Samo da budem jasan da ne osporavam mogućnosti Betfuri-jevog tima tehničke podrške.
Ja sam lično otišao i probao nekoliko stvari sa svoje strane. Napravio sam neke snimke ekrana svojih testiranja, ali datoteke su sada prilično velike i moraću da ih komprimujem da bih mogao da ih pošaljem.
Imajte na umu da nisam testirao ove Rudnike za igranje. Testirao sam ovo protiv interne igre Tover (nagađam pošto sam u obe igre video nekakvu vizuelnu grešku, pa pretpostavljam da je to stvar izvornog koda). Daću sve od sebe da što jasnije iznesem problem i pokušaću da naknadno prenesem svoj snimak.
Problem: Prikaz izbora Devilkins igre u Tover-u se ne menja sa podrazumevanog #2 na novi izabrani broj, ali će se množitelji promeniti na odgovarajući način. Međutim, ako korisnik želi da promeni broj Devilkinsa nazad na 2 nakon odabira drugog broja, množitelji na strani se ne menjaju da odgovaraju izboru 2.
Slučajno sam pre neki dan bio prijavljen na svoj Betfuri nalog, samo što sam se ovoga puta prijavio na laptopu, a ne kako bih inače bio na svom telefonu. Pošto problem koji sam gore primetio ne zahteva da se uloži nikakva opklada da bi se to posmatralo, proverio sam da li se ovaj problem pojavio dok sam bio na mom laptopu.
Odgovor je da nije. U stvari, igranje preko mog laptopa je bilo neverovatno glatko. Za pojašnjenje, moj laptop radi koristeći Vindovs 10.
Ovde ću napomenuti da su svi „vizuelni" problemi koje sam otkrio/iskusio tokom pristupanja sajtu bili dok sam koristio telefon(e). Dvostruko sam potvrdio na oba moja telefona; oba su Android; jedan je Huavei P30 Pro koji koristi Android 11, a drugi je Google Pikel 6 Pro koji koristi Android 14. Oba telefona sam uspeo da ponovo napravim ovaj problem.
Takođe imam pristup iPhone-u 8 koji koristi iOS verziju 16.7.2 koji sam koristio da proverim da li se problem pojavio i na njemu; od čega je i učinio.
Dakle objektivno;
– Čini se da se problem(i) javlja samo korisnicima mobilnih uređaja: i Android i iOS.
- problem nije greška pregledača kao što sam testirao koristeći Chrome; i režim bez arhiviranja i redovni režim, i Safari na iOS-u.
- problem se nije dogodio dok sam koristio moj laptop (što je najverovatnije razlog zašto tehnički tim nije u stanju da bilo šta ponovo napravi jer bih rizikovao da pretpostavim da će koristiti lap/desktops.)
- problem se pojavio i na originalnom .io URL-u i na novom preusmerenom ogledalu.
- iznos opklade nije uticao
Kao što sam naznačio u nekoliko komentara, nemam nikakvo tehničko znanje ili znanje o kodiranju, tako da zaista ne znam odakle da počnem. Takođe ću napomenuti to, pa ovo ne utiče na igru, primetio sam da kada sam otišao da proverim svoju istoriju opklada, ako bih kliknuo na određenu opkladu da je pogledam, a zatim se vratio na stranicu istorije , stranica istorije nije prikazala stranicu sa koje sam kliknuo. Prilično sam siguran da se vratilo na stranicu unazad, ali broj stranice na dnu bi i dalje bio isti. Morao bih da kliknem na dugme unapred da bih video ispravan ekran. Nisam siguran da li ovo ima smisla, ali sam takođe snimio video snimak ovog incidenta.
Takođe, dok sam igrao internu igru Stepenice, primetio sam da povremeno postoji malo suptilno kašnjenje pri odabiru kamena za novi red. Ovo suptilno kašnjenje je pokazatelj da će sledeći izbor redova propasti; što znači da ovo daje korisniku dovoljno indikatora kada treba da unovči. Ovo se dešava bez obzira na izabrani nivo težine.
Ukratko, nijedan od ovih problema nisam primetio na svom laptopu. Sve su se dešavale samo tokom igranja na mobilnim uređajima. Pokušaću da te video snimke komprimujem i/ili otpremim i podelim veze za pregled.
Hi there.
Just so I'm clear I'm not challenging the capabilities of Betfury's technical support team.
I personally went and tried a couple of things on my end. I took some screen recordings of my testings but the files are quite big right now and I will have to compress them in order to be able to send them.
Please keep in mind that I have not tested this playing Mines. I tested this against the in-house Tower game (I'm taking an educated guess since both games I have seen some sort of visual glitch so I'm assuming it's a source code thing). I will do my best to outline the issue as clearly as possible and will try to upload my recording afterwards.
Issue: In-house Tower game Devilkins selection display doesn't change from the default #2 to new selected number, however the multipliers will change appropriately. However, if a user wishes to change the number of Devilkins back to 2 after selecting a different number, the multipliers up the side do not change to correspond with the selection of 2.
Now by happenstance, I happened to be logged in on my Betfury account the other day, only this time I logged in on my laptop rather than how I normally would be on my phone. As the issue I've noted above doesn't actually require any wager to be placed in order to observe it happening, I checked to see if this problem presented itself while on my laptop.
The answer is it did not. In fact, gameplay via my laptop was amazingly smooth. For clarification, my laptop operates using Windows 10.
I'll make note of this here that all the "visual" issues I have discovered/experienced were while accessing the site have been while using my phone(s). I double confirmed on both my phones; both of which are Android; one is a Huawei P30 Pro running Android 11 I believe and the other is the Google Pixel 6 Pro running Android 14. Both phones I was able to recreate this issue.
I also have access to an iPhone 8 running iOS version 16.7.2 which I used to check to see if the problem occurred on that as well; of which it did.
So objectively;
- the issue(s) seem to only present themselves for mobile users: both Android and iOS alike.
- the issue is not the fault of the browser as I tested using Chrome; both incognito mode and regular mode, and Safari on iOS.
- the issue didn't not happen while using my laptop (which is most likely the reason why the technical team isn't able to recreate anything as I would hazard a guess they would be using lap/desktops.)
- the issue appeared on both the original .io url and on the new redirected mirror site.
- bet amount made no impact
Like I have indicated in several comments, I have no technical or coding knowledge so I really don't know where specifically to point to start. I'll also mention to that, well this doesn't affect gameplay, I did notice that when I went to go check my bet history, if I would click on a specific bet to look at it and then exit back to the history page, the history page did not display the page I clicked from. I'm pretty sure it went back a page but the page number at the bottom would be the same still. I would end up having to click the forward button in order to view the correct screen. I'm not sure if this makes sense but I also took a video recording of this incident too.
Also, while playing the in-house game Stairs, I've noticed that occasionally there is a bit of a subtle delay when selecting a stone for a new row. This subtle delay has been an indicator that the following subsequent row selection will bust; meaning this gives the user enough indicator on when to cash out. This happens regardless of the difficulty level selected.
In summary, none of these issues did I observe on my laptop. They all only happened while playing on mobile devices. I will try to get those videos compressed and/or uploaded and share the view links.
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