je taj što je kazino ponovo poništio moj dobitak! Nadam se da mi možete pomoći, hvala.
Hello, good day, I have not withdrawn the total $200.17 yet, the reason is that the casino voided my winnings again! I hope you can help me, thank you.
hola buen día, no eh retirado el total $200.17 aún, la razón es que el casino anuló mis ganancias nuevamente! Ojalá puedan ayudarme gracias.
Zdravo, ako se slažem, povlačim 120,59 dolara, ali moj dobitak je bio 200,17 dolara, ali baš kao i pre nego što su ih eliminisali, ostavljajući mi samo 120,59 dolara i igrao sam sa već osvojenim saldom, nije bilo razloga da ponovo ponište moj dobitak.
Hello, if I agree, I withdraw $120.59, but my winnings were $200.17 but just like before they eliminated them, leaving me only $120.59 and I played with my balance already won, there was no reason for them to cancel my winnings again.
Hola, si estoy de acuerdo retire $120.59, pero mis ganancias fueron de $200.17 pero al igual que anteriormente me las eliminaron dejándome solo $120.59 y yo jugué con mi balance ya ganado no había razón para que me cancelaran nuevamente mis ganancias.
Zdravo svima, izvinjavam se zbog zakašnjelog odgovora.
Dragi Sanjlugo,
Iako mogu da razumem da je frustrirajuće ograničenje dobitka, kazino je u ovom slučaju napravio izuzetak vraćajući vam dobitak od 120,59 dolara. To je zato što, iako ste prekršili odredbe i uslove kada ste uplatili depozit na svoj aktivni bonus, kazino je pošteno procenio da u ovoj konkretnoj prilici nije stečena nikakva prednost. Stoga mislim da je razumno da očekuju da povučete samo dobitak od 120,59 dolara. Pošto ste to sada uradili, smatram da je pošteno smatrati da je žalba sada rešena. Obavestite me ako se slažete.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello all, apologies for my delayed response.
Dear Sanjlugo,
While I can understand it is frustrating having the winnings capped, the casino has in this case made an exception by returning the winnings of $120.59 to you. This is because although you were in breach of the terms and conditions when you made the deposit on top of your active bonus, the casino fairly assessed that no advantage was gained on this particular occasion. I therefore think that it is reasonable that they would expect you to withdraw only the winnings of $120.59. As you have now done so, I believe it fair to consider the complaint to now be resolved. Please let me know if you agree.
Nakon uspešnog rešavanja problema, žalbu ćemo označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Cenimo vašu saradnju i potvrdu, Sanjlugo, i ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti, ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš Centar za rešavanje žalbi. Naš cilj je da vam pomognemo.
Kao što znate, mi ne naplaćujemo naše usluge, niti primamo napojnice. Međutim, bili bismo vam zahvalni ako biste odvojili trenutak i podelili svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugama na Trustpilot https :// . Iskreno razmatranje i sve sugestije koje ćete možda imati za poboljšanje našeg procesa rešavanja žalbi i posredovanja bili bi veoma cenjeni. Vaše povratne informacije mogu biti korisne drugima koji razmišljaju o tome da nas kontaktiraju u vezi bilo kakvih problema vezanih za onlajn kazino. Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
After successfully resolving the problem, we will mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. We appreciate your cooperation and confirmation, Sanjlugo, and if you encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center. Our goal is to assist you.
As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would appreciate if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot An honest review and any suggestions you may have to improve our complaint resolution and mediation process would be greatly appreciated. Your feedback could prove helpful to others who are considering contacting us about any online casino-related issues. Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards,
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