Zdravo Andrej,
Igrač stalno govori Appostile Number i ponavlja ga iznova i iznova da bi zaustavio proces. Ovo je krajnje apsurdno jer smo vrlo jasno stavili do znanja i već 2 puta rekli da ne zahtevamo striktno Appoltile broj sve dok se može zvanično potvrditi :
Imajte na umu da ćemo prihvatiti samo overen dokument koji može da se proveri preko službene službe za verifikaciju Latvijas Notars (https://vvv.latvijasnotars.lv/apostille/verifi) ili ako to može da potvrdi jedan od zakletih beležnika. Za kasniju opciju, on/ona bi trebalo da bude neko na ovoj listi https://vvv.latvijasnotars.lv/notaries_map
U suprotnom, nećemo imati način da proverimo da li je sertifikat koji igrač daje zapravo od Latvijas Notars.
(Dakle, da, ovo je treći put da ovo naglašavamo.)
Proverljiva notarska overa je ovde više nego neophodna. Ne postoji drugi način da budemo sigurni da sam pasoš nije falsifikat, jer vama takođe nedostaju sredstva da potvrdite legitimnost dokumenta. Na kraju krajeva, lažni dokumenti su prilično rasprostranjeni na mračnom vebu i crnom tržištu.
Sada, igrač želi da prihvatimo fotografiju „notarskog" pasoša koju je direktno dao. Ovo je potpuno neprihvatljivo jer svako može da kupi takvu "fotku" od nekog stručnjaka za Photoshop.
Falsifikovanje letonskog pasoša je, nažalost, široko dostupno u ovom pogledu:
Oni mogu preko noći da od Donalda Trampa naprave letonski „građanin".
Radujem se što ću čuti vaš savet.
Hvala vam.
TrustDice tim
Hi Andrej,
The player keeps saying Appostile Number and repeating it over and over again to stall the process. This is utterly absurd because we have made it very clear and stated it for 2 times already, that we are not strictly requiring an Appoltile Number as long as it can be verified officially:
Please kindly note we will only accept a notarized document verifiable through the official Latvijas Notars verify service ( https://www.latvijasnotars.lv/apostille/verify ) or if it can be confirmed by one of the sworn notaries him/herself. For the later option, he/she should be someone on this list https://www.latvijasnotars.lv/notaries_map
Otherwise, we won't have a way to verify that the certification the player provides is actually from Latvijas Notars.
(So, yes, this is the 3rd time we are stressing this.)
Verifiable notarization is more than necessary here. There is no other way we can be certain the passport itself is not a forgery since you guys also lack the means to confirm the legitimacy of the document. Fake documents are pretty prevalent on dark web and black market, after all.
Now, the player wants us to accept a photo of "notarized" passport directly provided by him. This is completely unacceptable because everyone can purchase such a "photo" from some Photoshop expert.
Latvian passport forgery is, unfortunately, widely available in this regard:
They can make Donald Trump a Latvian "citizen" overnight.
I look forward to hearing your advise.
Thank you.
TrustDice team
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