NaslovnaPritužbeFrumzi Casino - Igrač se bori sa problemima povlačenja i depozita.
Frumzi Casino - Igrač se bori sa problemima povlačenja i depozita.
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Frumzi Casino
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Australia had faced issues related to the withdrawal process and two failed deposit transactions that had still resulted in money being deducted from his bank. Despite having contacted the platform on repeated occasions, the player had received no response and his withdrawals had continued being declined. The Complaints Team had engaged with the player and the casino, facilitating communication between both parties. The casino had identified the issue with the player's withdrawal attempts, which had been due to an incorrect BSB code, and had requested additional information regarding the failed deposits. After the required information was provided, the player's withdrawal was successfully processed, and the casino had credited the two failed deposits to the player's account. The issue had been successfully resolved with the player expressing satisfaction with the outcome.
Igrač iz Australije se suočio sa problemima u vezi sa procesom povlačenja i dve neuspele depozitne transakcije koje su i dalje rezultirale oduzimanjem novca iz njegove banke. Uprkos tome što je kontaktirao platformu u više navrata, igrač nije dobio nikakav odgovor i njegova povlačenja su i dalje odbijana. Tim za žalbe je sarađivao sa igračem i kazinom, olakšavajući komunikaciju između obe strane. Kazino je identifikovao problem sa igračevim pokušajima povlačenja, koji je nastao zbog netačnog BSB koda, i zatražio je dodatne informacije u vezi sa neuspelim depozitima. Nakon što su tražene informacije dostavljene, igračevo povlačenje je uspešno obrađeno, a kazino je pripisao dva neuspela depozita na račun igrača. Problem je uspešno rešen sa igračem koji je izrazio zadovoljstvo rezultatom.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih u potpunosti razumeo celu situaciju. Da li sam dobro razumeo da je ovo bio vaš prvi pokušaj povlačenja? Da li ste akumulirali svoje dobitke sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa?
Što se tiče izgubljenih depozita - jedino što možete da uradite je da kontaktirate svog dobavljača plaćanja. Oni moraju da istraže, ali imajte na umu da je to dugotrajan proces koji traje otprilike mesec dana. U ovim slučajevima, kazino ima vezane ruke. U međuvremenu, toplo bih preporučio da ne deponujete više sredstava dok se problem ne reši.
Ako se novac izgubi tokom transakcije, biće potrebno neko vreme pre nego što bude pripisan na vaš kazino račun.
Možete li molim vas da kažete da li je to bio vaš prvi depozit u ovom kazinu?
Da li ste već kontaktirali svoju banku? U idealnom slučaju, trebalo bi da budu deo istrage.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear tillycandoit,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Do I understand correctly that this was your first withdrawal attempt? Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus?
Regarding the lost deposits - the only thing you can do is to contact your payment provider. They need to investigate, but bear in mind, that it’s a lengthy process that takes approximately one month. In these cases, the casino has its hands tied. Meanwhile, I would strongly recommend not to deposit any more funds until the issue is sorted.
If the money got lost during the transaction, it’s going to take some time before it’ll be credited to your casino account.
Could you please advise if it was your first deposit in this casino?
Have you contacted your bank already? Ideally, they should be part of the investigation.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Hvala vam što ste ovo razmotrili i vaš brz odgovor, veoma je cenjeno.
Da odgovorim na vaša pitanja:
Zapravo sam pokušao da podignem novac pre ovog i na kraju sam izgubio novac jer sam ranije imao isto iskustvo sa odloženim plaćanjem i moje povlačenje je odbijeno. Takođe sam pokušao da se povučem još dva puta nakon ovog pokušaja (31/12/23) 3/1/24 i 9/1/24 pošto sam kontaktirao Live Chat i rekli su mi da pokušam ponovo. Oba su ponovo odbijena. Ne daju mi nikakav razlog zašto i ignorišu moje imejlove za podršku. Nisu tražena nikakva dokumenta.
Nisam akumulirao svoje dobitke koristeći nijedan bonus. Svi su bili direktni gotovinski depoziti bez bonusa i nisam koristio nijedan od ostalih bonusa koje nude (na primer, besplatni obrtaji).
