Nikada nisam imao problema sa kazinom, uvek ispunjava svoja obećanja da će platiti i plaćaju bez greške,
Sada je prošlo više od nedelju dana, a oni stalno govore da imaju problem sa svojim sistemom povlačenja,
Nisu nam dali nikakve informacije o tome šta se dešava bez ažuriranja, ništa navodeći da svi imaju iste probleme,
Naravno da to znamo, ali njegov kazino je veliki kazino, sigurno moraju imati neku vrstu rezervnih sistema da bi sprečili ovakve probleme, ovo je drugi put da se ovo dešava,
1-4 dana je vremenski okvir za povlačenje sredstava iz kazina koji je protekao od 5. decembra i ništa se nije dogodilo, status naloga je samo u toku,
Može li neko da se informiše i šta se dešava, ovde je u pitanju i naš novac.
Never had any issues with the casino always keeps their promises of paying and they pay without fail,
Now it's been over a week and they keep on saying that they have a problem with their withdrawal system,
They didn't give us any information about what's happening no updates, nothing stating that everyone is experiencing the same issues,
Ofcourse we know that but his casino is a big casino surely they must have some sort of backup systems in place to prevent issues like this, it's the second time now that this is happening,
1-4 days is the casinos withdrawal time frame it's been since the 5th of December and nothing has happened, account status is just sitting on in progress,
Can somebody please get some information as too what is going on, this is also our money that is at stake here.
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