BetItAll snižava RTP što je u osnovi krađa. Zatvorili su moj nalog tako da ne mogu da vam pošaljem najbolju istoriju, ali imam u evidenciji sesije sa Mental, No Limit. Trebalo bi da ima još 3-4 sesije u igri, ali ja to ionako nemam, sve ove sesije su gubile, uglavnom mrtve okretaje:
Tražio sam ... da se izvrši istraga njihovog RTP-a, ovo je zahtev: ...
Rezultati su pokazali da BetItAll manipuliše RTP-om i sada su na crnoj listi: ...
Ovaj kazino nikada neće poslati izveštaj o istoriji opklada jer će otkriti istinu. Njihov sistem prikazuje ograničen broj transakcija u igri, tako da će mnogo toga ostati skriveno, primetio sam da opklade u sredini sesije nisu ni u istoriji. Takođe sam pokušao da ih zamolim da mi ga pošalju, ali su mi odgovorili sa "Mogu li da pomognem sa nečim drugim?"
Dakle, Jaro sa svim ovim dokazima, da li je CasinoGuru u stanju da izvrši povrat ukradenog novca?
BetItAll is lowering the RTP which is basically theft. They closed my account so I am not able to send you the best history but I have on record the sessions from Mental, No Limit. There should be 3-4 more sessions on the game but I don't have it, anyway, all of these sessions were losing ones, mostly dead spins:
I asked ... to do an investigation of their RTP, this is the request: ...
The results showed that BetItAll manipulates the RTP and now they are blacklisted: ...
This casino will never send a bet history report because it will reveal the truth. Their system is showing a limited number of game transactions so a lot of it will stay hidden, I've noticed that the mid-session bets are not even in the history. I have also tried to ask them to send it but they reply with "Can I assist with anything else?"
So Jaro with all this proof, is CasinoGuru able to navigate a refund of the stolen money?
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