Što se tiče izgubljenih transakcija:
Bilo je to putem bankovnog transfera koji koristi nešto što se zove Micardo kartica. Uspešno sam deponovao koristeći ovaj metod oko 5 puta pre svakog za 20 dolara. Pokušao sam da kontaktiram Micardo Card, ali njihova usluga e-pošte je odbila moju e-poštu. Hvala vam na savetu o kontaktiranju moje banke, uradiću to sutra.
Ako imate još pitanja, pitajte 🙂 Još jednom hvala na pomoći i radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Kristina,
Thank you for looking into this and your quick response, it is much appreciated.
To answer your questions:
I actually had attempted a withdrawal before this one and ended up losing the money as I had the same experience prior with delayed payment and my withdrawal being declined. I have also tried to withdraw two more times after this attempt (31/12/23) on the 3/1/24 and 9/1/24 as I had contacted Live Chat and they told me to try again. Both have again been declined. They do not give me any reason why and they are ignoring my emails to support. No documents have been requested.
I have not accumulated my winnings using any bonus. All have been straight cash deposits no bonus and I have not used any of the other bonuses they offer (for example free spins).
With regards to the lost transactions:
It was via Bank Transfer which uses something called Micardo Card. I had successfully deposited using this method about 5 times prior each for $20 aud. I have tried to contact Micardo Card but their email service rejected my email. Thank you for the advice about contacting my bank, I will do so tomorrow.
If there's any more question you have please ask 🙂 Thanks again for your help and I look forward to your response.
Samo sam hteo da vas obavestim da sam upravo razgovarao sa svojom bankom i da sam osporio dve transakcije koje su odbijene na kraju kazina. Malo sam zabrinut, pošto sam pre neki dan čitao Frumzijeve uslove i uslove i pisalo je nešto kao da ne osporavam transakcije. Nadam se da im ovo ne daje izgovor da me zajebaju, ali izgleda da nisu uradili ništa da poprave ovo kada sam ih kontaktirao, tako da nisam siguran šta bih drugo mogao da uradim.
Poslaću im imejl i obavestiti ih da sam osporio ove dve transakcije. Ne očekujem da će odgovoriti.
Hvala još jednom na pomoći i vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Good afternoon Kristina,
Hope your well.
Just wanted to follow up and let you know I just got off the phone with my bank and have disputed the two transactions that were declined on the casino end. I am a little worried, as I was reading the T&Cs of Frumzi the other day and it said something like not to dispute transactions. I hope this doesn't give them an excuse to screw me over, however they have seemingly done nothing about fixing this when I contacted them so not sure what else I could do.
I will email them and let them know I have disputed the two transactions. I don't expect them to reply.
Hvala vam puno na odgovoru, tillicandoit. Možete li proslediti svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na ? Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde. Hvala unapred.
Thank you very much for your reply, tillycandoit. Could you please forward all the relevant communication between you and the casino to Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Hvala vam puno, tillicandoit, na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Mihalu ( ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, tillycandoit, for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal ( who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Ja sam Michal i preuzeo sam vašu žalbu. Pregledao sam ovaj slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da rasvetlim ovu stvar.
Pozivamo Frumzi kazino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Dragi Frumzi kazino,
Možete li dati više informacija o tome zašto igračeva povlačenja nisu obrađena? Štaviše, da li biste mogli da pružite više informacija o tome zašto se dva depozita koje je igrač napravio nisu odrazila na stanje njegovog kazino naloga? Ako informacije ne mogu da se dele javno, prosledite mi ih na " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">
Hello tillycandoit,
I'm Michal and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed this case and I will contact the casino to shed more light on this matter.
We would like to invite Frumzi Casino to join the conversation.
Dear Frumzi Casino,
Can you please provide more information on why were the player's withdrawals not processed? Furthermore, could you kindly furnish more information on why the two deposits made by the player were not reflected in their casino account balance? If the information can't be shared publicly please forward them to me at
Prvo i najvažnije, želimo da uputimo naše iskreno izvinjenje zbog nastalog kašnjenja.
