BITSTARZ-u treba ZAUVEK da verifikuje nalog. Nastavite da tražite izgovore.
Tako da sam napravio nalog na bitstarz pre nekoliko dana, napravio sam dva depozita i nastavio da igram. Osvojio sam malo i hteo da se povučem, a onda sam dobio imejl da popunim podatke o svom profilu. Kako nisam znao i tada nisam bio obavešten da ću morati da učitavam dokumente, stavio sam nasumično ime u podatke o profilu, iako sam stavio tačnu državu a to je Kanada. Nisam znao da će ime uopšte biti važno. Onda sam dobio zahtev da učitam dokumente, ličnu kartu i dokaz adrese. Zato sam želeo da promenim informacije o profilu da ispravim jednu, ali nisam uspeo, jer je opcija bila siva. Kontaktirao sam podršku tamo i objasnio osobi šta se dogodilo i da bih želeo da promenim podatke o profilu da ispravim jedan jer moram da otpremim dokumente. Osoba je rekla da to nije problem i da će nakon dostavljanja dokumenata ručno promeniti podatke o profilu i da će dodati napomenu za tim o tome. Tako da sam sledećeg dana, kada sam imao trenutak i pronašao dokumente potrebne za potvrdu adrese, slikao svoju vozačku dozvolu napred i pozadi, i sliku svog bankovnog izvoda na kojem je bilo moje ime i moja adresa koja se poklapa sa onom na mojoj vozačkoj dozvoli. 20 minuta kasnije dobio sam e-poštu da žele da postavim sliku koja drži moju ličnu kartu pored lica. Tako da sam još 20 minuta kasnije postavio traženu sliku. Ponovo sam kontaktirao podršku i pitao koliko će ovo trajati, i obavešten sam da može potrajati DO 12 sati. Dakle, kada je prošlo nekoliko sati, ponovo sam kontaktirao podršku i bio sam uveren da će to biti urađeno u roku od 12 sati od otpremanja dokumenata i trebalo bi da nastavim da čekam. Pa sam čekao još nekoliko sati. Zatim sam ih ponovo kontaktirao nakon 16 sati i obavešten sam da ne mogu da pregledaju moje dokumente dok ne pregledaju moj nalog jer sam stavio drugačije informacije na svoj profil. Rekao sam im da sam već razgovarao sa jednim od njihovih ljudi o ovome i bio sam uveren da to nije problem, ali moj mali govor je nekako ignorisan. Onda kada sam pitao koliko će to trajati, uopšte nisam dobio direktan odgovor. Tako da sam trenutno zaglavio sa novčićima u kazinu i osećam se kao da samo čekaju da se vratim na njega i izgubim ga pre nego što 'pregledaju' moj nalog. Mislim šta oni uopšte pregledaju? Otpremio sam sve tražene dokumente uključujući SELFI sa ličnom kartom i više nego dovoljno da dokažem svoj identitet. Ljubazno sam ih zamolio PRE postavljanja dokumenata da mi dozvole da promenim podatke o profilu kako bi sve bilo tačno i bio sam siguran da to neće biti problem. I trenutno se čini da je to najveći problem IKAD. Podrška uopšte nije od pomoći i svaka mi osoba govori različite stvari. Međutim, osećam se kao da mi se svi smeju u lice i govore HAHA POSLAO SI NAM NOVAC I NIJE BRIGA NAS DA LI SI POBEDIO..... Pa pretpostavljam da ću čekati zauvek. Ili barem do trenutka kada se vratim i izgubim novčiće, tada bi, verovatno, odjednom moj račun bio odobren.
Mogu li nešto da uradim povodom ovoga, jer sa moje tačke gledišta ovo NIJE baš fer-plej na njihovoj strani. Mislim, platio sam pravi novac da bih se kockao i očekujem pravi novac kada dobijem. Ali izgleda da oni samo prihvataju depozite, ali kada je u pitanju povlačenje, imaju TONE izgovora da to ne urade. Čak i nakon POTVRĐIVANjA MOG IDENTITETA. Je li to kockanje? Jer meni se to čini kao pljačka.
Sada se pitam da li je moj bankovni račun bezbedan jer sam im dao sve te slike uključujući ličnu kartu, bankovni izvod i selfi sa ličnom kartom.
BITSTARZ takes FOREVER to verify account. Keep looking for excuses.
So I made an account on bitstarz a few days ago, I made two deposits and was keep playing. Won a little bit and wanted to withdraw, then I got an email to fill my profile info. As I did not know and was not informed at that time that I'm going to have to upload documents, I put random name in profile info, although I put correct country which is Canada. I did not know the name would matter at all. Then I got a request to upload documents, ID and proof of address. So I wanted to change the profile info to correct one, but was unable to, as the option was greyed out. I contacted the support on there and explained the person what happend and that I would like to change the profile info to correct one since I have to upload documents. The person said it's not a problem and that after providing documents they will change the profile info manually, and that he will add the note for the team about this. So the next day when I had a moment and found documents needed for proof of address I took pictures of my drivers licencse front and back, and a picture of my bank statment showing my name and my address which matches the one on my drivers license. 20 minutes later I got an email saying they want me to upload a picture holding my ID next to my face. So another 20 minutes later I uploaded the requested picture. I contacted support again and asked how long will this take, and was informed that it can take UP TO 12 hours. So when few hours passed I contacted the support again and was assured it will be done within 12 hours from uploading documents and I should keep waiting. So I waited another few hours. Then contected them again after 16 hours and was informed that they cannot review my documents until they review my account because I put different info on my profile. I told them I already talked to one of their people about this and was assured it was not a problem, but my little speech was kind of ignored. Then when I asked how long will that take I did not get straight answer at all. So right now I'm stuck with coins on the casino and it feels like they are just waiting for me to go back on it and lose it before they 'review' my account. I mean what do they even review? I uploaded all documents requested including A SELFIE with my ID and more then enough to proof my identitity. I kindly asked them BEFORE uploading documents to let me change the profile info so everything would be correct and was assured it will not be a problem. And right now it seems like it's the biggest problem EVER. The support is not helpful at all and each person tells me different things. However I feel like they are all just laughing at my face saying HAHA YOU SENT US MONEY AND WE DONT CARE IF YOU WON..... So I guess I will be waiting forever. Or at least to the moment when I go back and lose the coins, then, probably, suddenly my account would be approved.
Is there anything I can do about this, as from my point of view this NOT very fair-play on their side. I mean I paid real money to gamble and I am expectin real money when I happen to win. But it seems like they just accept deposits but when it comes to withdrawing they have TONS of excuses to not do it. Even after CONFIRMING MY IDENTITY. Is that gambling? Because to me it feels like its a robbery.
Now I am wondering if my bank account is safe since I gave them all those pictures including my ID, my bank statment, and also a selfie holding my ID.
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