Igrači se žale da mu kasino oduzima dobitke zbog optužbi za višestruke račune.
Jučer ujutro u kazinu N1 primio sam 60 besplatnih okretaja od zvijezda. To su bez Max win etiketiranja.
Osvojio sam 135 evra sa 60 igara. Ulog je bio 50x, tj. Oko 6500 € sa maksimalnih 5 € po okretanju.
Stigao sam do ovog oklada i osvojio 3000 €. Sa tih 3000 € sam u toku dana stao do 32000 €. Imam i snimak zaslona.
N1 me potvrdio, ali sada su zaplijenili svu dobit sa sljedećim EMAIL:
Dragi prijatelju,
Izvinite, ali ste prekršili naše Uvjete i odredbe od kada imate IP duplikat račun.
Odlukom uprave sve dobitke su oduzete, bonusi vam više nisu dostupni.
Hvala na razumijevanju,
N1 Casino Support tim
Nemam dva računa. Ne znam zašto bi se mogle napomenuti dve IP adrese. Juče sam igrao gotovo isključivo s kućnog wifija i jednom kod autopraonice od LTE-a.
igrao se isključivo na mobitelima.
Bojim se da kockarnica ne želi da plati jer je novac zarađen igranjem besplatno.
Molim te pomozi mi.
srdačni pozdravi
Hi there
I received 60 free starburst free spins at casino N1 yesterday morning. These were without Max win labeling.
I won € 135 with the 60 games. The wager was 50x ie around 6500 € with a maximum of 5 € per spin.
I reached this wager and won € 3000. With these 3000 € I put myself up to 32000 € in the course of the day. I also have a screenshot.
N1 has verified me but now they have confiscated all profits with the following EMAIL:
Dear friend,
Sorry, but you have breached our Terms & Conditions since you have an IP duplicate account.
By administration decision, all the winnings were confiscated, bonuses are not available for you anymore.
Thank you for understanding,
N1 Casino Support Team
I don't have 2 accounts. I don't know why 2 IP addresses could be noted. Yesterday I played almost exclusively from my home wifi and once at the car wash from the LTE.
was played exclusively on cell phones.
I'm afraid the casino doesn't want to pay out because the money was earned from playing for free.
Please help me.
kind regards
ich habe gestern Vormittag 60 gratis Freispiele für starburst bei dem casino N1 erhalten. Diese waren ohne Max win Kennzeichnung.
ich habe mit den 60 Spielen 135€ gewonnen. Der Wager waren 50x dh ca 6500€ mit maximal 5€ je Spin.
Diesen Wager habe ich erreicht und dabei 3000€ gewonnen. Mit diesen 3000€ habe ich mich im Laufe des Tages auf Sage und Schreibe 32000€ hochgespielt. Screenshot habe ich auch.
N1 hat mich verifiziert aber nun haben sie alle Gewinne konfisziert mit folgender EMAIL:
Dear Friend,
Sorry, but you have breached our Terms & Conditions since you have an IP duplicate account.
Per Administration decision, all the winnings were confiscated, bonuses are not available for you anymore.
Thank you for understanding,
N1 Casino Support Team
Ich habe keine 2 Accounts. Warum 2 IP Adressen vermerkt sein könnten weiß ich nicht. Ich habe gestern fast ausschließlich vom heimischen wlan gespielt und einmal kurz an der Waschanlage aus dem LTE.
gespielt wurde ausschließlich über handy.
ich fürchte das Casino möchte nicht ausbezahlen da das Geld aus gratis spielen erspielt wurde.
Bitte helfen Sie mir.
herzliche Grüße
Dragi Simon,
Hvala vam na podnošenju žalbe i žao mi je zbog vaše neugodne situacije. Želim vam postaviti nekoliko pitanja kako biste u potpunosti razumjeli ovaj slučaj. Jeste li potpuno prošli postupak verifikacije kasina (KYC)? Zanima me jeste li svjesni da većina kockarnica dopušta igraču da otvori samo jedan račun, što često znači i da je dozvoljen samo jedan račun po IP adresi i domaćinstvu. Možete li, također, proslijediti komunikaciju između vas i kockarnice, pogotovo govoreći da ste prekršili kazino uslove, na satrio.y@casino.guru?
