Zdravo Stevensgaisford
Hvala vam na recenziji.
Imajte na umu da udaljena kazina usvajaju brojne pristupe i metode za proveru identiteta svojih klijenata. Verifikaciju igrača shvatamo veoma ozbiljno i ispunili smo sve zakonske zahteve prilikom obrade vašeg naloga. U skladu sa regulatornim zahtevima i tačkom 5 naših uslova https ://vvv.plaizee.com/terms, imamo pravo da izvršimo dodatne provere verifikacije u bilo kom trenutku, kao što je urađeno u vašem slučaju. Ovo je da bismo ispunili naše obaveze licenciranja, rutinske bezbednosne provere i da bismo zaštitili integritet vašeg naloga.
Pored vaše tvrdnje da ne možete da pristupite igrama, naša evidencija potvrđuje da ste uspešno odigrali svoj depozit na broj ponuđenih igara. Pozivajući se na klauzulu 8.2 naših uslova, primećujemo da se naši proizvodi konzumiraju trenutno prilikom igranja ili klađenja. Stoga ne možemo da obezbedimo povraćaj robe, povraćaj novca ili otkazivanje vaše usluge tokom igranja ili klađenja.
Ako želite da osporite određenu igru ili incident, preporučujemo vam da se obratite našem timu za žalbe na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk i oni će moći da vam dodatno pomognu u vezi sa vašim zahtevom. Detalji koji navode našu proceduru za žalbe i sporove mogu se naći u klauzuli 20 naših uslova https: //vvv.plaizee.com/terms?scrollTo=complaintsanddisputes
@Casino Guru - Imajte na umu da u skladu sa relevantnim ograničenjima ličnih podataka i iz bezbednosnih razloga, nećemo biti u mogućnosti da dalje razgovaramo o ovom pitanju na ovoj platformi i stoga podstičemo klijenta da kontaktira naš tim za žalbe direktno, na gore pomenutu adresu e-pošte, da im se u tom pogledu dodatno pomogne.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello stevensgaisford
Thank you for your review.
Kindly note that remote casinos adopt a number of approaches and methods to verifying the identity of their customers. We take player verification very seriously and have met all regulatory requirements when processing your account. In line with regulatory requirements and clause 5 of our terms https://www.playzee.com/terms, we have the right to carry out additional verification checks at any time, as was done in your case. This is to satisfy our license obligations, routine security checks and to safeguard the integrity of your account.
Further to your claim of being unable to access games, our records confirm that you successfully played out your deposit on a number of games offered. In referencing clause 8.2 of our terms, we note that our products are consumed instantly when playing or wagering. Thus, we cannot provide returns of goods, refunds or cancellation of your service when playing or wagering.
Should you wish to dispute a particular game or incident, we encourage you to reach out to our Complaints Team at complaints@playzee.com and they would be able to further assist you with your request. Details outlining our Complaints and Disputes Procedure can be located clause 20 of our terms https://www.playzee.com/terms?scrollTo=complaintsanddisputes
@Casino Guru - Kindly note that in line with the relevant Personal Information restraints and for security purposes, we will be unable to further discuss this matter on this platform and therefore encourage the customer to contact our Complaints Team directly, on the aforementioned email address, to be further assisted in this respect.
Kind Regards
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