Zdravo, dragi predstavnik kazina. Drago mi je da ste odgovorili, uprkos tome što vaš odgovor sadrži iskrivljene informacije o: redosledu događaja (šta i kako je bilo i kojim redosledom).
Pišete: "Nije prvi dan da komuniciramo sa ovim igračem i uvek smo u kontaktu." --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sva naša komunikacija sa Vama se svela na slanje pisma na Vašu adresu sa „zahtevima da vratim moj dobitak" i Vaše odbijanje da vrati sredstva. I to sa operaterom za ćaskanje par puta, a onda „na samom početku događaja".
Počnimo redom: tako da niko nema lažan utisak da sam upozoren pre nego što sam slučajno kupio bonus rundu za 9000 - to nije tačno ....
Na kraju krajeva, upravo je to bila nesreća, jednokratna i jedina koja je nekako uticala na promenu stanja na računu za igre.
Gore ste napisali: * „Igrač samostalno opisuje da je bilo upozorenje, odnosno obavešten je da je zabranjeno da stavlja opklade iznad maksimalno dozvoljenog, ali je ipak napravio 9000 st (zaboravljajući na rano upozorenje) i pobedio na ovom
Pošto je premašio bilans na skoro 200 hiljada, igrač je mogao da nastavi igru za 600 hiljada+.
Skrećemo vam pažnju na činjenicu da u budućnosti maksimalni iznos ne prelazi 150 rubalja (to znači da je igrač znao za opklade i pokušao da rizikuje).
U ovoj situaciji, naš tim ne može da se složi da je opisana situacija bila „nesreća".**"
Odgovaram vam: Znak sa informacijom o prekoračenju maksimalno dozvoljene opklade pojavio se na samom početku klađenja dobitaka od besplatnih okretaja - na početku mog putovanja u PlainGo provajderu, slot mašini LEGACI OF DEAD i ograničenoj daljoj rotaciji - ovo nije bilo fiksirano (na samom početku je bilo..... - samo znak). Što se mene tiče, ne mogu da razumem o čemu tačno govorite? Da sam upozoren?
I nakon dovoljnog broja sati igre: potpuno zaboravljajući da je nemoguće kupiti bonus rundu, jer je skupo. Igrajući automat PRAGMATIC, iz zaborava, kupio sam rundu za 9000. U trenutku kada sam pritisnuo dugme za kupovinu pojavio se natpis da je ponuda premašena. Ali nisam mogao ništa da uradim pošto je bonus runda već počela i nisam bio ograničen na kupovinu ove runde/bonusa za besplatne okrete. Ako sam u prethodnom slučaju, kod Plai n Go provajdera, bio izbačen iz igre kada je opklada podignuta, onda se to, nažalost, nije dogodilo u PRAGMATIC-u. Odmah nakon što sam završio bonus igru u pragmatičkom jeziku, kontaktirao sam razgovor za podršku. Ovo je bila moja prva poruka u razgovoru za podršku, kao i poslednja o prekoračenju ponude. i plašio sam se da je moja igra gotova zbog ove kupovine runde besplatnih okretaja. Operater ćaskanja podrške me je smirio i rekao mi da ne brinem, sve bi bilo u redu da se to ne ponovi,,, dozvolio mi je da nastavim da igram... ovo je bio jedini moj slučajni prekršaj koji sam odmah prijavio svojim zaposlenima. Želeo bih da vam skrenem pažnju da nakon komunikacije sa operaterom ćaskanja podrške, sa moje strane više nije bilo prekršaja. jer ih nije bilo pre nego što su kontaktirali čet za podršku... zbog složenosti prevoda, ponavljam još jednom: nakon kupovine bonus runde, u ćaskanju mi je rečeno: igraj dalje i što je najvažnije ne prekidaj opkladu , ništa strašno se nije desilo, nastavi igru.
Ova kupovina je moj jedini slučajni prekršaj. Što sam odmah prijavio. Na kraju krajeva, sami kažete da ovo ne poništava dobitke za jedan prekršaj} * „Ne poništavamo dobitke za jedan manji prekršaj klađenja, to se dešava, zaista, osoblje jednostavno upozorava igrače i traži od njih da ne krše pravila klađenja više."*
Ako kažete da sam imao neku zlu nameru da kupim bonus rundu i namerno premašim opkladu. Onda molim da mi objasnite: zašto sam onda, nakon kupovine bonus runde, kontaktirao čet podrške i obavestio operatera o tome, tražeći da mi pomogne zbog ove neprijatne situacije???
