Želim još jednom da kažem o ovom razlogu.
kopiram sa svežeg sajta kazina:
Obavezujete se da ćete obeštetiti, braniti interese Kompanije i zaštititi njene partnere i njihove kompanije, kao i njihove službenike, direktore i zaposlene, od svih potraživanja, zahteva, obaveza, štete, troškova i izdataka, uključujući pravne troškove i ostali troškovi nastali kao rezultat:
Vaš propust da se pridržavate ovih Uslova;
Vaše kršenje zakona ili prava trećih lica;
Korišćenje vašeg naloga od strane trećih lica, bez obzira na to da li ste vi odobrili ovu upotrebu ili ne;
Primanje dobitaka na sličan način.
Ovo je 17,2 poena u kazinu. Ne mogu da razumem šta je sa ovim i kako sam ga razbio.
I want to one more time say about this reason.
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You undertake to indemnify, defend the interests of the Company, and protect its partners and their companies, as well as their officers, directors, and employees, against all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses, including legal costs and other expenses, incurred as a result of:
Your failure to comply with these Terms;
Your violation of the law or the rights of third parties;
Use of your account by third parties irrespective of whether this use was authorized by you or not;
Receiving winnings in a similar way.
This is 17.2 point at casino. I can not understand what about this is and how i broke it.
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