Što se tiče povlačenja vašeg stanja, isti je prosleđen nadležnom odeljenju kako bi se što pre pronašlo rešenje o čemu ćemo vas posebno obavestiti. Čini se da se stalno odbija u fazi provajdera plaćanja.
Nakon što smo proverili dokaze koje ste dali za nedostajuće depozite, ustanovljeno je da odgovaraju dve uspešne depozitne transakcije koje ste izvršili. Da bismo to detaljnije istražili, da li biste mogli da nam dostavite druge/konkretnije dokaze za svaku transakciju? Potrudićemo se da to prioritetno proverimo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Customer,
Thank you for reaching out.
First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincere apologies for the delay caused.
Regarding the withdrawal of your balance, it has been forwarded to the relevant department in order to find a solution as soon as possible, which we will inform you about separately. It appears that it keeps getting rejected at the payment provider stage.
After we checked the evidence you provided for the missing deposits, it was established that it corresponded to two successful deposit transactions made by you. In order for us to investigate it more thoroughly, would it be possible for you to provide us with other/more specific evidence for each transaction? We will make sure to check it with priority.
Hvala vam puno što ste mi odgovorili ovde. Zadovoljstvo je čuti od vas.
Što se tiče povlačenja, radujem se vašoj prepisci o tome kako najbolje postupiti. Čekao sam već neko vreme.
Sada u vezi sa nestalim depozitima imam neke zabrinutosti. Upravo sam se prijavio na svoj nalog u nadi da ste možda dodali nedostajućih 40 AUD na moj saldo, ali umesto toga otkrivam da je moja istorija bilansa izbrisana. Moja pretraga nije dala rezultate:
Ovo je veoma čudno. Zašto misliš da je ovo? Nedostaje sva istorija uključujući i moju istoriju igara. Na moju sreću, napravio sam snimak ekrana dve neuspele transakcije u pitanju 16.1.2024:
Kao što ćete videti, prikazuju se kao neuspeli i da se novac ne dodaje na moj račun. Već sam poslao u vaš Live Chat snimak ekrana ispod koji je iz mog internet bankarstva na mreži koji odgovara transakcijama koje nedostaju (označeno plavom bojom):
Imajte na umu (nadam se da već jeste, pošto sam poslao e-poštu vašem timu za podršku i takođe spomenuo u ovom postu na forumu) da sam osporio ove dve transakcije svojoj banci pod uslovom da mi roba ili usluga nisu obezbeđeni. Upravo sam sada proverio i još uvek nisu poništeni. Moja banka nije garantovala da mogu da vrate sredstva. Još uvek mi nedostaje ovih 40,26 AUD (iz nekog razloga to je ono što je Mikado Card - jedan od vas procesora plaćanja - uzeo (20,13 USD) za oba depozita koji nisu uspeli od 20,00 USD svaki).
Jedina druga stvar koju sam mogao da dobijem, ali dosadno nisam, bio je ID greške za obe transakcije na veb lokaciji Mikado kartice kada transakcije nisu uspele. Lično kontaktiranje s njima izgleda neverovatno teško, gledajući njihovu veb lokaciju ima samo opciju za kontaktiranje i to sam pokušao i dobio sam odbijeni odgovor e-poštom. Da li bi pomoglo ako bih nazvao svoju banku i pitao za tačno vreme ovih transakcija i da vidim da li se poklapaju sa neuspelom transakcijom sa mog snimka ekrana? Takođe sam razmišljao da napravim nalog na kako bih mogao da razgovaram sa njihovim ćaskanjem uživo, ali sam rezervisan da će to doneti bilo kakav rezultat. Hoćeš da pokušam?
Molimo vas da pogledate dalje u ovo jer verujem da ćete otkriti da mi još uvek dugujem ovaj novac ili putem refundiranja (moguće iz moje banke) ili da bude deponovan na moj račun igrača (onda ću otkazati spor sa svojom bankom).
Hvala na pomoći i vremenu. Molim vas, nemojte se ustručavati da tražite bilo šta dalje što vam može zatrebati od mene.
