Igrač iz Holandije je zatražio povlačenje pre podnošenja ove žalbe. Nažalost, njihovi dobici još nisu primljeni. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
The player from Netherlands has requested a withdrawal prior to submitting this complaint. Unfortunately, their winnings haven’t been received yet. The complaint was rejected because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
Igrač iz Holandije je zatražio povlačenje pre podnošenja ove žalbe. Nažalost, njihovi dobici još nisu primljeni. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
Imam velikih problema sa Velobetom.
pre svega, pobedio sam.. za mene prilično. Onda je pitanje povlačenja došlo iz ugla. Učitaj dokumente, dobro.. razumljivo.
pa pitam šta traže:
-dokaz o identitetu
-dokaz o adresi
-bankovna kartica sa prednje i zadnje strane
između 24 sata vaš nalog je ažuriran. Posle 36 sati dobijam poruku o mojoj bankovnoj kartici.. nije dobro. Žele izvod iz banke i dokaz mojih poslednjih 6!! depoziti.
po mom mišljenju je ovo smešno. Za vreme čekanja izgubio sam kao i sav novac.. ostalo je 200 evra.
Poslao sam izvod iz banke, nije dovoljno. Ovo je poslednja poruka e-poštom:
Iz bezbednosnih razloga, dostavite fotografije prednje i zadnje strane sledeće kartice:
Možete sakriti srednje cifre, ali učinite vidljivim: prvih 6 i poslednje 4 cifre; Vaše puno ime i datum isteka.
Ako bilo koja od ovih informacija nije dostupna, dostavite bankovni izvod koji sadrži najmanje 4 poslednje cifre kartice i vaše ime.
Želim ti lep dan!
Srdačan pozdrav,
ono što rade.. je da ljudi čekaju u nadi da će sve izgubiti. A o čemu pričamo.. €750,- evra.. bezbednosni razlozi? Zašto uvek ima sranja ako želite da podignete novac? Ako uplatite depozit, ne treba im ništa od vas.. nije potrebno osiguranje.
Osećam se prevarenim od strane Velobeta.
I have huge problems with Velobet.
first of all, I won.. for me pretty much. Then the issue withdraw came from the corner. Upload documents, fine.. understandable.
so I ask what they asking for:
-proof of identity
-proof of adress
-bank card front and back side
between 24 hours your account is up to date. After 36 hours I recieve a message about my bank card.. not good. They want a bank statement and prove of my last 6!! deposits.
in my opinion is this ridiculous. In the time I wait I lost like all the money.. left €200,- euro.
I’ve send a bank statement, not enough. This is there last message by email:
For security reasons, please provide photos of the front and back sides of the following card:
You can hide the middle digits but please make visible: the first 6 and the last 4 digits; your full name and the expiration date.
If any of this information is unavailable, kindly provide a bank statement containing at least the last 4 digits of the card and your name.
Have a great day!
Best regards,
what they do.. is keep people waiting in the hope they loose it all. And what we talk about.. €750,- euro.. security reasons? Why are there always bullshit if you wanna withdraw money? If you make a deposit they don’t need anything from you.. no security needed.
I feel scammed by Velobet.
Dear Notadonkey,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
Dear Notadonkey,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Otpremio sam tačno ono što traže. Dokaz adrese, bankovne kartice i načina plaćanja.. nakon toga traže sve moje depozite, uradio sam preko 30 depozita i žele sliku kako držim pasoš u ruci.
I uploaded exact what they asking for. Prove of adress, bank card and payment methode.. after that they want all my deposits, I did over 30 deposits and they want a picture me holding my passport in my hand.
Hvala vam puno na odgovoru, Notadonkei. Možete li da prosledite svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ? Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde. Hvala unapred.
Thank you very much for your reply, Notadonkey. Could you please forward all the relevant communication between you and the casino to kristina.s@casino.guru? Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Dear Notadonkey,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Shodno tome, nismo u mogućnosti da dalje istražujemo i nemamo drugog izbora nego da odbijemo ovu žalbu.
Igrač može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Unfortunately, the player has not responded to our messages and questions. Consequently, we are unable to investigate further and have no choice but to reject this complaint.
The player can reopen this complaint at any time.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
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