Dobar dan svima,
Klijentov tekst je dobro napisan i, na prvu analizu, može izgledati logično i povezano. Zaista, iznos dobitaka je prilično impresivan. Međutim, nažalost, klijent nije sasvim iskren.
Klijent se registrovao na našoj platformi 5. aprila 2023. i napravio prvi depozit bez korišćenja VPN-a, sa lokacije Ontario, Kanada. Prilikom pokušaja ulaska u igru Surge777 pojavilo se upozorenje da je igra zabranjena na lokaciji klijenta. Stoga je klijent upozoren. Minut kasnije, lokacija klijenta se promenila u Maltu, a klijent je počeo da igra Surge777 sa opkladama u rasponu od 10 do 80 dolara. Klijent se nije kladio na druge igre i namerno je došao da igra ovu igru. Imamo teritorijalni blok u regionu Ontarija za ovog provajdera igara i stoga je nemoguće ući u igru ovog provajdera bez korišćenja VPN-a ili proksija. Stoga je klijent bio primoran da koristi VPN.
Klijent tvrdi da je koristio VPN radi bezbednosti prilikom povezivanja na Vi-Fi mreže. Ne možemo se složiti sa ovom tvrdnjom jer ona nije logično opravdana radnjama klijenta:
Registracija na našoj platformi - Bez VPN-a.
1. depozit putem bankovnog transfera - Bez VPN-a.
2. depozit putem bankovnog transfera - Korišćenje VPN Malta.
3.-8. depoziti koristeći kriptovalute - Korišćenje VPN Malta.
9. depozit pomoću kriptovalute - Bez VPN-a.
Zahtev za povlačenje - Korišćenje VPN Malta.
Svi depoziti klijenta su izvršeni u roku od 1 sata i 35 minuta i ne postoji regularnost u korišćenju VPN-a i uplaćivanju depozita. Stoga, korišćenje VPN-a nema nikakve veze sa bezbednošću klijenta.
Zamolili smo platformu za igre da proveri legitimnost klijentovih opklada, što je sasvim razumno. Klijent je osvojio preko 160.000 C$ za manje od 2 sata. Klijent je obavešten o verifikaciji.
Sledećeg dana, 6. aprila, klijent je otkrio da je moguće igrati i druge igre koje nudi naša platforma, a koje nisu zabranjene na lokaciji klijenta. Do 16. aprila, 04:18:44, klijent je uspešno igrao razne igre bez korišćenja VPN-a.
16. aprila, u 04:21:23, lokacija klijenta je bila Kanada, Ontario. U 04:21:59, 36 sekundi kasnije, lokacija klijenta je promenjena u Kanada, Vankuver, a u 04:22:33, klijent je ponovo počeo da igra Surge777 (Microgaming). Klijent je ponovo koristio VPN da povrati pristup ovoj igri dok se fizički nalazi u Kanadi, Ontario.
18. aprila, klijent je primio prvu isplatu od 15.000 C$. Kako je provera legitimiteta kasnila zbog katoličkih uskršnjih praznika, dnevni i nedeljni limiti isplate klijenta su povećani. 19. aprila, klijent je ponovo osvojio C$160,160 u istoj igri i prestao je da igra, zahtevajući da povuče ceo iznos odjednom. Ovo nam se učinilo sumnjivim i ponovo smo analizirali radnje klijenta od registracije na našoj platformi. Kao rezultat toga, otkriveno je da je VPN korišćen za pristup zabranjenoj igri.
Klijent se registrovao i odmah prekršio Uslove. Igrali su 2 nedelje, vratili sve svoje depozite sa prvom isplatom i ponovo prekršili Uslove i odredbe. Prekršaj je otkriven, a klijent blokiran.
Mogli bismo pretpostaviti da je klijentovo korišćenje VPN-a bilo slučajno ako je klijent uključio VPN, registrovao se na našoj platformi, napravio depozit i otišao da igra zabranjenu igru. Međutim, VPN je namerno uključen nakon registracije i depozita, ali minut pre ulaska u zabranjenu igru. Dva puta, sa 11 dana razlike. Stoga, ne vidimo smisla da se raspravljamo sa klijentom o zaštiti Vi-Fi-ja, slučajnoj upotrebi VPN-a i drugim argumentima klijenta koji su u suprotnosti sa činjenicama.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Bet It All Casino tim.
Good day everyone,
The client's text is well-written and, on the first analysis, could seem logical and relatable. Indeed, the amount of winnings is quite impressive. However, unfortunately, the client is not entirely honest.
The client registered on our platform on 5th April 2023 and made the first deposit without using a VPN, from the location of Ontario, Canada. When attempting to enter the Surge777 game, a warning appeared stating that the game was prohibited in the client's location. Therefore, the client was warned. One minute later, the client's location changed to Malta, and the client began playing Surge777 with bets ranging from $10 to $80. The client did not place bets on other games and deliberately came to play this game. We have a territorial block on the Ontario region for this gaming provider, and therefore, it is impossible to enter the game of this provider without using a VPN or Proxy. Therefore, the client was forced to use VPN.
The client claims to have used a VPN for safety when connecting to Wi-Fi networks. We cannot agree with this claim since it is not logically justified by the client's actions:
Registration on our platform - Without VPN.
1st deposit via bank transfer - Without VPN.
2nd deposit via bank transfer - Using VPN Malta.
3rd-8th deposits using cryptocurrency - Using VPN Malta.
9th deposit using cryptocurrency - Without VPN.
Withdrawal request - Using VPN Malta.
All the client's deposits were made within 1 hour and 35 minutes, and there is no regularity in the use of VPN and making deposits. Therefore, using a VPN has nothing to do with the client's safety.
We asked the gaming platform to verify the legitimacy of the client's bets, which is entirely reasonable. The client won over C$160,000 in less than 2 hours. The client was notified of the verification.
The next day, on April 6th, the client discovered that it was possible to play other games provided by our platform that were not prohibited in the client's location. Until April 16th, 04:18:44, the client successfully played various games without using VPN.
On April 16th, at 04:21:23, the client's location was Canada, Ontario. At 04:21:59, 36 seconds later, the client's location changed to Canada, Vancouver, and at 04:22:33, the client started playing Surge777(Microgaming) again. The client used VPN again to regain access to this game while physically located in Canada, Ontario.
On April 18th, the client received their first payout of C$15,000. As the legitimacy check was delayed due to the Catholic Easter holidays, the client's daily and weekly payout limits were increased. On April 19th, the client won C$160,160 again in the same game and stopped playing, demanding to withdraw the entire sum at once. This seemed suspicious to us, and we reanalyzed the client's actions since registering on our platform. As a result, it was discovered that VPN was used to access the prohibited game.
The client registered and immediately violated the Terms and Conditions. Played for 2 weeks, got all their deposits back with the first payout, and violated the Terms and Conditions again. The violation was discovered, and the client was blocked.
We could assume that the client's use of VPN was accidental if the client had turned on VPN, registered on our platform, made a deposit, and went to play the prohibited game. However, VPN was intentionally turned on after registration and deposit but a minute before entering the prohibited game. Twice, with an 11-day difference. Therefore, we see no point in arguing with the client about Wi-Fi protection, accidental VPN use, and other client arguments that contradict the facts.
Best Regards,
Bet It All Casino team.
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