Nestrpljivo očekujem vaš odgovor.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Good day Frumzi,
Thank you very much for replying to me here. It is a pleasure to hear from you.
With regards to the withdrawal, I look forward to your correspondence on how to best proceed. I have been waiting a while now.
Now in relation to the missing deposits I have some concerns. I have just logged into my account hoping that maybe you had added the missing $40 AUD to my balance but instead I find that my Balance History appears to have been wiped clean. My search returned no results:
This is very odd. Why do you suppose this is? All history is missing including my game history. Luckily for me I took a screenshot of the two failed transactions in question on 16/1/2024:
As you will see they show as failed and no money being added to my account. I have already sent to your Live Chat the screenshot below which is from my online Internet Banking that corresponds to the missing transactions (highlighted in blue):
Please be aware (as I hope you already are as I emailed your support team and also mention in this forum post) that I disputed these two transactions with my bank under the term of not being provided with the goods or service. I just checked now and they have not been reversed yet. My bank did not guarantee that they could get the funds back. I am still missing this $40.26 AUD (for some reason that is what Mikado Card - one of you payment processors - took ($20.13) for both deposits that failed of $20.00 each).
The only other thing I could of gotten but annoyingly did not was the Failure ID for both transactions on the Mikado Card website when the transactions did fail. Contacting them myself seems incredibly difficult, looking at their website only has a get in touch option and I did try that and I received an email rejected response. Would it help if I called my bank and asked for the exact time of these transactions and see if they match up with the failed transaction from my screenshot? I have also contemplated making an account on so I can talk to their Live Chat but I do have my reservations that this will yield any result. Would you like me to try?
Please look further into this as I believe you will find that I am still owed this money either via refund (possibly from my bank) or to be deposited into my players account (then I will cancel the dispute with my bank).
Thanks for your help and time. Please do not hesitant to ask for anything further you may need from me.
Preporučujemo vam da isprobate različite filtere datuma ili da obrišete keš memoriju i kolačiće svog uređaja da biste videli istoriju naloga.
Proverili smo vaše prethodne pokušaje povlačenja i ustanovili da je problem u BSB kodu koji ste uneli. Potrebno je da ima 6 cifara da bi uplata prošla. Da li biste bili ljubazni da ponovo pokušate da zatražite povlačenje, pazeći da BSB kod ima 6 cifara?
Bilo bi od velike pomoći ako biste kontaktirali svoju banku kako biste dobili više detalja o transakcijama koje nedostaju, jer će nam to pomoći da preciznije odredimo tačna plaćanja koja treba da proverimo. Radujemo se novim informacijama od vas.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your reply.
We recommend trying different date filters or clearing cache and cookies of your device in order to see your account history.
We checked your previous withdrawal attempts and established that the problem was the BSB code entered by you. It needs to be 6 digits for the payment to go through. Would you be so kind as to try to request the withdrawal again, making sure that the BSB code is 6 digits?
It would be of great help if you contacted your bank in order to get more details about the missing transactions, as it will help us pinpoint more precisely the exact payments which we need to check. Looking forward to the new information from you.
Očistio sam keš memoriju i kolačiće i mogu da dobijem istoriju igara klikom na opciju kartice „kazino". Još uvek ne mogu da vidim svoju istoriju blagajne čak ni kada se igram sa svojim opcijama u vezi sa datumima i kliknem na „sve" ili „blagajnik".
Kao što je traženo, podneo sam novi zahtev za povlačenje. Uklonio sam "-" iz BSB broja, tako da sada ima samo 6 cifara. Nije bilo prostora za SVIFT kod pa sam ga stavio pored BSB-a (gde uzgred piše „broj za brisanje"). Radi transparentnosti, evo snimka ekrana mog povlačenja neposredno pre podnošenja:
Obavestite me ako nešto nije u redu sa onim što sam uradio.
Upravo sam razgovarao sa svojom bankom. Dali su mi tačna vremena za transakcije. Radi jednostavnosti pogledajte ispod moju vremensku liniju/poređenje dve sporne transakcije i dodatne transakcije koja je bila uspešna pre dva neuspeha:
29.12.2023. 22:10:21 BTvoucher PGV Iznos depozita 20,00 USD Završen (ID nije dostupan – nije ušao na snimak ekrana i ne može sada da pristupi – nije veliki problem – ova transakcija je prošla).