Nadam se da ću vam moći pomoći u najkraćem mogućem roku. Hvala vam puno unapred na vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Simon,
Thank you for submitting your complaint and I am sorry for your unpleasant situation. I would like to ask you a few questions to fully understand this case. Have you completely passed the casino verification process (KYC)? I am wondering if you are aware that most casinos allow the player to only open one account, which often also means that only one account per IP address and household is allowed. Also, could you forward the communication between you and the casino, especially saying that you breached the casino’s terms, to satrio.y@casino.guru?
I hope I will be able to help you as soon as possibleThank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Guten Morgen Satrio und Gleich mal herzlichen Dank für die schnelle Antwort
meine Verifizierung ist anstandslos erfolgt.
ich habe ausschließlich ein Konto angemeldet. Es besteht keine Möglichkeit dass mim Haushalt noch eine weitere Osoba angemeldet ist.
hier mal die Kopien der Chats mit N1
gerne würde ich auch screenshots hochladen aber ich weiß nicht genau wie das funktioniert auf eurer Seite?
Ned, 16.02.20 19:38
nemam pojma o čemu pričaš. Imam nalog i koristim ga samo mobitelom.
Neću to prihvatiti jer to jednostavno ne odgovara istini. jednostavno ne želite izvršiti plaćanje jer je to puno novca. Ovdje ću se braniti jer se vaši navodi jednostavno ne primjenjuju.
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
Ned, 16.02.20 19.12
Dragi Simon,
Razjasnimo cijeli slučaj.
Naš T&C kaže da "svaki igrač može stvoriti samo jedan lični račun igrača po osobi, adresu domaćinstva, adresu e-pošte, telefonski broj, IP i zajedničko računalo".
To znači da svaki put kada račun igrača ima duplikat povezan preko jedne od gore navedenih metoda, to se smatra i u stvari je kršenje T&C-a.
Vaš račun odražava više duplikata po jednom od gore navedenih kriterija. Zbog toga su sredstva konfiskovana.
Automatski sigurnosni sustav pronašao je više duplikata. Ključne riječi ovdje su "višestruke" i "automatizirane" - podaci su prikupljeni bez puno prostora za grešku, a količina prikupljenih duplikata podataka daje dovoljno dokaza za pouzdanje u automatski prikupljene nalaze i provođenje T&C.
Ukratko, sigurnosni sistem je našao značajnu količinu dokaza (koje ne dijelimo sa samim nasilnikom) zbog kojih je finansijski tim provodio T&C.
Razumijemo, međutim, vašu frustraciju, ne možemo još više prekršiti vlastiti T&C i pomoći vam u tom pitanju.
Imajte na umu da nećemo moći neprestano održavati brzu daljnju komunikaciju o istoj stvari.
Nadam se da razumiješ.
Srdačni pozdravi
N1 Casino Support tim
Ali nemam dupliciran račun !!! Na svom kućnom internetu igram samo ja pametnim telefonom i 1 sat izlazim iz kuće, a zatim sam igrao Mobile u LTE
Zašto mislite da imam dva računa ???
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
Dragi prijatelju,
Izvinite, ali ste prekršili naše Uvjete i odredbe od kada imate IP duplikat račun.
Bonusi nisu dostupni za takve račune, tako da ne možete dobiti dobitke od novca
Hvala na razumijevanju,
N1 Casino
Guten Morgen Satrio und gleich mal herzlichen Dank für die schnelle Antwort
meine Verifizierung ist anstandslos erfolgt.
ich habe ausschließlich ein Konto angemeldet. Es besteht keine Möglichkeit dass mim Haushalt noch eine weitere Person angemeldet ist.
hier mal die Kopien der Chats mit N1
gerne würde ich auch screenshots hochladen aber ich weiß nicht genau wie das funktioniert auf eurer Seite?
