The player from Lithuania had submitted a withdrawal request less than two weeks before contacting us. Winnings had not been obtained up to that day. The Complaints Team had attempted to assist the player by communicating with the casino; however, repeated attempts to obtain a response were unsuccessful. The casino's lack of cooperation, coupled with its unlicensed status, had led to the complaint being marked as 'unresolved.' The player was informed that if the casino decided to respond, the complaint could be reopened for further assistance.
Igrač iz Litvanije je podneo zahtev za povlačenje manje od dve nedelje pre nego što nas je kontaktirao. Dobici do tog dana nisu dobijeni. Tim za žalbe je pokušao da pomogne igraču komunicirajući sa kazinom; međutim, ponovljeni pokušaji da se dobije odgovor bili su neuspešni. Nedostatak saradnje kazina, zajedno sa njegovim nelicenciranim statusom, doveo je do toga da je žalba označena kao „nerešena“. Igrač je obavešten da ako kazino odluči da odgovori, žalba može biti ponovo otvorena za dalju pomoć.
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