Zdravo Casino guru nadam se da možete pomoći po ovom pitanju jer se osjećam nepravedno tretiranim.
Dobio sam vikend bonus 50% za 200 eura, tj. ukupno 300 eura uz 25x sticky ulog. Pogodio sam veliki i ispunio zahtjev za prevrtanje na 25xwageru. Pogledam ispod svog profila da se uvjerim da sam sada bez opklade i da imam sirovi novac za igru. (pogledajte dokument u prilogu)
Ja onda uplatim 2800 eura iz 3 runde jer max je 1000 isplaćuju se ovako (1000, 1000, 800) i držim 200 eura na računu. Zatim pravim pauzu od 20-30 min.
U međuvremenu, dobio sam poruku iz kazina da pišu "Ovim se potvrđuje da je zahtjev za povlačenje primljen u 3 runde zbog 3x uplate kao što je prikazano gore. (Vidi dokument)
U mojoj dobroj namjeri, jer vjerujem da sam ispunio uslove za igru i da bih dobio novac, odlučio sam kupiti nekoliko bonusa za preostalih 200 eura. Gubim malo i malo dobijem i na kraju dobijem 450 eura, pa sam odlučio da poništim isplatu na 800 eura i umjesto toga isplatim još 1000 eura. Atlså Sada mi je ostalo 250 na računu koji će također biti isplaćen na kraju. Dakle 3250 eura ukupno.
Sljedećeg dana sa nestrpljenjem čekam svoj novac, ali umjesto toga stiže e-mail u kojem pišu „pišemo vam u vezi s vašim nedavnim zahtjevom za povlačenje.
Obavještavamo vas da ste iskoristili našu Weekend Bonus Party i da se na nju primjenjuju određena pravila.
Prema našim Uslovima i odredbama za bonuse pod odjeljkom 10.4.5., "Opcija kupovine bonusa" i "lov na bonus" su zabranjeni dok je bonus aktivan na računu igrača.
10.4.5 Svaki bonus u Weekend Bonus Party-u je "Lijepljiv" što znači da igrač ne može zahtijevati isplatu prije nego što se ispune uvjeti za klađenje. Ograničenja bonusa, maksimalno ograničenje klađenja od 4 €, „funkcija kupovine bonusa", „lov na bonuse" i zabranjene igre važe sve dok se zahtjev za povlačenjem ne obradi ili kada saldo igrača dostigne nulti prag koji je postavljen na 1 EUR ili ekvivalent u drugoj valuti .
Napravili ste lov na bonuse i igrali opciju kupovine bonusa na više slotova, stoga smo morali povući vaše dobitke generirane sa navedenim bonusom i vratiti vaš početni depozit na vaš saldo.
Preporučujemo vam da temeljito pročitate naše uslove i odredbe bonusa prije nego što počnete da igrate sa bilo kakvim bonusima, kako biste izbjegli neugodne događaje poput ovog. "
Ovdje bih onda rekao da čim ispunim zahtjeve za igranje i izvršim isplatu (koju oni dobiju) onda imam RAW keš i stoga mogu kupiti bonuse. (a čak i ako ne, trebalo bi da zadrže samo 450 za koje sam kupio, ostatak sam odmah platio i napravio kratku pauzu.)
Ako griješim i ovo se samo ja zezam, izvinjavam se zbog posta i što gubim vrijeme. Ali nadam se da možete pomoći.
S poštovanjem. Benjamin
Hi Casino guru I hope you can help in this matter because I feel unfairly treated.
I received a weekend bonus 50% for 200 euros, ie 300 euros in total with 25x sticky wager. I hit big and met the rollover requirement on the 25xwager. I look under my profile to make sure I'm clear of wager now and that I have raw cash to play with. (see attached document)
I then pay 2800 euros out of 3 rounds because the max is 1000 they are paid out like this (1000, 1000, 800) and keep 200 euros in the account. Then I take a break of 20-30 min.
In the meantime, I have received a message from the casino that they write "This is to confirm that the withdrawal request was received by 3 rounds due to 3x payment as shown above. (See document)
In my good faith because I believe I have met the play-through requirements and to have money paid out, I choose to buy a few bonuses for the remaining 200 euros. I lose a little and win a little and end up with 450 euros ish, so therefore I decide to cancel my payout on the 800 euros and pay out 1000 more instead. Atlså I now have 250 left in the account which will also be paid out in the end. So 3250 euros in total.