Sun, 02/16/20 7:38 pm
i have no idea what you're talking about. I have an account and I only use it with a cell phone.
I will not accept this because it simply does not correspond to the truth. you simply do not want to make the payment because it is a lot of money. I will defend myself here because your allegations simply do not apply.
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
Sun, 02/16/20 7:12 pm
Dear Simon,
Let's get the whole case straight.
Our T&C states that "Each player can create only one personal players account per person, household address, email address, telephone number, IP and shared computer."
That means that whenever players account has a duplicate associated through one of the methods stated above, it's considered and is, in fact, a violation of T&C.
Your account reflects multiple duplicates per one of the criteria listed above. That's why funds were confiscated.
Multiple duplicates were found by the automated security system. Keywords here are "multiple" and "automated" - data was gathered without much of a room for an error and the amount of gathered duplicates data gives enough evidence to trust automatically gathered findings and enforce T&C.
Shortly speaking, the security system found a significant amount of evidence(which we do not share with the violator himself) that made the financial team enforce T&C.
We understand your frustration, though, we can't violate our own T&C even further and assist you in this matter.
Please note that we won't be able to maintain prompt further communication on the same matter over and over again.
Hope you understand.
Kind regards
N1 Casino Support Team
Sun, 02/16/20 4:52 pm
But I have no duplicated Account !!! I play in my home internet only me by my smartphone and 1 hour I go out of my house and then I played Mobile in LTE
Why do you think I have two accounts???
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
Sun, 02/16/20 4:47 pm
Dear Friend,
Sorry, but you have breached our Terms & Conditions since you have an IP duplicate account.
Bonuses are not available for such accounts, so you can't get back winnings from the bonus money
Thank you for understanding,
N1 Casino
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Zdravo Simon,
Hvala na odgovoru. Kontaktirao sam predstavnika kasina u vezi s ovim pitanjem i nadam se da će nam se uskoro javiti.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your reply. I have contacted the casino representative regarding this issue and hopefully, they will get back to us soon.
Dragi Simon,
Provjerom vašeg računa otkrili smo da je na jednoj IP adresi registrirano više računa. Svi su primili bonuse što je u suprotnosti s našim općim uvjetima i uvjetima koji navode da se samo jedan bonus dodjeljuje po osobi (e-mail ili IP adresa), osim ako nije drugačije navedeno.
S obzirom na tačke naših općih uvjeta o bonusu, dobit od bonusa je oduzeta.
Možete nastaviti igru bez bonusa. Ispričavam se zbog frustracije koju ste doživjeli zbog ovoga. Ako imate još pitanja, kontaktirajte nas ovdje.
Dragi tim za žalbe gurua Casinoa, javite mi da li su potrebne dodatne informacije.
Hvala vam na razumevanju i saradnji, kao i uvek.
Srdačni pozdravi,
N1 Casino
Hello there,
Dear Simon,
By check of your account we figured out more than one accounts have been registered per one IP address. All of them received bonuses what contravenes our general bonus terms and condition that states Only one bonus is awarded per person (e-mail or IP address), unless stated otherwise.
With reference to point of our general bonus terms and conditions the win from a bonus has been confiscated.
You can continue playing without bonuses. I apologize for the frustration you've been experiencing with this. If you have any more question, please contact us here.
Dear Casino Guru Complaints Team, let me, please, know if any additional information is required.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, as always.
Kind regards,
N1 Casino
Dragi N1 Casino,
Navedite relevantne dokaze da je igrač prekršio kasinove i odredbe na satrio.y@casino.guru. Unaprijed hvala
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear N1 Casino,
Please provide relevant evidence that the player breached the casino's terms and conditions to satrio.y@casino.guru. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Pozdrav dragi N1 Casino i prije svega puno ti hvala na odgovoru.