29/12/2023 22:46:14 BTvoucher PGV Iznos depozita $20,00 Odbijen ID 3933578285
29/12/2023 22:50:21 BTvoucher PGV Iznos depozita $20,00 Odbijen ID 3933725973
Kao što ćete primetiti, između svake transakcije postoji pauza od otprilike 2 minuta. Verujem da je to zato što Frumzi Histori pruža vreme kada sam pokrenuo depozit. Ali kada se pokrene, otvara se još jedna stranica za koju je trebalo oko dva minuta na kojoj sam morao da se prijavim u svoje internet bankarstvo preko veb lokacije Mikado Card i da odaberem sa kog računa da izvršim transfer, a zatim da sačekam da prođe.
Momak iz banke je takođe primetio kako je prva transakcija (koja je uspela) otišla na isti račun/BSB kao i dve koje su propale "242000 235945002".
Raspitao sam se o toku spora za ove dve transakcije i on mi je rekao da je u toku. Biću obavešten kada se završi (bilo uspešno ili neuspešno) i naravno obavestiću vas o ovom ishodu.
U međuvremenu, predlažem da nastavite sa svojim procesorom plaćanja Mikado karticom. Uzeli su mi novac već više od mesec dana.
Nisam baš siguran šta još mogu učiniti da vam dokažem da je to tako.
Još jednom, hvala vam na vašem vremenu i trudu za ovo. Cenim to. Nadam se da će moje povlačenje ovog puta proći. Kao i uvek, ako vam treba još nešto od mene, javite mi.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you for your reply.
I cleared cache and cookies and I can get gaming history by clicking the "casino" tab option. I still cannot see my cashier history even when playing around with my options regarding dates and clicking on "all" or "cashier".
As requested I have submitted a new withdrawal request. I have removed the "-" from the BSB number so now it is only the 6 digits. There was no space for the SWIFT code so I put it beside the BSB (which incidentally is where it says "clearing number"). For transparency here is a screenshot of my withdrawal right before submitting:
Please let me know if there's anything wrong with what I did.
I have just gotten off the phone to my bank. They have provided me with exact times for the transactions. For simplicity sake please see below my timeline/comparison of the two disputed transactions and an additional transaction that was successful prior to the two failures:
29/12/2023 22:10:21 BTvoucher PGW Deposit Amount $20.00 Completed (ID not available - did not get in screenshot and cannot access now - not a big issue - this transactions went through).
29/12/2023 22:46:14 BTvoucher PGW Deposit Amount $20.00 Declined ID 3933578285
29/12/2023 22:50:21 BTvoucher PGW Deposit Amount $20.00 Declined ID 3933725973
As you will notice there is approximately a 2 minute gap between each transaction. I believe this is because the time provided by Frumzi History is when I have initiated the deposit. But once initiated it opens up another page which did take about two minutes where I had to log into my internet banking through the Mikado Card website and select which account to transfer from and then wait for it to go through.
The guy from the bank also noticed how the first transaction (that succeeded) went to the same account/BSB as the two that failed "242000 235945002".
I enquired about the progress of the dispute for these two transactions and he indicated it was ongoing. I will be notified once it is completed (whether successful or unsuccessful) and I will of course let you know this outcome.
Meanwhile I suggest that you follow up with your payment processor Mikado Card though. They have taken my money for over a month now.
Not really sure what more I can do to prove to you that this is the case.
Once again, thank you for your time and effort into this. I appreciate it. Hoping my withdrawal goes through this time. As always if there's anything more you need from me please let me know.
Samo pratim u vezi mog povlačenja. Očigledno je da sam uradio nešto pogrešno jer je povučeno 500 dolara ponovo vraćeno na moj pravi bilans.
Smatram da je prilično frustrirajuće što nema komunikacije iz kazina kada se to dogodi.
Obavestite me kako dalje.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hope you are doing well.
