Dragi mehrdad1341,
Hvala vam na strpljenju. Nažalost, nakon detaljnog pregleda slučaja i interne rasprave o ovom pitanju, ovu žalbu odbacujemo kao 'neopravdanu'.
Kao što možda znate, bonus koji ste tvrdili je takozvani 'ljepljivi'. To znači da se početni iznos bonusa smatra neunovčivim (odbija se pri povlačenju). Nažalost, to također znači da se takvi bonusi smatraju aktivnim čak i nakon što su uvjeti klađenja ispunjeni i postoji dobar razlog zašto.
Zamislite situaciju u kojoj igrač položi 100$ i dobije 200$ kao bonus. Sada imaju 300 dolara za igru. Recimo da nakon završetka zahtjeva za klađenje (koji je obično vrlo nizak kod ove vrste bonusa), igraču ostaje 250 dolara. Ako bi se bonus automatski završio, 200$ bi se oduzelo, ostavljajući igraču samo 50$. Da li bi igrač bio zadovoljan? Pa, većina igrača ne bi. Većina igrača bi radije nastavila igrati sa $250 kako bi dobila priliku da poveća svoj balans. Zbog toga nakon ispunjavanja uslova za klađenje, igrači moraju odlučiti kada žele da isplate novac. Smatramo da ovaj sistem nije baš lak za korišćenje, ali nažalost, ne postoji drugi način da se prekine bonus u RTG softveru.
Ovo nas dovodi do situacije o kojoj se raspravlja. Kazina imaju pravo ograničiti određene igre dok igraju sa bonus novcem. To je zato što će različite igre imati različitu prednost. Ako bi kazino omogućio igračima da koriste bonus sredstva za igre sa malom ivicom, kao što je Blackjack, to bi uvelike povećalo cijenu bonusa za kazino.
Za standardne bonuse, preporučujemo kockarnicama da ne poništavaju dobitke, ali ne računaju opklade na ograničene igre u zahtjeve za klađenje. Na ovaj način lovci na bonuse ne mogu iskoristiti prednosti igranja ovih igara. Za lepljive bonuse, međutim, to ne bi pomoglo jer su priloženi zahtjevi za klađenje često preniski i cijena bonusa nije smanjena činjenicom da ih igrači moraju ispuniti, već činjenicom da je početni iznos bonusa oduzeti na kraju. Na ovaj način igrači mogu dobiti značajnu prednost igrajući igre sa vrlo malom ivicom hausa. Ako bi igračima bilo dozvoljeno da to urade, kazino više ne bi bilo moguće nuditi ove bonuse.
Čvrsto vjerujemo da bi sva kazina trebala provoditi ova pravila softverom kako igrači ne bi mogli igrati ograničene igre s aktivnim bonusom. Nažalost, velika većina kazina, uključujući i one koje koriste RTG softver, nemaju implementiranu takvu funkciju, a industrijski standard je samo navesti ograničene igre u Uslovima i odredbama. Zbog toga trenutno ne kažnjavamo velike kazne za ovo.
Dear mehrdad1341,
Thank you for your patience. Unfortunately, after a thorough review of the case and discussing the issue internally, we are rejecting this complaint as ‘unjustified’.
As you might know, the bonus you claimed was so-called ‘sticky’. This means that the initial bonus amount is considered non-cashable (it is deducted upon withdrawal). Unfortunately, this also means that such bonuses are considered active even after the wagering requirements have been met and there is a good reason why.
Imagine a situation where a player deposits $100 and gets $200 as a bonus. They now have $300 to play with. Let’s say that after finishing the wagering requirement (which is usually very low in this type of bonuses), the player is left with $250. If the bonus would end automatically, $200 would be deducted, leaving the player with just $50. Would the player be satisfied? Well, most players wouldn’t. Most players would prefer to continue playing with the $250 to get a chance to increase their balance. This is why after completing the wagering requirements, players need to decide when they want to cash out. We consider this system not to be very user-friendly but unfortunately, there’s no other way to end a bonus in the RTG software.
This brings us to the discussed situation. Casinos have the right to restrict certain games while playing with bonus money. This is because different games will have a different house edge. If the casino would allow players to use bonus funds on games with a small house edge, such as Blackjack, it would greatly increase the cost of the bonus for the casino.
For standard bonuses, we recommend casinos not to void winnings, but not count bets made on restricted games towards wagering requirements. This way bonus hunters can’t take the advantage of playing these games. For sticky bonuses, however, this wouldn’t help as the attached wagering requirements are often too low and the cost of the bonus is not reduced by the fact that players have to fulfill them, but rather by the fact that the initial bonus amount is deducted at the end. This way players can get a significant advantage by playing games with a very small house edge. If players would be allowed to do this, it wouldn’t be possible for the casino to offer these bonuses anymore.
We strongly believe that all casinos should enforce these rules by software so players are not able to play restricted games with an active bonus. Unfortunately, the vast majority of casinos, including ones using the RTG software, do not have such feature implemented, and the industry standard is to just list the restricted games in the Terms and Conditions. This is why we aren’t giving any major penalty for this at the moment.
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