Mogu vam samo iznova i iznova uvjeravati da niste u pravu sa svojom pretpostavkom. Nisam se registrirao za drugu.
Bio bih vam vrlo zahvalan ako biste mi mogli objasniti razloge vaše pretpostavke.
Hello dear N1 Casino and first of all thank you very much for your answer.
I can only assure you again and again that you are wrong with your assumption. I did not make a second registration.
I would be very grateful if you could explain the reasons for your assumption to me.
hallo liebes N1 Casino und erstmal herzlichen Dank für Ihre Antwort.
Ich kann Ihnen nur immer wieder versichern, dass Sie mir Ihrer Annahme falsch liegen. Es wurde keine 2. Anmeldung von mir vorgenommen.
Ich wäre sehr dankbar, wenn Sie mir die Gründe für Ihre Annahme dar legen könnten.
Zdravo Simon,
Casino nam je uspio kontaktirati putem e-maila i zanima me da li ikad koristite neki dodatni softver poput VPN-a ili nešto slično za maskiranje IP adrese? Puno hvala
Hi Simon,
The casino managed to contact us through email and I am wondering if you ever use any additional software such as VPN or something similar for masking the IP address? Many thanks
Pozdrav Satrio, hvala ti na poruci.
Nažalost, čak ni ne znam šta to tehnički znači? Svoj pametni telefon koristim normalno kao i svoj pametni telefon.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hello Satrio thank you for your message.
Unfortunately I don't even know what that means technically? I use my WiFi as normal with my smartphone.
Many greetings
Hallo Satrio vielen Dank für deine Nachricht.
Ich weiß leider nicht mal was das technisch bedeutet? Ich benutze ganz normal mein wLan mit meinem Smartphone.
viele Grüße
Pozdrav Satrio
Samo sam pitao što mislite s VPN-om.
Ne, nisam koristio nijedan VPN ili drugi softver u ovom pravcu.
Imam normalan bežični internet kod kuće putem rutera i koristio sam ga sa preglednikom Safari na svom iPhoneu. Kad sam bio odsutan, koristio sam LTE njemački Telekom.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hello Satrio
I just asked what you mean with VPN.
No, I have not used any VPN or other software in this direction.
I have normal wireless internet at home via a router and I used it with the Safari browser on my iPhone. When I was away I used LTE German Telekom.
Many greetings
Hallo Satrio
ich habe mich eben erkundigt was du meinst mit VPN.
Nein ich habe keinerlei VPN oder andere Software in diese Richtung benutzt.
Ich habe normales Wireless Internet zu Hause über einen Router und dieses habe ich benutzt mit dem Safari Browser auf meinem IPhone. Als ich unterwegs war zwischendurch habe ich LTE deutsche Telekom benutzt.
viele Grüße
Dragi Simon,
Izvinjavamo se zbog kašnjenja. Iz kazina smo primili dokaze o tome da postoji više računa koji su stvoreni s identičnom IP adresom kao i vaš i nekoliko tih računa traži iste bonuse. Ali nažalost, ne dozvoljavaju nam da s vama dijelimo te dokaze, nadam se da ovo razumijete. U svakom slučaju, želimo izvršiti još jedno ispitivanje kako bismo bili sigurni da su dokazi iz njih validni.
Slučajno bih vas zamolio da li možete da mi pošaljete dokaz da ste prošli KYC ili postupak verifikacije (uz vaše dokumente predate) u kasinu kao što ste spomenuli. Takođe, da li biste mogli da mi pošaljete sliku ekrana informacija o vašem profilu (posebno u dijelu "aktivne sesije" koji tamo prikazuje vašu IP adresu) na moj e-mail? Unaprijed hvala
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Simon,
Apologies for the delay. We have received the evidence from the casino, that there are multiple accounts that have been created with the identical IP address as yours and a couple of those accounts are claiming the same bonuses. But unfortunately, they do not allow us to share this evidence with you, I hope you understand this. Anyhow, we would like to perform another examination to make sure the evidence from them is valid.