Just following up regarding my withdrawal. Clearly I must of done something wrong because the $500 withdrawn has been returned again to my Real Balance.
I do find it quite frustrating that there is no communication from the casino when this happens.
Pregledao sam snimke ekrana i nisam siguran da li ste ispravno uneli BSB / broj za brisanje. Ako sam dobro razumeo, tu treba uneti samo šestocifreni broj, ali bih voleo da Frumzi tim to potvrdi.
Dragi Frumzi kazino,
Možete li pojasniti gore navedeno?
Dear tillycandoit,
I have reviewed the screenshots, and I'm not sure if you have inserted the BSB / Clearing number correctly. If I understand it correctly, only the 6-digit number should be inserted there, but I would like the Frumzi team to confirm this.
Da bismo vam pomogli u povlačenju, zamolimo vas da nam dostavite svoje bankovne podatke. Poslat vam je e-mail sa zahtevom za informacije na koji možete da odgovorite sa informacijama.
Cenimo što ste dali dodatne informacije o depozitima, oni su prosleđeni na pregled od strane relevantnog odeljenja.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your response.
In order to assist you with the withdrawal, we would like to ask you to provide us with your bank information. You were sent an email with the information request to which you can reply with the information.
We appreciate you providing additional information about the deposits, it was forwarded to be reviewed by the relevant department.
Da bismo mogli dalje da proverimo depozite, da li biste mogli da nam pošaljete izvod iz banke za 25.12.2023-31.12.2023 u PDF formatu? Možete ga poslati ili koristite imejl koji smo vam poslali na tražene bankovne podatke. Hvala unapred.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Customer,
In order for us to check further about the deposits, would you be able to send us your bank statement for 25.12.2023-31.12.2023 in PDF format? You can send it or use the email that we sent you to requested bank information. Thank you in advance.
Hvala vam što ste mi se tako brzo javili. Veoma je cenjeno.
Primio sam vašu e-poštu i odgovorio sa potrebnim bankarskim podacima.
Jedini problem je bio dobijanje bankovnog izvoda za vremenski okvir koji ste tražili. Proverio sam svoje onlajn izjave i moja poslednja je samo do 12.6.2023. Povrh toga, dolaze samo svakih 6 meseci. Sutra ću kontaktirati svoju banku i videti da li mogu da dobijem novu. Kada ga dobijem, poslaću vam ga e-poštom.
Hvala još jednom na pomoći. Imaju dobar.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. It is very much appreciated.
I have received your email and replied with the required banking information.
The only issue was getting the bank statement for the timeframe you requested. I checked my online statements and my latest is only up to 6/12/2023. On top of that they only come every 6 months. I will contact my bank tomorrow and see if I can get a new one. Once I have it I will email it to you.
Dobio sam povlačenje, hvala! Vrlo brzo obavljeno sa vaše strane, kredit tamo gde je zasluga, dobar posao 🙂.
Što se tiče zahtevanog bankovnog izvoda, još uvek čekam na svoju banku. Traje im duže nego što su rekli, ali daću im još jedan dan. Poslaću ga čim ga dobijem. Samo sam hteo da napomenem da je moj spor odbijen. Nisam siguran zašto, ako budem morao da ih zovem sutra zbog bankovnog izvoda, pitaću ih zašto onda.
Dragi Michal @Casino.Guru,
Hvala na dosadašnjoj pomoći.
Ako je moguće, možete li da ažurirate sporni iznos za ovu žalbu na 40 USD.
Takođe, molimo vas da promenite tajmer odgovora na čekanje na mene, jer je na meni da dam bankovni izvod.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I have received the withdrawal, thank you! Very quickly done on your end, credit where credit is due, good work 🙂.
With regards to the requested bank statement, I am still waiting on my bank. They are taking longer than they said but I will give them another day. I will send it through as soon as I get it. Just wanted to mention also that my dispute was declined. Not sure why, if I have to call them tomorrow about the bank statement I will ask them why then.
Dear Michal @Casino.Guru,
Thanks for your help so far.
If possible could you update the disputed amount for this complaint to $40.
