Zdravo Stefan i ropponen04
Hvala vam na odgovoru. Nakon pregleda dokumenta, primetili smo da postoje dva naloga na Vildz-u koji su koristili način plaćanja registrovan na ime ovog igrača. Da bismo nastavili, moramo da verifikujemo ove naloge.
Pošto pretpostavljamo da igrač ima potpunu kontrolu nad svojim načinima plaćanja, snažno vas pozivamo da kontaktirate ove osobe i zatražite od njih da verifikuju svoje naloge. Konkretno, zahtevamo identifikacione dokumente za oba naloga. U najmanju ruku, potreban je službeni oblik identifikacije da bi se potvrdio njihov identitet.
Kada primimo tražena dokumenta, moći ćemo da obradimo sve dobitke u skladu sa našim Uslovima i odredbama (klauzula 5.2). Imajte na umu da smo prvobitno zahtevali KIC dokumente za ove naloge u aprilu i maju 2024. godine, ali ih još uvek nismo dobili.
Ljubazno savetujemo igraču da se obrati pojedincima koji su podelili svoj način plaćanja i zamoli ih da unesu važeći lični dokument na svoje račune za igre.
5.2 – Kod nas možete imati samo jedan nalog u bilo kom trenutku. Zadržavamo pravo da zatvorimo više naloga otvorenih na isto ime ili na bilo koji način koji se odnose na istu osobu. Po Vildz-ovom nahođenju, i ako smatramo da je više naloga otvoreno stvarnom greškom, možemo pristati da kreditiramo jedan nalog koji ste otvorili kod nas sa svim preostalim stanjem na vašim dodatnim računima. Ako imamo razumne razloge da verujemo da je prevara počinjena ili pokušana, zadržavamo pravo da otkažemo bilo koju srodnu transakciju, bonus ili bilo koju drugu promociju bez štete po bilo koju drugu radnju. U ovim uslovima i odredbama, smatraće se da referenca na „prevaru" uključuje „zloupotrebu bonusa". Zloupotreba bonusa uključuje, ali nije ograničeno na, otvaranje više od jednog naloga radi traženja dodatnog bonusa ili pogodnosti.
Hvala vam na saradnji i razumevanju.
Vildz Casino tim
Hello Stefan and ropponen04
Thank you for your reply. After reviewing the document, we noticed that there are two accounts on Wildz that have used a payment method registered in this player’s name. To proceed, we need to verify these accounts.
As we assume the player is in full control of their payment methods, we strongly urge you to contact these individuals and request that they verify their accounts. Specifically, we require identification documents for both accounts. At the very least, an official form of identification is needed to confirm their identities.
Once we receive the requested documents, we will be able to process any winnings in accordance with our Terms and Conditions (Clause 5.2). Please note that we initially requested KYC documents for these accounts in April and May 2024 but have yet to receive them.
We kindly advise that the player reaches out to the individuals who have shared their payment method and asks them to upload a valid identity document to their respective gaming accounts.
5.2 - You may only hold one Account with us at any time. We reserve the right to close any multiple Accounts opened in the same name or in any way referable to the same person. At Wildz’s sole discretion, and if we consider that multiple Accounts have been opened in genuine error, we may agree to credit one Account you have opened with us with any balance remaining on your additional Account (s). Should we have reasonable grounds to believe that fraud has been committed or attempted, we reserve the right to cancel any related transaction, Bonus or any other promotion without prejudice to any other action. In these Terms and Conditions, a reference to ‘fraud’ shall be deemed to include ‘Bonus abuse’. Bonus abuse includes, but is not limited to, opening more than one Account to claim an additional Bonus or benefit.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Wildz Casino Team
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