By this chance, I would like to ask if you could send me proof that you pass the KYC or verification process (with your documents submitted) in the casino as you mentioned. Also, could you please send me a screenshot of your profile info (especially on the section "active sessions" which shows your IP address there) to my email? Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Zdravo satrio
hvala na poruci.
ovaj "dokaz" se ne može primijeniti jer se definitivno ne igram sa više računa.
Odmah ću vam poslati sve što ste zatražili putem e-maila.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hello satrio
thank you for the message.
this "evidence" cannot apply because I definitely don't play with multiple accounts.
I will immediately send everything you have requested via email.
Many greetings
Hallo satrio
vielen Dank für die Nachricht.
diese „Beweise" können nicht zutreffen da ich definitiv nicht mit mehreren Accounts spiele.
ich sende sofort alles was du gewünscht hast Per email.
viele Grüße
Pozdrav Satrio, zdravo N1,
Sada mi je provajder interneta potvrdio da imam dinamički IP. To znači da mi se redovno dodjeljuju novi IP-ovi. Dakle, moguće je da je prethodno dodijeljeni IP primio drugog igrača od N1 i traži N1 kao da sam registrirao 2 računa pod ovim IP-om. Moj se IP mijenja svaki dan i to potvrđuje davatelj. Možda ovo pomaže u odluci?
Srdačan pozdrav N1 Casinu
Hello Satrio, hello N1,
My internet provider has now confirmed to me that I have a dynamic IP. That means I am regularly assigned new IPs. So it is possible that a previously assigned IP has now received another player from N1 and it looks for N1 as if I have registered 2 accounts under this IP. My IP changes every day and this is confirmed by the provider. Maybe this helps with the decision?
Kind regards to the N1 Casino
Hallo Satrio , hallo N1,
mein InternetAnbieter hat mir mittlerweile bestätigt dass ich eine dynamische IP habe. Das bedeutet mir werden regelmäßig neue IP zugewiesen. Somit ist es möglich dass eine früher mit zugewiesene IP nun ein anderer Spieler von N1 erhalten hat und damit sieht es für N1 so aus als ob ich 2 Konten angemeldet habe unter dieser IP. Meine IP wechselt täglich und das ist durch den Anbieter auch so bestätigt. Evtl hilft das bei der Entscheidung?
Herzliche Grüße auch an das N1 Casino
Zdravo Casino Guru - Zdravo N1
2 tjedna nema odgovora iz kockarnice.
Trebaju li vam dodatni dokumenti?
Hello Casino Guru - Hello N1
for 2 weeks no answer from the casino.
Do you need further documents?
Hallo Casino Guru - hallo N1
seit 2 Wochen leider keine Antwort mehr durch das Casino.
Benötigen Sie noch weitere Unterlagen?
Dragi Simon,
Hvala vam što ste nam poslali snimke zaslona. Kockarnica nam je napokon odgovorila. Dali su nam daljnje dokaze i nakon što smo ispitali sve ključne faktore takođe, u odnosu na vaše dokaze, jasno je da je vaš račun neprirodno povezan s drugim računima. Ovaj prekršaj dovodi do oduzimanja ostvarenih dobitaka i aktivnih bonusa. Simon, razumijemo tvoju frustraciju, međutim, ne možemo ništa učiniti osim odbiti ovu žalbu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Simon,
Thank you for sending us the screenshots. The casino has finally responded to us. They provided us with further evidence and after examining all the key factors also, compared with your evidence, it is clear that your account is unnaturally associated with other accounts. This violation leads to the confiscation of any gained winnings and active bonuses. Simon, we understand your frustration, though, there is nothing much we can do except to reject this complaint.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.