Also, please change the reply timer to waiting on me, as it is up to me to provide the bank statement.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste dobili sporno povlačenje „samo" 460 AUD? Ili koje su 40 AUD koje želite da postavite kao sporni iznos, molim?
Dear tillycandoit,
Do I understand correctly that you received the disputed withdrawal of "just" 460 AUD? Or what are the 40 AUD you want to set as the disputed amount, please?
Hvala na razjašnjenju. Drago mi je da ste uspešno primili povlačenje od 500 dolara u celosti.
Obaveštavajte me kada Frumzi timu prosledite traženi bankovni izvod, i kada oni to potvrde, verujem da možemo da zatvorimo ovu žalbu kao rešenu.
Dear tillycandoit,
Thank you for the clarification. I'm glad that you received your withdrawal of $500 in full successfully.
Please keep me updated once you forward the Frumzi team the requested bank statement, and once that is verified by them, I believe we can close this complaint as resolved.
Upravo sam dobio bankovni izvod za traženi vremenski okvir. To zapravo pokriva dovoljno vremena da pokažem sve svoje depozite u vašem kazinu. Prikazaće dve transakcije koje nisu ušle u stanje mojih igrača.
Poslao sam ga e-poštom kao odgovor na zahtev 12769261 (gde sam poslao svoje bankovne podatke).
Takođe imajte na umu da sam pitao svoju banku zašto je spor za vraćanje sredstava odbijen; obavestili su me da su tražili od „Siti grupe" da im se vrate novac i rečeno im je da nisu.
Nadam se da će vam ovo pomoći da ga pronađete.
Molim vas, javite mi ako vam treba još nešto od mene.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hope you are having a nice day.
I have just received the bank statement for the time frame requested. It actually covers enough time to show all my deposits at your casino. It will show the two transactions that didn't go through into my players balance.
I have emailed it as a reply to request 12769261 (where I sent my bank details).
Also please note I asked my bank why the dispute to return the funds was rejected; they informed me that they requested from "Citi Group" to have the money returned and were told no.
Hope this helps you track it down.
Please let me know if there's anything else you need from me.
Hvala vam puno 🙂. Kakav preokret. Moje mrštenje je sada naopako 🙂
Dragi Mihal @ Casino.Guro,
Sve je rešeno! Možete zatvoriti žalbu kao takvu 🙂 Hvala i hvala Kristini i celom Casino Guru timu. Veoma je lepo što ste svi ovde kao usluga nama igračima. Nastavi sa dobrim radom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you very much 🙂. What a turnaround. My frown is now upside down 🙂
Dear Michal @ Casino.Guro,
Everything is resolved! You may close the complaint as such 🙂 Thank you and thanks to Kristina and the whole Casino Guru team. Very nice to have you all here as a service to us players. Keep up the good work.
Kako je podnosilac žalbe potvrdio da je situacija rešena i da su dobili sredstva, smatramo da je ova žalba uspešno rešena. Sada ćemo ga zatvoriti kao „rešeno" u našem sistemu. Želeo bih da se zahvalim obema stranama na saradnji. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da vam pomognemo.
Kao što znate, mi ne naplaćujemo naše usluge, niti primamo napojnice. Međutim, bili bismo vam zahvalni ako biste odvojili trenutak i podelili svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugama na Trustpilot . Iskreno razmatranje i sve sugestije koje ćete možda imati za poboljšanje našeg procesa rešavanja žalbi i posredovanja bili bi veoma cenjeni. Vaše povratne informacije mogu biti korisne drugima koji razmišljaju o tome da nas kontaktiraju u vezi bilo kakvih problema vezanih za onlajn kazino.
Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Anthony / tillycandoit,
I'm glad the situation could be worked out. 🙂
As the complainant confirmed that the situation has been resolved and they have received the funds, we consider this complaint to have been successfully resolved. We will now close it as "resolved" in our system. I would like to thank both parties for their cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help you.
As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot An honest review and any suggestions you may have to improve our complaint resolution and mediation process would be greatly appreciated. Your feedback could prove helpful to others who are considering contacting us about any online casino-related issues.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards,
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