The next day I wait anxiously for my money, but instead an email arrives where they write "we are writing to you regarding your recent withdrawal request.
Please be informed you have taken advantage of our Weekend Bonus Party and certain rules apply to it.
As per our Bonus Terms and Conditions under section 10.4.5., "Bonus buy feature" and "bonus hunt" are forbidden while the bonus is active on the player's account.
10.4.5 Each bonus in Weekend Bonus Party is "Sticky" which means player can not request cashout before wagering requirements has been met. Bonus restrictions, maximum betting limit of 4 €, "bonus buy feature", "bonus hunt" and forbidden games apply until the withdrawal request has been processed or when players balance reach zero out threshold which is set to 1 EUR or equivalent in other currency .
You have made a bonus hunt and played bonus buy feature on multiple slots, therefore we had to retract your winnings generated with mentioned bonus and put your initial deposit back to your balance.
We strongly advise you to read our Bonus Terms and Conditions thoroughly before playing with any bonuses, to avoid unpleasant events like this one. "
Here I would then say that as soon as I have met the play-through requirements and made a payout (which they receive) then I have RAW cash and therefore I may well buy bonuses. (and even if not, they should only withhold the 450 I bought for, the rest I paid out immediately and took a short break.)
If I'm wrong and this is just me fooling around, I'm sorry for the post and for wasting your time. But hope you can help.
Sincerely. Benjamin
Hej Casino guru jeg håber i kan hjælpe i denne sag for jeg føler mig uretfærdig behandlet.
Jeg modtog en weekend bonus 50% til 200 euro , altså 300 euro i alt med 25x sticky wager. Jeg ramte stort og fik opfyldt gennemspils kraven på de 25xwager. Jeg kigger under min profil for at sikre mig at jeg nu er clear fra wager og at jeg har raw cash at spille med. ( se vedlagt dokument )
Jeg udbetaler så 2800 euro af 3 omgange fordi max er 1000 de udbetales således , ( 1000, 1000, 800 ) og beholder 200 euro på kontoen. Derefter holder jeg en pause på 20-30 min.
I mellemtiden har jeg fået en besked fra casino at de skriver "This is to confirm that the withdrawal request was received af 3 omgange pga. 3xudbetaling som vist foroven. ( se dokument )
I mine gode tro fordi jeg mener jeg har opfyldt gennemspilskrav og at fået penge udbetalt, vælger jeg at købe nogle få bonusser for de resterende 200 euro. Jeg taber lidt og vinder lidt og ender med 450 euro ish, så derfor beslutter jeg mig for at cancel min udbetaling på de 800 euro og udbetale 1000 mere i stedet. Atlså har jeg nu 250 tilbage på kontoen som også bliver udbetalt til sidst. Altså 3250 euro i alt.
Dagen efter venter jeg spændt på mine penge, men i stedet kommer der en mail hvor de skriver "we are writing to you regarding your recent withdrawal request.
Please be informed you have taken advantage of our Weekend Bonus Party and certain rules apply to it.
As per our Bonus Terms and Conditions under section 10.4.5., "bonus buy feature" and "bonus hunt" are forbidden while the bonus is active on the player's account.
10.4.5 Each bonus in Weekend Bonus Party is "Sticky" which means player can not request cashout before wagering requirements has been met. Bonus restrictions, maximum betting limit of 4€, "bonus buy feature", "bonus hunt" and forbidden games apply until the withdrawal request has been processed or when players balance reach zero out threshold which is set to 1 EUR or equivalent in other currency.
You have made a bonus hunt and played bonus buy feature on multiple slots, therefore we had to retract your winnings generated with mentioned bonus and put your initial deposit back to your balance.
We strongly advise you to read our Bonus Terms and Conditions thoroughly before playing with any bonuses, to avoid unpleasant events like this one."
Her vil jeg så mene at så snart jeg har opfyldt gennemspils krav og lavet en udbetaling ( som de modtager ) så har jeg RAW cash og derfor må jeg godt købe bonusser. ( og selv hvis ikke så burde de kun tilbageholde de 450 jeg købte for, resten udbetalte jeg jo med det samme og holdte en kort pause. )
Hvis jeg tager fejl og dette bare er mig der har dummet mig, så beklager jeg for indlægget og at jeg har brugt jeres tid. Men håber da i kan hjælpe.
Mvh. Benjamin
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