Ovde je očigledno da je sa moje strane sve transparentno i pošteno i nije bilo namere, već samo nesreća!
////I o tome ti pričaš, ne razumem??
*"(Pošto je to bio bonus bez depozita, igra je otpisana, a novi bonus je dodeljen sa istom mogućnošću igranja bez kršenja pravila klađenja.)"*----molim nikoga ne obmanjujte: ni u kazino, ni na moj profil, ni na moj mejl od vas ništa nije stiglo, i nismo vodili razgovor o tome!
Hello, dear casino representative. I am glad that you answered, despite the fact that your answer contains distorted information about: the order of events (what and how it was and in what sequence).
You write: "It's not the first day we've been communicating with this player and we always stay in touch." --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All our communication with you was reduced to sending a letter to your address with "demands to return my winnings" and your refusal to return the funds. And with the support chat operator a couple of times, and then "at the very beginning of events".
Let's start in order: so that no one has the false impression that I was warned before I made a random purchase of a bonus round for 9000 - this is not true ....
After all, it was exactly an accident, a one-time and the only one that somehow affected the change in the balance of the gaming account.
You wrote above: * "The player independently describes that there was a warning, i.e. he was informed that it was forbidden to place bets above the maximum allowed, but he still made 9000 st (forgetting about the early warning) and won on this
Having exceeded the balance to almost 200 thousand, the player was able to continue the game for 600 thousand+.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the future the maximum amount does not exceed 150 rubles (this means that the player knew about the bets and tried to take a risk).
In this situation, our team cannot agree that the described situation was an "accident".**"
I answer you: A sign with information about exceeding the maximum allowable bet appeared at the very beginning of the wagering of winnings from free spins - at the beginning of my journey in the PlaynGo provider, LEGACY OF DEAD slot machine and limited further rotation - this was not fixed (at the very beginning it was..... - just a sign). For my part, I can't understand what exactly are you talking about? That I was warned?
And after a sufficient number of hours of play: completely forgetting that it is impossible to buy a bonus round, since it is expensive. Playing the PRAGMATIC slot machine, out of forgetfulness, I bought a round for 9000. At the moment when I pressed the purchase button, an inscription appeared that the bid was exceeded. But there was nothing I could do since the bonus round had already started and I was not limited to buying this round/bonus for free spins. If in the previous case, with the Play n Go provider, I was thrown out of the game when the bet was raised, then, unfortunately, this did not happen in PRAGMATIC. Immediately after completing the bonus game in pragmatic, I contacted the support chat. This was my first message to the support chat, as well as the last about exceeding the bid. and I was afraid that my game was over because of this purchase of a round of free spins.The support chat operator calmed me down and told me not to worry, everything would be fine if it didn't happen again,,, allowed me to continue playing... this was the only accidental violation on my part, which I immediately reported to my employees. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that after communicating with the support chat operator, there were no more violations on my part. because they weren't there before contacting the support chat... due to the complexity of the translation, I repeat once again: after buying the bonus round, I was told in the chat: play on and most importantly do not break the bet, nothing terrible happened, continue the game.
This purchase is my only accidental violation. Which I immediately reported. After all, you say yourself that this does not cancel the winnings for one violation} * "We do not cancel winnings for one minor betting violation, this happens, indeed, the staff simply warns the players and asks them not to violate the betting rules anymore."*
If you say that I had some malicious intent to buy a bonus round and intentionally exceed the bet. Then please explain to me: why then, after buying the bonus round, I contacted the support chat and informed the operator about it, asking him to help me because of this unpleasant situation???
It is obvious here that everything is transparent and honest on my part and there was no intent, but just an accident!
////And that's what you're talking about, I don't understand??
*"(Since it was a no deposit bonus, the game was written off, and a new bonus was awarded with the same opportunity to play without violating the betting rules.)"*----please do not mislead anyone: neither in the casino, nor in my profile, nor to my email from you nothing came, and we didn't have a conversation about it!
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